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THE 1987 CONSTITUTION ➢ As between the letter of the Constitution and the
(took effect on Feb. 2, 1987 by a Constitutional interpretation of the Supreme Court, the latter
Commission, Pres. Corazon C. Aquino) prevails.
➢ Constitutional law is superior to a constitutional
CONSTITUTION. a written instrument by which the provision
fundamental powers of the government are
established, limited and defined, and by which these PREAMBLE
powers are distributed among several departments, We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the
for their safe and useful exercise, for the benefit of aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and
the body politic humane society and establish a government that
shall embody our ideals and aspirations,
SOCIAL CONTRACT. the Constitution is a social promote the common good, conserve and
contract wherewith the people surrendered their develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves
sovereign powers to the state for the common good. and our posterity the blessings of independence
The social covenant becomes effective upon an democracy under the rule of law, and a regime
ratification by the people of the Constitution. of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality and
peace, do ordain and promulgate this
CONSTITUTIONAL SUPREMACY. if a lower Constitution.
contract promulgated by the legislative or by the
 Sets the origin, scope and purposes of the
executive brands or entered into by private persons
violates any norm of the Constitution, that law or Constitution
contract is null and void.  Useful in ascertaining ambiguous provisions
of the Constitution
ESSENTIAL PARTS:  Important part of the 1987 Constitution but
• Constitution of Liberty (Art III, 1987 not indispensable
Constitution)  In the “aid of Almighty God”, it did not exclude
• Constitution of Government (Arts VI, VII, & the Filipino people of non-believers
VIII, 1987 Constitution)  Cannot be the basis of a right or obligation
• Constitution of Sovereignty (Art XVII, 1987
Sec. 1 The national territory comprises the
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. body of rules from the Philippine Archipelago, with all the islands
interpretation by a high court of cases which the and waters embraced therin, and all other
validity, in relation to the constitutional instrument, of territories, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial,
an aerial domains, including its territorial
some governmental power has been challenged
seas, the seabed, the subsoil, the insular
shelves, and other submarine areas. The
CONSTITTUTIONAL SUPREMACY waters around, between, and connecting the
DOCTRINE OF CONSTITUTIONAL SUPREMACY. islands of the archipelago, regardless of their
if a law or contract violates the norm of the breadth and dimensions, from part of the
Constitution, that law or contract, whether internal waters of the Philippines.
promulgated by the legislative or executive branch
or entered into by private persons for private Points of Reference:
purposes, is null and void and without any force and 1. Treaty of Paris –US & Spain (Dec. 10, 1890)
effect 2. Treaty of Washington – US & Spain (Nov. 7,
HORNBOOK DOCTRINE. neither the legislative, 3. Treaty between US & GB (Jan. 2, 1930)
the executive nor the judiciary has the power to act 4. “All territory which the present Government
beyond the Constitution’s mandate
of the Philippine Islands exercises
➢ Constitution prevails over ordinary laws.
Archipelago. unit of water studded with islands.
Maritime Zone
Group of islands, including parts of islands,
interconnecting waters and other natural features Territorial Sea/Waters
which are closely interrelated that such islands - consists of a marginal belt of maritime waters
waters and other natural features which are so adjacent to the baselines extending 12nn
closely interrelated that such islands, waters and outward (12mm from baseline)
other natural features form an intrinsic geographical, - subject to right innocent passage (passage
economic and political entity, or which historically not prejudicial to the interests of the coastal
have been regarded as such state nor contrary to recognized principles of
international law)
Archipelagic Principle. “the waters around,
- high seas – outside territorial sea
between, and connecting the islands of the
archipelago, irrespective of their breadth and
Internal/Inland Waters
dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the
- all parts of the sea landwards from the
baseline as well as inland rivers and lakes
Archipelagic State. a State constituted wholly by - not subject to right of innocent passage by
one or more archipelagos and may include other other states
Insular Shelf
Municipal Law. international law, the Philippine - (Continental shelf, archipelagic/insular shelf
Constitution is a municipal law with binding effects for archipelago:
only within its territorial jurisdiction (Art. I – to know A. Seabed and subsoil of the submarine
the extent of its sovereign) areas adjacent to the coastal state but
outside the territorial sea, to a depth of
Baseline. 200m, or beyond that limit to where depth
 the low water line along the coast as marked allows exploitation
on large scale charts officially recognized by B. Seabed and subsoil adjacent to islands
the coastal State where width of territorial coastal state has the right to explore and
sea is measured from exploit natural resources, to erect
 maximum of 125mm installations needed, and to erect safety
 conforming to archipelago’s general zones over its installations with a radius
configuration of 500m
 other state’s territorial sea must not be cut off
 (equidistance rule – the dividing line is a Continental Shelf
median line equidistant from the opposite - Extend to the outer edge of the continental
baseline) margin, or to a distance of 200mm
- Exclusively belong to use of State
Normal baseline method.
 one drawing baseline Contiguous Zone
 follows the sinousities of the coast; do not - 24nm from the baselines; jurisdiction where
consist straight lines we can enforce customs, fiscal, immigration
 most favorable of the coastal states and ad sanitation laws
clearly shows the character of territorial
waters appurtenant to the land territory Exclusive Economic Zone
- 200nmfrom the baselines where we can
Straight baseline. connecting selected points on have the right to exploit the living and non-
the coast without appreciable departure from the living resources
general shape of the coast (RA 306 & RA 5446)
Philippines vs China
- UNCLOS superseded any Chinese and practically nullify the mandate of the
historic/sovereign rights with respect to the fundamental law”. (Syllabus, p. 14)
maritime areas of the South China Sea
encompassed by the Chinese “nine-dash Enabling provision
line”, in excess of the limits imposed therein  A constitutional provision which lays down a
by UNCLOS. general principle, such as those found in
- Subi Reef, Gaven Reef (South), Hughes Article 2.
Reef, Mischief Reef, and Second Thomas  Requires a law to be enacted
Shoal, are low-tide elevations (LTEs). They  Congress cannot be compelled to enact laws
and, in turn, they cannot enact laws in
do not constitute fully entitled islands which
violation of the Constitution
have the capacity to generate entitlement to
o Remedy of the People: by the ballot
o Same rule applies to the President
- Scarborough Shoal, Gaven Reef (North), Mc
Kennan Reef, Johnson Reef, Cuarteron Self-executing provision
Reef, and Fiery Cross Reef, in their national  A provision which is complete in itself and
condition, are rocks that cannot sustain becomes operative without the aid of
human habitation or economic life of their supplementary or enabling legislation, such
own. as those found in article iii, is self-executory.
