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Participants’ Number : 19070915710022

Name : Ulises Esterlina Sinaga

School : SMK Swasta Clemen Tapiannauli

Task 2: Get the general pictures of information presented in infographics

In Task 2, you are going to learn for better understanding of Infographics. To interpret content of
an infographic, you need to do a preview of the text. Study the following explanation carefully
and answer the questions that follow.


Informative infographics are similar to academic texts in that it contains

factual information. The purpose may vary from informing to explaining,
arguing, appealing or others. To interpret content of an infographic, you need
to begin with previewing the text
An infographic is a visual representation of information. It uses images and
texts to communicate messages to the reader in a concise and strategic manner.
There are four important parts of an infographic. Knowing them well can help
you read and create infographic more easily. They are;
 In the first place, as a visual media, infographic should representative to
the message it intends to communicate with readers;
 Images, colors, font types and sizes, as well as words and numbers can
be used to create the intended mood.
 Readers can get the mood from the first things they are able to notice in
the text.
 The title of infographic informs reader of the story presented in its
 Therefore, content of infographic should consists of supporting details
that are relevant to its title.
 The key information or the main points of the message is commonly
presented in larger fonts and/or striking color.
 Supporting details in infographics consist of data. They are commonly
presented in groups of words or graphic organizers such as tables, charts
or diagrams
 The data can be presented in varied forms —numbers, images, texts, or
in combination— and ways — chronological, alphabetical,
geographical, categorical, hierarchically.
 In addition to well-structured presentation of information, reliability of
information is important as well. Therefore, it is required for authors to
include details on the source of information used to build up the

 Effective infographic will be built using particular strategy that is

dependent on its purpose and the typed of data used.
 On the other hand, effective interpretation of infographcis will be built
upon readers’ understanding of these strategies.

Chibana, N. (2015, November 20). 13 Types of Infographics: Which

One Works For You? Retrieved from

Easel ly. (2017, Feb 10). 7 Common Types of Infographic. YouYube.

Retrieved from

Edwards, N. (2018). Analyzing and Creating Infographics. Grade Level

7-12. Educating for Democracy in the Digital Age (EDDA).
Retrieved from

Simpson, N. (2013). Poster Project. SlidePlayer. Retrieved from

Southeastern Forests and Climate Change. (2016). Tips for Creating

LEARNING TREE. Southeastern Forests and Climate Change.
Retrieved from

A Let’s check how much you understand what is discussed in the text. Have a quick look at
Infographic 4 and Infographic 5 to get your First impression on them.

What is the first thing that catches your eyes? Can you immediately get the
impression of the thing that the text title suggests?

Go back to the infographics and do a closer reading on them to find answers to the questions
that follow.
Infographic 41 Infographic 52

1 First impression: What is the first thing that catches your eye? What might this tell you
about what you are looking at?
 I am so interested at the picture (plate) while paying attention to the title of the
text. This tells me about a good balancing food for health.
2 Title: What is the title? Does that reinforce your thoughts regarding what you thought
this was about, or change them?
 The eatwell plate. Yes. It does.
3 The story: What is the story that the infographic is trying to tell? Is it just a visualization,
does it show change over time, is it comparing and contrasting?
 It tells about the amount of food we should eat with grouping. It is comparing the
kind of food we should eat in amount.
4 Patterns: What are the patterns and connections visible in the infographic?
 They are a categorical info graphic with text and image.

5 Numbers: What is the quantitative information presented in the infographic? What does
it tell you?
 Although the quantitative information is described with a plate, but it can make us
clear how to measure it in amount. The information is about the amount of food
we should take by comparing with other food.

6 Data: What is the data source? Use your claim testers to determine if this data source if
valid and trustworthy.
 It is from Department of Health (Government) and we can check it by visiting the
government website.

7 Audience: Why do you think the author(s) chose to present the information in this way?
Who is their audience?
 To persuade the readers to eat well in each day. The people in general especially
people who care to their health.

