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Hi friend,
Some facts are good we begin early to consider.
It has bothered me that most ladies I know that used to be very productive before getting married
suddenly get everything swept under the carpet as though getting married was the reason for all
those effort.
WHAT IS HAPPENING…? I always feel like asking everyone of them.
I bet you don’t want to end up the same way.
I don't think that's anybody's wish. And don’t even think that those already trapped in such
situation ever wished so.
This was where the situation began to draw my attention more; though nobody wishes so, we see
it happening over and again. That simply tells us one thing:
No matter the reason anyone might give, the simple fact that one still feels dissatisfied with how
things seem to have turned out shows the reason does not justify the reality on ground. I
normally would stress that excuses are containers with failure as the only content.
“Oh, if not for my husband or if not for the kids…”
Now, you are shifting the blame. I thought two are better that one?
Of course, that can't be a lie because God actually said so.
I know you’ve been told that love is all that matter.
Well, maybe I wouldn’t agree any less, but then we must ask questions to know more about the
ingredients of such love because, even people that go to the extent of divorcing once professed
My point is, your productivity should increase now that you are married. If it is not so, then
something is definitely wrong. And that is what I wish to help you address here.
I have taken time to look at those factors that tend to frustrate any woman’s effort towards living
her dreamed life even as married. And I present you with my findings and solution.


Any relationship that reduces your productivity in life is an unhealthy one for you!
The major thing relationship should help anyone with is their productivity, to see that it is
increased; each person should be able to accomplish more than he or she would have been able
to do just being alone. Thus, the Bible tell us that two are better than one because they have good
reward for their labour.
So, a quick check to know if your relation is healthy or not is to check your productivity as you
progress in it. If your productivity is droping, if you are not getting any better towards your
dream, you should do something very fast about that relationship – something is definitely
If you’ve ever been in a serious relationship where you truly love this person, you can tell better
that any little misunderstanding can affect your productivity.

For instance, during my university days as an undergraduate, if I should ever have an issue with
my friend and we didn’t resolve it that day, my studies would definitely be affected. I would pick
up the book I want to read, and for hours I’d just still be on the same page and can’t still tell
anything I learnt.
Because your productivity is tied to your mentality, anything that affects your mind will
definitely affect your productivity. In fact, this informed my decision to dedicate one month of
our monthly mentoring program to relationship matters. We call it ENAMOURED, which
means ‘I’m in love with someone’.
After several conflicts we had in our marriage, my wife and I decided to rise up to the challenge.
That decision set us on a discovery that keeps strengthening our marriage, and I want every other
marriage out there to also succeed. And, thankfully, we are seeing the results already from the
testimonies we've gotten thus far.
My ultimate concern about your relationship is your productivity, as that will guarantee your
fulfilment. Poor productivity simply tells a relationship is sick!
Maybe your concern has been how to stop your man from looking elsewhere.
Well, I believe you need something more helpful than that. You see, just
wishing he doesn’t look elsewhere isn't really as important as you doing what
is needed so that no matter how he tries to look, you’ll still stand out as the
best, a woman like no other! That will entail you improving to be more
productive with your life.


 There's actually a reason any man would want to get married to a particular woman out of
millions out there.
 As a woman, you need to discover what that reason is. That reason must be unique with
enough room for improvement. (My wife kept asking me why it should be her and not any
other woman. And I told her something that was beyond feeling..)
 If your partner once thought you’re the best for him, then you can always make him to still
think so without feeling less of yourself if you can master a few skills.


No matter where you are in your relationship – yet to marry, just wedded, and
much after that – this book will ease your stress going forward. Wouldn’t you
love to discover that unique quality you need to enjoy outstanding success in
your marital destiny and make your presence in that marriage an
indispensable one?
The heart isn’t a property anyone can buy but a trophy to be won. To win a trophy, one simply
has to focus on improving herself, to beat the rest and become the best. But beyond winning a
trophy is retaining it or even still winning at the higher stages. This is where many miss it, the

simple reason being that they fail to realise that what it takes to be successful at a particular level
will not suffice to achieve success at the next level.
If you have been married for a while now, you can (or will soon be able to) tell that you need
more than you probably thought to make your dream marriage. Some situations you’ll face can
even make you start thinking you made the wrong choice of a spouse. Well, even those who
made the right choice still face issues. By the way, getting your choice right will not make your
marriage successful; it will only make it easier for you to succeed if you play your role well. So,
the one who thinks she missed it at choice can still make a success of her marriage, only that it
will require more effort from her.
No matter where you are in your relationship – yet to marry, just wedded, and much after that –
this book will ease your stress going forward. Wouldn’t you love to discover that unique quality
you need to enjoy outstanding success in your marital destiny and make your presence in that
marriage an indispensable one?
 Keys to making successful decision in life and marriage. (Getting your decision right wouldn't
automatically make your marriage successful, but IT WILL MAKE THINGS A LOT MORE

 FOUR basic guide to effective decision making for career and relationship
 B.I.T (clue) to winning your man's heart on daily basis
 The possibility of your marriage to still be a success even if you think you made the wrong
decision of a spouse.
 36 powerful point to help you see clearly what to and what not to expect in marriage. These
help you keep your marriage free from unrealistic expectations so you don't get fooled by any
or put yourself under unnecessary burden. How to sustain your marriage no matter the storms
that may come.
 Why you shouldn't just marry a man because his has a good work/job...why you should go for
the one that also has a vision. Compatibility basically has to do with vision.

Read Comments

When I was about making a choice of whom to say ‘yes’ to as a husband, Onyi's
principle on choice making was what gave me a guide and now I am married to a man that
gives me peace, fulfilment and love...."
- Uju (EN.Nig)

Every relationship puzzle has a solution, and I'm not talking about divorce even though that's a
possibility. And, usually, the solution is only accessed by growth. To know is to grow! If you
remain static (don't grow through knowledge), the problem will persist.
The approach employed in this book is such that transforms you into becoming the counsellor of
your own relationship. You will also be able to advise others on their relationships.
The book is easy to navigate; just a click of the finger on any Chapter on the Table of
content, you are there without having to scroll.

The Full Package

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