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Interest i n g T i m es

Chaot ic Neut ra l: Int er est in g

Writer's bloclk +
Hell. This is what it must feel like to have
writer’s block. My mind is sullen and
"I think someone needs to smuggle
sour. Words have to be squeezed out some vitamin D and joie de vivre into socialist
with violence like the last drops of Kalles
Kaviar[1] in the tube, my myelin[2] path-
Sweden, ‘cause if this goes on any longer
ways feel like two thousand years of rust I’m gonna start watching reality TV and
and fatigue. ”This is fuckin’ ghey” is all
I can think to think. voting for the Social Democrats and
who knows what else."
I’ve always mocked those whose cre-
ative juices tended to dry up at times,
leaving them clamoring at God from the
when it came to such a simple task as task ahead, and also the hardest to
anhedonic depths, cursing the Seven
writing an editorial. But be that as it may, resolve. You see, the current bottleneck
Muses, and screaming into their pillows.
for now that particularly nasty predica- for us is not getting content, but rather
This affliction was a sign of mental
ment HAS in fact taken a chunk out of the creation of those über graphical lay-
weakness, the symptom of a shallow
my derriere. That’s right: I got nothing. outs that you see in every issue. You
and closed mind failing to bravely SCAM-
And we’re already in January and this can thank Ms Awesomeness aka Imoto
PER[3] the ideaspace hard enough, the
was supposed to be done by Christmas for those, of course. Whereas my job as
just deserts of various mainstream
):[4] Frakkfrakkfrakkfrakkfrakk... editor, ie contacting writers and penning
phonies, PC-fellating sycophants, de
occasional cranky editorials, is not THAT
facto Morlocks, and critically acclaimed
I don’t have any vitriol to pour out this time-intensive, hers most definitely is.
dilettantes who, as I saw it, were stricken
time ‘round, nor any wit with which to Putting out more issues would come
with it as punishment for not being true
dazzle. My Sprezzatura is running on down to three possibilities: 1. recruiting
to truth and taste and for daring to
fumes and my cynicism has seen better more graphic designers (hard; people
express themselves in spite of obvious
days. I think someone needs to smug- don’t usually have a great work ethic
intelligence challenges. Surely I was
gle some vitamin D and joie de vivre into AND work for free) 2. paying Imoto
beyond such things...
socialist Sweden, ‘cause if this goes on enough cash to match a full time job
any longer I’m gonna start watching (very hard; we have no income) 3. skip-
My mind had always been a gushing
reality TV and voting for the Social Demo- ping the fancy layouts and going web-
spigot of pure potential, a perma-lubed
crats and who knows what else. I think zine (easy, but sucks). This brings us
hoo-hah if you will, with no intentions of
even the haters will agree that this would to...
ever clamming shut because ”I have a
be a waste of potential.
headache tonight, darling”. I could rely
2. Put out some actual print copies.
on my mind like knights could their
Anyway, in lieu of the typical snarky edi- The reason for having the fancy PDF de-
swords and strippers their poles. Ideas
torial, I will tell you a little bit about our sign, as opposed to just straight-up web
were delivered to me out of the aether
plans for 2011. Some stuff we want to do: content, has always been a burning de-
like divine clockwork. I would rightly have
sire to become a ”real” magazine at
dismissed with great mirth the notion
1. Put out more issues. This is THE big some point. Technically, we already are:
that I could ever be lost for inspiration
Times editorial

plans for 2011

I have in my possession 1 print copy of viePUA was a show called ”Eustressed[8] although not that sexy. 2011 will be a
issue 1[5]. The problems here are mainly with SteviePUA”. It would be a show year of solidification for me and Interest-
technical in nature: we cannot get the about lifestyle design, and the camera ing Times. Not a lot of sexyness, but
darn site to work[6]. We crew and such would be crowdsourced sometimes you need to build a stable
have done a LOT of dicking around with to True Fans in each country that the foundation to stand on. If you want to help
Quark and gotten nowhere. The optimal host visits. Very neat idea in my opinion. us pour the concrete then give us a call at
solution for us, IMHO, would be a ”real” I have another MAJOR spin-off planned,
printing house, which would include a but that’s a bit further into the future.
distribution network (not just print-on- Happy New Year!
demand as with Magcloud). This would 5. Malke some cash. I have kind of
of course entail all kinds of legal issues resigned myself to this never happening, [1]
A Swedish delicacy:
(mainly to do with stock photos) and but I guess it would be nice.
such, but I think they could be resolved. [2]
A material that forms insulating
Contact us if you’re interested. 6. Build up our tribe of True Fans sheaths around the neurons. Thought
organically. I used to believe in ”being to be critical to the development of
3. Malke more theme issues. The Tim discovered”[9] and having game-chang- intelligence.
Ferriss theme issue we did last time ing breakthroughs where you go from [3]
A creativity mnemonic:
really gave me a taste of the fun that zero to hero in no time. I don’t anymore.
can be had with this concept. This is one Case in point: issue 5. This was a devi- als/scampertutorial.html
of those advantages that magazines ous social engineering ploy to get the [4]
Reverse smiley. The ”90-talister”
have over blogs, and so we should use attention of Mr Timothy Ferriss. Once he (people born in the 90s) have many vile
it more. Some theme issues that are cur- became a True Fan everything would habits, and this one has rubbed off on
rently under consideration: click into place: we would get massive me.
• My home is my castle: hacking physi- traffic and instant recognition. Money [5]
No, I am not selling it. I might rent it
cal space (hackerspaces, augmented and groupies would follow in tow. This to you though, payment in natura.
reality, construction, architecture, etc) plan proved to be a dismal failure. We’ve [6]
As for issue 1: yes, we did manage
• The 4 Hour Mind (mindhacking, skill let go of this type of thinking and are to upload that one, and so we could
acquisition, education reform, nootrop- instead pursuing a more Kaizen ap- theoretically offer it in print. The issue
ics, psychic powers, etc) proach: recruiting True Fans one simian there, however, was that a few of the
• Experimental Science Edition (in which at a time, and leveraging them into images were too low-res to look good
we explore the kind of cutting-edge self- eventual success. I guess issue 5 was- in print, and we cannot change them
bootstrapped experiments that we read n’t a complete disaster either: it’s the because Imoto upgraded her copy of
about in Tim Ferriss’ latest book) first issue which has created a steady Quark Xpress or something like that.
• Cyberpunk Scandinavia trickle of fan mail. This magazine was [7]
”Magazine book”. Very popular in
• Becoming Badass: a 12-step program originally created as a social networking Japan, apparently.
• A mook[7] edition of ITM honeypot and now it’s more and more [8]
Eustress = positive stress.
working as intended. [9]
Read this: http://sethgodin.typepad.
4. Create some spin-offs. One idea I com/seths_blog/2010/06/hope-and-the-
bounced with British pick-up artist Ste- I guess these goals are quite worthy, magic-lottery.html
. Index
6 A Technique for Producing Ideas: The importance of being able to ”come up with ideas”
7 Wanted
8 Self Development Ninja Style
12 Overcoming Perceptual Barriers for the Next Generation of Space Exploration
16 On the awesome meaninglessness of life
17 So you want my lifestyle: Libertarian babe in Sweden
18 How to live like a pirate – without the Murder and Mayhem
22 The Myth of Your Mother’s Basement: Balancing Work, Family and Gaming
28 Toward a real life G.E.C.K.:
30 What it means to be a Badass
32 Business mentor chats: Derek Sivers
36 How to get a girlfriend
44 The brave new world of internet marketing
48 Waiting for Armageddon in the Emerald triangle
50 Becoming the confident man
54 Mind hacking: 3 ways to increase your intelligence
58 Why you already live in a cyberpunk future
62 How to not fail at New year’s resolutions
66 Bodybuilding psychology/spirituality
Interesting Times, feeding hipsters
to eldritch monsters since 2009!
A.H.A. Editor in chief
Leif Eriksson Co-editor
Imoto Graphic design
Janet Chang Editorial assistant
Richard Spindler Editorial assistant
AdamB Editorial assistant


Cover: The Christmas Scream of Cthulhu

Artist: Stefan Härnström
Book Revi by James Webb Young

A Technique for Producing Ideas

The importance of being able to ”come up with ideas”
text ADAM B

In his book ”The 4-Hour Work Week” Tim interested in everything – from Modern
Ferriss describes entrepreneurial endea- Art to Egyptian burial customs. Remem-
vors as ”muses”. Entrepreneurship, and ber Young’s axiom that I’ve quoted
indeed the whole goal of living ”outside above; ”a new idea is nothing more nor
the box”, is, at its core, an act of cre- less than a new combination of old ele-
ativity. So developing creativity and ments.” Get as much of these ”old ele-
problem solving skills in this ”cyber- ments” together before embarking on
space” age should be one of our highest the process of creating.
priorities, perhaps the highest.
2. Digest these ”Raw Materials”
James Webb Young was an ”advertising Young describes this process as ”masti-
man” during the first part of the twentieth cating these materials as you would food
century, a successful copywriter who that you are preparing for digestion...
helped to set up the J Walter Thompson What you do is to take the different bits
agency’s international network, as well of material which you have gathered and
as taking time out to teach at the Uni- feel them, as it were, with the tentacles 4. The Flash of Insight
versity of Chicago business school. In of the minds. You take one fact, and turn If you faithfully follow the first three steps
1965 he published ”A Technique for Get- it this way and that, look at is in different Young promises that ”out of nowhere the
ting Ideas” – a short, but extremely prac- lights, and feel for the meaning of it. You Idea will appear. It will come to you when
tical guide to the all-important subject of bring two facts together and see how you are least expecting it – while shav-
”coming up with new ideas.” they fit.” You are looking for unexpected ing, or bathing or most often when you
connections and relationships between are half awake, in the morning.” Recall
The Five Steps the ”elements”. Write everything you per- Archimedes running through the streets
Young thought that the coming up with ceive down, regardless of how foolish or naked, dripping wet and shouting
new ideas is ”as definite a process as impractical your observations may ”Eureka” when he had figured out how
the production of Fords” and considered seem. to calculate the volume of an irregular
that ”a new idea is nothing more nor less object.
than a new combination of old ele- 3. Forget about it (!)
ments.” In other words, we can all be This might be the strangest piece of 5. Release it to the world
creative if we want to be. He outlines five advice in the whole process, but I can Coming up with ideas is one thing,
very simple, yet profound steps for cre- assure you from my own experience it’s implementing them is another. Don’t be
ativity: true. Put everything related to the prob- shy about sharing your new idea; submit
lem you are trying to solve or the prod- it to the criticism of those you respect.
1. Gather the ”Raw Materials” uct you are trying to sell out of your Adapt and change it if necessary.
This ”raw material” is classified into two head. Relax, listen to some music, see
categories – the specific and the gen- a movie or even sleep on it. Young My final thoughts
eral. The specific raw material is obvi- reminds us that Sherlock Holmes would I’ve read dozens of books on this sub-
ous- learn everything you can about the suddenly drag Watson to a concert when ject and in my opinion this is one of the
problem you want to solve or the prod- he was right in the middle of solving a best. It should only take an hour or so to
uct you want to sell (and its customers). mystery. Like Holmes, what you are read, and it is well worth your time. You
Very few people actually bother to do really doing is handing the whole can buy a paper copy at Amazon, or you
this. The general raw materials are just process of idea creation over to your can read it online at http://tech.moo-
as important – be curious about and subconscious.
GRAPHIC DESIGNERS If so, we might have an opportunity in store for you. Namely, the
We are looking for someone who is: opportunity of throwing a bunch of money at us and seeing what
1) Highly skilled at creating magazine layouts. QuarkXpress is happens.
what we currently use, but other tools are OK.
2) Endowed with an insane work ethic and/or ample spare time. Now if you're gonna give us money, you should make it recurring
3) Willing to work for free. and sizeable. Otherwise, it's just going to be swallowed up by the
nonsense of daily life and not amount to much.
The pay-off:
1) We will be able to put out issues at a MUCH faster rate, as our In crass numerics, this comes out to about $3000 per month.
supply of content is currently vastly greater than our supply of For some of our readers, this surely represents but a fraction of
graphic design man-hours. their monthly allowance spent on hookers, cocaine and beluga. So
2) You will be able to put a real, successful project on your resumé. why not upgrade the marginal utility of those frivolous cash out-
3) You will be able to use Interesting Times Magazine as your lays by throwing a few bucks our way instead?
springboard to network with high value people.
4) There MIGHT be profits in the future. Contact us at if you want the
satisfaction of being a 16th century-style patron of the arts. You
The modus operandi: know you want to.
1) You will be given responsibility for 1 future issue, to work on at
your own pace. SOMEONE WHO CAN PORT
2) You will be sent articles periodically, and expected to show work ISSUES 1-6 TO MAGCLOUD.COM
in progress screenshots. Are you experienced with QuarkXpress and Then
3) You will be expected to do what it takes to get your PDF to up- you might be able to help us fix the current lack of print issues.
load successfully to
4) You will be granted a great degree of artistic freedom. You will The task: all of the issues will be sent to you in .qxp format. The
not be micro-managed. first issues were created in version 8.1, and later ones in 8.2. Some
of the issues do not have a page count that is evenly divisible by 4,
Contact us at if you are so you will need to insert blank pages in those cases. You will also
masochistic enough for this. be expected to evaluate the quality of images in the magazine: if
the resolution is too low, they may need to be replaced. Finally,
WEALTHY BENEFACTOR you will make sure the issues are uploaded to and
Are you filty rich? Would you like to see us continue to do what we that test issues are sent out.
do, without having to sell out to sleazy affiliate schemes? Would
you like to help keep us in Ramen and broadband? Are you just If you are successful, you will have helped us complete a long-
bored with the huge mountain of gold coins that clutters up your standing quest: to make Interesting Times into a "real" (ie print)
garage? magazine. So contact us at if
you are feeling heroic.
Self Development text ROBERT PANE

Picture a scene from medieval Japan. A more than just a fighting art? Are there and everyday or even for any length of
gentle breeze is jostling the reeds of the underlying principles that we can adapt time. The reality of any fight is that if you
small lake that surrounds a local war- for self development? I believe so and can’t dispatch you opponent within the
lord’s castle. A shadowy figure is wad- let’s face it, supreme warrior skills and first few strikes the odds of sustaining
ing stealthily across the lake, his clandestine capability may not get you injury increase significantly. Even if you
movements hardly perceptible in the that promotion in sales you desperately do prevail in a slug out, if you expend all
moonless night and the ever so soft lap- want. The black suit and hood is proba- your energy you’re ill prepared to meet
ping of water against the embattlements. bly not helping either. the next challenge in life (or his mate
His target is a talented General who who’s waiting in the wings with the hay
would otherwise be leading the morrow’s Applying the core of Ninjutsu to your own maker). The principle here then is to
battle. He is confident, his years of train- personal development is quite a journey. conserve your energy. Be precise in your
ing will guarantee success tonight. His However there are no specific drills to actions and be able to quickly and effi-
mind is at ease and focussed. Most of recommend, mantras to chant or secret ciently perform your task. You will be
all he is assured that the very presence ninjery rituals to perform; it is purely a rewarded with more free time and the
of a ninja tonight will strike fear in the change in mindset. Let’s start with some awe of others as you perform effortlessly
hearts’ of his adversaries thus providing basics: and gracefully.
that advantage needed to execute his
task. 1. Ninjutsu is not fighting. Really it’s not, Summary: Remember that winning is
it’s all about winning. You consume your why we train and the underlying purpose
So what is a ninja? They have been both target, achieve your objective and move of continual self development.
romanticised and demonised through on. In fact the art is more about pre-
time. Every adult male must have seen serving life in that you only do what is 2. Situational Awareness (”SA”). On your
at least one ninja movie in his life and of necessary and in a way with the least way to work today did you notice that
course dreamed of having their awe- collateral damage. guy loitering on a suburban street with
some fighting skills, if only momentarily. no real purpose of being there? You may
Perhaps even you still have that throwing While a showdown with the ”Big Boss” have read later about the robbery that
star you made as a kid, the one that makes great climatic cinema, it’s just not occurred just moments after you drove
never quite flew straight. But is Ninjutsu practical to keep that intensity up all day by. Or how about your employer setting
up a new business venture in an area of around and get in touch with the pre- The permutations can therefore be end-
great interest to you. It’s what you have vailing social mood and you’ll move less. In fact you can essentially spend
worked towards all your life – if only you away from being in the wrong place at your life in the study of just one school or
knew they were looking for someone just the wrong time to that guy that always theoretically one technique. This is what
like you to lead it. Opportunity gone. Sit- has the good luck. gives ninjas the edge; you just can’t an-
uational awareness is core to Ninjutsu. It ticipate what they will do next. How-
is what allows you to defend against Summary: SA is simply ever, to say that you can perform each
multiple attackers or survive a mêlée paying attention to what’s of the techniques from
with all your body parts and a good story happening around you, each school, recite its
(embellished of course!). It’s about being being relaxed but always name and perform it in
relaxed but always ready to respond ready to respond. training is a failure to appre-
(this is why conserving energy is para- ciate the true essence of
mount). This is where a ninja gains his 3. Gathering the art. I recommend
reaction speed as it removes the ”what Techniques. you become a histo-
is happening to me” step in processing Yes this one is very rian or librarian instead.
the events unfurling before you. Effec- important. If you have
tively it allows you to see trouble in its been on the path of The world is truly unpre-
early formation and provides crucial sec- self development for some time dictable. You may be a world
onds to decide whether to fight or flight you’ll probably have an extensive li- ranked martial artists but be floored by
. An example of good SA in a social brary covering various philosophies, bi- that king hit you never saw coming
sense is that guy who always has the ographies and how to manuals, some of (where was your SA?). In a fight you do
snappy comeback. By being keyed into it bordering on the esoteric. There is a not have time to prepare your
the situation he can anticipate the flow considerable body of knowledge sur- response – if he throws a right head level
of conversation. Therefore SA is simply rounding modern day Ninjutsu. The art is punch, then I will do this, this and this...
paying attention to what’s happening based upon the teachings of 9 traditions You need to be able to respond quickly
around you. It becomes all too easy to (or schools). Each tradition has a set of and instinctively in offloading your arse-
fall into a routine and miss out on a techniques and then there are the nal or be prepared to spend some seri-
greater part of life. Heads up, look henka, or variations to the techniques. ous palliative care time. If you can truly
”Ninjutsu is not fighting. Really it’s
not, it’s all about winning. You
consume your target, achieve
your objective and move on.”

understand the core feeling of each Nin- Summary: Pare back, strive for simplic- need to drag your body into position and
jutsu tradition, then you will perform it ity and internalise the core feeling. This then find your balance before you can
precisely each time, correctly for the sit- is all you need. respond. Apart from the energy this
uation at hand and without‚ ”telegraph- expends, it becomes very clear what
ing” what your intentions are or will be. 4. Little Steps. This is related to balance your intentions are. It also slows you
and in Ninjutsu you will dominate bal- down, so much so it gives time for your
In Ninjutsu, the first technique of every ance or very quickly you will descend opponent to grab a coffee and send a
school is the underlying principle. This is into fighting. The application of the art is few tweets while you are setting up your
all you need to understand. All the other very close and personal, much closer attack.
techniques are expressions of this first than you think. The key is correct posi-
principle or aides in its interpretation. If tioning to maintain both your balance So how does this relate to self develop-
you can’t master the first technique, and to‚ ”cock” the body ready for the ment? Well firstly every venture can be
don’t bother with the rest. next move (always one step ahead). broken into smaller steps. Breaking
Taking smaller but quicker steps helps down a project into intermediate steps
This is also evident in pursuing self keep the body in balance and together, reduces the enormity of what you are
development. If you fail to grasp the that is, there are no parts left behind attempting to achieve and successive
underlying principle or message of the when moving. And believe me when completion of tasks provides positive
”school” you’re studying, then you are fighting with weapons you do not want reinforcement along the way. But there’s
just collecting unactionable information. to leave a body bit lagging. more – it allows adaptability. At no point
If the ”school” can’t deliver this message is a ninja fully committed to a certain
in a few words or steps, then they them- But there is more to this, smaller steps approach. When the steps are smaller,
selves have just assembled a body of allows greater power to be generated alternations can be implemented instantly
observations; again with no actionable from the body very quickly by using if conditions suddenly change. In self
content. shifts in body weight. Otherwise you development it becomes a travesty
when you didn’t provide yourself flexibil- ninja has long since mastered and left. thinks and how he reacts and then mas-
ity or exit points and you find yourself tering control over each of these aspects.
committed for the long haul on a less Summary: Little steps scale back the When applied correctly its simplicity is
than ideal path. enormity of the task at hand. They allow beautiful and its power is awesome to
you room to reconsider your direction behold. But most of all it embodies the
Finally, once you take your opponents’ and can force rivals into a reactive rather notion of continual development of one-
balance, moving with small quick steps than proactive state. Your decision to self, to learning, to perseverance and
ensures they can never get it back. In take ”little steps” creates the opportunity. having the confidence to back yourself.
business or in life this is similar to you These are the basic tenants of Ninjutsu
making your rivals forever play catch up. The philosophy of Ninjutsu runs much and likewise, should also be the core of
Small steps free you up to choose your deeper than what I have outlined here. It an individual’s path to self development.
own path and let others expend all their is multifaceted, intriguing and truly a The author can be contacted at
energy trying to get to a place where the study of man – how he moves, how he
Overcoming Perc
for the Next Generation text ADVOCATUS DIABOLI