- None of the high-tide features in the Spratly
Islands, in their natural condition, are STATE PRINCIPLES
capable of sustaining human habitation ore Sec. 1: The Philippines is a democratic and
economic life of their own within the meaning republican state. Sovereignty resides in the
people and government authority emanates
of Article 121(3) of the Convention.
from them.
- Does China have overlapping entitlements to
an EEZ or continental shelf in the areas of How is the Philippines a Democratic and a
Mischief Reef or Second Thomas Shoal? Republican state?
o No. Mischief Reef and Second  Democratic state. One wherein the people
Thomas Shoal are within the PH EEZ themselves collectively exercise, perform
and continental shelf. and discharge the sovereign functions of the
- Who has better right over the fishing grounds government. The Philippines has a people’s
of Scarborough Shoal: Chinese fishermen or initiative and referendum (Sec 32, Art. VI).
Filipino fishermen?  Republican state. A representative type of
o Scarborough Shoal has been a government. Filipinos of age have the
traditional fishing ground for power/right to elect.
fishermen of many nationalities.
What is a State?
ARTICLE II DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES AND  Community of persons, more or less
STATE POLICIES numerous (PEOPLE), permanently
occupying a definite portion of territory
Principles. Binding rules which must be observed in (TERRITORY), independent of external
the conduct of government. control (GOVERNMENT), and possessing
Policies. Guideline for the orientation of the an organized government to which the great
State(elements: People, Government, Territory, body inhabitants render habitual obedience
Sovereignty) (SOVEREIGNTY).
o Its size and number of people must
Manila Prince Hotel v. GSIS: All provisions of the correlate to some extend so it can
Constitution is presumed to be self-executing, operate as a State.
because to treat them as requiring legislation would
result to giving the legislature “the power to ignore
What are the constituent and ministrant
functions of the government? (Bernas, p. 44)
 Constituent-compulsory functions which AC: Saguisag vs. Ochoa, G.R. No. 212426, etc.,
constitute the very bonds of society Jan. 12, 2016:
 Ministrant-optional functions of gov’t For allowing the U.S a rent-free access and use of
intended for achieving a better life for the Philippine bases and other “agreed locations”
community around the country by the U.S troops and its
vessels and with authority to construct facilities
threat and to preposition and store defense
Sovereignty. The right to exercise the functions of
equipment, supplies, and materials at these
a State to the exclusion of any other State. Philippine bases and other “agreed locations”, is
EDCA consistent with the content, purpose, and
Cruz v. Secretary: Dominion or dominium (as framework of the MDT and the VFA and not
opposed to sovereignty). The capacity of the State violate of Philippine sovereignty?
to own or acquire such lands and natural resources.
Ruling: Yes. Enhanced Defense Cooperation
Sec. 2: The Philippines renounces was as an Agreement (EDCA) is consistent with the content,
instrument of national policy, adopts the purpose, and framework of the MDT and FVA and
generally accepted principles of international not violative of Philippine Sovereignty. EDCA is
law as part of the law of the land and adheres not constitutionally infirm. As an executive
to the policy of peace, equality, justice, agreement, it remains consistent with existing
freedom, cooperation, and amity with all laws and treaties that it purports to implement.
nations. (SELF-EXECUTING) The EDCA allows the use of Philippine bases and
other "agreed locations" around the country for the
Does the 1987 Constitution prohibit the U.S troops regardless of what the reason for the
Philippines from going into war? allowance is, be it non-combat activities or borne
out of military necessity. The Court's
 It only renounces wars of aggression. The
jurisprudence established in certain terms that
power to wage a defensive war is basic and non-combat activities (as opposed to actual
essential for the state. (Bernas, p. 60) combat) were allowed under the MDT and VFA.
The EDCA also allows the temporary stationing of
Does the Philippines accept generally accepted U.S. military personnel in constructed physical
principles of international laws? locations with permanent facilities just like how the
 Yes. The Philippines only adopts the VFA allowed construction of facilities for the
generally accepted principles of international benefit of U.S. forces during their visits. And just
law by making it part of the law of the land like the VFA, EDCA also allows the prepositioning
through the doctrine of incorporation. military materiel.
o Under the Doctrine of
Incorporation, rules of international Sec. 3: Civilian authority is, at all times,
laws are given a standing equal, not supreme over the military. The Armed Forces
superior, to national laws. It applies of the Philippines is the protector of the people
and the state. Its goal is to secure the
only to customary law and treaties
sovereignty of the state and the integrity of the
which have become part of national territory. (SELF-EXECUTING)
customary law (those that don’t need
ratification). (Bernas, p. 61) If the AFP is the protector of the people and the
State, does PNP have the same mandate?
Jus cogens norms (Latin, in relation to everyone) in
 No. The PNP is not part of the AFP. It is
international law has been used as a legal term
civilian in character (not military) but national
describing obligations owed by States towards the
in scope even if they carry firearms.
community of states as a whole.
As the “protector of the people and the state” is
Erga omnes obligations (international law concept,
the AFP authorized to topple a corrupt and
compelling law) refers to norms that command
ineffective government?
peremptory authority, superseding conflicting
 No. It has to start with the people, by the
treaties and custom.
 Congress enacted R.A. No. 6968 An Act  The principle of separation of Church and
Punishing the Crime of Coup d’ etat State is based on mutual respect: the State
cannot meddle in the internal affairs of the
Sec. 4: The prime duty of the government is to church nor favor one religion and
serve and protect the people. The government discriminate against another; while the
may call upon the people to defend the State church cannot impose its beliefs and
and, in the fulfillment thereof, all citizens may convictions on the State and the rest of the
be required, under the conditions provided by citizenry nor demand that the nation follow its
law, to render personal military or civil service. beliefs, even if it sincerely believes that they
are good for the country. (Imbong vs Ochoa)
Can the government compel its citizens to serve in
AC: Re: Letter of Valenciano, A.M. No. 10-4-19-
military? SC, March 7,2017:
 Qualify. All citizens may be required to Does the holding of masses at the basement of
render personal, military, or civil service. This the Quezon city hall of justice violate the
is a consequence of the government’s duty constitutional principle of separation of church and
to protect its people. state?
