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Name -Parimal Bobade

Subject – Marketing Management


What are the pros , cons & Risk associated with the Nike’s marketing strategy ?
1. Top Rated Athletes from Different games has been signed as spokespersons
2. Targeted famous sports across different demographics from the globe
3. Established mass networking by using sentiments of the people associated with the sports
4. Upper hand over competitors
5. Mix of Global & local personalities across the sports
6. Walk with the time, sensed the youth icons of different era and signed them as brand
7. Strong utilization of global sports gathering to connect & communicate with the consumer
8. Targeted most viewed sports like Tennis, Basketball , Football , Golf .


1. Underutilisation of opportunity by overlooking for sustainable products

2. Ignored other famous local sports like Cricket, Hockey, Formula 1 Racings which could have
utilize to generate more revenue
3. Never tried to enter the low-price segments
4. Indore fitness activity like Gym & cardio was totally out of scope
5. Never tried to focus on senior mass category
6. There were no use of any of social media like orkut at that era


1. Social status and controversies associated with famous Golf Athlete Tiger Woods could land
Nike in trouble
2. “Irreverent attitude’’ of some athlete could spoil Nike’s overall Brand equity
3. Signing immerging player , Michael Jordan at early phase of his carrier could backfired
4. Non-Eco-friendly products could distract core consumer from buying the Nike shoes
5. Possible Rights violations during China Olympic
2. If you were Adidas, how you would compete with Nike ?

1. Considering Nike’s strategy in 2008 China summer Olympic, I would have plan better for
future Global sports events like
a. 2010 Hockey world cup
b. 2011 Cricket world cup
c. Commonwealth games
2. In Regards with Popularity of Tennis during and after 2005 , my target would be to sign
possible competitors like Venus Williams , Serena Williams ,Novak Djokovic .

Adidas Walk Long, Livestrong Campaign.


1. Link “health & wellness” agenda to Adidas .

2. Brand penetration across the Globe
3. Drive campaign as CSR activity
4. Free distribution of certain units of shoes to drive this campaign

Adidas Walk Long, Livestrong Campaign will be purely driven as Brand penetration strategy
across the globe. Considering burning topic of health & wellness, Adidas will drive campaign as
a part of daily fitness activity . how walking can also turned out be excellent fitness compliment
,will be communicated through the walk long & live strong campaign . person of any age group
can take part in this campaign. Adidas will run this as a CSR activity globally and ensure people
to follow their respective fitness goals .(specifically this will counter Nike’s running shoes
segment and one more space will be created within fitness category )

Launching 40+Walking Pad series..


1. is to promote Adidas walking shoes category across the market

2. create 40+ age group segment which will be habitual of walking
3. create mind space with middle age & senior citizens

Segmentation –

1. 40 to 60 years age group

2. 60 above year age group

Planning & Execution:

 Drive a TVC globally which communicate how 40 mins walking is important when you cross
your 40 years
 Encourage people to walk through advertisement, social communications & walking events
 Penetrate “40+ walking pad” series as best gear to be used for morning walk and eve walk
 Partner with major hospitals like Forties, Apollo ,Tata ,Mayo clinic , SGH
 Arranging a walking competitions & providing walking pads in lowest cost
3. Nike is Planning to penetrate Indian Market aggressively. According to you which social
and cultural factors nike needs to consider and why ?

Social Factors Cultural Factors

 Advertising preferences  Religions
 Age distribution  Clothing & costumes
 Buying habits  Festivals
 Disposable income levels  Regional Diversity
 Education level  Traditions
 Family background  Languages
 Gender distribution  Behaviour of different regions
 Health awareness
 Minorities
 Population growth
 Quality expectations
 Social status
 Value perceptions

Why Social and cultural factors is important .

1. India as country has quite diversified portfolios

2. Test and preferences of the customer and consumer is not uniformly distributed
3. Different state has peoples with different purchasing power
4. Shoes is not only footwear for the Indian there are different forms of footwear like chappals
,Juti ,mozadi ,floaters etc
5. Footwear preferences is highly volatile according to seasons, festival etc
6. Comfort level of people changes across the region
7. Cost is major factor when it comes to foot wear
8. Literacy rate is not high in India hence people may not necessarily aware about importance
of footwear

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