The following article is about perceptual can run and swim, they cannot fly like the most rational question, it is infact the
and cultural problems that stop humans birds. The human body as it is built most irrational. Even a brief reading of
from having large manned and un- would require considerable genetic human history suggests that people,
manned space programs. If you think reengineering to be capable of self-sus- even the so called ”experts” are not
that sending a few puny space probes tained flight, yet many of us routinely fly capable of predicting the future. The
to some planets and landing on the across continents and countries with internet is littered with sites that collect
moon is the best we can the same ease as we drive the referenced quotes of famous ”sci-
ever do, read on. to other cities. Yet entists” who were absolutely incapable
I will try to challenge famous scientist in of seeing the future in their own fields.
your beliefs and expose fields related to me-
you to some concepts chanics, thermody- Innovations such as electronic comput-
that you might have felt namics or chemistry ers, programming languages, computer
before, but could never dismissed the pos- networks, integrated circuits, airplanes,
quite put a name on. sibility of powered controlled liquid fuelled rockets, jet engines,
heavier-than-air machines just over a nuclear reactors, nuclear weapons,
The twin concepts of ”man should hundred years ago. So why do we have antibiotics were once dismissed as fan-
not do what he was not intended to do” airplanes, which can transport people as tasies by ”experts” in that field. I would
and ”keep on doing what he always did” cheaply as cars over long distances? gladly provide a list of such quotations
is as old as human culture itself. They on demand, with proper references. The
also form one of the basic tenets of The simple answer is: predicting the take home message of this paragraph
religions from the traditional ones (Chris- future based on current knowledge is an is: Scientists and experts, often credited
tianity, Islam) to the secular religions exercise in delusion, yet many self- with great discoveries, are incompetent
(Environmentalism, Capitalism, Social- appointed ”priests” continue to do it. in predicting the future and hence should
ism). These concepts are usually However the real tragedy is that many not be relied upon for such predictions.
preached by cynical old men who have people believe such ”priests” and stop Reading the entrails of sacrificed animals
gained respectability through fraud trying. The more complex answer forms is a better idea for predicting the future,
(Priests), and have no intent of doing the rest of this article. because the animal can be used to
anything than try to relive their past make a delicious dinner after the ritual
glory. The first question many ask themselves, is over.
especially regarding space exploration,
Consider the history of developments in is whether a particular technology is The next category of futurists that need
aerospace technology. While humans worth pursuing. While this might seem to to be debunked are businessmen, espe-
ceptual Barriers
n of Space Exploration
cially those that call themselves ”savvy”.
Steve Jobs demonstrated the original
”I should note that every technology we
Apple computer to about 100 ”tech have developed has exceeded the wildest
savvy” businessmen before he got one
backer. Think about it, almost 99% of dreams of its pioneers. We give bankers
savvy businessmen in 1970 Silicon Valley
thought that personal computers were a
trillions of dollars to make up for their bad
dead end. Ever wonder why the IBM PC decisions and stupidity. What benefits have
had open source hardware? Because
they wanted a cheap product, as the their financial innovation provided us?”
whole personal PC concept was sup-
posed to be a passing fad. How did it population are met. We can quibble Earlier in this article I talked about the
work out? Ironically the decision to open about how much funding is desirable, development of airplanes into a techni-
source hardware lead to the ascendancy but as long as an idea is reasonable and cally viable and commercially usable
of Intel and Microsoft. The iPhone was testable it needs to be funded. I should technology. The history of airplane
also dismissed as a fad by Microsoft and note that every technology we have development offers many lessons for
many other companies, but who is developed has exceeded the wildest space exploration. They are:
laughing now? dreams of its pioneers. We give bankers
trillions of dollars to make up for their 1. Government funded established
Are you aware that almost every innova- bad decisions and stupidity. What bene- experts cannot build innovative technol-
tive class of drugs came about from acci- fits have their financial innovation pro- ogy. Many much better funded groups
dents, chance observations, speculations vided us? lost the airplane race to the Wright broth-
and sheer dumb luck? I can give you ers; because they believed that they‚
examples in other areas, but that is not The next question about developing ”understood the problem”. You see, the
the focus of this article. The message here aerospace technology concerns the Wright brothers succeeded because they
is: Businessmen are also not good at pre- manner in which it is funded. The con- accepted that they had no clue about
dicting the future, to put it mildly. ventional funding model until now has how to build an airplane. Once they
been based on government programs accepted this fact, it was much easier to
Since there is no way to predict future with a few large private subcontractors. revisit all the previous assumptions and
trends and developments, there is no It is this model of funding that has dam- make corrections and develop what was
point in trying to restrict activity in any aged space exploration more than any not available.
area as long as the basic needs of a other single factor. Let me explain.
”Scientists and experts, often credited with great
discoveries, are incompetent in predicting the
future and hence should not be relied upon for
such predictions. Reading the entrails of sacrificed
animals is a better idea for predicting the future,
because the animal can be used to make a delicious
dinner after the ritual is over.”

2. Small groups can build innovative 4. Commercialization and private interest had been powerful in previous eras, we
technology much better than large is necessary to make any new techno- would never have created vaccines,
bureaucratically controlled groups. logy popular. While I prefer the bureau- drugs, engineering projects, electrical
Whether it was airplanes, integrated cir- crats to run power grids and sewage grids, cars, trains, airplanes – you know,
cuits, operating systems, CPUs, new systems (established and essential tech- pretty much anything and everything.
drugs, nuclear fission or new chemical nology), they are totally out of their ele-
processes, the story is the same. They ment when dealing with true innovations. The increase in environmentalism and
were all discovered or created by small If anything, displaying motivation and socially conscious activism, combined
groups of people, usually less than 40, innovation is the surest way to be black- with the precautionary principle, are
who worked without bureaucratic over- listed by bureaucrats. major new hurdles to any space pro-
sight and threats of job loss. Innovation gram for the simple reason that chemi-
does not scale, and big institutes are Public money funded programs are also cal rockets have physical limitations. The
more about social climbing and false ad- sensitive to political considerations, petty next generation of space technology will
vertising than innovation. behavior and popular sentiment. Since have to be powered by rockets and
most human beings do not like change power sources that are not chemical in
Once an innovation has been created, it and are afraid of new things, funding nature. Either that or we develop warp
can be improved by larger groups. But innovation with public money in a trans- engines that run on Earth-worship.
innovation, per se, requires small groups parent manner is a very bad idea. It is
without oversight and threats of job loss. however possible to fund innovation Having said that, there are three tech-
They can be part of big companies or through non-transparent programs as nologies that need to be perfected for
institutes, but autonomy is a must. MBAs long as it is given to small autonomous any large scale human or unmanned
and Corporate lawyers have done more groups with minimal oversight. US mili- space program.
damage to this system than even the tary funded programs funded in that
worst bureaucrat could. The Russian manner have given the world many A] Low Cost, Dependable Launchers:
space program could not exist under innovations in fields as diverse as elec- This is the area in which the private sec-
MBAs and Lawyers, even though it could tronics and new antibiotics. tor has the most immediate and impor-
survive communism. tant role. Spaceflight is expensive
5. Shit happens. All technologies have because there is a lot of corruption,
3. There is no way to predict which de- teething problems: commercial airplanes overcharging and patronage in govern-
signs will work or lend themselves to de- are very safe today because previous ment run space programs. Far too often,
velopment, unless they are built and accidents allowed us to build better the emphasis is on cool technology
tested. The field of aerospace design planes. If we had stopped at the begin- rather than reliability and cost. Compare
provides many examples of designs that ning of airplane development because of the Soyuz or Proton rocket launchers
looked good on paper, or were initially high accident rates, we would never with the Delta-2 or Japanese launchers.
seen as the future only to be super- have developed better planes. It is about The Russian launchers are just far more
seded by designs that were much evolution but many people, especially cheaper, reliable and rugged inspite of
poorer to start with. women, do not get it. If these nutters being based on much older technology.
Donald Davis

The author is a young scientist in the area

of drug discovery, but has many other
interests in areas like astronomy, space
exploration, technology in general and
human behavior. He plays the devil’s
advocate on many controversial issues at
his blog (

We require even cheaper and more reli- almost unavoidable, but try telling that to be developed. You must have guessed
able dumb disposable lauchers. environmentalists. that the second type of engines involve
some form of a gas core nuclear reactor,
B] Space Based Nuclear Reactors: Once C] Better Engines: We require two kinds and are politically problematic.
again the technology has been around of new engines, namely: very high spe-
since the 1970’s, but has not been de- cific thrust (over 10 000 isp) and low In any case, what I am suggesting in this
veloped beyond a few dozen Russian power (up to 5 000 N), and high specific article is fairly conservative and easily
satellites. We could certainly build much thrust (over 2 000 isp) but very high power doable. I have read and studied the via-
better and powerful reactors than the (over a million N). The first technology ex- bility of many more ideas that are feasible
last generation. If we have to power ion ists as VASIMIR, but requires much more but require development. I do not believe
engines or any significant electronics be- work and testing. The second type of en- that such development is possible in the
yond the orbit of Mars, nuclear energy is gines have never been made, but could current system with its popular attitudes.
on the

of life

The Big Picture ‘What we do in our lifetime doesn’t mat- you walk the line and do as you’re told,
Your country is a big place. Outside of ter. As soon as we’re gone, so is our nothing more will come of it because
that, your continent, your hemisphere meaning to anything beyond our own EVERYONE is walking the line and doing
and your planet are huge. There are so minds, and even the best of us only as they’re told. If change was going to
many people milling around on Earth that leave a legacy that lasts – at most – a happen, it would have. There isn’t room
trying to shake hands with them all would few thousand years (and by then the in the annals of history for everyone.
take over 40 years (if you have a quick message can be hopelessly muddled
handshake, don’t count the people born beyond recognition). Instead, we should all wake up each
in between now and then and don’t morning and say ”Today I’m going to
sleep, eat or do anything but shake Our minds, our hopes, our dreams, kick some ass; not because I’m told I
hands during that time) and trying to con- they’re all the result of electricity and should, not because it will get me into
nect with then on any level, much less chemicals pulsing through the biological heaven or make me more patriotic or
understand their point of view or personal computer of our brains. There is no because it’s the right thing to do, but be-
conflicts, regrets and accomplishments greater purpose, just animalistic drive cause I CAN, and doing so will allow me
is completely out of the picture. that manifests as the need to reproduce to lead a better life while I have one, and
and pass on our genetic code and philo- that’s an excellent goal.”
But inter-human relationships really don’t sophical memes.
matter in the grand scheme of things, Coming to terms with your lack of pur-
because Earth is just a tiny planet in a Why This Is Awesome pose can help you realize your REAL
great big solar system. This is all great news. Really. purpose: to live a good life according to
Beyond OUR solar system, there are your own standards and, if you enjoy it
untold others, and beyond that, outside Our purposelessness, the property that and there’s energy left over, to help
of our galaxy, are a perhaps infinite makes us NOT special in the Universe is others do the same.
number of other galaxies with an equal the very thing that sets us free!
or greater number of solar systems and Accepting your own purposelessness
stars and asteroid belts and maybe even – that you don’t have a destiny or a role
people whose lives are just as meaning- to play in the grander-scheme of things Colin blogs about his meaningless life at
less as ours. – allows you to potentially do just that. If
So you want my lifestyle:

Libertarian babe

A recent poll showed that 6 in 10 Swedes the US seem to at least have some It is amazing, however, to see how eas-
considered themselves liberals. This respect for social freedom – even ily fooled most voters must be. Promises
could probably be explained by the fact though the division is impossible – the of new jobs and great investments are
that 50 % of them couldn’t give an answer Swedish social liberals have abandoned made by all leading politicians and no
when asked what liberalism was, as the all principles for a grotesque wish of one seems to even reflect over the fact
author and debater Johan Norberg put it. doing ”good” for everyone and saving that none of them even has been close
The average Swede stares at you as if them from themselves. I was once at a to having a career in the financial busi-
you’ve just said you enjoy kittens for Sun- seminar where the manager of Swe- ness.
day breakfast if you simply happen to den’s biggest liberal editorial page him- Our socialistic green party even pro-
admit that you don’t think anyone has the self first stated that one either was liberal claimed that the State should buy a car
right to use force against another human or not, and thereafter explained that the factory that had not been profitable more
being. Isn’t it amazing? Sometimes life difference between him – a self pro- than two years out of twenty – and,
truly is like a George Orwell novel. Force claimed liberal – and a socialist was 10 mind you, these years were not 2007
is freedom, as we all know. percent units in taxes. and 2008 – as it would be a good in-
vestment. As they also wish to limit the
I myself have, by a social democratic Another example of sheer stupidity is a citizens’ driving, I’m sure it would be. Of
youth magazine, been chosen as this statement made by a leftwing youth as- course, it could also not be a result of
year’s political hack – just because I’ve sociation leader – she, Ida Gabrielsson, political populism, but simply what fol-
been suggesting that the ban on buying claims it to be too easy to become rich lows if you allow socialists to regulate
sex might not be the best of ideas, that in Sweden. At the same time, she thinks the school system.
people themselves should have the full that many small companies in a country
right to decide why they are having sex. is a sign of poverty, and that big com- The Swedish people are not even
It is not just an incorrect use of the term, panies is the future. Quite interesting allowed to decide which way to save up
it should just as well not be that a con- opinions from someone engaged in a for their pension, as I experienced a few
troversial statement. (Even though I still party that only in 1991 stopped calling years ago. I called up the authorities and
have not even convinced my own party themselves communists. explained that I’d like to invest the
on that second note.) money they’d been claiming of my salary
I’m sorry, but as a libertarian I have no in a single company. ”But that’s your
However, it has proved to be so. In this real interest in making it easier for com- pension money!” exclaimed the person
country, the State’s power to regulate al- panies – I just happen to think that no on the other end of the line.
most every aspect of the citizens’ lives is one should be given neither advantages Well, exactly. People who do not
taken for granted. Libertarianism is not nor disadvantages by the State. Right make it as investors should not limit my
even a known term, and ”liberal” is just now everyone, especially the compa- right to do as I wish with it.
as washed out here as it is in America. nies, are given disadvantages, and it so
It is served as a main course at every happens to put the whole country in a
political event, preferably with ”social” disadvantageous position in the global- Hanna blogs at
put right in front of it. While the liberals in ized world.
How to Live text BENERSON LITTLE

