Practice Tips, Levi Crockett

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Practice Tips, Levi Crockett

Prepare the Score

- Find desired edition and prepare score for performance
- Write necessary fingerings and pedalings

Prepare for Practice

- Identify most difficult sections
- Set weekly, daily and hourly goals
- Make plans for how to accomplish each goal during practice
- Schedule time for practicing
- Remove distractions
- Determine ​over time​ what is needed to maintain focus
- Breaks, frequently switching pieces, more energy (snacks), an audience, variations in
environment (lights on or off, different organs), variations in registration (playing a
jubilant piece w/meditative registration or vice versa), etc.
- Set aside time at the end of each practice session to evaluate and prepare for the next

- Learn the notes; begin with most difficult sections and don’t waste time on sections that will not
require much work
- Break down sections until manageable (sometimes measure by measure)
- Practice sections mentally before trying physically; repeat throughout practicing
- Constantly implement what was determined to help maintain focus
- Practice in such a way that you are able to stay constantly aware and in control
- Use a metronome for tempo consistency and pause prevention
- Focus on posture by finding and releasing tension
- Ask for someone to observe and share feedback regarding posture
- Evaluate each practice session and use the tips from “Prepare for Practice” to be ready for the
next practice session

- Listen to various recordings of pieces to analyze differing interpretations in style, registration,
phrasing, ornamentation, etc.
- Utilize cold starts
- Don’t pause or rewind to correct errors
- Record yourself during cold starts and after warming up
- Invite peers and others to listen to performance practices

- Listen to recordings with score in hand to note consistent problems
- Ask for audience feedback and record useful suggestions
- Implement notes from evaluation during “Prepare for Practice”

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