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Table of Contents

ĐÃ CÓ: Đề 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,14,17,18,19,21,23,24,28,30.................................................. 3

WRTING TEST 18 .................................................................................................................... 3

Writing Test 23 .......................................................................................................................... 4

ĐỀ SỐ 28 ............................................................................................................................... 5

Writing Test 21 .......................................................................................................................... 6

WRITING TEST 30 ................................................................................................................... 7

WRITING TEST 14 ................................................................................................................... 9

WRITING TEST 24 ................................................................................................................. 11

WRITING TEST 19 ................................................................................................................. 12

WRITING 11 ........................................................................................................................... 13

WRITING TEST 17 ................................................................................................................. 14

WRITING TEST 5 ................................................................................................................... 15

WRITING TEST 6 ................................................................................................................... 16

WRITING TEST 7 ................................................................................................................... 17

WRITING TEST 8 ................................................................................................................... 18

WRITING TEST 9 ................................................................................................................... 20

WRITING TEST 3 ................................................................................................................... 21

WRITING TEST 4 ................................................................................................................... 23

WRITING TEST 10 ................................................................................................................. 24

WRITING TEST 1 ................................................................................................................... 25

WRITING TEST 2 ................................................................................................................... 27

WRITING TEST 12 ................................................................................................................. 29

WRITING TEST 13 ................................................................................................................. 31

WRITING TEST 15 ................................................................................................................. 33

WRITING TEST 16 ................................................................................................................. 36

WRITING TEST 20 ................................................................................................................. 37

WRITING TEST 22 ................................................................................................................. 39

WRITING TEST 25 ............................................................................................................... 42

WRITING TEST 26 ................................................................................................................. 43

WRITING TEST 29 ................................................................................................................. 45

Writing test 27 ......................................................................................................................... 47

ĐÃ CÓ: Đề 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,14,17,18,19,21,23,24,28,30
THIẾU: 2,12,13,15,16,20,22,25,26,27,29

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following text from an article about smoking.

Medical studies have shown that smoking not only leads to health problems for
the smoker, but also for people close by. For this reason, smoking should not be
allowed in public places. Opponents argue that the forbiddance of smoking
would possibly affect the freedom of choice or lead to the closure of many bars
and pubs. However, supporters of this ban place people’s health problems at the
top of the scale.

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about whether public
smoking should be banned or not. Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your
answer. You should write at least 250 words.


Medical studies have shown that smoking not only leads to health problems for the smoker,
but also for people close by. As a result of this, many believe that smoking should not be
allowed in public places. Although there are arguments on both sides, I strongly agree that a
ban is the most appropriate course of action.

Opponents of such a ban argue against it for several reasons. Firstly, they say that passive
smokers make the choice to breathe in other people’s smoke by going to places where it is
allowed. If they would prefer not to smoke passively, then they do not need to visit places
where smoking is permitted. In addition, they believe a ban would possibly drive many bars
and pubs out of business as smokers would not go there anymore. They also argue it is a
matter of freedom of choice. Smoking is not against the law, so individuals should have the
freedom to smoke where they wish.

However, there are more convincing arguments in favour of a ban. First and foremost, it has
been proven that tobacco consists of carcinogenic compounds which cause serious harm to a
person’s health, not only the smoker. Anyone around them can develop cancers of the lungs,
mouth and throat, and other sites in the body. It is simply not fair to impose this upon another

person. It is also the case that people’s health is more important than businesses. In any case,
pubs and restaurants could adapt to a ban by, for example, allowing smoking areas .

In conclusion, it is clear that it should be made illegal to smoke in public places. This would
improve the health of thousands of people, and that is most definitely a positive development.

Writing Test 23
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following text from an article about television addiction.

If you watch more than 30 hours of television a week, some psychologists would
consider you to be a television addict. Television addict may show some of the
following symptoms. They may not be selective in what they watch; in other words,
they will watch anything. They may feel a loss of control when viewing. They may
feel angry with themselves for watching so much, but are not able to stop
watching, and they may feel miserable when they are stopped from watching.

