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How to Develop An Action Plan For


A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

—Lao Tzu

Say you believe that the systems view of an organi- you may feel a bit overwhelmed. At this point, your
zation represents the way work gets done. You are primary question is most likely “How do I start?”
determined to manage each component of the sys- One way to begin is by initiating a Three Levels proj-
tem you manage. You agree that the tools at all ect. Before there can be any widespread commit-
Three Levels of Performance should be at the heart ment to the Three Levels as a way of life in an
of any comprehensive effort to formulate and imple- organization, the approach must demonstrate its
ment strategy, improve quality, productivity, cycle worth. The best way to make a short-term contribu-
time, and cost, and design an organization that tion and to show long-term potential is by applying
works. You have vowed to use the questions that the Three Levels tools to a strategic issue facing your
support each of the Nine Performance Variables as organization. The following steps represent an initial
the basis of your management system. However, Three Levels effort. They are stated in a way that

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should enable you to use them as the basis for to an issue of significance.
an action plan. Throughout the description,
Step 2: Process Level
“you” refers to the top team in the organization,
Having identified a CBI and a process, we recom-
which can be the entire enterprise or any
mend that you lead a Process Improvement
meaningful component thereof.
Project (PIP). A PIP begins with Phase 1, in which
you and others on the top team define the goals,
Step 1: Organization Level roles, and boundaries of the project. During Phase
The way to start istodevelop astrategy for the busi-ness. 2, which involves both senior management and
Developing strategy doesn’t necessarily mean people who work in the process, the current
embarking on a six-month planning journey. It process will be documented and analyzed, the
may require only a couple of hours to confirm future process will be designed (as radically as
and perhaps update your vision and direction. If dictated by the goals specified in Phase 1), and
you and your colleagues haven’t reached measures will be developed. Detailed action
consensus on the answers to key questions, any planning and implementation occur in Phase 3,
improvement effort runs the risk of being ill- which includes action at all three Levels of
directed. Performance.

Once the strategy is clear and up-to-date, we Step 3: Job/Performer Level

recommend conducting Phase Ø, Performance A key aspect of Phase 3 involves the identification
Improvement Planning. During this effort, the of one or more jobs critical to the successful
strategy and a “super-system” map help identify implementation of the process improvements
one or more Critical Business Issues (CBIs), designed during Step 2. For each job, have the
which represent opportunities to establish a Process Team (along with job incumbents and
competitive advantage or eliminate supervisors) describe the outputs and goals
a competitive disadvantage Phase Ø will also required by the new process. Then ask the team
help identify the process which, if improved, will to identify the environmental support that must be
have the greatest impact on the highest- provided to the people in these jobs.
priority CBI.
To display the outputs and goals, we recommend
Although you should certainly start with that you use or Job Model format. To identify the
an opportunity with which you are comfortable, resources, feedback, rewards, and training that
we suggest that you resist the temptation to
should support the new job responsibilities we
pick an easy or minor issue just to see
suggest that you use our Human Performance
whether the approach works. The Three
Levels tools can address an issue of any System questions.
complexity; as a matter of fact, they are most This three-step process will enable the
helpful when an issue is multifaceted. The participants and others to see the benefits of
approach will prove its worth only if it is applied addressing all Three Levels of Performance.

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They will work with some of the pivotal Three managers in a consumer loan business and to
Levels tools—the Relationship Map, the Process clarify the responsibilities of four levels of
Map, the Job Model, and the management in a fourteen-hundred-store retail
Human Performance System questions. Most organization.
important, they will resolve a critical issue • The Human Performance System was used by a
facing the organization and will create a publishing company to diagnose and remove
foundation upon which continuous improvement some of the causes of high turnover among its
can be built. salespeople.
We don’t, however, want you to think that the • Job Models and the Human Performance System
Three Levels can be used effectively only in a were used as the basis for the design of a per-
“bundled” fashion. A second answer to “How do I formance appraisal system in a government
start?” is by applying one or two of the agency.
Three Levels tools in a targeted application. In
addition to the more comprehensive projects
described earlier, organizations have Our files contain data on hundreds of performance
successfully applied individual Three Levels improvement projects spanning thirty years. They all
tools in ways such as these: included applications of Three Levels tools, and they
• Relationship and Process Mapping were used to ranged from the macro (establishing speedy cycle
realign an entire telecommunications company to time as a competitive advantage in an international
increase the focus on the customer. electronics company) to micro (improving the per-
formance of machine operators in a snack-food
• Relationship and Process Mapping were used to
manufacturing company). We continue to find new
strengthen and formalize the historical “hand-
ways in which all three categories of users—execu-
shake” relationship between an electronics man-
tives, managers, and analysts—are applying the
ufacturer’s U.S. headquarters and a foreign
Three Levels as:
subsidiary, which is projected to quadruple its rev-
enues in three years. • A set of tools for diagnosing and eliminating de-
ficient performance
• Relationship Maps were used in an aerospace
company’s orientation training to quickly show • An engine for continuously improving systems
new employees where they fit into the big picture. that are performing adequately

• Organization, Process, and Job measures were • A road map for guiding an organization in a new
used in a paper mill to get everyone from the mill direction
manager to the machine operators rowing in the • A blueprint for designing a new entity
same direction.
However, Three Levels performance improvement
• Role/Responsibility Matrices and Job Models is more than issue-specific interventions. The tools
were used to clarify the responsibilities of branch enable managers and individual contributors to

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bring about many of the culture changes that • Cross-functional processes are particularly critical
are frequently discussed but rarely pursued to the quality, productivity, cycle time, and cost of
systematically. These culture changes include: any business.
• Ensuring that a customer orientation drives • Managing people should include addressing the
all activities needs of all components of the Human Perform-
• Establishing accountability by objective ance System in which they work.
performance measurement • At each of the Three Levels, there are tools that
• Minimizing departmental conflicts can help in documenting, analyzing, and improv-
ing performance.
• Implementing a participative style of
management We are performance improvement practitioners.
We are interested in a theory only if it helps us get
• Creating a work environment that leads to
results. We have found that the Three Levels
both better performance and a higher quality
framework provides us with a unifying theory of
of work life
performance improvement. More important, it has
We believe that any reader takes no more than a led us to the tools we have described and
handful of meaningful ideas or tools from even the illustrated.
best of management books. In our opinion, the most The challenges facing American companies,
significant ideas we have presented are the following: a
rapidly changing market, higher quality standards,
• Organizations behave as adaptive systems.
increasing competition, shortages in critical
To effectively, nimbly, and proactively adapt
resources, and mind-boggling expansion of
to the demands of a rapidly changing
technology have become the norm in almost all
environment, all system components—
sectors and all parts of the world. Traditional
inputs, processes, outputs, and
solutions do not address this new reality.
feedback—must be managed.
The approach we have described in our books
• An organization’s strategic and operational
does not represent a quick fix. We have never
effectiveness is the product of Three Levels of
experienced a tool that brings about
Performance—the Organization Level, the
comprehensive, lasting organization change
Process Level, and the Job/Performer
without the investment we have described. The
Level. As a result, every improvement effort
Three Levels viewpoint will enable you to better
must be seen through the lens of the Three
understand your organization and the variables
affecting its performance. With this understanding
• The three Performance Needs that must be as a foundation, you can use the Three Levels
met at each of the Three Levels are Goals, technique to bring about top-to-bottom
Design, and Management. Failure to performance improvement. We believe that the
manage the Nine Performance Variables is challenge can be met.
failure to manage the business holistically.

©Rummler-Brache Group

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