At some point in most of our lives, usu- which most did. For many, the lifestyle portedly boasted about their political lean-
ally early and most often through book, was probably as alluring as the possibil- ings. To take to the sea is in itself an act
film, or advertising, we become acquainted ity of the great wealth – often just out of of rebellion. Indeed, one must be some-
with the pirate. Not the real one, of grasp - that might be had from it. In sum, what crazed, if only just a bit, to go to sea
course, at least not usually, although a pirates had panache. for any reason other than recreation. The
fair number of mariners today have un- sea is deadly, and was even more so in
fortunately made piratical acquaintance the age of the pirate under sail. And not
in the Indian Ocean, Indonesian waters, only could the sea kill the adventurers
or the Gulf of Guinea. Rather, it’s the who rode its billows from crest to trough
pirate’s image we’ve met, especially that and back again, but so could many of
of the ”Golden Age” salt water thief who those others who sailed upon it. Death
roamed the Americas and beyond in the was always near. Living conditions were
late seventeenth and early eighteenth little better, and could also kill, albeit more
centuries – an amalgam of truth, fiction, slowly. Quarters were cramped, cleanli-
and even fantasy that borders on carica- ness was seldom to be had, the food was
ture, if indeed the image has not com- bad as soon as all of the fresh provisions
pletely crossed the line. And what sort of persons were these had been eaten, and boredom was
men, and sometimes women as well, relieved only by storm or battle. Doubtless
And the image is an alluring one, and who took to the sea to prey upon ships only rum and the lure of plunder kept
why shouldn’t it be? Pirates lived as and towns, who refused to live as most pirates at their dangerous trade.
princes, even if only in a small way, did, honestly or otherwise? Foremost,
upon the sea. They were their own mas- they were those who by temperament or But bad food and death’s nearness are
ters, they chose how to live and who circumstance were unsuited to the lub- mere quibbles. Arguably, bad food
would lead them, and spurned the mun- ber’s life. As has been noted for millen- makes good food taste even better, and,
dane world. They had their own manner nia, some were needy, some greedy, quite factually, death is always lurking
of colorful speech and their dress was some simply in need of adventure. In near, whether we want to admit this or
often just as colorful. Many lived simply most cases they took up their trade vol- not. In sum, it seems the pirate’s life was
for the moment, refusing to be caught untarily, more or less as rebels. Only in all in all not a bad one, and some might
up in work they equated as little more the early eighteenth century, with the call it a great one, composed as it was
than drudgery or even slavery. They rise of pirates like Blackbeard, of independence, stoic suffering leav-
deliberately, consciously chose to live Bartholomew Roberts, and Edward Low, ened with gallows humor, and the pos-
marginal lives, hoping to seize a single did we see pirates sometimes force free sibility of great riches, providing one
moment that might set them up for life, men to serve with them. were willing to risk his or her skin intelli-
providing, of course, they didn’t squan- gently. But there were negatives to the
der their newfound wealth soon after in Pirates were not political rebels, however, pirate’s life, more than the mere deadly
taverns, brothels, and gaming houses, no matter how much a few of them re- hazards of the sea.
Like a Pirate
– Without the Murder and Mayhem
Reality Intrudes: ”Ultimately, in choosing
the Downsides of Piracy the path of the pirate, you are
But before we look at what the pirate
can teach us about living in today’s
choosing the path of rebellion, a path
world, we need to quickly examine the most people are too frightened to take.
pirate’s life in its entirety, going beyond
the mere image promoted by popular But in doing so, you will free yourself
novelists, Hollywood, and rum advertis-
ers. The fact is, pirates were thieves,
of the social constraints that confine
whatever their motivation and excuse. ideas, that turn men and women into
And sea thieves were usually hanged
– or otherwise deprived of their lives – sheep, that ultimately prevent success.”
when captured. Large scale theft has a
way of galvanizing people against
thieves, and pirates were no exception. was profitable. As bad or worse, many did not. They were people just like many
Unless allied in some way with a gov- were cruel to excess, torturing captives of us, who chose to live on the margins
ernment, even a local one, pirates usu- not only for information about riches or de- of common society and beyond, and
ally didn’t last long. They needed places fenses, but also out of sheer enjoyment. banded together for a common purpose.
to sell their goods, repair their vessels, Democracy was their form of govern-
and recreate, often via substantial de- But you don’t have to be a thief, para- ment, for, although it has drawbacks at
bauchery. Lacking this, all too often the site, slaver, or sociopath to live like a times, it was and is the best form of gov-
phrase “A merry life and a short one!” pirate, notwithstanding that the pirate’s ernment among those who consider
was not just mere boasting, but reality. principal purpose was theft on or near themselves as equals, as pirates did.
the sea by force of arms. You need only Each crewmember had an equal vote in
Some commentators have referred to pi- adopt the pirate virtues, and there were all significant decisions, including the
rates as parasites, in that they created in fact many of them. We can learn choice of leader and articles, or rules.
nothing and lived instead off the fruits of something from these piratical positives, Occasionally, and perhaps even routinely,
others’ labor. And indeed, in many ways just as we can from the negatives. At captains had two votes out of respect for
this is true, although it can also be argued their finest, pirates had much to admire. their position. Yet these same captains
that they were often service providers of a could be deposed by a vote of their crew
sort, working either directly for competing The Pirate Virtues at any time. Captains knew that success
governments, or at their behest, hindering Do not make the mistake of thinking that was the key to remaining in office.
foreign trade and redistributing wealth. pirates were communal per se, or that
Pirates were also deep into the slave they all lived in harmony in utopian sea Pirates also took care of their own, for
trade, trafficking in humans because it roving communities. They were not and this was the best way to ensure that
people would work together and support
each other. In the pirate’s hazardous ”To emulate the pirate, you must not
free-ranging world, the guarantee of
health care and disability compensation
be timid. Indeed, you must be able to
was a necessary inducement. Doctors
were signed aboard pirate vessels
go beyond mere rational risk taking:
whenever possible. Their medicine chest you must be able to seize the moment,
was paid for out of the common fund,
before any distribution of plunder among to act boldly, even courageously, for this
the crew, and the doctor’s services were
free. Similarly, disability compensation
is often the key to victory. Nothing is
was deducted first from the plunder, guaranteed, especially success, but
before any other division was made. A
man who lost a leg might be paid five success more often favors the bold. So
hundred pieces-of-eight, for example. If
the plunder was insufficient to cover the
be bold – but not stupid!”
disability compensation owed, the pirates
would continue their voyage until the
plunder was sufficient. They understood that working together captain had was a canoe and a dozen
in an organized manner made piracy or two men, he looked for the best way
Pirates balanced their democracy and easier. A pirate chose to be a pirate, just to use what little he had, for example by
social sense with a degree of equality in as he could choose to walk away when- attacking a ship at anchor at night while
regard to the distribution of plunder. ever he pleased. Kept in check, this its crew slept.
Each pirate had an equal share in the almost paradoxical balance of extremes
profits. The captain had two shares, – of independence and teamwork – In a similar economic fashion, they
occasionally more, and the quartermas- served the pirate well. Men who knew avoided undertaking unprofitable ven-
ter one and half, although this too some- the pirates well often commented that tures. Better to run away and fight
times varied. Plunder was not kept these men considered themselves all as another day, although when cornered
communally, other than that required to leaders or princes of a sort. they generally fought well and coura-
pay for the medicine chest, disability geously. But pirates didn’t succeed by
compensation, and vessel maintenance However, it was the virtues they dis- being rash, except under extraordinary
and stores. Plunder was distributed as played in crisis that may be their best circumstances – in other words, when
soon as possible, and each pirate did as and most useful legacy. Foremost, there was no other option. Nonetheless,
he or she pleased with his or her share. before a battle or other crisis was at they knew that their business was risk-
Many gambled excessively, and some hand, pirates were prepared. They taking, even while doing everything they
profited well by this. Some even invested planned thoroughly, although they knew could to minimize risks, including by hav-
their money and retired wealthy, blend- that plans often had to be adapted. In ing an escape route. Venturing to sea
ing into conventional society. Most, other words, they were flexible. Further, was risky, as was chasing any vessel at
though, played as hard as they worked they were experts at gathering intelli- sea, for all but the smallest might turn
and fought, and were soon at sea again, gence. They knew everything possible out to be a man-of-war, and even the
having little more than the shirts on their not only about their prey, but about their smallest might put up a fight. The intelli-
backs and the arms they bore. environment. They knew where good gence collection, the black flag, the
water was to be had, and likewise pro- warning shot, and fierce reputation were
Pirates were also fiercely independent, visions and places to careen and repair. all means of reducing the chances of
yet had a strong ability to subordinate In line with this, they were economical. something going awry, but piracy was
their egos to support the greater They found ways to make their limited never a sure thing. But then, neither is
cause – which in turn supported them. resources work for them. If all a pirate life in general.
Last, pirates understood the value of ”ir- nor into abandoned or hazardous terri- too far afield, how will you gather infor-
rational audacity”, as an Athenian admi- tory. Again, it’s not only about risk taking, mation? Physical contact with people is
ral termed it twenty-five hundred years but also about maximizing your opportu- just as vital to success as is digging
ago. They knew that it was vital to do nity. Piracy had two sides to it, one through the Internet. Pirates who set up
the unexpected, and just as vital to ex- planned, the other opportunistic, and their own largely independent bases
pect the unexpected. Ultimately, they they worked well together. A planned were soon attacked and destroyed, or
combined cunning with a dash of reck- venture often led to unplanned opportu- their bases collapsed due to their isola-
less courage. nities, just as unplanned opportunities tion. Some pirates did live for many
often led to planned ventures, especially years in small independent communities
Making Pirate Virtues in the case of intelligence gained from on the far margins of the Spanish Main
vessels captured. and beyond, but only occasionally did
Work for You Learn all you can about your venture, they venture into actual piracy. One
Foremost, you must understand the car-
plan as best you can, always be ready to need not sever all ties with the common
dinal rule: take risks, but don’t be stupid.
adapt, do your best to provoke new op- herd in order to achieve independence.
As this rule has two interdependent
portunities, and if necessary, be pre-
parts, we should examine each in turn.
pared to run away from an unprofitable Last, be willing to work with others, but
First is the recognition that you must
venture, or better yet, find a way to turn never surrender your independent spirit.
take risks, and accept all that goes with
the tables and make it work for you in More than anything else, this independ-
this, including failure. Pirates did not set
the end. ence will be your greatest virtue, and is
out to fail, nor should you. Nonetheless,
what will set you apart from the main-
like them, you will fail at times. In the
stream, just as it did the pirate. When we
pirate’s mind, failure was obviously to be
think of pirates we may see their plun-
avoided, yet a single great success
dering, swaggering, and debauching in
could make up for a dozen defeats. Sec-
our mind’s eye, but if we look closely
ond, while recognizing that risk taking
we’ll recognize that it is their independ-
and its often attendant failure are a nec-
ence that appeals to us most. They
essary part of living like a pirate, there’s
threw off the shackles that hobble much
no reason to take unnecessary risks.
of society, and accepted the conse-
You should do all you can to minimize
quences, good and bad, that went with
hazards, for this lets you focus your
this bold act. Ultimately, in choosing the
attention on the remaining risks, not to
path of the pirate, you are choosing the
mention on the goal ahead. Remember,
path of rebellion, a path most people are
nothing ventured, nothing gained.
too frightened to take. But in doing so,
you will free yourself of the social con-
Not to be forgotten is the pinnacle of risk
straints that confine ideas, that turn men
taking: daring. To emulate the pirate, you
and women into sheep, that ultimately
must not be timid. Indeed, you must be
prevent success. As buccaneer-surgeon
able to go beyond mere rational risk
Alexandre Exquemelin pointed out, it
taking: you must be able to seize the
won’t be as easy as picking pears from
moment, to act boldly, even coura- At the level of foundation, you should
a tree. But the reward – if nothing more
geously, for this is often the key to vic- establish a base of operations out of the
than independence – is worth the effort.
tory. Nothing is guaranteed, especially mainstream, yet one that is still con-
success, but success more often favors nected to it. In other words, don’t launch
the bold. So be bold – but not stupid! yourself entirely ”off the grid”, cutting all Benerson Little is a former Navy SEAL
ties with the ”establishment”, for here is and the author of four books on piracy.
Similarly, like the pirate you must not where you can sell your wares most He can be contacted at www.benerson-
fear to venture into unknown territory, profitably, so to speak. Further, if you go
The Myth of Your

”Yes, Mighty
We owe a lot to Bill Shatner. After all I am a blessed man. I have a great
– he was Kirk and who can forget the career, a wonderful family and an in-

Cthulhu –
dramatic masterpiece that was T.J. credibly supportive and generous wife.
Hooker. For me, most of his emotional I’ve Forrest Gumped my way into Game
body of work can be summarized with Geeks (I review Role Playing games
the charming 1987 SNL sketch ”Get a
Life” when he uttered the immortal
you are still – first on Public Access and now on
YouTube), and I also am honored to
words, ”move out of your mother’s base-
ment.” These sequences have been my favorite” have had some of the best games group
I’ve ever encountered in the past six
quoted to me more than any other tele- years. I’ve somehow managed to get all
vision quip – always derisively and often of these things in a state of careful, pre-
after I just out-facted a friend on some I’ve been a victim of ”game shame” for carious balance in my life. So, let’s talk
obscure piece of Star Trek or Star Wars most of my life. I’ve kept the roleplaying about how this has worked, and we’ll
lore that they thought they knew. (*ring hobby secret – afraid of the scorn (”Oh, pay close attention to gaming in partic-
ring* Hello? Oh it’s the Pot for you – he I used to play, now I’ve grown out of it”) ular. Otherwise this would be an article
says you’re black?) The stereotype, how- or awkward explanations (”Roleplaying? on parenting or career building, and
ever, stands. Those of us existing on the Like escaped convict/warden’s daughter that’s not what the title says.
supposed fringes of ”normality,” prefer- stuff?”). It’s only recently that I’ve been
ring Babylon 5 or Krod Mandoon (may (inter)nationally outed as a gamer. It’s And what an odd hobby gaming is – we
God help us) to The Apprentice or Homi- taken a while to get used to but it’s been sit around in a room, pretending to be
cide: Life on the Street or Law and Order: a wild, wonderful ride. ”Hi. I’m Kurt, and someone else with a small crowd of
Criminal Intent face mockery at worst, I’m a Gamer...” other people also pretending to be some-
and odd looks and condescension at one else. Paper, pencils and the funny-
best. Not ‘till the advent of the PS2 and But now, a lot of us are older. We’re mar- shaped dice are a must. There are often
X-Box with Madden, MLB and Halo did ried, have kids and ”real jobs.” Gaming is chips of some kind involved (my favorites
computer/console gaming become main- harder as we age. Not enough time for are kettle cooked chips or Funyons) and
stream and ”cool.” Those of us role-play- the design of long and elaborate dun- soda (Mountain Dew is a popular choice.)
ers are still waiting for the acceptance geons, deathtraps and despots to over-
nod for our hobby – although Wil throw. The time we used to spend I’m an aging gamer now – 38 years old
Wheaton and Vin Diesel are trying by calculating the best you could get out of (”The Gamer in Winter?”), and while I still
God. Thanks, Wesley and Riddick! And ”Treasure Type H” is now dedicated to sit in a room (in MY basement, by golly)
always it hangs there – Shatner’s time- tax returns and piano recitals. But still we pretending etc. etc, the chips have been
tested jab about moving out of your stay with it, attached to this activity replaced with carrots and grapes and
mother’s basement. painfully yet inextricably. the soda is a diet root beer. Caffeine
Mother’s Basement:

after about 8pm means I’m up all night, hobby, and may Odin’s Mighty Ravens was handed a ”First Level Thief.” What-
which is hard on the next day of work. help you if another interest (such as the- ever that was. For those of you playing
Ah for the days of college when we ater) crops up. As the kids get older it along at home, it was one of the original
could play ‘till midnight or later (different- does get easier – you can spend a few D&D games, ”The Keep on the Border-
gender visitation ended then – for more extra minutes reading the core rulebook lands.”) The Dungeon Master (which to
information on this, see the next article once they’ve learned to use the potty, my seven-year old ears sounded
”The myth of the woman gamer”) and but before you know it here comes naughty, but I went with it) skipped over
blow off the 8am sociology class the dance, soccer, and school programs to all of the stuff at the keep itself and put
next day. But no, sadly, now I’m teach- eat up your evenings. us directly into the action at the dreaded
ing the 8 am class (organic chemistry, Caves of Chaos (Dunh Dunh DUNH!!) My
not sociology) and a lot of people frown So how do we do it? How do we keep an poor lonely thief (he never earned a
on faculty missing class because Terchil active gaming group, a healthy, sane name, a description or anything notable
the Necromancer so desperately needed family and a fulfilling career without other than a fellow player saying
stomped the night before. resorting to illegal stimulants or ad- ”Dude – 2 hit points – that sucks” went
vanced cloning technology? Well, it’s not in first (like I knew any better) and natu-
So no – very late gaming doesn’t work easy. But it is doable, with care, work rally encountered a pit trap and fell to his
on the job front. Nor does it work well for and a lot of support. doom.
family some nights. My kids’ bedrooms
are directly over my gaming room, and I started gaming 31 years ago. I was in Literally – I fell and died in the pit. Not
after one particularly rousing evening of second grade, and had seen some of understanding it really, I was upset. The
horror gaming, my poor children’s dreams the older kids playing this weird board other characters bravely soldiered on
were filled with images of eldritch, game that wasn’t a board game for a without me – after taking my dagger,
unnamable horrors and animate corpses few weeks at indoor recess. I finally iron rations, rope and the 10 foot pole.
filleted with panes of sharp glass. It managed to get a seat at the table and Nameless the Thief was mourned by no
made for a very awkward discussion one but me, and the game
with their day care provider marched on.
the next morning.
I kept thinking about
Approaching my 40s the game. What did
with a mild mix of Keep and Chaos
trepidation and ex- mean? How did I
citement, there a lot fall in a pit? What
of balls to keep in the the hell was a pit,
air. Family, work, the anyway? Other
”So how do we do it? How do we
than the thing at the center of a peach?
Was I a good thief? I mean, moral as

keep an active gaming group, a

opposed to good at my job (remember
the pit? Clearly being good at his job
wasn’t in the cards.) How did one
become a thief, anyway? I mean profes- healthy, sane family and a fulfilling
sionally? I once took a candy bar from
the grocery store. Did that make me a
career without resorting to illegal
thief? Granted, my mother found it in the
parking lot and made me take it back in.
stimulants or advanced cloning
I cried the whole time so I imagine I was
a bad thief. Not unlike Nameless. I guess
technology? Well, it’s not easy.
I’m a method roleplayer. But it is doable, with care,
I also clearly remembered the phrase work and a lot of support.”
”Magic Missile.” This was the late 1970s
and the Cold War was in full swing, so Other D&D gifts followed, along with Star a dark, torrid affair that continues to this
”missile” had a markedly different con- Frontiers and Top Secret. Blink Dogs and day. College turned from one self-
notation. Visions of enchanted MXs Displacer beasts on the school bus. The destructive dysfunctional group to an-
danced through my head. I begged and Rose Estes Endless Quest Dungeons other, and graduate school approached.
begged my parents for the game for and Dragons Books filled in the gap During grad school, marriage. After, my
Christmas that year like it was an Elmo. when my dependable players in indoor first teaching job and kids. At almost
Mind you, this incident predated Elmo by recess turned to football and the Steel- every one of these milestones, I swore
about seven years. My parents, being ers over wood elves and sleep spells. I was going to quit. I was getting too old
the generous souls they are got me the I had nearly fallen out of it when I dis- and had too much ”real life” to worry
boxed set, along with the funny blue covered quite by accident The Soul- about and not enough time to run a
dice. I still have most of those dice. forge – a more advanced choose your game. Each of these lasted about three
I was off and running. I pleaded with my own adventure novel. I was thus intro- to four months and I was right back in.
parents to play with me. To their credit, duced to Raistlin, Dragonlance and I was Early on in my gaming days, not long
they did once. It flopped. Epically. This back again. after the unnamed thief and the pit trap,
showed me that (1) being a Dungeon my dad told me that D&D gets into your
Master (tee hee) was hard work and (2) College was a prime time for me, and mind and it won’t let go. Like most things,
my parents REALLY didn’t like playing. while I didn’t understand what Greyhawk I never really realized how right he was.
I did remember to throw a pit trap at or the Forgotten Realms were (I was a
them, and my father cast magic missile Krynn man, by Paladine), I met Call of When I was in college, a group I was a
once. Cthulhu my sophomore year and started part of had us do a ”where do you want
to be in ten years.” I thought about it for to have a spouse who is also a gamer, in life too. As a spouse and potentially a
a few minutes, and I wrote I wanted to then you two crazy kids can play nice parent, you need to put your family and
be married, have some kids and a dog, together without killing each other. I have their well being first. No real jokes here
be a college professor somewhere in the known a few couples that have had – it’s a responsibility. Be willing to
Midwest and still be gaming. The last some troubles when one spouse chafes reschedule game night around overtime,
one garnered me some odd looks to be at the GM stylings of the other. If this is anniversaries, birthdays etc.
sure. I found that paper a few years ago, a problem let someone else run or try to
and I realized that I am lucky enough to work past it. Admittedly this becomes OK, I need to admit to not drinking my
have achieved everything I wanted in my more difficult when kids enter your life. own Kool-Aide on this one. Game Night
life. That thought alone gives me pause, Then you might need to take turns gam- for me is nearly sacrosanct. Several of
and leads me to the central idea: how ing, or wait until the baby is a few my kid’s birthdays have been celebrated
has this worked, and how DO we keep months old before breaking out the dice with three or four other guys around the
all of this going? bag again and be willing to work with table singing while they blew out the
your spouse for nights up with the baby, candles. Interesting side note – several
I can tell you how I’ve done it. This may feedings and changings. of my players have been EXCELLENT
not be a sure-fire panacea of role-play- singers. So not only did my daughters
ing Nirvana in the modern world but it get four part harmonies, but they felt a
worked for me. Perhaps my life and bit like rock stars, having the stars of the
choices can be used as an example to local theater shows over for their birth-
others (for good or bad). days.

Rule 1: Communicate with your Rule 3: Chose your group carefully.

spouse. I cannot emphasize this one I have met some of the most interesting,
enough. Four out of five psychologists exciting and fun people while gaming.
and councilors will tell you that the key to I’ve also met some very antisocial, ill-
any relationship is talking to and being mannered and, yes, dangerous people.
honest with each other. If you’re a life- Since we play at my house, I am very,
long gamer and married/seriously com- very picky about who I let in. A player
mitted, then that person should once accused me of being difficult and
understand that gaming is a part of you. wanting to ”audition” new players.
Hopefully they won’t try to change you Rule 2: Prioritize. Seems simple I replied that it was more of a back-
or divert you out of that path. Be willing enough, but it’s one I still have trouble ground check than an audition (although
and able to compromise with your wrestling with. My life’s priorities go like an occasional monologue is required).
spouse on game night(s). Maybe they this: Family, Career, Gaming. In that I don’t want to introduce a dangerous
can have a night out with their friends order. In the Firefly episode ”The Train element into my house, around my fam-
(movie, dinner/drinks, spa day) while Job,” Mal Reynolds bluntly states that ily. Depending on recommendations or
you’re slaying the dragon. If you happen ”we work before we play.” It’s that way personal experience is crucial to me.
Keeping the hobby safer has caused
less stress on my family as a whole.
Don’t get me started about the guy who
came to game once, answering a post-
ing at a game store, wearing throwing
knives because it ”completed the look.”

Along with the safety issue, there’s also

a compatibility factor. Personally I tend
towards rules light, narrative focused
games with lots of role-playing (see #4
below for the whys). If someone wants a
completely simulationist experience,
then we’re not a good fit. The chance
that either of us has the time to adapt or
shoehorn to each other’s demands are
slim. Rather than waste time and frus-
trate each other, I’m more likely to point
him to another group I know that would
more likely fit his needs.