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about consequences
of television addiction. Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your

In today’s world, television is the main source of entertainment and is a necessity of life like
meals, clothing, and home. Watching time gradually increases and people become addicted
to it after all. People, those watch television more than 30 hours a week, are considered
television addicts by some psychologists. However, television abuse and addiction may cause
numerous harmful consequences in our health and life style as follows.

The first and the most dangerous effect of watching too much of television is mass physical
degradation in society. People, who spend hours and hours in front of the television, are
under very high risk of diabetes and obesity. While watching television, people usually
consume a lot of fast food and fizzy drinks with high calorie and out of doing exercise. A
recent research study conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health indicates that
watching too much television can significantly increase the risk of developing obesity and
type 2 diabetes.

In addition, another adverse effect, which can be caused by television addiction, is related to
possible mental disorders or depression. After hours of watching television, most people fall

in constant feeling of tiresome and weariness. Some researches show that through bringing
the effects of relaxation into their minds, television actually disturbs human brain and makes
it tired even within the first minutes of television watching session. Moreover, watching
television for long time has been linked to depression. This depression may prevent people
from being able to stop watching television as they may feel miserable when they are stopped
from watching. Thus, a cycle of depression and television addiction is developed.

Other problem of those people, who addict television, is lack of concentration, insomnia,
restlessness, negative thoughts, etc. Watching television steals a lot of free time for activities
they might find more usefulness, namely talking to friends and family, traveling, playing
sports, or joining a political or community group. Besides, television addiction may affect
children by the negative sides of watching television such as violence or sexual abuse which
lead to failures in schools, slow-down in intellectual development, lack of social skills, etc.
Many people are out of controlling their direction since they watch all programs and channels
that they see.It can result in wrong perception of the life and its realities.

To conclude, the problem with television addiction is that it might not appear as dangerous as
nicotine or drug addiction but when taking a deeper look, people will find out numerous
damaging impacts on their life namely health problem, cognitive ability and emotional

ĐỀ SỐ 28
You should spend 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following extract from an article.

Using public transport has become familiar to everyone in Vietnam. Millions of

people today are travelling by lots of kinds of public transport. Some people think
that using public transport brings a lot of advantages to the society in general and to
themselves in particular; others argue that they have to face disadvantages when
using public transport.
Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
using public transport. Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your
answer. You should write at least 250 words.

Transportation is playing an important role in every nation's development process and this is
an important aspect in our life for mobility. In my opinion, there are more advantages than
disadvantages of using public transportation. There are three reasons to support this
statement. These reasons are environmental effects of using public transportation, cost of
public transportation, and accessibility of public transportation.

Firstly, we can save our environment more by using the public transportation. We could take
trains, buses, airplanes to travel most parts in the world. Therefore, we should use the public
transportation than private transportation, such as private cars, motorbikes, private jets, and
so on. We need to reduce the gas that is emitted by the private transportations. If we do not

make effort for the environment issue, the earth could be dirty and we might not feel
comfortable to live on it. Therefore, we should use public transportation, such as trains and
buses to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide. It could be a small step for us, but it would
make a big difference in the future.

Secondly, we should focus on the cost of using the public transportation. It is much cheaper
than the cost of private transportation. It would cost a lot to buy gasoline if we want to drive
own cars. Also, there are other expenses, such as parking license, registration fee, inspection
fee, and so on to own cars. Therefore, if you want to save money, it is wise not to own private
cars and use the public transportation instead. By saving the cost of transportation, we could
enjoy better meal, accommodation, or other services. If we have a choice between public
transportation and private transportation, we should choose public transportation, because the
cost is very different. We should spend least money for transportation.

Thirdly, accessibility of public transportation is good in large cities so that we would not
worry about waiting for long hours. It could save time by using public transportation, because
private transportation, such as cars need time to find a parking space. Comparing with the
cars, trains, buses, and airplanes usually have the better accessibility in major cities in the
world. Therefore, we should use the public transportation if we want to have good

In conclusion, we should use public transportation, because it is good for environment, it is

cheap, and it has better accessibility. We might spend for other things, such as gifts or
services by saving the cost of transportation.

