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Project Report


“Communication Strategy of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP)”

For the Course

English Communication Skills


Salah-Ud-Din Yousaf (Roll No: 21838)

Mahima Khan (Roll No: 21855)

Mehdi Amir Mehdi Saleh (Roll No: 21837)

BS-II Public Administration & Governance


Dr. Waqas Ali (Head of Department of GPP)


 Communication-An Introduction

 Political Communication

 Pakistan People's Party-Historical Perspective

 Party Structure of Pakistan People’s Party

 Pakistan People’s Party Goals

 Modes of Communication (that PPP Use)

 Style of Pakistan People’s Party

 Audience Motivation

 How PPP Structure Message?

 Conclusion


We would like to express our gratitude to our teacher who gave us the opportunity to work on

this project of “Pakistan People’s Party’s Communication Strategies”, which also helped us in

conducting a fair amount of research and we came to know about so many new things. Secondly,

we would like to thank our friends and family members who helped us in finalizing this report

within a limited time frame.

1. Communication-An Introduction
The process of sharing information which produces certain response is called communication.

There are three main theories of communication; Electronic, Social environmental and Rhetorical

The most meaningful theory that is accepted across the globe is Rhetorical theory. It states that
communication a two-way process with certain response of audience.

2. Political Communication
Political Communication is a type of communication and political science that is concerned with
how information spreads and influences politics and policy makers, the media and citizens.

Politics is all about communication. Anybody’s success in politics is totally dependent on the
way of their communication.

3. Party Structure of Pakistan People’s Party

 Structure

Apex committee of the Party is called as Core Committee, or the Central Executive Committee
headed by the Chairman. It is comprised of; Chairman/Co-Chairman, General Secretary,
Secretary Information, Finance Secretary, Part Presidents from Sindh, Punjab, Southern Punjab,
Baluchistan, KPK, Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan. Core Committee / Central Executive Committee
is the Highest party authority, who exercises control over the enforcement of all economic,
scientific, industrial, public and social policies in the country.

Pakistan People's Party has a comprehensive Structure to mobilize People from all the Provinces,
Divisions, Districts and Villages / Towns. Additionally, Party has a history of mobilizing Youth
through Youth and Student based People's Students Federation (PSF). PPP has a Women Wing

too, which is responsible to mobilize the women of Pakistan to take active participation in
country's politics.

 Formal Structure

Forma structure is always being in the form of hierarchy.

Chairman: Bilawal Bhutto Zardari is currently the chairman of PPP.

President: Ex-President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan is the president of PPP.

Party Secretaries

Sec. General: Nayyar Hussian Bukhari is the secretary of PPP.

Finance Secretary: Haidar Zaman Qurashi is the finance Secretary of PPP.

Acting Secretary Information: Mula Bux Chandio is the acting secretary information of PPP.

 President in Other Provinces

Pakistan People’s Party has also president at provisional level and they are:

 Qamar Zaman Kaira is the President of PPP, Central Punjab.

 Makhdoom Ahmed Mahmood is the President of PPP, South Punjab.
 Nisar Ahmed Khurho is the President of PPP, Sindh.
 Muhammad Humayoon Khan is the President of PPP, KPK.
 Haji Ali Madad Jattak is the President of PPP, Baluchistan.
 Ch. Latif Akbar is the President of PPP, Azad Kashmir.
 Amjad Hussain Azar is the President of PPP, Gilgit-Baltistan.

 Informal Structure

Like other political parties Pakistan People’s Party has also informal party structure. It allows the
party workers or followers to be in contact with the higher officials of the party. In this way the
party leadership create the feeling that they are ready to accept the ideas of their lower party
workers. Higher leadership of the Party organize different corner meetings to interact with their

Presidents of PPP in the respective provinces try to interact with their party workers. Door to
Door campaign during election also comes under the informal structure of Pakistan People’s
Party. Usually, PPP workers are called “Jiyalay”

4. Pakistan People’s Party Goals

 Formal Goals

PPP is an only socialist party in Pakistan. Their main goal in politics is to ensure the availability
of basic need to the citizens of the state. They slogan is:

“Islam is our faith; Democracy is our Policy; Socialism is our Economy. All Power to the

“Roti, Kapra Aur Makan”

Other goals of PPP are written in their Manifesto of 2018 elections. Their vision is a peaceful,
prosperous and progressive Pakistan for all the people of Pakistan. Irrespective of these goals,
there main goal is also to hold political power so that they can run the governmental affairs.

 Informal Goals

This include the culture within the party. These are normally the norms and traditions of the party.
Pakistan People’s Party has the culture that only the family member from the Bhutto family can
get higher post in the higher post. They only allow their relatives to hold maximum power in the
party. The party is family centered.

