EAP 204 1 National Development Plan

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National Development Plan: 1962-1968

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The first Nigerian National Development Plan was an ambitious economic plan that was launched in 1962 with a six
year target that envisaged the spending of about $1,900,000,000 on development and productivity enhancing projects.
The plan was prepared by the minister of Economic Development in concert with United Nations and Ford Foundation
experts including the late economist Wolfgang Stolper.


 1Economic outlook
 2First national development plan
 3Criticism
 4References

Economic outlook
The Nigerian political economic outlook right after independence was geared towards re-shaping the Nigerian economy
then thought to have a colonial outlook and to limit the extent of imports with the use of established or burgeoning local
factories in the pipeline such as those in the cement, asbestos, wrought iron, metal window and aluminum industrial
sector to replace import commodities in those areas. (1)
In 1961, United States government pledged about $225 million towards the plan with enthusiastic from an American
trade mission about the newly independent economy.

First national development plan

The plan was designed as a coordinated effort between the federal and regional governments with emphasis on
technical education, agriculture and industry; it also allowed a mixed economic system. About 15% of GDP would be
invested and a 4% GDP growth rate was envisioned, this number mildly differed with the 3.9% from 1952-1962.
The Kainji dam construction and the development of the lower Niger River was described as the cornerstone of the
plan, other projects included the construction of a 125,000 ton iron and steel mill and a oil refinery. Construction of
2,000 miles of farm to market roads, extending the Northern Nigeria railways by about 293 miles. (2) The plan also
made loans available to regional governments to pass on as credit to farmers or for agricultural related projects.
In the West, in terms of agricultural development, the Akintola led govenrment initiated a tree to crop system to spur
cash crop productivity with the use of fertilizers. Both the East and Western governments later established farm
settlements as part of the development project

The development plan was seen by some has lacking sufficient feasibility studies prior to implementation. Also the high
dependence on foreign aid exposes the country to conditional assistance whereby the assisting countries may decide to
tailor aid to specific areas. The formulation of the plan also involved foreigners, considering the country had just
received independence, the move may have led to a mistrust of the plan's intended benefit, the country or developed
In 1974, a World Bank report noted that close to 43% of the intended budget tailored towards agriculture remained
unspent. (3)

 (1)BUN ADESIOYE. "5-YEAR PLAN A KEY TO NIGERIA FUTURE; Development Program Aims at Shift in
Economy Oil Increase Is Seen", New York Times, January 9, 1962
 (2)'Nigeria Unveils Bold Six-Year Economic Plan', Chicago Daily Defender, Dec 26, 1962
 (3)Kuotsai Tom Liou. Handbook of Economic Development. p 573

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