Interestingly, Age plays a lesser role in throw at them. ”Rakshasa? Cool. Couatl? big fan of CORTEX, Basic Role Playing
this than I would have thought ten years Awesome. Amethyst (?!) dragon? (yes, Mighty Cthulhu – you are still my
ago. My current group has a range of 19 Rockin’!” Any semblance of plot, sanity favorite), FATE and Unisystem.
to 38 years. I’ve never considered the or cohesion? Screw it, hand me another
youngest member of the group to be Dew! I’m a very, very lucky man. I’ve man-
problematic – it’s all about fit and needs. aged, with the help, understanding and
The group also needs to understand I’m mainly a GM – it’s how I’ve been encouragement of my wonderful wife, to
when some of the topics we discussed able to keep gaming over the years keep all of this going for quite a while.
in #2 occur. If you have a group who since it’s a task for which few other Growing up, I always assumed my inter-
gets annoyed at occasional cancella- gamers I’ve encountered have been will- ests in the fantastic and unusual made
tions or reschedules, then maybe it’s ing to spend their time in the barrel. Con- me... different from everyone else some-
time to have a frank discussion or ami- trol issues you say? Maybe, but it’s kept how. The first scene with Christopher
cably split and look for other players. my d20 rolling for three decades. Right Mintz-Plasse’s character Augie in Role
now, I like/want/FRICKIN’ NEED games Models, acting out a fantasy battle and
Rule 4: Choose your game carefully. that are very low drag, easy to prep and romance on the roof of a building hit a
This is one that’s taken me a long time execute, and have less bookkeeping little close to home. I had always as-
to get to. I played A LOT of D&D 2nd Edi- than Bernie Madoff’s tax returns. This is sumed, subconsciously, that if I ever had
tion in college. It wasn’t a particularly why I’ve fallen in love with Savage kids, they would grow up to be, well, nor-
rules-light game, but then I had several Worlds – it does all of these things and mal. They’d like sports, date in high
hours to sit and fiddle with a character. has mass and naval combat built in and school and so on. It was quite a surprise
If I was running, flip through the Monster one of the best communities for ideas, to me when my four year old daughter
Manual and dream up what critters to support and help out there. I’m also a came home very upset because her
”My kids’ bedrooms are directly
over my gaming room, and after one
particularly rousing evening of hor-
ror gaming, my poor children’s
dreams were filled with images of
eldritch, unnamable horrors and
animate corpses filleted with panes
of sharp glass. It made for a very
awkward discussion with their day
care provider the next morning.”
friends wouldn’t play Doctor Who with children were intermittently playing, fight- Mother. Fifteen years ago, when I gradu-
her. She had even offered to be the ing and repeating the whole process in ated college, I would have never imagined
Dalek. My son is a superhero fiend (I’ve our basement. that I’d STILL be playing, still be gaming,
had to play Mr. Freezer to his Batman let alone passing it on to my children. And
more times than I can count) and Doctor Phase two was written during a lull at yet here I am. I have an obligation to show
Who has become a regular family event work: I was typing madly while my them that this isn’t something shameful,
in my house (except for the ones with research students were working in the something to be embarrassed about. It’s
those Weeping Angels. Those are just lab around me, occasionally asking who I am, and hopefully it’s who they’ll be.
wrong...) We’ve had more lightsaber questions and peering over my shoulder, And maybe, someday soon, we can bury
fights in my yard than I can count. I’ve wondering what I was up to. the specter of ”Get a life” and they’ll be
come to realize that this is the legacy playing in their mother’s – and father’s
that I’m leaving my children – that cre- The final part, this epilogue, was written in – basement, and be proud of it.
ativity, imagination and loving the story my back yard on a warm July day in Wis-
telling process are as important as keep- consin under a shade tree while watching Kurt Wiegel is a Professor of Chemistry pre-
ing score with the Packers. It’s humbling my kids romp in the pool. I won’t lie tending to be a roleplayer. Or is he a roleplayer
and scary to realize what we leave our – there was a lot of delay in getting this pretending to be a Professor of Chemistry? He
children. piece done. Things kept popping up: fam- lives in the Northern Midwest with his wonder-
ily vacations, paper writing for work and, fully patient wife, three beautiful children and
This article was written in three sections. simply life kept getting in the way. The one slightly insane dog. He’s the Host and Cre-
As I began it one rainy evening, I was very act of writing this, however, has ative Director of Game Geeks on YouTube, on
sitting on the couch in my living room. made me revisit my own past and the the web at, and the
My wife was very kindly keeping the choices that have led me to this point show even has a FaceBook Fan page. He can
puppy off of me so I could write, and my – sort of like a nerdier How I Met Your be reached at

”And openness is more than

We are Open Ecology: a network of just a process for us, we believe
farmers, engineers, and supporters that
are bootstrapping the next evolution in openness as an ideology of trans-
– an evolution to radically local produc-
tion, an evolution to high-quality living,
formation. Imagine the knowledge
and an evolution to freedom. You might necessary for advanced civilization
ask how we expect to accomplish these
lofty goals – specifically what is our
available to everyone, not just a
strategy? Our ace in the hole? How limited few; we could then truly
do we embrace the Cyberpunk ethos
of ’surthrival’ analogous to the Open
evolve to freedom.”
Ecology attribute of ’subsilience’? Hold
on tight, here we go. Regenerative is to be sustainable to the Thus by open sourcing the entire pro-
point where we are repairing the world duction life-cycle – from designs and
We are developing the Global Village – healing the damage, giving back, re- assembly to putting the machine to-
Construction Set (GVCS) – a set of 40 vitalizing our ecology. It’s like sustain- gether – we are able to quickly develop
industrial machines necessary to create ability + 1. Interestingly enough, what we solutions. And openness is more than
an abundant civilization with modern day are talking about is even further down just a process for us, we believe in
comforts. This is a bit similar to the the road: resiliency. Resiliency is inclu- openness as an ideology of transforma-
G.E.C.K. device if you have played the sive of the regenerative concept, but tion. Imagine the knowledge necessary
Fallout series of games. The GVCS is like includes a level of adaptability. That is, for advanced civilization available to
a life-size Lego set, in which motors, adaptability and certainty in the face of everyone, not just a limited few; we
parts, and power units interchange an uncertain world. When we apply could then truly evolve to freedom.
freely, providing the building blocks nec- these concepts to community, wonderful
essary to create resilient communities. things happen. Of course, we operate under the under-
Why resilient communities you say? Let’s standing that nature provides an abun-
see... Our method is open source. We see dance: abundance of energy, abun-
open source as a combination of dance of resources, and abundance of
Most people are on the verge of under- process and ideas, where everything is possibilities to live prosperously. We
standing what sustainable implies: main- shared freely in the public domain. Any- need not make sacrifices in quality of life
tain the current state of affairs by not one has access. Anyone can change the to move beyond our destructive indus-
compromising the future. Simple plans to suit their personal locale and trial systems, nor is it our agenda to per-
enough. Regenerative takes it the next interests. And everyone is encouraged petuate the prevailing scarcity driven
step, and this is where people get lost. to participate, build, critique, and share. system. Instead we strive to become
producers of our own destiny rather than Again a proven equation: Open Knowl-
consumers of its ghostly shell. edge + Abundant Power = Results.
Anyone could see this to be true. We
The alchemical equation for all this is see it as fact. And we approach this
simple: Autonomous Communities + understanding from the point that if we
Open Source Technology = Ecological can get the cost of production down by
Regeneration, Resilience and Freedom. a factor of 8, we can support the
processes required for an abundant civ-
So let’s get into more of the details. The ilization. The end result is that people are
GVCS provides people with technology in full control of their productive technol-
to do more with less – to live a high- ogy base, truly bringing about the possi-
quality life in ways that do not disrupt bility to transcend material scarcity – a
vital ecological support systems. By uti- foundation for evolving to higher pur-
lizing local resources via the use of open suits.
source technology we render our current
destructive ways obsolete. Additionally, Our goal is nothing short of paradigm-
we needn’t recreate the wheel; the shattering. And together we can make
GVCS is not about generating new tech- it a reality at the cost of scrap metal
nologies, it is about refining and open and proper use of ubiquitous, local
sourcing existing machines to meet the resources. The GVCS is applicable any-
needs of people and our shared ecol- where soil, sunshine, and water are
ogy. found, which is just about everywhere.
even power units may be interchanged Unfortunately, we cannot do this alone
As we have said, the key to this is the between different machines – like a – nor would we want to. It will take
integration of open source methods Lego set for real construction – thereby global knowledge and cooperation. We
– the methods of open, collaborative de- producing an unprecedented level of challenge you to join us at Open Ecol-
velopment that has already been ecological integration. Plug-and-play ogy – see our results for yourself and
demonstrated with open source soft- modularity and interoperability are para- share it with others; get involved and cri-
ware. We are extending this develop- mount leading to all of our products tique away, then add to the momentum;
ment model to hardware and being built to last (lifetime design), easy if you like what you see then give sup-
demonstrating roughly an 8-fold cost to service (design-for-disassembly), as port by becoming a True Fan. Now that
reduction of resulting products. A global well as simplicity by design. Once com- we have shared our vision with you
community of developers helps to pro- pleted, the GVCS can replicate itself – assuming it resonates within you – it
duce designs, plans, and prototypes, entirely: imagine Lego sets that can build is your obligation to do something – any-
until high-quality products, with improved more Lego sets! – no doubt a dream of thing. What’s truly stopping you? Per-
performance compared to their industrial mine as a child! In this limit, we aim to haps nothing at all. We believe the only
counterparts are created at a fraction of show that we can even produce alu- limit is our imagination and we won’t
the cost. minum (or other metals) from clay, or stop until we’ve empowered the masses.
silicon from sand on a local level – a Whatever your beliefs, ideas or talents;
We are at the initial stages of our exper- matter of Knowledge and Power. Knowl- we are ready for you. With all our hands
iment. We have 8 prototypes, 1 full prod- edge refers to the open information nec- and all our brains, we can create a more
uct release, and 32 more machines to essary to conceive the end product, regenerative and resilient world for all.
develop. However, we have already while Power is simply the energy needed Let’s show the rest of the world what it
demonstrated that parts, motors, and to get it done. really means to evolve to freedom!
What it Means to be

Disclaimer: I apologize in advance for surprisingly, mainstream and pop-cul- (even in winter) wears stilettos, and is
using the word badass. I realize that it tural on-line dictionaries viewed the term the grown-up version of the mean girls
might offend some people. Unfortu- quite differently. from high school.
nately, I simply couldn’t find another defined badass as a ”mean-tempered or
word that was equally descriptive of belligerent person.” In contrast, wik- When I think about badasses held up for
what message I want to communicate. If defined it as ”A person adoration by pop culture, words that
you find the word objectionable, please whose extreme attitudes, behavior or ap- come to mind include narcissistic, arro-
focus on the message I am trying to pearance are admirable.” I will be rely- gant, selfish, shallow, condescending,
convey rather than the, for some, inap- ing on the latter, slang use of the word and entitled.
propriateness of the word. for the purpose of this post.
The guys and girls on Jersey Shore, par-
I was recently contacted by a web site I began my musings by considering how ticularly The Situation and JWoww, ap-
based in Sweden that was interested in a badass is viewed most commonly in pear to embody badassness by today’s
exploring the meaning of being a badass our popular culture and some typical ex- standards. Other widely proclaimed
in modern culture. Not surprisingly, the emplars of badasses these days. A badasses these days include any MMA
editor, who described himself as a ”fresh badass seems to be a guy with ‘tude, fighter, 50 Cent (and what just about
faced early 20s-something quasi-cur- disdain for others, who sees himself as every rapper aspires to be), many char-
mudgeon,” had images on the site of cooler than cool and tougher than tough. acters portrayed by Angelina Jolie (e.g.,
heavily muscled men slaying gigantic He is usually heavily muscled, probably Laura Croft: Tomb Raider, Wanted, Mr. &
and terrifying beasts, you know, your has tattoos, and is likely a big fan of Mrs. Smith; ironically, in real life, AJ
usual iconic badasses these days. Be- MMA and WWE (because they have big seems to fit my criteria for being a real
cause of my Ph.D. in Psychology and my muscles, tats, and are good at beating badass; see below), TO, and Ocho
work with elite athletes (many of whom people to a pulp). Cinco, and Barry Bonds (when he was
would be classified as badasses by most still playing). What so-called badasses
people), he asked me if I would like to Yes, girls can be badasses too (I use the can you come up with?
write a post about what being a badass word girls deliberately because I don’t
means to me and, intrigued, I accepted. think women can or want to be Like most American males wrapped in
badasses). A badass girl these days is the usual masculine insecurities and ex-
I thought a good place to start was to beautiful (or thinks she is), has big posed to role models of badassedness,
see how badass is typically defined. Not breasts (likely augmented), is tanned such as Rambo, the Terminator, and
a Badass
John McClane, I too was inspired to A real badass is driven by values such Batman is a badass, not because he is
badasshood. As a youth, I competed in- as responsibility, justice, honor, courage, rich, suave, handsome, and has a lot of
ternationally as an alpine ski racer, compassion, humility, kindness, integrity, cool gear, but because he suffered in his
hurtling down mountains at high speeds. and selflessness, which pretty much dis- life and devoted his life to justice. Iron
Later in life, I became a second-degree qualifies most every self-proclaimed Man is not a badass because, though he
black belt and tournament fighter in badass out there. has a lot of the same cool stuff as Bat-
karate. Still later in life, perhaps realizing A badass is someone who does the man (and is portrayed by Robert Downey
that I couldn’t fight my way out of every- dirty jobs, the jobs that other people Jr.), he grew up with a silver spoon in his
thing, I became a marathon runner and don’t want to do, for example, our troops mouth (though he did have father is-
Ironman triathlete, which gave me the and inner-city teachers. A badass is sues) and is a narcissistic show boater
option to either fight or flee. But none of someone who chooses the difficult road who does what he does for his own self-
these accomplishments made me feel because it is usually the best road. A aggrandizement (because he had father
like a badass because, I later figured badass is someone who goes against issues). Oh, and Clint Eastwood? Total
out, how most of America seem to think the grain and bucks the system. badass on screen and behind the cam-
about badasses isn’t even close to what A badass is someone who does what era.
defines a real badass. It wasn’t until I be- is right not what is easiest or what every-
came a father that I finally realized that one else is doing. A badass is someone The guy standing in front of the tanks at
everything we are told about what it who stands up for the weak and op- Tiananmen Square in 1989 was a
means to be a badass is completely mis- pressed, speaks the truth, and calls out badass. Whistleblowers are badasses.
guided and wrong and I finally under- those who lie, cheat, and steal. My mother who, while dying of cancer,
stood what it means to be a true badass. A badass is someone who takes a ”hit found a way to attend my wedding and
for the team,” meaning puts others’ died shortly after, was a badass. Staff
Badassness isn’t about all of the macho needs ahead of their own, whether a sol- Sgt. Robert J. Miller, the most recent re-
and macha things that are commonly dier in his platoon, a parent working two cipient of the Congressional Medal of
associated with being a badass. It isn’t jobs to give her children a better life, or Honor, was a badass.
about anything that pop culture says it a CEO who cares more about his em-
is because following that crowd (any ployees than his P & L statement during Now that we really understand what a
crowd) goes against everything that real an economic crisis. badass is, who are some real badasses
badassness stands for. that you can think of?
Business mentor chats:
Derek Sivers (founder of
text A.H.A.

During the summer and early fall of 2010, it all, (and didn’t try), so it’s all just been people: Tim Ferriss, Steve Pavlina, Eben
I was on something of a business/entre- meaningless numbers after that. Pagan, Tony Robbins, Morten Lund.
preneurship trip and so did a lot of re-
search in that area. This led me to seek There was an extra sense of security Tim Ferriss: I admire his self-experimen-
out (and sometimes acquire) the men- after about $500,000 when I realized that tation and unconventional approach to
torship of Interesting Dudes in that do- I could stop working and never earn an- consciously designing a life.
main, hoping to trade my naïveté and other dollar as of that minute, and I’d still Steve Pavlina: I admire his rationality
enthusiasm for their sage greybeard ex- be fine for a good 10-15 years from that and discipline. He’s ingested all the self-
perience and such. Derek Sivers struck point. That’s a wonderful feeling. help knowledge possible, and come up
me as a good candidate, as he was both with a very rational holistic philosophy of
a) filthy rich and b) highly personally de- But yeah – $20 million is just ridiculous. how to approach life.
veloped, fulfilling two of my life’s core That’s why I set it up in the charitable Tony Robbins: Probably my biggest in-
ambitions at that particular time. trust. Since keeping it for myself would fluence. Reading his books since I was
not make any improvement in my life. 19 really taught me that you can change
• • • • • the way you feel, think, act, or are.
To answer your question directly: it’s not There’s no such thing as, ”I can’t help
At one point you had $20 million dollars even that I adapted to it. It really didn’t the way I am!” Of course you can. You
in the bank account. What did this feel make a single ounce of difference in my can change your core beliefs, your emo-
like? Is is true what they say about he- life at all. tional responses to things, and anything
donic adaptation? Ie you quickly go back else.
to baseline happiness, even after such I already had everything I wanted, and I I don’t know anything about Eben
an event. don’t believe in having more than you Pagan or Morten Lund.
You chose to give away most of your • • • • •
money. Do you feel it is important to So – yes – it’s important to have limita-
have limitations in life so that one does- tions in life. Understand what’s best for How can a band maximize their groupie-
n’t feel like one is playing a video game you, and design your life accordingly. harvest potential? Ie I would imagine that
on God Mode? Just like too much food is bad for you, become world famous is the 100/100
so is too much money, too much stuff, way of maximizing sex appeal by social
The numbers in my bank account too many distractions, etc. proof, but what is the 80/20 way?
haven’t felt like money since about 2002,
when my bank account passed • • • • • For a band to maximize groupie-harvest
$200,000. Since I had paid off all my potential, there’s no one answer. The
debts, I didn’t even know how to spend What is your opinion of the following only real answer is to keep trying many
interesting things until something res- for its own sake. ”Let’s see what hap- • • • • •
onates. pens if...” We love the process, not just
the goal. Right now I am in my early 20s. My goal
• • • • • for when I am 30 is that I want to never
• • • • • have to work a day in my life, unless I
choose to do so. What is the best
What are some ways to generate catchy Are you familiar with the PUA commu- method to get me to my goal?
vocal melodies? (Something I am work- nity?
ing on figuring out myself at the moment). Find work you love and you’ll never work
Familiar with PUA, yeah. It’s meta-con- another day in your life. It’s all just play.
Catchy vocal melodies are shapes you siderate. The first level of consideration See
can draw. Don’t be a squiggly line. Have is giving people what they want. The
a point. Reach for the unexpected note. next (PUA) level is giving them what they • • • • •
The mind ignores what’s expected. didn’t even realize they wanted. Fasci-
nating psychology. You have said that business is at its core
• • • • • about testing the way the universe works
• • • • • and getting rewarded with money. What
What is your opinion of Scandinavia? an empowering view! Why do you think
Ever thought of moving here? The 10 best personal development/ many have an anti-business sentiment?
lifestyle design books?
I’m half Swedish, so maybe that’s why Business gets a bad rep because many
Scandinavia feels like home. Even Ice- 10 best __ books: no such thing. Differ- are only in it for the money. They’ve cho-
land. But home can lull you into getting ent for each person and at different sen work they hate, have no respect for
comfortable or even conforming, instead times in their life. My recent picks are at it, and only use it for a dumb reward.
of adventuring and challenging. So for with my 1-10 rat- Anyone who’s ever encountered these
now, I’ll seek the opposite. ings for each. people and these businesses can grow
disgusted at the whole world of busi-
• • • • • • • • • • ness. But setting up your own business
is like making a world. You can set the
What is your opinion of Linux and hacker Would you agree that we live in interest- rules. You can refuse to deal with these
culture in general? ing times? If so, why? disgusting ones, and finally see business
for how fun it can be.
I love Linux/hacker culture the most. All times are interesting times to an in-
We’re driven by curiosity and creativity terested mind. • • • • •
Tips for people (ie me & friends) who are Wake, study & practice Mandarin, write, of it as just fascinated with a subject.
just now starting up companies and are read, learn, communicate a bit, exercise Whether writing Chinese, flying model
totally freshfaced and without lots of a bit, talk with my wife a lot, read more, airplanes, investing, or learning Haskell,
capital, experience, connections? write more, sleep a bit. if something fascinates you, then it’s the
most wonderful use of your time and
For starting up companies, my best ad- • • • • • mind.
vice is to be ready to quit quickly. Pre-
pare to try many ideas without getting My main obsession in life is self im- • • • • •
too attached to any one. If you’ve been provement and trying to level up my
trying one for a while and people aren’t ”player character” every day. If I had lots How does one delegate effectively and
psyched about your business, let it go, of cash I would no doubt try to speed up manage teams of people?
shut it down, and do something com- this process by hiring the best coaches
pletely different. Even better: don’t even in the word in all the areas in which I Read
start a business unless people are psy- want to excel. Is this something you are SalesMachine
ched about the idea. If it solves a prob- taking advantage of?
lem for them, and can be profitable • • • • •
doing it, then give it a try. Until then, Yes, absolutely! We think alike, then.
keep testing ideas without spending too When I started making a lot of money I instinctively felt a lot of goodwill toward
much time or money on them. and was questioning what was worth you, from the first time I visited to your
spending it on, about the only answer website. And this just got reinforced
• • • • • that really stuck was training/coaching/ when I listened to interviews. Is this like-
improvement. ability something you have cultivated
What are you working on right now? meticulously (a la Sprezzatura) or do you
• • • • • just have a natural aura of goodwill or
Currently I’m learning Chinese, setting up something?
a new life, and answering your ques- You spent 11 years obsessing over how
tions. to sell music online. Do you think it is I’ve spent 24 years working hard on
necessary to be a bit OCD to success in being useful to others. It’s a good meas-
• • • • • business? ure of success, as long as you’re mak-
ing yourself happy first. So when I do or
What does a typical day look like for No need to call it OCD. That’s a manu- say anything publicly, I try to make sure
Derek Sivers? factured term to sell drugs. Instead, think that’s useful to people, too.
Do musicians get laid more?


• • • • •

Best 80s metal band?