8 Summarize: Summarize the infographic in a few sentences. What is the gist of the
infographic and the most important take away points?
 It informs us about the eatwell plate is designed to make healthy eating easier. Eat
foods from each group on the eatwell plate in the correct amounts each day.
When you finish, check your answers with the key answer.

B Read Infographic 6 and answer the questions that follow.

Infographic 63
The emergence of pandemic influenza A virus strains

OLj_sggGZWbaEgg. (Stevens, Blixt, Paulson, & Wilson, 2006)
1 First impression: What is the first thing that catches your eyes? What might this tell you
about what you are looking at?
 The first thing that cathces my eyes are a pig and human but I couldn’t understand
why the title is correlated with the pig before reading in details.
2 Title: What is the title? Does that reinforce your thoughts regarding what you thought
this was about, or change them?
 It is the emergence of pandemic influenza A virus strains mechanisms. It should
be changed, it should be “Pig and Chicken around human in influenza A virus
strains mechanisms”
3 The story: What is the story that the info graphic is trying to tell? Is it just a
visualization, does it show change over time, is it comparing and contrasting?
 It tells about the mechanism the spread of the virus between the human
environment and its surroundings such as chickens and pigs
4 Patterns:What are the patterns and connections visible in the info graphic?
 It is a chronological text and images.
5 Numbers: What is the quantitative information presented in the info graphic? What does
it tell you?
 I couldn’t find the quantitative information at this infographic because there is no
numbers information.
6 Data: What is the data source? Use your claim testers to determine if this data source if
valid and trustworthy.
 It is from Nature Publishing Group in 2006. I think it is valid because of the legal
7 Audience: Why do you think the author(s) chose to present the information in this way?
Who is their audience?
 To inform the readers about the mechanism of this virus. Their audience are
general people in society, health stakeholders, and breeder.
8 Summarize: Summarize the info graphic in a few sentences. What is the gist of the info
graphic and the most important take away points?
 Influenza A viruses of pigs and birds have infected humans with each of these so-
called zoonotic infections provides an opportunity for virus adaptation to the new
host. Fortunately, most of these human infections do not yield viruses with the
ability of sustained human-to-human transmission.
When you finish, check your answers with the key answer.

C Read Infographic 7 and answer the questions that follow.

Infographic 74

1 First impression: What is the first thing that catches your eyes? What might this tell you
about what you are looking at?
 I am so interested at this map with the reader round the world title. It might tell us
about the reading habits in the country
2 Title: What is the title? Does that reinforce your thoughts regarding what you thought
this was about, or change them?
 Readers round the world.
3 The story: What is the story that the infographic is trying to tell? Is it just a visualization,
does it show change over time, is it comparing and contrasting?
 It tells about the reading habits are depending on the country. It contains texts and
images comparing the reading habits depending the country.
4 Patterns:What are the patterns and connections visible in the infographic?
 The patterns are chronological, geographical, and categorial with numbers and
5 Numbers: What is the quantitative information presented in the infographic? What does
it tell you?
 It is presented with the percetage of reading habits depending the country. It tells
me about reading habits with time of reading, the type of book, gender, and age.
6 Data: What is the data source? Use your claim testers to determine if this data source if
valid and trustworthy.
 It is from It should be checked by visiting the website to find out the
7 Audience: Why do you think the author(s) chose to present the information in this way?
Who is their audience?
 To describe and compare the reading habits of readers around the world
depending on the country. The audiences are from general people, especially
academics, govenrment, librarian, book publisher and writers.

8 Summarize: Summarize the infographic in a few sentences. What is the gist of the
infographic and the most important take away points?
 It shows us the reading habits are depending on the country you live in. This
infographic presents most avid readers in the world. In India, people spend with a
book more than 10 hours a week. In the top five countries, there are also Thailand,
China, Philippines, Egypt, and the Czech Republic. United States is in the fourth
group (marked in yellow color), together with Canada, Germany, and Italy.
Readers in these countries read between 5 and 6 hours a week.
Learn more:
 Infographic of Infographics5
 Why Infographics?6
 Storytelling With Infographics7

[1] The eatwell plate
[1] For Health

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