Training Exam Statics

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Situation 1: Determine the force P that will keep the

pulley system in equilibrium. ______________

Situation 5: A 200 N block is set on a 30o inclined plane

with a coefficient of friction of 0.30.
1. The minimum value of P that will hold the block in
place if θ is zero is nearest to?
2. The minimum value of P that will produce impending
motion up the plane if θ is zero is nearest to?
3. The smallest possible value of P that will produce
impending motion up the plane if θ can be adjusted is
nearest to?
Situation 2: Determine the forces in members GF, GD
and CD.

Situation 6: The mass of the block on the left is 30 kg, and

the mass of the box on the right is 40 kg. The coefficient of
static friction between each box and the inclined surface
is f = 0.20. Determine the maximum and minimum angle
α for which the boxes will remain stationary?

Situation 3: Refer to the given Figure. A pin-connected

frame is loaded as shown. Determine the following:

Situation: Refer to the given figure. The spring has an
original length of 1.0 m and a stiffness of 2 kN/m. A 100
kN load is applied at C. Determine the following:
a. Reaction at pin E. ___________ 1. The value of 𝜙.
b. Reaction at pin B. ___________ 2. The value of 𝛼.
c. Reaction at pin C. ___________ 3. Force on member AC.
4. Deformation of the spring
Situation 4: The cable shown passes over the drum G and
is fastened to the frame at C. What are the vertical and
horizontal reactions at E, D, and A?

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