Yngwie Malmsteen’s first album. :-)

• • • • •
now for something that you never ex- up with one idea, in his example, you
The net was a lot more underexploited pected enough people would be willing can either do that in a private conversa-
back in the 90s. Is it still possible to suc- to pay for. (Say, for example, paying tion between you and your publisher (in
ceed at ”obvious” ideas like ”sell CDs on- someone to be you online.) his case), or just by being somewhat
line” today? Or does one need to be public in the world and putting ideas and
extremely clever? What are some areas • • • • • efforts out there (in my case), to see
today where a new CDBaby type site which people seem to like.
could arise? A lot of entrepreneurs parrot the meme
that ”ideas are nothing, execution is • • • • •
Obvious ideas only seem obvious in everything”. I, growing up in the hacker
hindsight. (Twitter, Mint, webmail, etc.) culture, have a more egalitarian view What is your opinion on transhumanism?
Many times it’s just that most people did- where it is ideas AND execution that
n’t realize that enough people would matter. What is your take on this? Good No opinion.
want a service to exist. I couldn’t believe reading tip btw: http://www.iwillteachy-
nobody would sell my CD in 1997. The • • • • •
internet was already the subject of bad-advice/
everyone’s attention then, so the only Do you think the US is likely to collapse?
reason nobody was doing it before me is I really admire Cal Newport. What he’s
because they didn’t think there was a saying in that link is similar to what I was Yes. Expecting death makes you appre-
market for unknown artists selling just a saying about starting new businesses, ciate the present.
few CDs. There is definitely a market above. When taking two years to come
How to get
a girlfriend text Evan Marlowe, MD
Dean and Founder
of Man School

DISCLAIMER: Why do you want a girl- alone and having a single exclusive girl- bers, actually converting those into dates
friend? Do you feel lacking inside, and friend that inevitably ends in marriage can be an epic struggle. Places like my
hope a woman will complete you? Are (although the popular media and most hometown of Los Angeles are notori-
you lonely and lost, and seek compan- women may have convinced you that ously flakey, and it’s any wonder how
ionship and direction? Do you believe it’s these are your only two options). people ever hook up. Midgame is the
the thing to do because all your friends phase that occurs between getting her
are doing it? Got it? Ok. Time to expand your reality. contact info and closing the deal. It in-
cludes text game and conducting your-
Well, I’m about to spew my thoughts on The Relationship Arc self on the date so as to get her sexually
how you can get yourself a fine woman, There are 5 stages of a relationship, and aroused and emotionally invested.
but I need to first provide a caveat. The each stage requires its own unique skill
function of a girl is not to complete you, set. Stage 3: Endgame
the man. It is not her job to give you While the seduction may begin on day
direction or alleviate your loneliness. And Stage 1: Meeting the girl one, it ends when you are inside her.
you are not obligated to have a girlfriend You might find her while out and about, Endgame has its own set of hurdles to
simply because it’s the ”in” thing. or online, or while trolling for tail at the overcome.
bar. The ability to consistently pick up
Ultimately, you must be a finished prod- women through cold approach can take Stage 4: Converting
uct who is clear about his identity, his months to years to acquire. It requires a to a relationship
mission in life and his purpose; women combination of transforming yourself into If you want repeat customers, then you
will then gravitate to you. Take respon- an attractive potential mate (both inside need to satisfy them. Often, girls have
sibility for all this stuff, and never place and out), understanding social dynamics several other options, so for them to want
any of it in her hands. She doesn’t want and knowing how to effectively spit to continue seeing you means you need
it. And lastly, realize you have options: game. to fulfill their sexual and emotional needs
multiple girlfriends, monogamy, fuck and desires. You must be clear from the
buddies, friends with benefits, marriage. Stage 2: Midgame start what your intentions are with her, and
It’s not a simple choice between being Once you learn how to get phone num- seem capable of following through.
Stage 5: Maintaining pick-up artists that teaches guys exactly
these skills, and despite the stigma, this
a man worthy of the hottest, highest
quality women on the planet, and are
the relationship community is actually a self-help broth- you willing to do what it takes to get
Though you may think you have the girl, erhood; speaking from experience, I them? Or have you erected hurdles be-
your work is never over. She may be know it’s truly effective if you put in the tween you and your success with
tempted to seek out other men, or may work. I belong to Casanova Crew, and I women?
be preoccupied with other life matters, encourage you to join and find yourself
or simply become disinterested in dating some wings. 2. Physical attractiveness. Women like tall
you. It’s your job to keep the relationship men with certain masculine features like
fresh and stimulating. Cold Approach Pick-Up (CAPU) a wide jaw and strong physique. Obe-
When I got into the pick-up community at sity, bad skin and balding are turn-offs.
Where are All the Women At? the age of 37, I had done not a single You may look too old or too young. You
A 2009 survey conducted by cold approach. All my girlfriends came may not dress well. You may smell. Any
of couples revealed the following stats from being set up, or them hitting on me. of these things can send your results
about how people met each other: But I wanted more and better options, down the tubes. While you need to ac-
and so I spent the next 3 years working cept those parts of you that will never
36% at work and school my ass off to understand and gain com- change, you must also do what you can
26% were set up by friends and family petency at CAPU. to upgrade those areas that are cor-
17% met online rectable.
11% met at bars/club/events It seems easy enough. Go to a bar, talk
to a hot girl, get her number, take her 3. Logistics. If she lives an hour away or
Personally, I never date girls I work with, out, make her your girlfriend. Truth is, you have no car, then odds of dating her
because if things go wrong, life be- this sounds a lot easier than it is, for a drop. You should always try to stack lo-
comes awkward to unbearable. But then, variety of reasons. You have four main gistics in your favor such that dating be-
I have the ability to walk into the real ways to fuck it up. Here they are in what comes low investment for both of you.
world and bring into my life the women I I consider order of importance: But sometimes there are factors beyond
desire. Most guys have neither the abil- your control and you lose the girl.
ity nor confidence to consistently pick up 1. Inner game. This phrase, coined by the
girls in social settings, and might likewise community, encompasses everything in- 4. Outer game. This term encompasses
have difficulty with online game. Which side you that makes you attractive to everything on the outside that makes
leaves being set up on blind dates. Noth- women. It is pervasive in all you do, from you attractive to women. Technically, I
ing wrong with that, but then you’ve your body language to texting to how would place physical attractiveness
placed yourself at the mercy of others. you react to her tests. Confidence, as- here, but aside from that, this would in-
sertiveness, detachment from outcome, clude charm, lines, ability to banter and
So let’s accept that the majority of rela- being present, sexual energy, power and vibe, and smoothness of physical esca-
tionships are born out of blind dates and clarity... To name a few aspects. If any lation.
work/school. If you can find girls through of these factors are lacking, girls are
these resources, good for you. Other- likely to move on to a man who has his To gain competency at CAPU, you will
wise, I recommend you cultivate your shit together. Think of it as you out there need to invest no less than two nights a
online and cold approach skills. There is selling a product. Do you fully embrace week, every week to begin with. You will
a flourishing world-wide community of your product? Do you consider yourself need to hit the bars and clubs hard, fig-
uring out why you’re not hooking the in- vibe (meaning, have casual conversa- part integrity, part ownership of who you
teractions or moving them forward. You tion), or run a series of routines, or a lit- are. Women have an outstanding ability
will have to drop your ego and take care- tle of both. For those who don’t know to sense incongruence, and they’ll call
ful notes of the limiting beliefs and ex- how to vibe or who run out of things to you out about it at best, stop talking to
cuses running around in your head. You say, routines are extremely helpful. Head you at worst.
must push yourself past any approach over to my other site,,
or social anxiety, to become a person and download the free ebook that con- 3. The tip: game. It’s not enough to have a
who is comfortable and relaxed walking tains a chapter full of routines. Try out great lifestyle and a rich identity, nor is it
up to and chatting with any random hot dozens of them until you find the ones enough to act congruently. You must
girl in any situation. that work for your personality. then sell the product effectively, learn
how to pitch yourself in a way that
There are many ways to approach a girl, Vibing could take up an entire article by makes you attractive. As with any skill,
but let’s focus on my favorite, the play- itself, but I’ll summarize it by saying this takes time, persistence, hard work
ful direct approach. Using this, you show being good with women means being and experimentation.
your intent in a fun way, and almost al- charming and seductive. It doesn’t mean
ways if you practice it enough times, it making friendly chit-chat that leads Realize that dating is to a large extent a
will hit. Here are a few examples: nowhere. numbers game. Yes, as your flow im-
proves and you appear physically more
The Elbow Opener. Approach a girl and say You, the Product attractive and seem more confident, you
with a smile, ”Wow you have really cute Back to the concept of selling yourself will find yourself with a greater selection
elbows.” Typically she will laugh and look as a product. I look at each guy as a of women to choose from. But finding
at her elbow. Follow this up with, ”you pyramid. There are three layers: that one unique girl who clicks with you
probably get that all the time.” She will and vice versa may take thousands of
generally deny this, in which case you 1. The base: you. This is who you are. The approaches and dozens of dates.
call her a liar and then tell her your car you drive, what you look like, your
name, ask for her name, and shake job, your social circle, your wrist watch. Charm
hands. Growing up as a doctor, I always as- There really is no more potent a tool at
sumed I could hand my resume over to your disposal than being a charming
Dangerous Shoes. If she’s wearing dress women and they’d be impressed. Girls mother fucker. Some dudes are just nat-
shoes or boots, look at her feet and tell don’t work that way. You could have all urally charming, some radiate charm
her, ”Those shoes are dangerous. Pure your ducks in a row in life, and still be simply by the way they look.
evil.” Say it in a playful, flirty way, then unattractive. Yes, improve your base, but
move on to the name exchange. realize this is simply the foundation. For the rest of us, charm is a thing we
must learn in order to get good with girls.
Wrong altitude. If she’s a lot taller or shorter 2. The middle: congruence. If you’re an ass- I have actually studied it, practiced it,
than you, say, ”You’re cute, but you’re hole, own it. If you’re shy, don’t pretend and watched how incredibly effective it
totally the wrong altitude for me.” Again, you’re not. If you want multiple girl- is. I’ll break down this process of be-
shake her hand and exchange names. friends, stop talking like you want exclu- coming charming, as I see it:
sivity. Don’t let it affect you if you’re
Once you’ve approached, you can either short. Congruence is part authenticity, 1. Observe and study charming people.
With youtube, you can look up interviews Girls may sense this power in the way trying to establish rapport, then she is
and performances and rewatch seg- you talk about women, or in how you more invested.
ments until you discover trends. Some gaze at her lips and eyes as you speak
examples include young Marlon Brando, to her, or the ease with which you touch I have devised a five-point system which
Colin Ferrell, Paul McCartney, Brad Pitt her sensually. Most of this falls under I call the Emotional Investment Scale
and Will Smith. Pay close attention to inner game, though it is possible to act (EIS) of text game. There are many ways
their eye contact, facial expression, seductively in spite of a faulty belief sys- to move a girl up the scale to higher lev-
tonality, body language, use of humor tem. els, and when she’s at a 4 or 5, flaking
and smile. will become less of an issue.

2. Study yourself in the mirror, on video Level 1. Dead air. She doesn’t respond at
and in audio recordings. Try to recreate all to you. Sometimes this means you
those charming qualities in your face, creeped her out, sometimes she has a
your energy and your voice. Then when new boyfriend, sometimes she’s de-
you’ve got it, go out and practice it with pressed. It’s pretty hard if not impossi-
women. ble to move up out of this level, so I tend
to cut these numbers loose.
3. Be present and fully enjoy the moment. Level 2. Almost no investment. She replies
Time and again, one feature I notice Text Game with things like ”lol” and ”haha” after a
among charmers is they seem to be en- Those who understand texting realize it couple hours have passed. She is put-
grossed in the moment, totally there, can be a way to establish intimacy, com- ting nearly zero effort into the exchange,
acting like the other person is the best fort and sexuality in a relationship. The but isn’t quite dead air.
thing since sliced bread. To be a end goal of text game is to cultivate a Level 3. Minimal investment. She does give
charmer, you’re gonna need to learn woman’s emotional investment in the in- longer replies, takes less time getting
how to be in your body and in the pres- teraction, such that she will look forward back to you, seems to be enjoying the
ent moment, not stuck in your head or to meeting up with you. exchange a little. Still, a high risk of flak-
worrying about the past or future. The ing exists.
classic book The Power of Now by Tolle Every woman has a baseline, and you Level 4. Moderate investment. Her re-
is a great place to start. can establish this through factors in- sponses are lengthy and immediate, she
cluding: the time between your text and qualifies herself to you as a potential
4. Glow with sexuality. There is a differ- her reply, the length of her responses, mate/girlfriend, she complies with sug-
ence between force and power. Forcing the fun she’s having replying to you, and gestions such as sending you a photo of
your sexuality sometimes works, but it her use of punctuation and grammar. herself. She seems very interested in
isn’t charming. Radiating your sexual en- For instance, if she repeatedly takes meeting up.
ergy with confidence and power is in- hours to reply to you, her grammar is Level 5. High investment. She reinitiates the
herent to charm. To get to this point, you sloppy and her replies are brief, she’s exchange, she asks you out, she replies
need to fully embrace your right and re- not that invested. But if she replies im- immediately to all your texts and fully
sponsibility as a man to hit on women, to mediately every time, constructs elabo- complies.
own your sexuality in spite of crap others rate responses that demonstrate a
may have put in your head all your life. willingness to share her feelings, and is Your goal with texting is to determine
where she is at any moment on this
scale, and to remain at or below that
level, while using tools that get her into
a state of greater investment. Once she
is invested, then you invite her out.

Timing is very meaningful with texting. I

usually suggest replying immediately to
any text a girl sends you, because it en-
courages her to reply quickly. But it’s
also important not to text her daily if
you’re in the early phase of midgame.
She should get the sense that you are
busy with other shit and other women,
and that you’ll reinitiate contact with her
because a) you miss her, and b) you
have carved out some time for her.
As such, I now only go on bar dates. the first half hour, but fairly soon you
There is a raging debate about calling Liquor loosens girls up and allows easier should be cuddling up with her, holding
versus texting. Because I use my text physical escalation. It is rare for me to hands, resting your hand on her thigh
exchanges to build intimacy and com- go on a date during which I am not mak- and possibly kissing her. Stay in that one
fort, I rarely have a need to speak on the ing out by the end. spot, or move her around the bar, but
phone. Every guy and girl, however, has don’t bounce to another bar or restau-
their own preferences. This date begins at 9pm at a bar. Keep rant if you can help it. If you create a
it low-investment for her, meaning don’t bubble of intimacy in a dark corner,
For a full explanation of text game, visit try to get her to drive an hour to come to chances are unlikely her mood will be and download my your place when she could drive 15 min- misdirected.
free ebook, Text Game Primer. utes to a bar near her home. The bar
should be intimate and not too loud, full You may want a second round of drinks,
The Date of people but not packed, with positive but certainly by that point you should be
Every guy has his favorite date. I en- energy. You want her to feel happy and intimate with her. If not, the date will
courage you to experiment with different sexual, without being distracted. probably fizzle out and she won’t be
kinds, including coffee, movie, dinner contacting you again. When you’re first
and bar dates. Typically though, a date Ideally you should pick her up, though getting your feet wet going on dates, I
should be considered successful when some girls are not comfortable with this recommend you err on the side of being
the two of you are making out and/or be- and would prefer meeting you at the bar. too aggressive. You will lose some girls
coming physically intimate, and either Meet her, buy drinks, and find a dark as a result. That’s ok. With time, escala-
planning the second date or leaving for booth in a corner to get cozy. You can tion on the date will become second na-
sex. keep physical contact to a minimum for ture and you can then ease off the
aggressiveness and let it unfold more you act sexually without romance, then you two are doing some playful misbe-
naturally. Adopt the mindset that she is she’ll think you’re just after her booty. havior as a pair. A great way to imple-
there on the date to get laid. The key then is to find a harmony of ro- ment this is by people-watching with her.
mance and sexuality, such that she is 4. The bubble. This is the sense that when
You must break down any wall between turned on in her heart, her mind and her you are with her, everything else in the
you two, and there are a few ways to go lady parts. world melts away. There is nothing more
about doing this: important than you and her in that mo-
Sexuality can be conveyed in many ment.
1. People-watching. Ask her if she likes to ways, including charm, physical escala- 5. The element of surprise. This one is huge.
watch people (she will say yes, since tion and dirty talk. One thing I should Give her gifts unexpectedly. They don’t
she’s a woman), then pull her next to point out is girls need a lot more nuance need to be expensive, just thoughtful.
you and start whispering in her ear than guys do when it comes to talking Likewise, random texts showing you’re
teases about everyone else in the naughty. Making suggestions about what thinking about her will work.
venue. Make up stories with her about you would do to her, and then letting her 6. Security. She knows you will be there to
who’s on a first date, and who works to- use her imagination, is far superior to take care of her, to hold her and protect
gether and at what job, et cetera. spelling it out in explicit detail. As a guy, her. Even if you can’t be there, she
2. Palmistry. I use a simple routine in every you may think that being explicit is a needs to have the feeling that this is
interaction, and it involves placing her turn-on, but generally that only works your desire and intent.
forearm in my lap as I read her palm. I when she’s already wet. 7. Compromise and sacrifice. Girls appreciate
have the full routine in my free ebook, when you sacrifice your time and energy
Introductory Pick-Up, at puafield- Romance is a complex art, and must be for them. Seeing some awful chick flick carried out just right if it’s gonna work. that she’s dying to watch – that is a ro-
3. Be blunt. Saying simply, ”come here, Here are a few of the many defining fea- mantic gesture. Be there for her, do nice
you’re sitting too far away,” and pulling tures of romance: things for her, but don’t overdo it. Don’t
her in is often enough to break that bar- be a guy who will drop everything at a
rier. 1. Be attentive to details. Remember and notice moment’s notice, or inconvenience him-
4. It goes without saying that if you two are things that are important to her. Listen self tremendously, for her every whim.
looking at each other across a dinner closely to her. 8. Chivalry. A subset of sacrifice is chivalry,
table, then you will have an enormous 2. Gestures. Often if you simply state to a being of service to women. Examples in-
barrier to get past. This is the worst sce- woman what your intention or desire is, clude offering your seat to a girl on a
nario. If a girl expects you to take her that gesture suffices as romantic. For ex- bus, pulling her chair out at the dinner
out to dinner on a first date, let her know ample, opening a door is an effortless table, and rescuing her (such as when
that’s maybe a second date thing, and task, but that gesture symbolizes your you show up at her work and kidnap her
insist on the bar date instead. desire to serve her. for the day).
3. Us against the world. You and she form a 9. The awwww factor. Things that make a girl
Romance and Sexuality union, and no matter what the world say, ”awwww.” Leaving rose petals on
Essentially, these two balance one an- may throw at you, that bond is unbreak- her pillow, teddy bears, fluffy puppy
other. If you are overly romantic without able. Along these lines is the concept of dogs. Many of the things that make men
being sexual, you can seem needy. If conspiracy: scheming up a plan where vomit.
10. Just because. Do things for her ”just be- evolutionary standpoint; they are pro- alone. You don’t need a bedroom, but
cause.” You appreciate her; that’s the grammed to spread their seed. Women, have some plan that includes a car, a
reason why you’re doing it. Let her know however, are programmed to be highly hotel room or even a park. Every girl is
you’re glad she’s in your life, which is it- selective since they risk not only nine different when it comes to level of com-
self enough of a motivator for you. You months of pregnancy, but then raising the fort having sex in strange and awkward
expect nothing in return. child. On top of this, girls are always con- places. Some love it, some don’t. When
cerned about picking up diseases, or los- in doubt, find a way to bring her to your
Endgame ing the guys who just want to hit it and or her place when nobody else will be
Seduction begins at hello. Sure, you can quit it, or attracting dudes who get super- around.
try being friends first and this will some- clingy after sex, or the stigma of being
times work. But the surest way to ulti- considered loose. The escalation to sex includes getting
mately seduce a girl is to lay the her aroused from kissing, playing with
foundation of seduction from the start. Naturally then, girls will screen out guys her and touching other erogenous
who are high-risk, clingers, losers and zones. Be aware that each girl requires
Being seductive encompasses how you betas. Expect tests and resistance, and her own speed and manner of escala-
move, act and speak. Gestures are typ- react to it with persistence but emotional tion. Some won’t kiss but will have sex.
ically slow, tonality is deep and volume is indifference. Do not become logical, do Some will resist until you find that one
low. Think ”bedroom voice.” Eye contact not argue about why she won’t put out, sweet spot (could be the neck, the knee,
is confident. do not give up at the slightest obstacle. the breast), and then the flood gates
Girls love assertiveness and dominance, open for you. Many girls require verbal
Sex happens not typically out of the blue especially when it’s emotionally and so- stimulation. Some won’t get undressed
for women, but as a result of hours of cially intelligent. until they see a condom, though they
being turned on emotionally. Unlike men, won’t openly admit this.
who get aroused in a linear fashion, A huge issue that undermines female lib-
women require ups and downs. Giving eration is the fear of being seen as a Have a rubber at hand at all times, in
attention, then withholding it. Making her slut. Men may not realize how powerful your car and wallet, and stashed some-
guess about your intentions, teasing her, this fear is, but it is ever-present among where you can get to immediately.
amping things up sexually and then let- women. Never make any comments that Sometimes spending as much as 30
ting her chase. cast yourself as judgmental, on sex or seconds looking for a rubber is enough
any other issue. Always take full re- to break her mood and cause her to
Girls who are attracted to you will test sponsibility for sex; you are the one back out of the seduction.
your resolve. These may be subtle like doing the pursuing, she is free from
trying to cast you as a player, or they may blame if sex happens, and in the end Many men, surprisingly, do not have an
be clear like not responding to your texts one thing lead to another. If she says, adequate knowledge of female anatomy
for a few days. Though it can be frustrat- “we’re not having sex tonight,” then you or orgasm. There are two main areas you
ing to deal with, this is a good thing. She probably are having sex, but she does- need to be aware of: the clitoris and the
likes you, so plow on. When it comes time n’t want you to think she’s a slut. G spot. Both are easy to find, although
to close the deal, you may get the great- many men have trouble. Read up about
est amount of resistance. Guys have little Most times, you will need to work out the them in books or online. My PUA Field
to lose from sleeping around, from an logistics such that the two of you can be Guide has a chapter devoted to sex.
Getting and Keeping
a Relationship
Though men are conditioned to believe
their only choice is monogamy that cul-
minates in marriage, this is not the real-
ity. You have many options of
relationships, and if you set the terms,
you can ultimately find girls who will ac-
cept them. If you lack willingness or ca-
pability in maintaining a monogamous
relationship, then don’t market yourself
as such. Have integrity and be clear
about what you expect from women.
They will respect you for this.