 Exception: Discretion is implied upon the
Congress by the phrase “provided by law Ruling: No. Holding masses at the City Hall
o Conscientious objectors are allowed merely constitutes accommodation. It is not
mandated to attend the mass and it is at their own
Note: Includes citizens who have retired from volition to profess their faith in any form.
Furthermore, no public resource was spent for the
military service (Parreño vs COA)
purpose of spreading the Catholic faith as the
building stays operational during such mass.
Defense of the State Therefore, the City Hall of Justice was no
 The right of the government to require converted to a Catholic Chapel and does not
compulsory military service is a prejudice other religious.
consequence of its duty to defend the State
and its people. AC: Imbong vs. Ochoa, 204819, April 8, 2014:
 But discretion is implied by the following Does R.A. No. 10354, “The Responsible
phraseology: “may call upon” and “may be Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012,
violate the principle of separation of the church
and the state?
Sec. 5: The maintenance of peace and order, Ruling: No. The principle of separation of Church
the protection of life, liberty and property, and and State is enshrined in Article II, Section 6 of
promotion of general welfare are essential for 1987 Constitution which states that the separation
the enjoyment by all the people of the of the Church and State shall be inviolable.
blessings of democracy. (ENABLING) Generally, the State cannot meddle in the internal
affairs of the church, much less question its faith
Blessings of Democracy and dogmas or dictate upon it. On the other hand,
the church cannot impose its beliefs and
Maintenance of Peace and Order convictions on the State and the rest of the
- Protection citizenry.
- Promotion of common good/general welfare
- Hierarchy of rights: (1) life, (2) liberty, (3) STATE POLICIES
Sec. 7: The State shall pursue an independent
foreign policy. In its relations with other
Sec. 6: The separation of the Church and State
states, the paramount consideration shall be
shall be inviolable. (SELF-EXECUTING)
national sovereignty, territorial integrity,
national interest, and the right to self-
What is the significance of the separation of the determination. (ENABLING)
church and state?
What are some important independent and foreign  No. There is neither customary or
policies of the Philippines? conventional int’l law specifically authorizing
 Three pillars (R.A. No. 7157, Ph Foreign nor prohibiting the threat or use of nuclear
Service Act of 1991. Overseas Filipino will weapons.
continue to be recognized for their crucial
role in the country’s economic and social Can nuclear arms be resorted to in self-defense?
stability)  The entitlement to resort to self-defense is
o Preservation and enhancement of subject to the conditions of necessity and
national security proportionality. The proportionality principle
o Protection of the rights and promotion of may thus not in itself exclude the use of
the welfare of overseas Filipino nuclear weapons in self-defense in all
o Promotion and attainment of economic circumstances.
 Visiting Forces Agreement Is this also a ban for peaceful uses of nuclear
o Is the instrument agreed upon to provide energy? (Bernas, p. 73)
for the joint RP-US military exercises  No. It is not. Nor is it a ban on all “nuclear-
o Is simply an implementing agreement to capable vessels”. For a vessel to be banned,
the main RP-US Military Defense Treaty it is not enough that it is capable of carrying
 Balikatan Exercises (aka Joint RP-US nuclear arms; it must actually carry nuclear
military exercises) arms.
o For the purpose of developing of  Commissioner Azcuna further states that the
developing the capability to resist an ban covers possession, controlling and
armed attack fall squarely under the manufacturing nuclear weapons. It bans
provisions of the RP-US Mutual Defense nuclear tests and dumping radioactive
Treaty. wastes in the Philippine territory.

International agreements need not only be in the AC: Saguisag vs. Ochoa, G.R. No. 212426, etc.,
form of a treaty or an executive agreement, unless Jan. 12, 2016:
the Constitution or a statute requires otherwise. For allowing nuclear weapons in the Philippines,
is EDCA invalid and unconstitutional?
Sec. 8: The Philippines, consistent with the
national interest, adopts and pursues a policy Ruling: No. The charge that EDCA allows nuclear
of freedom from nuclear weapons in its weapons within the Philippine territory is entirely
territory. (ENABLING) speculative. The agreement in fact specifies that
the prepositioned materiel shall not include
Nuclear Free Philippines nuclear weapons. The general prohibition on
nuclear weapons, whether prepositioned or not, is
“consistent with national interest” = “subject to
already expressed in the 1987 Constitution. It
national interest”
would be unnecessary or superfluous to include
- Ban is only on nuclear arms – that is, the use already in the Constitution or in the law through a
and stockpiling of nuclear weapons, devices, document like the EDCA.
and parts thereof. This includes not only
possessing, controlling and manufacturing Sec. 9: The State shall promote a just and
nuclear weapons, but also nuclear tests in dynamic social order that will ensure the
our territory, as well as the use of our territory prosperity and independence of the nation and
as dumping ground for radioactive wastes. free the people from poverty through policies
that provide adequate social services,
- It is not a ban on the peaceful use of nuclear
promote full employment, a rising standard of
energy. Nor is it a bann on all “nuclear- living, and an improved quality of life for all.
capable vessels” (ENABLING)

Is there customary or conventional international Sec. 10: The State shall promote justice in all
law specifically authorizing the threat or use of phases of national development. (ENABLING)
nuclear weapons?