5. Modes of Communication (that PPP Use)

 Huge Public Gatherings

PPP arrange public gatherings to convey their message to the public. In the large public
gatherings, they try convincing their followers that they are fighting for their rights. They always
make false claims against their opponents. Then they call these false claims as political
statements. They arrange corner meetings, seminars, etc. PPP is adopting new modes of
communication such as addressing public gatherings via video link or hologram. Peoples Students
Federation (PSF) also organize different events in order to build the soft image of PPP.

 Media

Media is one of the most powerful mode of communications. PPP and other political parties try
to engage with those workers who don’t appear the public gatherings through media (also print
media). They go to different news channels talk shows to convey their party message to the public.

Party leaders give their opinion of different Media cell of PPP consist of a group of young
members are assembled in a row facing multiple TV screens airing updates on news channels.
Their task is to monitor content on media and get the leadership to release statements/posts on
whatever is trending [online] or [on air].

 Social Platform

Social media is also one of the great means of communication. Almost 90% of Pakistan’s youth
use this platform to stay connected with the global world. Pakistan People’s Party has very active
social media team which connect PPP to the 90% of Pakistan’s Youth. They convey their message
through different applications like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. PPP has 2.2 Million
followers on social media. They also communicate through almost 200 WhatsApp groups to
convey their messages to their followers.

Pakistan People’s Party Website:

 Blog Writing

PPP publish the blogs on their official website to access the current political situation of country.
They provide their party stance on any political affairs through these blogs. Thar publish different
blogs on different occasions like child labor, International Labor day, etc.

6. Style of Pakistan People’s Party

 PPP follow tell style when they want to give their followers the hidden reality behind any
government policy.
 They try to sell their ideas through giving public the greed that whenever they come to
government, they will do this thing, that thing, etc. for them.
 They ask questions from their followers like:
Are they want justice in the society?
Do you want free medical checkup?
Do you want loans free of interest?
In a business communication language, we call it a Confer style.
 They also try to communicate with public through going to their constituencies. They try
to answer every question asked by public. This style is called Join style.

7. Audience Motivation
Pakistan People’s Party is the party of martyrs. This is also the sympathy factor behind them.
Bilawal usually say “I am the son of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto; I am the grandson of Zulfiqar Ali
Bhutto”. This become the motivation for their followers, because Bhutto was very famous leader
with attractive personality. In short, PPP motivate their followers through their history. They
always say “Aaj Bhe Bhutto Zinda Ha, Kal Bhe Bhutto Zinda Tha” and “Jiyay Bhutto”. Use
of informal slogans like “Pakistan Khappay” used by Asif Zardari in 2008 gathering.

Party Anthems also motivates their supporters. This is tool that PPP uses to increase the level of
enthusiasm among the supporters. Some of the famous party anthems are:

 Dilla Teer Bhija.

 Agaya Bilawal
 Zinda Hai Bhutto Zinda hai

8. How PPP Structure Message?

PPP structure their message in very simple way. They always try to be clear as possible. But,
whenever they want to criticize the Law enforcement agencies like Army, they always use
substitute words instead of saying Army. People usually can’t tolerate any thing which goes
against Army. There is a start and conclusion to every message and they convey their message in
the simplest manner. They wouldn’t talk what does not suit them. They always try to be logical
and clear about what they speak about their message irrespective of being right or wrong. They
use poetry to rise the Moral of their party workers. The famous Habib Jalib’s Poetry written for
Benazir Bhutto while fighting Zia’s regimes in the late 1980s “Dartay hai badooqo walay ek
Nihatti Larki say”


Our report findings were based on limited resources, it may not be based on fully authentic facts
but on mere observations and data collected from the internet. We found out that somehow this
party has been adopting some of the things we studied in the course. Not just that, we found out
that communication is the key to achieving your goals, pointing out an issue and communicating
it by adopting the correct style of communication and the right tone will get people attracted to
you. If you are good at it you get things done, as well as get people to do whatever you want and
whenever you want. Pakistan People’s Party has been evolving over time in their communication
strategies and seems to be keeping up with the new world technologies. In recent time they
adopted the idea of giving speeches via video links and holograms communicate with people in
multiple locations at once. That is indeed something new to the politics of Pakistan.

We hope this basic report proves to be informative and helpful in understanding the
communication strategies of Pakistan People’s Party.

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Words are singularly the most powerful force available to
humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with
words of encouragement, or destructively using words of
despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help,
to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.
----- Yehuda Berg

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