For our purposes, however, let’s assume

you want a single exclusive relationship. Some of the things that will keep girls Conclusion
You have dated dozens or even hun- coming back for more: I never said getting a girlfriend would be
dreds of women, and finally after much 1. Authenticity. You say what you mean and easy or simple. For some, it is. And cer-
searching, The One has come along. It’s your actions are in alignment with your tainly, you may have found yourself
time to get out of the game and invest all beliefs. stumbling from one relationship to an-
your resources in this girl. 2. Clarity. When you speak, it is apparent other though without having actual
you know what you want and expect. choice, the victim of who’s in your class,
Keeping that girl means satisfying her. 3. Romance. You remain inventive, sponta- at your job, or on the blind date.
You need to be there for her emotionally neous and passionate.
and please her sexually. You must be a 4. Her friends and family. You get along with You may have also found that when you
source of both tranquility and excite- those who are important to her. don’t have your shit figured out, great
ment. She needs to be able to relax as 5. Jealousy. You trust she’ll remain loyal, and women may give you a chance, but
a woman, trusting you will be there for don’t make an issue out of her having don’t tend to stick around long. The dat-
her as a man. platonic men in her life. ing market is fierce for guys, and women
6. Openness. You express your feelings and are often bombarded with propositions
One of the most quoted books on the sub- don’t stifle them or sugar-coat them. weekly, if not daily.
ject is David Deida’s The Way of the Su- 7. Relationship goals. The two of you are on
perior Man. Get it, read it, practice it. Aside the same page as far as where things To get that one special girl who really
from understanding male-female relation- are heading, and are open to discussing pushes all your buttons, you need to
ship dynamics, broaden your understand- the terms if needed. give her every reason to date you. The
ing of female sexuality. There are tons of 8. Sexual fulfillment. She has lots of great or- resources are out there to learn how.
books on the market on this subject, and gasms, and you keep her in a state of
I recommend those by Lou Paget. arousal when you’re around. Now go get her.
The Brave New World

Gone are the days when the words ’in- on which to do business, and to com- keep them up to date with new trends
ternet marketing’ conjured up images of municate. The ’Global Community’ de- and tools.
porn sites and geekie techno talk. While scribed by communications visionary
such sites still exist, internet marketers Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980) in the Any person (and nowadays even their
now operate in millions of niches, from 1970s had indeed become a reality. pets) can have a website, where they
poetry to health care. The surprising can record their thoughts, create an in-
thing though, is just who these mar-
keters are.
A New Type of Entre- teractive family tree, or sell physical or
digital products. And they can do this for
preneur Was Born the cost of a domain name (less than
The internet has changed the way we do
When 1994 Seems business and has created a global mar-
USD9) and hosting can be as little as
USD10/month for one site, or unlimited
Like Ancient History ket for whatever product or service we
sites for USD25/month from Hostgator
While almost every home in developed sell. Internet marketing, ’the use of the
countries has a least one computer con- internet to advertise and sell goods and
nected to the internet, most have sev- services’ was born, and its growth has
The internet has made it possible for any
eral if you include ’smart’ phones. (I been mind-boggling.
small business person, who had previ-
know I have 3 computers and one
ously relied on local customers, to have
iPhone – and every time a guest arrives, By today’s standards, those sales web-
a website – and sell to the world.
they are usually packing their own smart sites of the 1990s were immature – sim-
phone.) ple and text-based – but as with any
new technology it rapidly adapted. As Who Are These
It is difficult to grasp that it was as re- faster connection speeds became avail- ”Internet Marketers”?
cent as 1994 that the internet was re- able, they acquired the capacity to cope I’m sure many people will be surprised
leased from the shackles of with images, audio and video. at just who internet marketers are. Con-
governments, academia and industry pri- sider the:
vate networks – and put it within reach Sophisticated strategies, techniques and
of millions of people all around the world. tools have been developed and adopted • 10 year old who creates and sells ’vir-
It did not take long before the internet by internet marketers who rely on proven tual horses’ in a Forum filled with avid
became the most powerful platform ever experts [] to plays of a particular online game.
Of Internet Marketing
• Stay at home mom who conducts re- usually go to the marketers who work
search for website owners (selling their smarter and who draw on all the re-
services online). sources available to get their websites
the ’Holy Grail’ – Page One ranking in
• Physically disabled graphic artist who the search engines like Google, Yahoo!
can easily sell his designs for logos, and Bing.
website headers, ebook covers (and lots
more) from the comfort of his or her Domaining
home, to internet marketers who don’t The internet marketing creates profit
have such skills. models within itself – one of the most
recent, and lucrative, being ’Domaining’
• Retired executive who consults to on- [] – buying,
line businesses from his business niche, building up and then selling domains
or writes website copy and ebooks for (www’s). The world has realized that
them there is a limited number of key terms
available for use in domains, and these
• Person who knows how to bring offline high value or ’dynamite’ domains can
And then, sadly, there are the scammers
businesses online, and provides this fetch hundreds of thousands of dollars.
who are selling the impossible dream of
’how to make a million dollars in a
month’ snake-oil products.
Offline Consulting
• Writer/public relations professional who Can you imagine the number of offline
creates high level website copy and on- ’bricks and mortar’ businesses that exist
line press releases for both offline and Profit Models that do not have a website? There are
online businesses (that would be me!) Emerge Daily millions. And the reason that they do not
The exciting thing about internet mar- have them is because creating one is ei-
• People who can quickly identify trends keting is that the opportunities are there ther out of their skillset, or they simply
and new business models and monetize for the taking. Regardless of how many do not understand how having an online
them (these are the ones making the competitors there are in a niche, there presence can dramatically increase their
millions we often hear about). is room for more, the prize (profits!) will business.
”When I took office, only high energy
physicists had ever heard of what is
called the World Wide Web... Now
even my cat has its own page.”
- Bill Clinton

Enter the offline business consultant Information Products [] are yet an-
[] – a person Most people are an expert at something, other booming internet marketing busi-
who has learned the strategies needed whether it is baking cookies to mending ness.
to bring them online and knows either shoes to fixing cars. And there are po-
how to do this themselves, or has the tentially thousands of people interested If you see multiple websites selling the
resources on tap to be able to outsource in these things, some passionately so, same product, sometimes offering a
each component, from site creation to who will happily part with $10, $50 or bonus to buy from them, then they are
ongoing traffic generation. even $200 to learn more about it. almost certainly affiliate marketers.

Service Provision You may have a particular system for

Successful internet marketers realized Those who have a firm grasp of internet
generating traffic to websites, or a way
long ago that doing it all themselves was marketing techniques and are excellent
to make scones lighter and fluffier. What-
a poor use of their time, so now they communicators often fill the growing
ever you are good at there is an in-
outsource the tasks that are time con- need to coach newcomers to this dy-
structional ebook or video waiting to be
suming – tasks that prevent them from namic industry.
created and sold.
growing their business portfolio and
A word of caution here though, always
leveraging what they already have. I believe that particularly older people are check the credentials of the person of-
missing out on profits by sharing the fering to coach you. They should be able
This has created some great business knowledge that has taken them their to demonstrate their own success – and
models for service providers, including: whole lives to acquire. if they cannot, stay away from them, no
matter how successful they SAY they
• Website builders Affiliate Marketing are!
• Graphic designers These days you don’t even need a prod-
• Article and blog writers uct of your own to sell online to be suc- Learning the Language
• Search engine optimization (SEO) ex- cessful. Some top internet marketers As with most industries, the internet
perts have cut their teeth on selling other peo- comes with its own language, and this
• Transcribers and translators ple’s products as ’affiliates’ – virtual can be confusing at first.
• Public relations consultants commission agents.
I certainly found this to be the case, and
And this list grows all the time. Affiliates can earn between 10% and 90% assembled over time a Glossary of in-
commission on products (if there is a re- ternet marketing terminology, entitled
People with these skills have what it ally high commission it is usually be- ”What the @%!* Does THAT Mean?”
takes to build their own online empire – cause the merchant is attempting to which I offer free of charge to people
and when the workload gets too much, grow his client list in order to offer them visiting my website [http://www.Ker-
they recruit outsourcers to do the work something of higher value down the]. It’s amazing how
for them: they just manage the process. track). Affiliate management systems such terminology runs off my tongue
I’ve recently become acquai
nted with a young
man, Dave, who decided jus
t 6 months ago to
learn about making money
online. He signed
up to attend a high level
internet marketing
workshop. This was a really
brave thing for him
to do: he was not well educat
ed and knew lit-
tle else about the internet tha
n how to send an

He had an engineering tra

de, and was pas-
sionate about rally cars. Wit
h his trade back-
ground he was often able
to make special
parts for these cars – parts
that were not com-
mercially available.
now – and how nice it is to be able to
So, immediately after the wo
speak with others who ’get’ what I do! rkshop, Dave went
away and focused on learnin
g about internet
marketing from the ground up,
The Future Of cuts, and following the adv
taking no short-
Internet Marketing mentor. He has always bee
ice of his chosen
n a hard worker,
Because I write for so many internet and he worked hard at this
as well.
marketers, I am constantly amazed at
the micro-niches that are being targeted While he acknowledges tha
t he still has much
by them. to learn, Dave earns between
$200-$300 every
single day from his website.
Whereas when I started in this business
over 4 years ago, IMers would ask me to
write about ”Skincare”. Now I write about
”African American women with acne”.
Such is the competition for what is called
”keywords” – the words that consumers ”It used to be that if you wanted
enter into the search box when they ask
Google to provide information. sophisticated marketing tools,
you had to be rich. That’s not the
case on the Internet. Anyone can
Keyword and competitor research has
become the lynchpin of internet market-
ing, and superior keyword research tools compete, just at different levels.”
[] have evolved
to provide niche marketers with the in- - Chris Baggott, Compendium Blogware
formation they need to capture their tar-
get market.

Secure Payment Processing

Security concerns have, in the past, Kerry Finch provides writing services for
been an obstacle to people buying on- internet marketers, including the cre-
line. However, secure payment proces- ation of SEO articles and online media
sors have gone a long way to preventing With the variety of business models releases. She is an active member of a
fraudulent activities. In fact it is said to available, and the freedom that working high level internet marketing forum
be more likely to have your credit card from home allows, it seems certain that [http://www.evenfasterresults}. She can
details stolen when shopping in person, the future for internet marketing is as- be contacted via her website
than by shopping online. sured. [
text TOM CHITTUM aka Sgt Skull

Waiting for Armageddon

Are you tired of waiting for the post-Ar- by the New World Order shepherds of pot farmer AR-15 anarchy with barely a
mageddon world? London and Wall Street. semi-civilized pause in between. More-
My point is that because this place al- over, it is the ONLY geographic region in
Not to Worry, my brothers. There is a ready sucks in every imaginable way it is America where a blatantly illegal activity
place for us. nicely pre-adapted to the looming chaos accounts for a clear majority of eco-
and violence by existing chaos and vio- nomic activity. It’s maybe 150 by 100
Not to worry, I’ve got a damn good pre- lence. miles and it’s plainly the closest thing
view of what will replace the rotting car- America has to an Afghanistan.
cass of the American Empire. Many Before we focus on the specifics of the
areas of our Glorious Empire have been Emerald Triangle Armageddon let’s take The Redwood Run: Annual
spiraling down to Mad Max status for a short historical tour of this unique area. Outlaw Biker Woodstock
years but they are mostly concrete Ban- It was originally settled by people who Swarms of outlaw bikers frequent the Tri-
tustans and barrios so let’s take a tour of hiked over from Asia by way of Alaska. angle. The scenic, winding roads are
the only area where the white boys have Some assert that they displaced proto- great for weekend runs and there are
the bragging rights for thoroughly fucking Caucasoids who were already living plenty of remote spots for outdoor party-
up everything and where we can unsap there but that is a matter of dispute. In ing without being hassled by John Law.
and purify our natural mental fluids. any case by the time of the American Also, the Triangle is a great place to score
(first) Civil War the native Americans had wholesale quantities of weed and meth.
I am speaking of the so-called Emerald been massacred or driven to remote and There’s even an annual outlaw biker fes-
Triangle in Northern California. Most of undesirable areas. Today, Indians make tival in June where the various one per-
the nihilist libertine readers of Interesting up maybe five percent of the total pop- center gangs put aside their blood feuds
Times are doubtless familiar with its only ulation. Most know nothing of the low- for the sake of a multi-day party.
significant product, Marijuana. For any tech skills of their noble ancestors and
newbies the Emerald Triangle is the fol- thus will have no edge over their non-In-
lowing three counties in Northern Califor- dian neighbors in the coming turbulence. Plenty of Free Housing
nia – Humboldt, Mendocino and Trinity. Available for AK47 Repo
The Triangle was pretty much a shoot- From Pacifist Tree Huggers
The Emerald Triangle ’em-up cowboy and lumberjack frontier And then there are the assorted Earth
First of all, understand that this place culture until the post WWII prosperity Firsters and tree huggers. They gravitate
sucks from the conventional perspec- brought wide-spread use of automobiles to the Triangle because of the Red-
tive. If it weren’t for the unwelcome but and then the Seventies saw the mass woods. Some chain themselves in the
moderating influence of the outside immigration of counter culture pot grow- top of trees to prevent logging. A lot of
world it would instantly become Amer- ers. The point I want to emphasize here them are into ”off the grid” living and
ica’s Afghanistan – and that’s exactly is that the Triangle only experienced they build self-sufficient houses in the
what it will become when America is de- about thirty years of ”normality” from boonies including tree houses, log cab-
populated by the unstoppable economic about 1945 to 1975. It went from Dodge ins and every sort of off-the-wall shelter
collapse currently being foisted upon us City six shooter anarchy to Potsylvania their considerable imagination and tal-
in the Emerald Triangle

ents can conjure up. Because they tend while the more energetic break into cars as a refuge from the coming collapse.
towards pacifism most are unarmed and and homes, shoplift in the local stores or Basically, the place has already col-
their often excellent housing will be easy assault people in broad daylight on pub- lapsed so when the larger economy col-
to appropriate when things tip and do- lic streets. To be frank, many are simply lapses around it there will be scant local
mesticated poodles have to become hunted down and murdered by locals as effect. Your chances of survival in Pot-
feral wolves once again. a form of recreation. There are bodies sylvania will be better than in any urban
beyond counting buried in the Redwood area but neither is your pointless survival
Open Season All Year forests. And there is no better rag to the real purpose of this rant.
for ”Culling the Herd” keep you up to date on the fun and
Even the towns are fast slipping into games in the Triangle than the Arcata My brothers, life is not about creature
something resembling Mad Max sets. Eye. Click on the link below and then comforts. We are wolves who have been
Bears and mountain lions roam in and out click on ”police log” for the funniest guy born and raised in pens. We have been
at will. Pit bulls and rottweilers attack peo- in America not currently confined to a told that there is nothing in life beyond that
ple on a regular basis. These animals es- mental institution. which can be found within the physical
cape from the grow houses where they and mental pen of our existence, so-called
are kept as guard dogs and many are civilization. It was all a colossal lie and
simply abandoned by their owners. now even the rewards for conformity and
Homeless transients congregate on street And now we come to the professional groveling submission are about to be
corners. Syringes, human waste, wine weed farmers. These guys are armed snatched from us. I invite you to observe
bottles and used condoms are common against thieves who try to rip them off those around you who are deprived of
sidewalk decorations. Abandoned busses and if they so much as suspect you their Dog Yummies and Beggin Strips.
and recreational vehicles decorated with have evil intentions they will fill you full of Most will wither away to nothing and die
hippy dippy paint themes are scattered .223 caliber holes and your carcass will begging and whining for their accustomed
here and there. The Triangle is a sort of disappear down a hole in the boonies rewards. Going the wolf route will never
refuge for self-selected rejects and rene- and the local underfunded police could- even occur to them and most will recoil in
gades that have been driven out of civi- n’t care less. Before you upstake and utter horror if you mention it to them.
lized areas all across America. head for the Triangle to grow weed read
the following link carefully (Life in Pot Myself, I intend to move to the Triangle
The locals refer to unemployed outsiders Growing Country) even if you don’t in- before The Collapse – not to grow pot
as ”travelers” – even the ones who tend to grow any. but simply to be rid of all the whining of
squat more or less permanently in the all the sniveling, begging urban curs
area. These vagrants camp out on the while they starve to death.
edges of the towns and in the public ica/2002_jun/pot_county.html
forests. Their illegal camp sites become Yet another uplifting article from Sgt Skull
mini garbage dumps and they often die I’m not the least bit interested in en- to bring us that cheerful Christmas spririt.
of drug overdoses or exposure. The couraging or discouraging pot farming in The author can be contacted at tomchit-
lazier ones panhandle on street corners the Triangle. One aspect of my interest is

It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about n’t have to do either of these things. The Problem
dating women, closing a business deal, Confidence is being (and acting) relaxed The challenge is these two qualities are
or jumping out of an airplane. Confi- and at ease. ones men tend to skip over. Men usually
dence, and its fraternal twin brother, out- try to focus on technique and compe-
come independence, are critical to your Outcome independence means you lit- tence, rather than confidence. If you are
success and long-term happiness as a erally don’t give shit. On that date with very technically skilled, but are inwardly
man. The good news is these two qual- Ms. Hollywood, you don’t care if you insecure, your technical skill will only do
ities are so lacking in men in the modern ever see this woman ever again. You so much for you. As a business consult-
era, just being a little better than aver- don’t care what she thinks about you. If ant and professional speaker, there are
age will garner you huge advantages she rips off her clothes and throws her- men who I compete with in the business
over your competition. Be amazing at self at you, or she ends up calling you world who are more competent at the
them, and the world is your oyster. an asshole and storms off, never seeing technical specifics than I am, sometimes
you again... it’s all the same to you. You extremely so. Yet I make more money
Confidence and just don’t care. There are plenty of other and work less hours than they do, be-
Outcome Independence gorgeous women out there for you (and cause my confidence and outcome in-
Lets define what we’re talking about. plenty of other CEO’s). dependence operate at higher levels. Of
Confidence means you can sit across course there’s nothing wrong with being
from a Hollywood-level gorgeous woman Confidence and outcome independence technically competent; you need that
on a date or CEO of a Fortune 500 com- are very, very attractive qualities to too. But you see my point. (Plus, you can
pany during a business meeting and be women and men alike. As a matter of always subcontract out competence...
totally relaxed and unafraid. Confidence fact, the more attractive and desirable a but you can never delegate confidence,
is demonstrated by things like talking woman is, the more attracted she will be and confidence pays more. A lot more.)
slowly and deeply, slow movements, to men who demonstrate these two Similarly, the dating industry/seduction
solid eye contact, a relaxed, kicked-back qualities. Confidence and outcome inde- community is full of young, excited guys
demeanor, laughter, and a big smile. pendence, when combined, are literally who have all the techniques, all the
Confidence is not ”acting cool” or ”acting a love potion that works almost every moves. Far more than I ever did. I’m
tough”. No, a truly confident man does- time. sometimes amazed at these guys’ en-
”Confidence and outcome
independence, when combined,
are literally a love potion that
works almost every time.”
cyclopedic knowledge of pickup. But insane over. This is the kind of guy who 1. Learn exactly what confidence and
they rarely get laid. Why? Because they started screaming at the teacher when outcome independence look like.
feel nervous or unworthy (not confident) he got an A on his report card instead For confidence, study any James Bond
and really, really want to ”get this girl” of an A+. movie, any old Arnold Schwarzenegger
(not outcome independent). So while action movie, and study men in movies
they’re focusing on learning new tech- The man who is confident and outcome like Morgan Freeman, Ed Harris, and
niques, I’m having sex with three or four independent, rather than just confident, Sean Connery (there are many other
different women a week. not only gets results, but gets them eas- good examples of confident men in
ily, smoothly, with out a lot of work or movies and on TV... choose as you like).
Why You Need Both problems. He gains more, works less, Another fantastic example, and one of
You might be wondering why I focus on and is happier. That’s how you want to the templates I’ve used myself, is the
both confidence and outcome inde- live! character of Christian Troy on the TV
pendence. Isn’t confidence enough? show ”Nip / Tuck”.
Confidence alone is great, but it’s not How To Do It
ideal. A guy who is confident but not out- You may already be a confident, out- For outcome independence, study guys
come independent is able to walk up to come independent guy. That’s great, in movies like Jim Carrey, Kevin Kline,
a gorgeous woman, start talking to her, keep it up, and keep improving. But what and especially James Woods, the ab-
and attract her. But if she later doesn’t if you’re not? How do you develop con- solute king of outcome independence.
return one of his phone calls, he’s furi- fidence and outcome independence if The two best movies to study James
ous. Online, you’ve probably heard you don’t have it? You can’t just tell Woods, to learn what true outcome in-
recordings of ranting voice mails angry someone ”be confident” or ”just don’t dependence looks like: The 1988 film
men leave on women’s voice mail care what she says!” Clearly that won’t ”Cop”, and the 1994 film ”The Specialist”.
boxes, and this is what I’m talking about. work. So you have to act confident and ”Cop” is insane, dark, and beautiful.
These kinds of guys feel angry, almost outcome independent and practice ex- James Woods is doing things like mur-
attacked, if people don’t do what they uding those qualities. Keep acting this dering suspects, telling his boss to go
want. They can close business deals, way, and you will eventually feel this fuck himself, having S&M sex with wit-
but the ones that have problems they go way. Here’s how: nesses, and whatever he damn well
pleases (it also has one of the best end-
ings in Hollywood history, by the way).