What is the difference between Social Order and Sec. 11: The State values the dignity of every
Social Justice? human person and guarantees full respect for
 Social order (Sec. 9) ensures the prosperity human rights. (ENABLING)
and independence of the nation and free the
people from the poverty through policies that  Maria Clara Doctrine-natural instinct to
provide adequate social services, promote full protect their honor.
employment, a rising standard of living, and an
improved quality of life for all. Note: Further explained in Bill of Rights and human
 Social justice (Sec. 10) covers all phases of rights provision of Article XIII.
national development but with emphasis not just
on the socio-economic but also on political and Sec. 12: The State recognizes the sanctity of
cultural inequities. family life and shall protect and strengthen the
o It allows the law to bend over backward to family as a basic autonomous social
accommodate the interests of the working institution. It shall equally protect the life of
the mother and the life of the unborn from
class on the humane justification that those
conception. The natural and primary right and
with less privilege in life should have more in duty of the parents in the rearing of the youth
law (Mary’s Academy vs Palacio). for civic efficiency and the development of
o But it does not countenance wrongdoing moral character shall receive the support of
simply because it is committed by the the Government. (ENABLING)
underprivileged, only mitigates the penalty at
best (ISM vs ISAE, G.R. No. 167286)  State acts as parens patriae to aid parents in the
 Rule of thumb: moral dev’t of the youth and their important role
o In case of doubt in the interpretation of the in nation-building.
law, it should be interpreted in favor of the  Everything that prevents fertilization is not
poor as against rich. prohibited.
o However, social justice should be used only
to correct an injustice. Abortifacient. Any drug or device that either:
o To the rich and poor alike, dura lex sed lex - Induces abortion
(Latin, the law is harsh but it is the law) - Induces the destruction of a fetus inside the
mother’s womb
AC: Int’l. School Manila vs. ISEA, G.R. No. - Prevents the fertilized ovum to reach and be
167286, Feb. 5, 2014:
Shall separation pay be allowed as a measure of implanted in the mother’s womb
social justice to all employees who have been
dismissed? AC: Imbong vs. Ochoa, G.R.No. 204819, April 8,
Ruling: It depends. The court recognized Santos’ Does R.A. No. 10354, “The Responsible
gross and habitual neglect as serious misconduct, Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012,
which is a ground for dismissal as stated in Article violate the constitutional right to life of the unborn?
282 of the Labor Code. This court ruled that the
lower court erred in finding that the respondent Ruling: No. The RH Law specifically and
was illegally dismissed. Furthermore, on the topic expressly prohibits drugs or devices which induce
of separation pay, the court holds that separation abortion and any drug or device which will sever
pay shall be allowed as a measure of social justice the fetus from the womb of the mother. It also
for causes other than serious misconduct or those expressly provides that the contraceptives
reflecting on the employee’s moral character. allowed are those that prevent the egg cell and the
Those who invoke social justice may do so only if sperm cell from meeting, which is in line with
their hands are clean and their motives blameless Section 12, Article II. Since life begins at
and not simply because they happen to be fertilization, when the egg cell and sperm cell
underprivileged. Therefore, Santos will only be meet, there is no life to protect yet.
entitled to separation pay in view of the length of
her service with the School prior to the events that Sec. 13: The State recognizes the vital role of
led to the termination of her employment. the youth in nation-building and shall promote
and protect their physical, moral, spiritual,
intellectual and social wellbeing. It shall Sec. 15: The State shall protect and promote
inculcate in the youth patriotism and the right to health of the people and instill
nationalism, and encourage their involvement health consciousness among them. (SELF-
in public and civic affairs. (ENABLING) EXECUTING)

Sec. 14 The State recognizes the role of AC: Imbong vs. Ochoa, No. 204819, April 8, 2014:
women in nation-building, and shall ensure Does R.A. No. 10354, “The Responsible
the fundamental equality before the law of Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012,
women and men. (ENABLING) violate the constitutional right to health and the
right to protection against hazardous products?
 Intention was not to advocate absolute
sameness because there are obvious biological Ruling: No. R.A. No 10354 includes the use of
differences between men and women contraceptives and drugs that are expressly
approved by the FDA as safe and not harmful to
the body. It further says that drugs and
AC: Cadiz vs. Brent Hospital and Colleges, G.R.
contraceptives that are abortifacient are not
No. 187417, February 24, 2016:
allowed. The provisions of the law also say that
Is the condition imposed on Cadiz by Brent
both spouses can decided which of the many
Hospital and Colleges that “she subsequently
modern family planning methods to engage in.
contract marriage with her then boyfriend for her
Therefore, it is not restrictive.
to be reinstated” in consonance with “the policy
against encouraging illicit or common-law
relations that would subvert the sacrament of Sec. 16: The State shall protect and advance
marriage”? the right of the people to a balanced and
healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm
Ruling: No. There is no rhyme or reason for it. It and harmony of nature. (SELF-EXECUTING)
forces Cadiz to marry for economic reasons and
deprives her of the freedom to choose her status,  The right to a balanced and healthful ecology
which is a privilege that inheres in her as an carries with it the correlative duty to refrain from
intangible and inalienable right as stated in R.A. impairing the environment (Laguna Lake Dev.
No. 9710, Magna Carta of Women, that protects Authority vs CA)
her against discrimination in all matters relating to
marriage and family relations. The condition, Sec. 17: The State shall give priority to
therefore, to contract a marriage to be reinstated education, science and technology, arts,
is coercive, oppressive and discriminatory. So the culture, and sports to foster patriotism and
court cannot uphold the validity of the condition. nationalism, accelerate social progress, and
promote total human liberation and
AC: Garcia vs. Drilon, G.R. No. 179267, June 25, development. (ENABLING)
Is R.A. 9262, An Act Defining Violence Against Sec. 18: The State affirms labor as a primary
Women and Their Children, violative of social economic force. It shall protect the
fundamental equality between men and women? rights of workers and promote their welfare.
Ruling: No. The guaranty of equal protection of
the laws is not a guaranty of equality in the Sec. 19: The state shall develop a self-reliant
application of the laws upon all citizens of the and independent national economy effectively
state. In fact, the Constitution does not require that controlled by Filipinos. (ENABLING)
thing which are different in fact be treated in law
as though they were the same. The equal
- The objective is to simply prohibit foreign powers
protection clause does not forbid discrimination as
to things that are different. Therefore, it does not or interests from maneuvering our economic
prohibit legislation which is limited either in the policies and ensure that Filipinos are given
object to which it is directed or by the territory preference in all areas of development.
within which it is to operate. Sec. 20: The State recognizes the
indispensable role of the private sector,
encourages private enterprise, and provides
incentives to needed investments. Are Secs. 13 and 14 of RA 9167 invalid for being
(ENABLING) unconstitutional and violate of local fiscal
Sec. 21: The State shall promote a
comprehensive rural development and Ruling: Yes. Section 5, Article XI of the 1973
agrarian reform. (ENABLING) Constitution gave LGUs the "power to create its
own sources of revenue and to levy taxes, subject
 Rural development is not just agricultural to such limitations as may be provided by law.''
