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Penciland Paper


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How to Play via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth


We thought it would be great to use Cabinet’s annotation feature for fun
purposes as well. This document contains some popular pencil games and is
intended for your entertainment. You can play these games on one device,
passing it from player to player, or you can create a collaboration session on
several devices and play via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

Create a match 1. Turn your iPad online

Before creating a match, make sure you

and your opponent are both on the same
Wi-Fi network or have Bluetooth enabled.
To create a collaboration match, tap the
“COLLABORATION” button on the main
toolbar, enter the online mode and select
the desired opponent from a list of nearby
devices. The collaboration match will begin
as soon as the selected opponent accepts
your request.   2. Select an opponent from the list

Join a match  

To be able to receive collaboration

requests, you should be online in
Cabinet terms – that is, either in
document library on in document
viewer with online mode manually
turned on. Accept collaboration
request by tapping the “ALLOW” button.

Learn more about the collaboration process in the “Collaborate” guide found
in the “Cabinet Guides” folder.  


Paper Soccer

Players take turns to "move" the ball into one of the  
eight paper line crossings around it (horizontally,  
vertically, or diagonally) and a segment from the  
original position to the new one is drawn to mark the  
The ball may move  
neither on the game field  
border nor on the  
segments marking the  
previous moves - instead,    
it "bounces" from them,  
and a player who moves  
the ball into an end of a  
segment or a game field  
border gets another turn.  

The End of Game


1.) The first player to place the ball in the opponent's goal wins the game.
2.) The game may also end when a player does not have a valid move, in
which case that player loses.


Paper Soccer

Capture Square

The players take turns connecting dots that are horizontally or vertically adjacent.
If a player can complete a square by connecting two dots then they capture that
square. You must draw another line after making a capture. A player may, thus,
make a large number of captures in a single turn. After the last capture he must
still connect two dots.


The End of Game

The player who captures the most squares wins.


Capture Square


Pipelayer is a game played with two grids of dots that are slightly offset from
one another.

The rules are as follows:

• The players take turns moving by connecting two dots.
• A player can only connect dots that are adjacent horizontally or vertically
and also only dots of his own color. In the example the yellow player owns
the yellow dots and the green player owns the green dots.
• No move may draw across another move.

The End of Game

To win a player must make a continuous connection from one side of the board
to the other in the long direction for his color of dots. For the yellow player, for
example, this is from left to right; the green player is trying to connect top to

Example (blue player wins) Example (red player wins)



Noughts and Crosses


One player is 'O' and the other is 'X'. Players take turns in drawing their symbol
in one of the positions on the grid.

The End of Game

The first player to make a line of four of their symbol horizontally, vertically, or
diagonally wins.

  1 PLAYER 2

Noughts and Crosses


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