In ”The Specialist”, the movie itself isn’t

that great, but it’s fascinating to watch
the contrast between confidence and
outcome independence. If you watch it,
notice the clear difference between the
confident-type villain (played by Eric
Roberts) and “don’t give a shit” villain,
played by Woods. It’s great.

There is one guy that even beats James

Woods if you want to do a little digging.
The BBC science fiction television series
”Dr. Who”, back in the 1970’s, had the
main character played by a guy named
Tom Baker. If you want to see outcome
independence in action, this guy was
amazing. Rent or buy some DVD’s (they
are still being published), try to ignore the
terrible 1970’s BBC special effects, and
watch this guy. This guy did not give a
shit. He was a genius. If James Woods is
the outcome independence king, Tom
Baker was the outcome independence James Bond, Arnold Schwarzenegger, lean back, and completely relax. Don’t
god. James Woods, or Tom Baker when I was slouch (that’s actually leaning forward).
communicating with a woman. Nowa- Lean back. Don’t lean forward like you’re
2. Walk around your house, in front of days it’s embedded in who I am so it’s interested, and don’t sit up ramrod
the mirror, and in front of friends, emu- automatic, but I had to practice. straight like you’ve spent 10 years in the
lating how these men move, walk, and marines. Lean back. Chill. Act like you’re
talk. 3. Control your body language. the owner of wherever you are... the bar,
Literally practice this. Do it over and over Whenever you walk, imagine a string at- club, restaurant, office building, wher-
again. Years ago when I got started in tached to the top of your head, pulling ever (I always do).
the seduction game, when I felt myself you upward like a puppet. This will force
drifting, I would sometimes channel you to walk very differently. When sitting, 4. Go out of your way to place yourself
”Plus, you can always
in situations where you can (or must)
practice confidence.
Ask a lot of girls out. Go on lots of first
dates. Schedule meetings or lunches
with rich guys, or business leaders, or
subcontract out competence
politicians in your area. Tell your dad,
who you’ve been scared of your whole
life, to go screw himself. No, we’re not
...but you can never delegate
talking about going bungee jumping or
becoming a full contact MMA fighter.
confidence, and confidence
We’re not talking about overcoming fear
here, we’re talking about creating confi-
pays more. A lot more.”
Push yourself to get into confidence- night. I don’t care if you are nervous as There are always other women, there
growing situations. I started with nothing hell inside. Act the part. Your objective are always other prospects, there are al-
at age 18 and was making six figures by is to practice acting confident and out- ways other adventures out there waiting
my mid-twenties, and this was one of come independent. (And hey, if you end for you. Have an abundance mentality!
the key reasons why. I pushed myself up having sex with her, have at it. I won’t (But that’s another topic.)
even when it didn’t feel good, even tell.)
when I wasn’t in the mood. Do these things on a regular basis, and
6. From now on, when you communi- the damndest thing will start to happen.
5. Go on a fake date. cate with attractive women or potential You’ll actually start to feel confident and
If you really want to make this work, and business contacts, practice confidence less worried about ”what’s going to hap-
still don’t think you’re quite there, once and outcome independence at all times. pen” or ”getting it right”.
you think you’ve got these mannerisms For example, when sending an email,
down, pick out your ugliest female friend actually re-read it and ask yourself ”Am And your results in all areas of life will
and take her out on a fake date. If you I demonstrating confidence or nervous- soar.
want, explain what you’re trying to do. ness? Am I demonstrating outcome in-
Do not try to have sex with her! You dependence or neediness?” Soon, it will Blackdragon is a business consultant and
want outcome independence! You don’t start to become automatic. professional speaker by day, seduction
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3 ways to increase your intelligence
We live in fast fiberoptic times among a (Before we start, a thought: the Singu-
landscape made of information and of
”Though intelligence larity at the end of human history starts
the processing of information. Whether is not the be-all and with the birth of the first entity of super-
computed in silicon or in neurons, the end-all, it is one of the human intelligence. In all likelihood, that
sole currency of these sciencefiction meta-skills needed to entity will evolve from a human being liv-
times is the byte. How wealthy are you in ing today. Why shouldn’t it be you?)
this currency? How much of this re-
survive and thrive in
source can you stake your personal the cyberpunk future Hack number one is called hypercapnia.
claim to? How much information can you of today.” Within evolutionary theory, there is a
hold in your mind? Can you build a men- school of thought, now enjoying a resur-
tal simulacrum vibrant enough and com- group action is, there is still a place for gence, which holds that men evolved
plex enough to contain five chess moves individual genius. Different brains can from aquatic apes (not to be confused
and counter-moves? Or do you say, rarely communicate as harmoniously as with sea monkeys). The interesting thing
”Fuck that, it’s hard. What’s on TV?” can different parts of the same brain, about this theory is how this evolution is
and an individual genius like a Tesla or supposed to have happened. You see,
The ability to build information-rich cog- a Buddha can still transform the world. all mammals have a common diving re-
nitive models is called Intelligence. One flex, a reflex that expands the carotid ar-
of the tactics of evolution is Intelligence Though intelligence is not the be-all and teries and floods the brain with blood
Increase. And the whole history of our end-all, it is one of the meta-skills whenever breathing is suspended. This
evolution, both biological and technolog- needed to survive and thrive in the cy- is a prudent way to prevent brain-dam-
ical, can be seen as the increase of the berpunk future of today. The species age when oxygen is restricted. But the
complexity of our cognitive models. Our that thrives is always the one best reflex is not actually triggered by oxygen
species has accumulated increasing in- adapted to its environment. Complex, in- deficiency. Rather the trigger is a buildup
formation and complexity in chip and in formation-rich people thrive in complex of carbon dioxide. In nature, a carbon
neuron, and this has enabled the whole information-rich times. This article will dioxide excess nearly always goes
menagerie of the cyberpunk technolo- disclose to you, gentle reader, several hand-in-hand with an oxygen shortage,
gies. spells, rituals and neurohacks designed but as hackers we can exploit this loop-
to expand the horizon of the mind and hole to trick the body opening the carotid
Often this intelligence is distributed increase the complexity of your cogni- arteries by just breathing some extra
among large groups of hairless primates, tive simulations of reality. There are hun- CO2.
as when a car is being designed or Linux dreds out there, but these are three of
is being updated. But wonderful though the best. If you’re interested, get some baking

soda (also known as bread soda, but

never known as baking powder) and a
bottle of vinegar. Put a few teaspoons of
baking soda at the bottom of a 2 liter
milk carton or something similar. Now
pour in 100ml or so of vinegar. It should
fizz excitingly then settle down, filling the
bottle with carbon dioxide. Place your
mouth over the neck of the bottle and
take about three big breaths. Now
breathe normally (to prevent hypoxic
damage to the brain) and close your
eyes. Be careful with this; the idea is not
to cut off oxygen completely, just to mix
the air you breathe with CO2.

When you do this, you will experience a your noggin. Your brain will have better habit, ignore it and it fades away. With
feeling of consciousness expanding into blood-flow, enabling better thinking, and image-streaming, you are gonna rein-
obsidian space, like the night sky cov- friends and family will compliment you force the complex, three-dimensional vi-
ered with brightly-colored fireworks. If on how big and handsome your carotid sual constructs of the imagination. The
this reflex can turn an aquatic ape into a arteries are looking. most complex kinds of thought (like play-
human, why can’t it turn a human into a ing chess, designing machines or devel-
spaceman? Hack  number  two is called image- oping the Theory of Relativity) are done
streaming. The technique was first hit by visualising complex diagrams and im-
Every physiology student knows that upon by a fellow called Win Wenger, who ages. But there is a limit to how complex
carbon dioxide expands the carotid ar- writes books on creativity and intelli- the image can be before collapsing to
teries, but less well known is that when gence. Image-streaming is by far the leave only the pornography that I as-
this reflex is triggered repeatedly, the ex- best technique he has come up with. It sume forms the default background to
pansion eventually becomes permanent. is basically visual free-association and everyone’s mental imagery. Image-
Perform this hack twice a day and within works by the first rule of psychology: you streaming can push this limit upwards,
three months, your carotid arteries will get more of what you reinforce. Rein- allowing you to visualise more complex
permanently be supplying more blood to force a habit and you get more of that images more vividly. It is not only an In-
”The Singularity at the end of huma
first entity of superhuman intelligen
evolve from a human being living

telligence Increase spell, it is an Imagi- that image-streaming can add 20 points can improve memory, concentration and
nation Increase one. If you do any sort of to IQ scores. A more well-known tech- performance in mental tasks.
practice that involves visualisation (like nique could probably bag you another
kundalini yoga, magickal rituals, or just 20: nootropic drugs. These are molecu- The standard terminology calls the plants
because the guy you’re talking to is bor- lar Intelligence Increase agents that usu- that make you sharper ’adaptogens’ and
ing and it’s more amusing if he appears ally act as catalysts encouraging the the chemicals that do so ’nootropics’.
to have a monkey on his head) then neurotransmitter-factories in your brain This implication that they are two differ-
image-streaming will make these images to work faster, or act as feedstock to in- ent things is misleading and ridiculous –
better. crease the output of these factories, or but nobody consulted me when these
quicken transport of the end product terms were invented and, to my eternal
It works like this: lie back, close your around the nervous system. outrage, I am forced to express myself
eyes, get a tape recorder (though you’re through a language that I did not invent.
probably more likely to use your phone Nootropics, despite the hype, the confu-
to digitally record your voice, you cyber- sion, and the obfuscation of marketers, There are many good resources on
punk you) and start describing the im- are quite real. They have gone largely nootropic drugs, including Ward Dean’s
ages that float into your mind. Don’t just unnoticed by a culture with a strong two books on the subject and the forums
say what each image is; describe de- taboo against psychoactive substances. at The interested reader is
tails. Spend about a minute on each Several times I have read mainstream referred to these for a more in-depth
image, or a little more or less depending bioethicists wondering about what we treatment; but I can give here a rough-
on what feels right to you. Breathe rhyth- should do ten or twenty years in the fu- and-ready formula for those who don’t
mically and keep your body still as a ture, when Intelligence Increase drugs care about the science and just want re-
corpse – this helps concentration. Prac- become available. Meanwhile, for the sults.
tising twenty minutes a day works well; past thirty years, a small vanguard has
you’ll see results within a week. As you been silently swallowing little blue pills Idebenone, piracetam, aniracetam, and
get more advanced, you can build up and orange powders that put them at choline precursors are some of the more
the solidity of the images, making them the steering wheel of their own neuro- useful chemicals. Piracetam is the best
three-dimensional and including all the chemistry, allowing them to rev up their known, most widely available and best
senses. Three-dimensional constructs intelligence into higher speeds and more tested nootropic. 1500mg three times a
can hold a lot more complexity than two- precise performance. And – unknown day will do the job. Aniracetam is its
dimensional ones, so they are especially even to this vanguard – for thousands close cousin and works synergistically
useful for Intelligence Increase. of years before that, yogis, herbologists with it. 750mg twice a day works well.
and witches had been supplementing Idebenone is my personal favorite – an
I don’t believe in IQ, but a study found with chewy leaves and hairy roots that orange powder taken in six 45mg doses
an history starts with the birth of the
nce. In all likelihood, that entity will
today. Why shouldn’t it be you?”

a day (i.e. a finger-dab six times a day). There are many other nootropics that are getting pepped up on caffeine, you can
worth looking into, but these ones will really energize your organism with these
Acetylcholine precursors include choline, give you a good taste of what Intelli- plants.
DMAE and centrophenoxine. Choline is gence Increase can feel like. You will
cheap and easy to get. DMAE is annoy- find colorful brilliant ideas jumping out of Mucuna pruriens is an excellent plant.
ingly hard to get, too expensive and of- the void. When faced with a question, The seeds contain hearty doses of lev-
fers no special benefits. you will go into a deep states of con- odopa, a precursor to dopamine, one of
Centrophenoxine is the rarest, but does centration in which your emotions sit still the most important neurotransmitters.
offer benefits beyond what simple and while your mind zips around the as- Taking 4-6 seeds with each meal im-
choline can serve up. tral plane to the answer. You will have proves a lot of cognitive parameters and
stronger, clearer mental images. fills you with manly energy – far superior
Besides improving performance at men- to the unsatisfactory stimulation of up-
tal tasks, acetylcholine precursors also One of the most interesting effects I no- pers or coffee.
give you unbelievable dreams. (Dreams ticed from nootropics (a side-effect of
are mostly acetylcholine signals propa- faster, sharper thinking) was a huge im- These adaptogens and nootropics are a
gating through the brain.) I suggest vary- provement in wit and sense of humour. key strategy in taking navigational con-
ing the doses randomly, to prevent the I have seen people jump through all trol of your own neurochemistry. After all,
body from habituating. 100-500mg of kinds of strange hoops in vain attempts if you don’t control this, the basic sub-
choline a day, or 200-3000mg of centro- to deliberately strengthen their funny- strate of your mind, then they will control
phenoxine a day are quite suitable. No bones, so it’s very interesting to find that it for you! Seize control of your brain
need to take both. there is just a pill you can pop that chemistry and everything in your life –
makes you funnier. and the lives of those around you – will
Companies that sell nutritional supple- benefit.
ments charge outrageous mark-ups. Of the plants, ocimum sanctum, bacopa
They take sacks of raw chemicals and monnieri, withania somnifera, gynos- There you have it – three quick brain
package them into tidy little capsules to temma pentaphyllum, rhodiola rosea and hacks that’ll increase your intelligence
make them look small and precious so eleutherococcus sentococus have more than mainstream psychology
they can charge you ten times what the demonstrated their Intelligence Increase thinks possible. Of course, all these are
actual chemical is worth. virtues in studies. What I advise is to buy dwarfed in power by the Intelligence In-
Try to get a group of people together, these by the pound from somewhere like crease capacities of the mystical Qa-
perhaps on a discussion forum, and buy and keep them in your balah, but I’ve just run out of column
raw chemicals in bulk from wholesalers kitchen beside the kettle. Most of them space.
on Alibaba. make decent herbal teas, and instead of
Why you already live in a text MADHILL

Our perception of a cyberpunk future is homeless people living in the tunnels be-
shaped by the foresight of luminaries neath Las Vegas or the judicial outcasts
like William Gibson, Neal Stephenson hiding behind the walls of Kowloon City
and Bruce Sterling. Their vivid scenar- in Hong Kong.
ios of ubiquitous computers, high tech
weaponry, corporate tyranny and social You have the privilege of immersing
disintegration have never been closer to yourself in the virtual world of a 3D home
reality than in the world of 2011. entertainment center while totalitarian
states move closer to absolute control.
Here’s a few facts that will make you The U.S. China, Iran and Israel deploy
question the very fabric of our contem- advanced systems for information con-
porary existence and learn to embrace trol and enforce strict regimes of hidden
the promise and perils of an increas- censorship. This makes them vulnerable
ingly cyberpunk reality. A reality filled to sabotage.
with high technology run by low life.
The recent attacks on Iranian industrial
The preferable virtual reality in the hands of global companies, mili- control systems suggest that viruses like
Much has happened since the term ”cy- tary intelligence and the mafia. Stuxnet are only the beginning of cyber
berpunk” was coined by Bruce Bethke[1] sabotage against industrial infrastruc-
in 1980. Since those early days of cy- Cyberpunk literature often portrays the ture. Outsourcing national cyberwar ca-
berpunk your life has slowly been trans- future as bleak, dirty and sterile at the pabilities could potentially destabilize
formed into a real cyberpunk world. The same time. The few freedom fighting in- established international relations. Iden-
hallmark of a cyberpunk society is the dividuals left escape the control grid with tifying the enemy becomes complicated
iron fist of the information overlords. high tech gadgetry. The sophistication of when states hide behind proxy hackers.
Their clenched metal fist controls the en- your latest media gadget keeps you oc- Obvious targets in a hostile cyberwar
tire spectrum of media. Control of infor- cupied while the unemployable nomad may not only be nuclear reactors, but
mation is their key to the control of hordes riot outside your guarded com- also surveillance and communication
populations. Any sensitive documents munity. The only thing keeping them satellites or the missile defense shield.
you may have on companies or govern- from you is the lethality of your robotic
ment entities will be stopped by court in- security dog. There is a thin veil of digi- The cognitive weapons race
junctions. The control of information lies tal eye candy between you and the All this is something you don’t need to
occupy your already overloaded sensory
system with unless you’re enhancing ”The hallmark of a tech industry and no cheap entertain-
ment for the masses.
your cognitive abilities with wakefulness cyberpunk society
drugs like Modafinil. Increasingly per- The collapse of the industrial world will
sonalized medicine and cognitive drugs is the iron fist of go in tandem with the collapse of the
are heating up a mental weapons race.
Cognitive neuropharma results in stu-
the information natural world. The present financial crisis
has led investors away from high risk
dents relying on drugs for exams and an overlords.” stock trading to low risk commodities.
increasingly competitive job market. This shift of financial focus has led to in-
creased speculation in the agricultural
In an atmosphere where every method is The impending resource depletion commodities market and food prices
accepted it’s no surprise that 80% of the While your professional life and recre- across the world are reaching an all time
US stock market is traded by high fre- ational activities increasingly resemble high. Most wars are therefore motivated
quency trading robots. The cognitive limit episodes of Star Trek, the resources by geopolitical leverage and access to
of the human mind is stretched to its lim- they depend on are vanishing. The in- resources. Manifestations of the im-
its while the race for profit never ceases. dustrial world is based on cheap and ac- pending collapse are everywhere if you
The speed at which orders are made are cessible energy sources. Many energy know how to decipher seemingly trivial
now of such importance that the geo- analysts argue that we are past the news.
graphical location of servers are a com- global peak production of oil, gas and
petitive edge for investors. coal. This will eventually lead to the col- Genetically tweaking
lapse of most energy intensive indus- our way out of the abyss
The promise of the super intelligent home tries. High end laboratories across the world
automation robot isn’t widely imple- are racing towards a cure for this pes-
mented. Instead our lives are filled with Adding to this looming systemic collapse simistic event horizon. Research in ge-
digital gadgets and software applications come Chinese amassing of rare earth netic engineering and synthetic biology
that support us like prostheses. Your life metals necessary for the production of is closing in on many of its goals. Bac-
is recorded and immortalized as an ac- microprocessors and electronics. China teria are redesigned or built from scratch
count on social media. Our minds are be- has export controls of these metals and to produce new products that defy the
coming artifacts for future generations to is accused by the US of price manipula- limits of nature. Applications range from
study on Facebook and Twitter. tion. No precious metals means no high new biofuels and production of medicine
to bacteria engineered to live on Mars.
”You are left with two
Genetic technologies are as common as options. Ignore the warning
computer technology. Almost 70 % of the
U.S. ”corn basket” contains genetically signs, take acting classes
and go make a fortune on
modified crops. Genetic diagnostics on
unborn babies are becoming the norm.
Sex selection and screening for inherited
diseases resemble the eugenic society
envisioned by Johan Galtung or the ge-
the latest internet fad or
netic class society in Brave New World.
Slow and subtle change is hard to rec- start digging the ditches