development but rather it encompasses a broad This authority was further strengthened in the
1987 Constitution, through the inclusion in
spectrum of social, economic, human, cultural,
Section5, Article X thereof of the condition that "
political and even industrial development. such taxes, fees, and charges shall accrue
exclusively to local governments." In the case at
Sec. 22: The State recognizes and promotes bar, through the application and enforcement of
the rights of indigenous cultural communities Sec. 14 of RA 9167, the income from the
within the framework of national unity and amusement taxes levied by the covered LGUs did
development. (ENABLING) not and will under no circumstance accrue to
them, not even partially, despite being the taxing
Sec. 23: The State shall encourage non- authority therefor.
governmental, community-based, or sectoral
organizations that promote the welfare of the AC: Alta Vista Golf and Country Club vs. Cebu
nation. (ENABLING) City, G.R. No. 180235. Jan. 20, 2016:
Is section 42 of the Revised Omnibus Tax
 Volunteerism and participation of non- Ordinance, as amended imposing amusement tax
governmental organizations in national on golf courses within the authority Of Cebu City
development should be encouraged. to enact under the Local Government Code?

Sec. 24: The State recognizes the vital role of Ruling: No. A golf course cannot be considered a
communication and information in nation- place of amusement. As petitioner asserted,
building. (ENABLING) people do not enter a golf course to see or view a
show or performance. Petitioner also, as
proprietor or operator of the golf course, does not
Sec. 25: The State shall ensure the autonomy
actively display, stage, or present a show or
of local governments. (ENABLING)
performance. People go to a golf course to
engage themselves in a physical sport activity,
Principle of local autonomy. Means i.e., to play golf; the same reason why people go
decentralization, autonomous in the sense that it is to a gym or court to play badminton or tennis or to
given more powers, authority, responsibilities and a shooting range for target practice, yet there is no
resources thereby enabling them to develop in their showing herein that such gym, court, or shooting
own pace, discretion, resources and assets, which range is similarly considered an amusement place
is in contrary to before when powers were highly subject to amusement tax. There is no basis for
concentrated in Manila (Alvarez vs Guingona). singling out golf courses for amusement tax
purposes from other places where people go to
Principle of local fiscal autonomy. The power of play sports. This is in contravention of one of the
LGUs to create their own sources of revenue in fundamental principles of local taxation: that the
addition to their equitable share in the national taxes "[t]axation shall be uniform in each local
government unit.
released by the national government, as well as the
power to allocate their resources in accordance with
Sec. 26: The State shall guarantee equal
their own priorities. It extends to the preparation of
access to opportunities for public service and
their budgets, and local officials in turn have to work
prohibit political dynasties as may be defined
within the constraints thereof (Pimentel vs Aguirre). by law. (ENABLING)

AC: FDCP vs. Colon Heritage, G.R. No. 203754, Sec. 27: The State shall maintain honesty and
June 16, 2015: integrity in the public service and take positive
and effective measures against graft and Legislative power. The authority to make laws and
corruption. (ENABLING) to alter and repeal them. Otherwise stated, it is the
power or competence of the legislature to enact,
Sec. 28: Subject to reasonable conditions ordain alter or modify.
prescribed by law, the State adopts and
implements a policy of full public disclosure of Informing Function. Power of the Congress, when
all its transactions involving public interest. it investigates, is either in aid of legislation or by way
(ENABLING) of oversight. What appears to have been forgotten is
an equally important and fundamental power and
 Right of access to information on matters of duty of Congress and that is its informing function by
public concern (Bill of Rights) way of investigating for the purpose of enlightening
 The right to information guarantees the right of the electorate. (ABADA vs. PURISIMA)
people to demand information; this provision
recognizes the duty of officialdom to give Limits on Legislative Power. The legislative power
information even if nobody demands. is subject to substantive and procedural limitations
- Substantive limitations - circumscribe both the
AC: Sereno vs. Committee on Trade and Related exercise of the power itself and the allowable
Matters, G.R. No. 175210, Feb. 2016:
subjects of legislation. Chiefly found in the Bill of
Whether or not the CTRM may be compelled by
mandamus to furnish the petitioner with a copy of Rights
the minutes of the May 23, 2005 meeting based - Procedural limitations – prescribing the manner of
on the constitutional right to information on passing bills and the form they should take
matters of public concern and State’s policy of full
public disclosure? Initiative and Referendum. The power of the
people directly to “propose and enact laws or
Ruling: No. Two requisites must concur before approve or reject any act or law or part thereof
the right to information may be compelled by writ passed by Congress or local legislative body.
of mandamus. Firstly, the information sought must
be in relation to matters of public concern or public
interest. And, secondly, it must not be exempt by Purpose: To institutionalize “people power” by
law from the operation of the constitutional providing for an instrument which can be used
guarantee. The position of the petrochemical should the legislative show itself indifferent to the
industry as an essential contributor to the overall needs of the people.
growth of our country’s economy easily makes the
information sought a matter of public concern or Can Congress give to the President veto power
interest. But in Chavez v. Public Estates Authority, over laws passed through initiative and
the Court has ruled that the right to information referendum?
does not extend to matters acknowledged as The President can have a role in “initiative
"privileged information under the separation of and referendum” only if given a role by law.
powers," which include "Presidential
conversations, correspondences, or discussions
Separation of Powers. In essence means that
during closed-door Cabinet meetings."
legislation belongs to Congress, execution to the
executive, settlement of legal controversies to the
judiciary. Each is prevented from invading the
domain of the others. The separation is not total. The
Section 1. The legislative power shall be
system allows for “checks and balances”
vested in the Congress of the Philippines
which shall consist of a Senate and a House of - Legislative: enact, amend, or repeal laws
Representatives, except to the extent reserved - Executive: enforce and execute laws
to the people by the provision on initiative and - Judicial: interpret the laws when challenged
Checks and Balance. As an adjunct to, and
Nature of Legislative Power consequence of, the principle of separation of
powers, “checks and balance” serves as a
mechanism for one branch of government to
examine the other branch without necessarily (1) Complete in itself (it must set forth the policy
invading the domain of others. to be carried out or implemented); and
- Legislative: enact, amend or repeal laws (2) Fix a standard (the limits of which are
- Executive: vetoes the laws sufficiently determinable) to which the
- Judicial: declares the laws unconstitutional delegate must conform.

