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1.1 Background of the Study

Mathematics is seemingly one of the main concerns of today’s educators. Students tend to

have lower grades in Mathematics than the majority of their fundamental subjects.

Despite the fact that mathematics is vital in terms of education, tendencies of receiving

low scores are still noticeable. Though some students excel when it comes to

mathematical comprehension and analytical reasoning, majority of students are

considered to be struggling in Math.

Mathematical expressions are among the main reasons why students consider

Mathematics as a deadly aspect. Many of today’s learners require the aid of modern

gadgets and underlying technologies in order to effectively comprehend with their

mathematical misconception, merely using analytical observations to apprehend daily

mathematical topics.

These math misconceptions are important for teachers to recognize: to identify why a

student made a mistake and how to address it. A seasoned teacher will have a pocketful

of misconceptions that students are likely to make. The teacher will use this information

to aid instruction, through teaching with multiple representations and encouraging student

discourse in the classroom. (A. Pass 2016)

Varying levels of Mathematical skills is one of the most common areas that today’s

educators and teachers ponder on. In-line with this, a study will be conducted to
determine the varying levels of mathematical skills of the students in HUMSS 11- Bruner

of Panabo City Senior High School.

The main goals of this study are the following:

 To determine the varying levels of mathematical skills of the students ,

 To specify the students’ most common mathematical misconceptions,

 To provide a course of action to cope up with the varying levels of Mathematical


In-line with this, questionnaires with corresponding number of points will be given. Each

correct answer is equivalent to three (3) points and one (1) point for every wrong answer.

Scores will be totaled and will be ranked accordingly with the classifications below.

1-5 POINTS -Needs improvement

6-10 POINTS -Fairly Satisfactory

11- 15 POINTS - Satisfactory

16-20 POINTS - Very Satisfactory

21-25 POINTS - Outstanding

Therefore this study seeks to determine the mathematical skills of HUMSS 11- Bruner and

their common mathematical misconceptions.

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