Striking the systempunkt [2]

for the final war.”
Cyberpunk societies are the natural
home of an underground resistance.
Only a few dissidents are willing to op- of the cyberpunk resistance. Based on Still unconvinced? Bullet points from a
pose the corporate sponsored govern- the theories of fifth generational warfare cyberpunk reality:
ment big brothers like NSA, GCHQ and these loose knit networks manage to
Echelon scanning through every com- neutralize the military might of standing • Big US banks do a deal with their
munication you will ever have. Being un- armies. cronies in the USG and Fed Reserve to
aware of the lies used to justify the steal $600 billion from the poor and mid-
shredding of civil liberties, the masses You are left with two options. Ignore the dle class.
are willingly sacrificing freedom for se- warning signs, take acting classes and • Geoengineering (weather manipulation)
curity. go make a fortune on the latest internet is considered an option and will be de-
fad or start digging the ditches for the ployed if the climate turns bad enough.
A few intelligent observers are exposing final war. Some practical means of re- • Nerds become sexy. ‘The Social Net-
the ongoing transformation of society sistance is still available; inverse surveil- work’ movie portrays the geeky founders
and assault on our liberties. Political lance and open source of Facebook as studs hooking up with
hackers, investigative journalists, Wik- counter-surveillance will diminish the girls. Online relationships become as im-
ileaks and Cryptome will not submit to power of state surveillance. The access portant as offline ones.
establishment secrecy. Leaderless re- to surveillance technology and critical • Increasing popularity of MMORGs like
sistance, anonymous hacking networks systems information will decide the end World of Warcraft. You can now truly cre-
and the facilitation of leaks are the tools game of the free society. ate another virtual self.
• Micro-outsourcing. Sites like allow users to cre-
ate an entire online business without any
face to face contact.
• Computer hacker Julian Assange of
Wikileaks, a character straight out of
Stephenson’s ‘Cryptonomicon’, takes on
the US Government and wins (so far).
• Norwegian hackers face prison time for
hacking a stock trading robot[3].
• Automated trading computers are lo-
cated in Siberia to beat the clock[4].
• Torrent-trackers like www.thepirate- stay online in spite of continuing
legal threats from the big media corps.
• Life extension, personalized medicine
and designer drugs are popular culture.
• Military drones and robots are endemic mg20827855.500-automated-traders-
on the battlefield. globalguerrillas/2004/12/the_system- eye-up-unlikely-locations.html
* Anarchistic neighborhoods like the punkt.html
walled City of Kowloon[5] and the Las Lby9P3ms11w
Vegas Tunnel Community[6]. norwegians-face-6-years-prison-time-
doing-what-hft-algos-do-us-every-single- 1326187/Las-Vegas-tunnel-people-How-
[1] day 1-000-people-live-shimmering-strip.html

How to not fail at

New Year’s
The only certainties in life: death, taxes People’s excuses for not meeting their are so undefined, how could you possi-
and... failing at your New Year’s resolu- New Year’s resolutions on willpower, or bly know on February 1st whether you’re
tions by February 1. not remembering, or some life occur- keeping it or not? And the rest are so
rence that comes up that throws them vague, there is no indication of what
How many times have you heard some- off track. The truth is, most people have would constitute success. How much
one set a New Year’s resolution that virtually no shot at keeping their New weight do you want to lose? How much
sounds something like ”This year I’m Year’s resolutions on January 2nd, due travel do you need to do before you’ve
going to finally get in shape.” Within two to mistakes made before willpower ever ”kept” your resolution? When, exactly,
weeks, you watch in amazement as they even comes into play. The key lies not in will you quit smoking, and how do you
wolf down an entire delivery pizza with a willpower or motivation, although those plan on doing it? With resolutions like
liter of soda. Where did things go wrong? things do play a role. Much of the chal- this, it’s no wonder the strong majority
Why do people have so much trouble lenge is in setting the goal itself. of people fail before March.
sticking to their New Year’s Resolutions?
Look at this list of the most popular New Put some thought into planning your
The entire practice of New Year’s reso- Year’s resolutions for 2010. goal. After all, if you’re actually going to
lutions has gotten a bad name, simply 1) Lose weight spend several months to a year achiev-
because of how badly people fail at 2) Be happy ing the goal, it warrants at least a couple
them. It’s gotten to the point where you 3) Fall in love days thinking about the goal to make
have a better chance meeting a goal 4) Get a job sure it’s the right one. Also, the less time
that you set in April or October, simply 5) Travel you put into selecting your goal, the less
because New Year’s resolutions are ex- 6) Quit smoking invested you are in the goal, and the
pected to fail. New Year’s resolutions 7) Love easier it is to cast to the side.
have become something to discuss over 8) Get married
eggnog during a holiday party rather 9) Find love The first and most important step in set-
than a true period of reflection and de- 10) Lose my virginity ting a New Year’s Resolution is setting a
termination of how this year is going to good goal. What is a good goal? First,
be better than the last. You make the Notice anything about these resolutions? you need to know exactly what it is you
resolution in January and then joke Five of the ten resolutions involve falling want to accomplish, and by when you
about how quickly you broke it in mid- in love, getting married, or having sex – want to accomplish it. It needs to be
February. In a recent study by the Uni- things that require the actions of another something that is completely under your
versity of Minnesota, 80 percent of person – they’re not even under the control to accomplish, i.e., it does not re-
people give up on their resolutions within control of the person making the resolu- quire luck (I resolve to win the lottery!)
two months. tion. Some of them, such as ”be happy,” or the actions of another person (I will
get married this summer although I’m
not dating anyone currently!). And you
need to be able to tell when you’ve ac-
complished it (am I ”being happy” yet?).


There is a great instrument to use when
crafting a goal that gives you the great-
est likelihood of success.

SMART is an acronym that stands for

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realis-
tic, Timely. Let’s look at each of these in
the context of the most popular goal for
2010, losing weight.
2) I am reducing my caloric intake from performed per week, and the average
Specific – Instead of simply saying ”I more than 2500 calories per day by 100 calories consumed per day. For some of
want to lose weight,” get specific with calories each week until I am eating the other goals – if you really want to
your goal. What exactly is it you want to 1700 calories per day. get married or fall in love, you could say
do? Do you want to lose pounds, or 3) I am going from 204 pounds down to ”I’m going to request one date per
body fat? Is it a goal weight you want to 180 pounds over a six month period, week,” or ”I will send out 3 emails per
get to? Are you going to go to the gym with my waist size going from 38 inches week on X dating site.” The best goals
and lift weights? Go jogging and join to 33 inches. are measurable in small increments so
Weight Watchers? Nail down not just you can see within a week or two
your goal but how you are going to Measurable – Having your goal be whether you’re on pace.
achieve it. Instead of ”I’m going to lose measurable is closely tied to having it be
weight this year,” your goal should be specific. How do you know if you are Attainable – This goal seems self-ex-
more like this: meeting your goal? Using the example planatory – you obviously want to set a
from above, you would be losing 24 goal that you can attain. Again, you want
1) I am working out once per week dur- pounds over 6 months, or roughly 1 it to be something that is under your
ing January, to increase to twice per pound per week. You can measure your control, like ”I will request 2 dates per
week in February, then 3 times per week progress that way. You can also keep weekend,” rather than ”I will go on 2
from March through June. track of the number of workouts you’ve dates per weekend.” A specific weight
goal is more under your control, but it is
always good to couple that goal with ”In a recent study by the
goals for the number of workouts you
will perform and the amount of calories
University of Minnesota, 80
you will consume. This way, the steps to
achieve your goal are clearly attainable,
percent of people give up on their
whether it takes an extra month to get to resolutions within two months.”
your desired weight or not.

Realistic – People tend to overestimate time to reflect, we can all usually come Two of the strongest leverage goals one
what they can accomplish in a short up with several things we would like to can set are 1) improving your physical
amount of time, like a week, and under- change about our lives. The temptation health, and 2) improving your financial
estimate what they can accomplish in is to try to change everything at once. health.
longer periods of time. It is perfectly fine This approach is almost certain to fail.
to aim for high goals, as long as you be- Not having your physical health or finan-
lieve you can attain the goal. Of all of the Nature encourages evolution. Slow evo- cial health in order makes achieving any
steps, setting a goal that may seem un- lution over long periods of time is what other goals extremely difficult. Even if
reasonably high or unrealistic to others is creates monumental change. You may you’re not aiming to run a marathon,
the last thing I would be worried about have one large shift occur from time to physical health is of primary importance
in setting a SMART goal. time, but it is usually the result of a mon- to achieving success in your life. Not
umental event outside of your control, being in decent shape can make you
Timely – Set a time when you would like not the calendar turning over to January slow, lethargic, and without the energy
to reach your goal by. This is the most 1st. to achieve even purely non-physical
frequently forgotten step in setting a goals. If youre not avoiding overuse of
goal. Even those who say they want to Setting one goal also forces you to alcohol and drugs, eating the right foods,
lose ten pounds and have planned out choose the one goal that is most impor- and doing at least some exercise, you
an exercise and eating routine to follow tant to you. If you can complete one goal are cheating yourself of valuable and
will often fail to set a deadline. That in the first 3 months of the year, then limited energy that can be used to ac-
leaves open the door for procrastination. you can focus all of your energy on a complish other goals.
Lock yourself in to a date by which you second goal at that time. Setting too
want to reach your goal. ”Sometime dur- many goals is like trying to trying to Not having your finances in order can
ing 2011” will fail. “By June 1st” is much catch 5 balls thrown at you at the same also wreak havoc on your life beyond
better. time: by trying to focus on all of them, just your credit score. Financial trouble
you’re more likely to drop all of them. is one of the largest stresses in many
SET ONE GOAL people’s lives, and a leading problem in
Another problem in setting New Year’s WHAT KINDS OF GOALS TO SET couples’ breakups. If you are worrying
resolutions is people tend to want to Not all goals are created equal. Some about your next meal or keeping your
change everything in their lives they are goals are things that you want to ac- lights on, you’re not likely to have a lot of
unhappy with, and all at once. The New complish that by themselves will not mental focus left over to write that best-
Year is a good time for reflection; we have major effects in other areas of your selling novel or apply to grad school.
look back on what we’ve accomplished life. Other goals will have profound ef-
over the past year, and think about our fects on every other aspect of your life. In the same way that poor physical or fi-
lives more holistically. Given adequate These goals are called ”leverage goals.” nancial health can detract from your
other goals, excellent physical and fi-
nancial health create leverage to help
you to achieve other goals. Having sev-
eral months’ expenses saved up in an
emergency fund gives you greater op-
tions – from not having to work a sec-
ond job, to having the resources to take
a lower paid position in a field you’re
more interested in, or even allowing you
barrassment factor to hold you account-
able; if you don’t make your goal, you’ve
shamed yourself in front of everyone
they may not explicitly discourage you,
they may subconsciously fail to encour-
age you in a way that will push towards
to quit your job and start your own busi- that you’ve told. your goal.
ness. If you are exercising and in great
shape, you are likely sleeping better, One problem with this approach is that Two other ways to keep yourself ac-
feeling more confident about yourself, the act of telling people your goals has countable without having to keep your
and able to have more productive hours been shown to actually decrease the goals secret:
during the day. People who are in great likelihood that you will achieve your goal.
shape, physically or financially, likely see How is this possible? It has been found 1) Put money on the line. If your plan is
a boost in other areas of their lives. that sharing your intentions with others to lose 10 pounds by March 1st, put $100
gives your brain a ”premature sense of (or whatever amount will be sufficiently
If you have a passion to achieve some- completeness.” Once you’ve shared motivating) in an envelope, give it to
thing else, and your physical and finan- your goal and other people have ac- someone trusted, and tell them that they
cial health are both in decent shape, knowledged it, it signals the brain that have to watch you step on a scale on
then by all means make a New Year’s the goal is a ”social reality,” even if the March 1st, and if you are not 10 pounds
resolution in the area of your passion. If, goal hasn’t been reached. A possible so- lighter, the money is theirs to keep.
however, you know that a deficiency in lution to this issue: don’t share your goal 2) Select accountability partners who
either your finances or physical health is with other people in a manner that will also share their goals with you. That
causing you real stress on a day to day encourage congratulations. Instead of way, you’re not threatening someone
basis, you’re better off tackling that large saying ”I’m going to lose 10 pounds by who is perfectly fine with stagnating in
problem in front of you before starting on March 1st,” say ”I’m 10 pounds over- life – you can both encourage the other
anything else. weight, so please check in on me every to achieve your respective goals without
Sunday to see if I’ve gone jogging 3 making the other feel guilty.
ACCOUNTABILITY times that week.”
Accountability can be key in achieving a Ultimately, you are in control of your abil-
New Year’s resolution. It can also be Another issue with telling your goals to ity to reach your New Year’s resolutions.
tricky. other people is certain goals tend not to You don’t have to simply rely on
be supported by certain people. If your willpower to do what it is you’re trying to
Conventional wisdom would tell people goal is ”I’m going to get promoted at do. Put these tactics to use in planning
to share their goals with their friends and work,” it’s probably not something you your New Year’s resolution, and set
family so that other people can help want to share with co-workers who may yourself up to not have to set the same
keep them accountable. Theoretically, feel as though you’re trying to position resolution in 2012.
those people can periodically call you yourselves above them. If your goal is
and check up on the progress of your ”I’m going to lose 10 pounds,” it may not Aaron Thomas blogs at themastermind-
goals. Another idea is that if you tell be supported by your friend who has his-
other people your goals, there is an em- torically struggled with his weight. While
Bodybuildingtext AKUMA01

I'm wincing now, as the sweat proceeds hours early to make and eat a breakfast easy. We often teeter, stumble, col-
to trickle down, droplets pooling beneath rivaling the daily intake of most. It's what lapse... but "Strength does not come
me. The air feels hotter than it did a makes us spend tireless hours in a gym, from [simply never losing]. Your struggles
moment ago. My lips are drawn wide, constantly pushing limits and lifting col- develop your strength. When you over-
mouth agape. Gravity seems to be in- lectively more in one session than some come hardships, that is strength." The
creasing by the moment. "Get up," would lift through a decade. The Drive is bodybuilders of old are always inspira-
echoes through my head, as I feel my easily one of the most important aspects tional, but it's up to YOU to be walking...
body start to collapse. "GET up," comes of making any sort of headway in a gym.
again, as my body begins to stabilize. It's what separates those who look dif- There are two main paths in life, regard-
"GET UP," I scream at myself, digging to ferent month to month and those who less of your actual goals or desires –
the very depths of my being. The weight have not changed a visual notch through There is the Pre-blazed, tremendously
rumbles, and the Rack loudly clangs. I the year's worth of personal training. beaten path, the one that drifts along-
lean back, my 500lb squat in full scope. Without the drive, there is absolutely no side a fence, with a constant horizon in
I smile, and drop to the ground. "I just way one could last in this sport. I repeat, view, that seemingly goes on for an eter-
need a moment," a short sentence that absolutely NO WAY. There is far too nity. And then there is the other – a
took nearly a minute itself to say. But much dieting, weighing, planning, figur- dark, forever shadowed forest, contain-
there's joy in that pain, ecstasy through ing, lifting, dedication, and time (OH the ing a path that had never been formed.
that anguish, growth through enduring. time) required for someone to make a A forest that blocked all sunlight, had no
And with that thought, we throw another decent amount of progress. form of directional guidance, and only
plate onto the bar... preceded a mountain that seemed to
This is why we can always look to those scrape the sky. Are YOU one that dares
So what drives us? What puts this splin- who paved the way for us, those who stray from the beaten path?
ter of a crazy thought – to wreck your- explored the wilds, and lived through the
self day in and day out at the gym, and treacherous trek up the mountain, to For that's what bodybuilding is, straying
to weigh, measure, and calculate every- stand at its pinnacle and hold the glori- from the beaten path. You put yourself
thing you eat – deep into our mind? Are ous title, Olympia. We look to them for through a proverbial hell. Beginners
we crazy? Do we have inferiority com- guidance, whether it be scientific, or waste time, wandering through the dark
plexes? Are we simply obsessed as emotional. Arnold has said, in "Body- forest, looking for some kind of sign.
some would claim? Or is Obsession truly building... To be successful, you must There are no lanterns, there is no path.
just a term the weak and inferior use to dedicate yourself 100% to your training, There is simply darkness and solitude.
describe the dedicated? diet and mental approach." Anything You're alone here. None but others like
short of Absolute will produce failure. you understand your goals, your pas-
The Drive... nothing else can be so And that's why we push, that's why we sions, or your constant scrutiny of your-
haunting, while still feeling so great hit those walls called limits and plow self. We've all been there, we've all
simultaneously. It's what gets us up 2 through them. And no, it's not always treaded this prison of vegetation, look-
ing, searching for some form of guid- sitions are tested, visual aspects come
ance, something saying we are headed into play, essentially diagramming and
the right way: "How do I train?" "What do mapping one's own body.
I eat?" "How do I do this?"; whilst the
more advanced hang from the moun- This is why the bodybuilder's mentality
tain, forever climbing straight up, forever HAS to be of a "Never quit, Never sur-
going for more, unsatisfied with them- render" form. As the body changes, it
selves and their results, aiming for noth- adapts. Movements, weights, sets, reps,
ing short of the heavens. form, partials, etc are all areas in which
we must test. And it's not as if testing a
A bodybuilder's Psychological processes... certain stimuli can be directly recorded
What goes on in the heads of body- immediately. Time is key here, and that's
builders? Well I'd like to take a moment why so many are deterred so early.
right now to dispel any and all previously That's why this drive constitutes a "Bil-
thought ideas such as "Bodybuilders are lion Dollar Bullshit Industry." Everyone is physical appearance, strength, or mus-
muscle-bound meatheads that are on looking for the quick method, the fast cle size, then you have to accept the
the verge of retardation." Building mus- acting magical pill, or some new ridicu- necessary burden of it all. Research;
cle is an art form, one that takes lous machine that "Makes you feel like investigate foods, the affect of different
decades; Size, symmetry, proportioning, you're burning hundreds of calories while nutrients and the reasoning behind cer-
all things that some miss. Dieting is a not moving at all!" This weakness of tain things. Don't find one theory and
science; Gaining muscle, losing fat, shortcuts finds its way into nutrition, ar- accept it as Golden Law. To grow, we
rationing cardio, judging weight loss, guably the most important aspect of must learn. To learn, we must search. To
water/sodium manipulation. muscle gain/fat loss, where you see cer- search, we must take that first step. So
Bodybuilders are probably the closest tain brands boasting products with a I say to you, if nothing else is to be taken
thing to present day Renaissance Men whopping 20 calories less than competi- from this, ‘Keep Pushing.' You will con-
there is. Efficiency is the plan, fitting tor products. Or you see special, weight stantly encounter forks in the path, walls,
workouts to your body's style of growth. loss water products. The ridiculous, iron- or dead ends. Strength comes in willing
Muscle hypertrophy is the goal, using ical truth of it all is that a majority of yourself around and continuing the jour-
said workouts to construct the best pos- these people would lose weight if they ney.
sible physique that your body allows. But ate more!
as I said, no one walks into the gym, That's probably the hardest part about
starts a program, and says "Alright, 4x8s It is only when we stop putting our trust all this, the fact that there is no scape-
and this split is the best thing for me to behind nonsense, and start pushing our- goat. There is no other to place blame
build muscle with." Things take time, ex- selves that we truly grow. If you want to on. You have yourself, and that's it.
periments are conducted, body compo- make some kind of headway in terms of DO you have what it takes?

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