Purpose of separation of powers and “checks AC: Belgica vs. Alcantara, G.R. No. 208566, etc.,
and balances” – to prevent concentration of powers November 19, 2013
in one department and thereby to avoid tyranny. Are these measures violative of the non-
delegability of legislative functions?
New Modality: Checks and Balance Ruling: No, they are null and void. The clear,
- Legislative: enact GAA and SAA unambiguous, and unequivocal use of “may” in
Art. 176 rendering the use of an illegitimate
- Executive: approves GAA or SAA &
father’s surname discretionary controls, and
disburse illegitimate children are given the choice on the
- Constitutional Commission: (COA) surnames by which they will be known. The use of
suspends or disallows the word “shall” in the IRR of RA 9255 is of no
- Judicial: convicts for an election offense
- Executive: pardons the convict THE SENATE
- Constitutional Commission: (COMELEC)
unfavorable recommendation Section 2. The Senate shall be composed of
twenty-four Senators who shall be elected at
large by the qualified voters of the Philippines,
Blending of Powers. In essence, blending of as may be provided by law.
powers is the confluence of the exercise of two (2)
or more powers of the three (3) branches of Section 3. No person shall be a Senator unless
government to bring about an institutional mandate he is a natural-born citizen of the Philippines
or to complete a constitutional process. and, on the day of the election, is at least
- Congress enacts a law + President signs a thirty-five years of age, able to read and write,
law = Republic Act a registered voter, and a resident of the
- President enters into Treaty + Senate Philippines for not less than two years
concurs = Binding Treaty immediately preceding the day of the election.
- President nominates presidential appointees
Section 4. The term of office of the Senators
+ Commission on Appointment confirms =
shall be six years and shall commence, unless
Presidential Appointment otherwise provided by law, at noon on the
thirtieth day of June next following their
Delegation of Powers. election. No Senator shall serve for more than
General rule. Delegata potestas non potest delegari two consecutive terms. Voluntary
(Delegated power can not be re-delegated) renunciation of the office for any length of time
Exception. The legislative branch of government for shall not be considered as an interruption in
purposes of expediency the continuity of his service for the full term of
 Delegation of emergency power to the which he was elected
Section 5. (1) The House of Representatives
 Delegation of tariff power to the President
shall be composed of not more than two
 Delegation to the people-at-large (Sec. 32, hundred and fifty members, unless otherwise
Art. VI) fixed by law, who shall be elected from
 Delegation to local government (Art. X) legislative districts apportioned among the
 Delegation to administrative bodies provinces, cities, and the Metropolitan Manila
area in accordance with the number of their
The statute making the delegation must be: respective inhabitants, and on the basis of a
uniform and progressive ratio, and those who,
as provided by law, shall be elected through a
party-list system of registered national,
regional, and sectoral parties or organizations. Section 9. In case of vacancy in the Senate or
in the House of Representatives, a special
(2) The party-list representatives shall election may be called to fill such vacancy in
constitute twenty per centum of the total the manner prescribed by law, but the Senator
number of representatives including those or Member of the House of Representatives
under the party list. For three consecutive thus elected shall serve only for the unexpired
terms after the ratification of this Constitution, term.
one-half of the seats allocated to party-list
representatives shall be filled, as provided by Senator Congressman
law, by selection or election from the labor, Natural-born citizen, able to read and write
peasant, urban poor, indigenous cultural
communities, women, youth, and such other 35 years of age 25 years of age
sectors as may be provided by law, except the 2-year residence, 1-year residence,
religious sector. registered voter registered voter
6-year term up to 2 3-year term up to 3
(3) Each legislative district shall comprise, as consecutive terms consecutive terms
far as practicable, contiguous, compact, and
adjacent territory. Each city with a population
- The residence requirement is satisfied if one is
of at least two hundred fifty thousand, or each
province, shall have at least one domiciled in the Philippines even if not
representative. physically present in the Philippines during the
two-year period.
(4) Within three years following the return of - The age qualification must be possessed on the
every census, the Congress shall make a day the votes are cast.
reapportionment of legislative districts based
on the standards provided in this section.
Q: What is “gerrymandering”? Is it allowed?
A: “Gerrymandering” is the formation of one
Section 6. No person shall be a Member of the legislative district out of separate territories for the
House of Representatives unless he is a purpose of favouring a candidate or a party is not
natural-born citizen of the Philippines and, on allowed. The constitution says that each district
the day of the election, is at least twenty-five shall “comprise as far as practicable, contiguous,
years of age, able to read and write, and, compact and adjacent territory”.
except the party-list representatives, a
registered voter in the district in which he shall
be elected, and a resident thereof for a period
Should national and regional parties or
of not less than one year immediately
organizations represent the “marginalized and
preceding the day of the election.
underrepresented” sectors?
Ruling: R.A. No. 7941 does not require national
Section 7. The Members of the House of and regional parties or organizations to represent
Representatives shall be elected for a term of the “marginalized and underrepresented” sectors.
three years which shall begin, unless
otherwise provided by law, at noon on the Must the nominees of the party-list group either
thirtieth day of June next following their belong to the sector, or must have a track record
election. No Member of the House of of advocacy for the sector represented?
Representatives shall serve for more than Ruling: These nominees must either belong to
three consecutive terms. Voluntary their respective sectors or must have a track
renunciation of the office for any length of time record of advocacy for their representative
shall not be considered as an interruption in sectors.
the continuity of his service for the full term for
which he was elected Can major political parties should participate in
party-list elections?
Section 8. Unless otherwise provided by law, Ruling: Yes. But major political parties should
the regular election of the Senators and the participate in party-list elections only through their
Members of the House of Representatives sectoral wings. Such sectoral wing of a must have
shall be held on the second Monday of May.
its own constitution, by-laws, platform or program The purpose is to place a legal bar to the legislators
of government, officers, and members, etc. yielding to the natural temptation to increase their
Without amending the Constitution:
• Can a law change the numerical composition of Privilege from Arrest
Senators and Congressmen? NO, EXCEPT  A legislator is privileged from arrest even for a
HR. criminal offense provided that the offense was
• Can a law change the manner of electing not punishable by a penalty of more than six
Senators and Congressmen? NO, EXCEPT PL. years imprisonment.
• Can the qualifications of Senators and  This privilege is available only while congress is
Congressmen be changed, by law? NO, in session. Hence it is not available while
EXCEPT PL. congress is in recess
• Can the terms and limits be changed, by law?  Members of Congress NOT exempt from
NO. detention for crime, they may be arrested, even
when the House is in session, for crimes
TOLENTINO vs. COMELEC punishable by a penalty of more than six months
A special election for the vacancy int eh Senate or in  There is no basis whatsoever for treating him or
the House may be held on occasion of a regular her differently from other convicts
election provided that the electorate shall be
accordingly notified of such fact. Parliamentary freedom of speech and debate
(AKA Parliamentary privilege of speech)
Section 10. The salaries of Senators and  “speech and debate” – includes utterances
Members of the House of Representatives made in the performance of official functions,
shall be determined by law. No increase in said
such as speeches delivered, statements made,
compensation shall take effect until after the
expiration of the full term of all the Members of votes cast as well as bills introduced and other
the Senate and the House of Representatives acts done in the performance of his duties.
approving such increase.  Not essential that the Congress be in session
when the utterance was made. What is essential
Section 11. A Senator or Member of the House is that the utterance must constitute “legislative
of Representatives shall, in all offenses action” that is it must be part of the deliberative
punishable by not more than six years
and communicative process by which
imprisonment, be privileged from arrest while
the Congress is in session. No Member shall legislators participate in committee or
be questioned nor be held liable in any other congressional proceedings
place for any speech or debate in the
Congress or in any committee thereof. Purpose of the privileges. Intended to leave the
legislator unimpeded in the performance of his
Initial Annual Salaries (1987): duties and free from fear of harassment from
- Senators and Congressmen: P204,000.00 outside.
- Senate President/Speaker: P240,000.00
Trillanes IV vs. Pimentel. Are the statements of
Current Annual Salaries (2010): Trillanes been made in the course of the
- Senators and Congressmen: P420,000.00 performance of his duties as a Senator and thus
- Senate President/Speaker: P480, 000.00 covered by his parliamentary immunity?
No, as they were made in response to media
These are subject to change by law. No increase in interviews during gaps and breaks in plenary
said compensation shall take effect until after the and committee hearings in the Senate, they
expiration of the full term of ALL (including the six fell outside the privilege of speech and
year term of the Senators) the Members of the debate.
Senate and the House of Representatives approving
such increase. Sec. 12 All Members of the Senate and the
House of Representatives shall, upon
assumption of office, make a full disclosure of the Constitution. PNRC is a private organization
their financial and business interests. They performing public functions.
shall notify the House concerned a potential The structure of the PNRC is sui generis
conflict of interest that may arise from the being neither strictly private nor public in nature, RA
filing of a proposed legislation of which they No. 95 remains valid and constitutional in its entirety.
are authors. The constitutionality of RA No. 95, as amended, the
charter f the Philippine National Red Cross, was not
Potential conflict of interest. A “Potential conflict raised by the parties as an issue and should not
of interest” on a proposed legislation exists when the have been passed upon by this Court.
proponent bill, his family or his company will directly
or indirectly benefit from the proposed bill if enacted Sec. 14 No Senator or Member of the House of
into law. Representatives may personally appear as
counsel before any court of justice or before
Is a legislator barred from filling a bill that may the Electoral Tribunals, or quasi-judicial and
create a potential conflict of interest? other administrative bodies. Neither shall he,
A legislator is not prevented from filing a bill that directly or indirectly, be interested financially
may create a conflict of interest. The advance in any contract with, or in any franchise or
disclosure would create a favorable special privilege granted by the Government,
presumption in his behalf. or any subdivision, agency or instrumentality
thereof, including any government-owned or
Sec. 13 No Senator or Member of the House of controlled corporation, or its subsidiary,
Representatives may hold any other office or during his term of office. He shall not intervene
employment I the government, or any in any matter before any office of the
subdivision, agency, or instrumentality Government for his pecuniary benefit or where
thereof, including government-owned or he may be called upon to act on account of his
controlled corporations or their subsidiaries, office.
during his term without forfeiting his seat.
Neither shall be appointed to any office which Prohibited Appearance. No Senator or Member of
may have been created or the emoluments the House of Representatives may personally
thereof increased thereof during the term for appear as counsel before any court of justice or
which was elected. before the Electoral Tribunals, or quasi-judicial and
other administrative bodies.
Prohibited Employment The prohibition does not apply to court appearance
No senator or Member of the house of of the law office of the Senate Congressman. (Sec.
Representatives may hold any other office: 14, Art. VI).
- In government, or any subdivision, agency,
instrumentality, GOCCs or their subsidiaries Sec. 15 The Congress shall convene once
- Which may have been created or emoluments every year on the 4th Monday of July for its
thereof increased thereof during the term for regular session, unless a different date is fixed
by law, and shall continue to be in session
which he was elected
until thirty days before the opening of its next
session, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and
Before or after his term, can a legislator be legal holidays. The President may call a
appointed to an office created during his term? special session at any time.
- Military offices can but offices in the
government, subdivisions, GOCC, and etc. Sec 16 (1) The Senate shall elect its President
cannot. and the House of Representatives its Speaker,
by a majority voter of all its respective
LIBAN vs. GORDON members. Each Hose shall choose such other
By accepting the PNRC Chair, did Gordon forfeit his officers as it may deem necessary.
Senate seat?
(2) A majority of each House shall constitute a
No. The PNRC Chairman is not an official or
quorum to do business, but a smaller number
employee of the Executive branch since his may adjourn from day today and may compel
appointment does not fall under Sec. 26, Art. VII of the attendance of absent members ins such,
manners, and under such penalties, as such o No. The powers of Congress and the
House may provide. COMELEC en banc are exercised before
proclamation while the powers of the PET the SET
(3) Each House may determine the rules of its and the HRET are exercised after proclamation.
proceedings, punish its members for
disorderly behavior, and with the concurrence AC: Delgado vs HRET
of two-thirds of all its members, suspend or As the sole judge of the election, returns, and the
expel a Member. A penalty of suspension, qualifications of the members of the House of
when imposed, shall not exceed sixty days. Representatives, can the judgment of the HRET
be reviewed?
(4) Each house shall keep a journal of its Ruling: Yes, when it commits grave abuse of
proceedings, and from time to time publish the discretion as in this case when it failed to
same, excepting such parts as may, in its disqualify Pichay for his conviction for libel, a
judgment, affect national security; and the crime involving moral turpitude.
yeas and nays on any question shall, at the
present, be entered in the journal. Each House
AC: Atty. Lico vs COMELEC
shall also keep a record of its proceedings.
Who has jurisdiction over the expulsion of a sitting
party list member from Congress and from his
(5) Neither House during the session of the
Congress shall, without the consent of the
Ruling: HRET has jurisdiction. The issue on the
other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to
validity of petitioner Lico’s expulsion for Ating
any place than that in which the two Houses
Koop is integral to the issue of his qualifications to
shall be sitting.
sit in Congress, thus, HRET has jurisdiction.
But a party-list organization owes its existence to
Santiago vs Guingona the State and the latter’s approval must be
- The only constitutionally mandated officers of obtained through its agent, the Comelec. Any
Congress are the Senate President and the challenges on its continued existence is within the
Speaker of the House of Representatives who plenary power of the Comelec.
are elected by a majority vote of all its respective
members. AC: Abayon vs COMELEC
- The other congressional officers are specified Does HRET have the power to annul election
and elected in the manner set forth in the results on the ground of terrorism? Was there
legal basis for the HRET to annul election results?
respective Rules of both houses.
Ruling: Yes, HRET has the power to annul. In this
case, however, the claim of terrorism was not duly
Section 16 (2). “Smaller Number” substantiated thus, the annulment of the election
The authority of “smaller number” and imposable results did not have legal basis.
penalties must be provided in the rules promulgated
by Congress when quorum existed. AC: Reyes vs HRET
Are Rule 6(a), Rule 15, & Rule 6, in relation to
Section 16 (4). Congressional Records: Rule 69 of the 105 HRET Rules constitutional?
Legislative record – contains the word for word Ruling: Yes. The presence of at least one Justice
transcript of the deliberation Congress and four members of the HRET to constitute a
Legislative journal – contains the abbreviated quorum ensures that representatives from both
account of the daily proceedings in Congress the Judicial and Legislative departments are
present to constitute a quorum.
Enrolled bill – is an authenticated copy of a bill
bearing the signatures of Senate President &
Speaker of the House & certification of its passage Sec. 17 There shall be a Commission on
Appointments consisting of the President of
by the secretaries of both houses
the Senate, as ex-officio Chairman, twelve
Banat vs COMELEC Senators and twelve Members of the House of
Do Congress and the COMELEC en banc encroach Representatives, elected by each House on
upon the jurisdiction of the PET the SET and the the basis of proportional representation from
HRET? the political parties and partylist
Who composed the Electoral Tribunal in  It must be in accordance with duly published
Congress? rules of procedure
- Three whom shall be Justices of the  Rights of persons appearing in or affected of
Supreme Court (designated by Chief Justice) such inquiries shall be respected
remaining six shall be members of the  The power of the Congress to commit a
Senate or house of Representatives witness for contempt terminates upon final
Madigal vs Villar  Always subject to the expanded review
Senator Madrigal’s primary recourse rests with
power of the Supreme Court
Congress and not with this Court. The doctrine of
primary jurisdiction dictates that prior recourse to the
House is necessary before she may bring her
Is the power to conduct legislative inquiries vested
petition to court. Only when the Senate fails to
only on the Senate or also on its committees?
comply with the constitutional mandate of CA’s
- Under Art. VI, Sec. 21, the “Senate or the
proportional representation that she can come to Us.
House of Representatives or nay of its
Sec. 18 There shall be a Commission on respective committees may conduct inquiries
Appointments consisting of the President of in aid of legislation in accordance with its duly
the Senate, as ex-officio Chairman, twelve published rules of procedure.
Senators and twelve Members of the House of
the Representatives, elected by each House Question Hour – Section 22
on the basis of proportional representation
from the political parties and parties or Sec. 23 (1) The Congress, by a vote of two
organizations registered under the party-list thirds of both Houses in joint session
system represented therein. The Chairman of assembled, voting separately, shall have the
the Commission shall not vote, except in case sole power to declare the existence of a state
of tie. The Commission shall act on all of war.
appointments submitted to it within thirty (2) In times of war or other national
session days of the Congress from their emergency, the Congress may, by law,
submission. The Commission shall rule a authorize the President, for a limited period
majority vote of all the members. and subject to such restrictions as it may
prescribe, to exercise such powers necessary
Sec. 19 The Electoral Tribunals and the and proper to carry out a declared national
Commission on Appointments shall be policy. Unless sooner withdrawn by resolution
constituted within thirty days after the Senate of the Congress, such power shall cease upon
shall have been organized with the election of the next adjournment.
the President and the Speaker.
War and Emergency. In times of war or other
Is it mandatory to fill up entire 12 member contingent national emergency, the Congress may, by law,
from the House and the Senate to the Commission authorize the President, for a limited period and
on Appointments? subject to such restrictions as it may prescribe, to
- It’s okay, as long as it has a working quorum. exercise such powers necessary and proper to carry
out a declared national policy.
Sec. 21 The Senate and the House
Representatives or any of its respective David vs Arroyo
committees may conduct inquiries in aid of Without congressional authority, can the President
legislation in accordance with its duly declare a state of national emergency?
published rules of procedure. The rights of
- Sec. 18, Art. VII grants the President the
persons appearing in or affected by such
inquiries shall be respected. power declare a state of emergency, even
without congressional authority.
Legislative Investigation
Limitations: Without congressional authority, can the
 It must be in aid of legislation President exercise emergency powers?
- No. Under Sec. 23. (2), Art. VI, the President,
in times of war or other national emergency,
may exercise powers necessary and proper
to carry out a declared national policy, by
authority of the Congress for a limited period
and subject to such restrictions as it may

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