Writing Test 21
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following text from an article about famous people.

Famous people of various kinds, including movie stars and royalty, are often
closely followed by the press. There have been stories of journalists digging
through garbage bins to find little bits of information on the private lives of the
rich and famous. Some press photographers try to take photographs of famous
people in their most private moments to sell to the world’s media.

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about challenges of
being famous. Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer. You
should write at least 250 words.

It is widely believe that being famous guarantees a comfortable life without worrying about
money or anything else. If so, why are there many articles about celebrities’ suicide because
of pressures in life? Is it true that being famous so easy?

We could not negate the fact that famous people could earn ton of money through their
careers such as: business, advertisement and so on. They spend their life in luxurious villas,
expensive cars, travelling around the world… They always appear in well-known brand
clothes or jewelry. It can be said that, celebrities have easier life than many other people.

However, being recognized by everyone causes many problems. First, famous people have no
privacy for real. Every minute they step outside would be captured on the cover of some
newspaper which could ruin their image immediately. Take Miss Vietnam- Ky Duyen for an
example. A picture of her sleeping in the airplane with a strange posture was posted on the
Internet. For that reason, many people criticized her that she did not know what she should do
in public; or that she did not keep the image of a Miss Vietnam. The fact turned out that she
was so tired during her promotion as a Miss Vietnamese, so she tried to take a break on the
airplane. How poor she was! Problems does not only come from the paparazzi but also come
from the fan. They follow them to everywhere, asking them for a picture or autograph… This
somehow must be really annoying.

Second, fame also brings a serious problem that celebrities have to worry about their own
safety and the safety of their family. Last month, properties in a private house of a well-
known singer in Vietnam were stolen. She was so stressful and took a long time to recover
after that. This is the reason why some famous people have to equip modern system or
security to protect their life. Moreover, some fans have negative behavior that they even
threaten their idol if he or she does not accept their proposal.

In conclusion, being famous would be nice but not an easy way to live. If you are interested
in being recognized by everyone, you should accept its negative sides and find the way to
deal with it.

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following extract from an article:
Smoking is the biggest cause of preventable deaths in England, accounting for
more than 80,000 deaths each year. One in two smokers will die from a smoking-

related disease. It can also cause fatal diseases such as pneumonia, emphysema
and lung cancer. It causes 84% of deaths from lung cancer and 83% of deaths
from chronic obstructive lung disease, including bronchitis. As a result, some
people agree that world governments should conduct serious campaigns against

Write an essay to an educated reader to show you opinion about the consequences of
smoking and possible solutions. Include reasons and any relevant examples to support
your answer. You should write at least 250 words.

Smoking remains as a recurring topic on the list of the main issues around the
world.The causes and effects of smoking are being discussed frequently among our society,
and more and more solutions to resolve this issue are being brought up worldwide. This essay
will discuss the consequences of smoking and possible solutions.

Firstly, smoking is harmful to one’s health over a long-term period. Smoking causes
many different types of cancer including lung, oral, and kidney as well as esophagus cancers.
Smoking also results in chronic bronchitis, and many types of breathing disorders. In
England, smoking accounts for more than 80,000 deaths each year.

Secondly, there are more harms in smoking then just the long-term effects. There are
facts about the harm it does to others that breaths secondhand smoke, along with the
chemicals that make up a cigarette. The chemicals alone are enough to make anyone want to
quit. These chemicals are in small amounts, but still are hazardous to the health of both
smokers and non-smokers.

We need to stop this problem with some particular solutions. One way people can stop
dying from cigarettes is to stop selling them. People will get a benefit because they can save
money and their own life. It will be really helpful. It also gets and saves stamina for work or
playing with their kids. Saving money can go to your kids for college or for clothes. So stop
smoking can help your whole family.

Also, cigarettes should be switched to electric ones. This will also be a cheaper solution
because smokers just have to buy them once and charge them. So it will save lots of money.
Smokers can also smoke wherever they want because it will not affect the people around. It
will save the body because they will just get pleasure without the harsh chemicals.

In short, smoking is very harmful to smokers themselves and to all people around. In
order to stop people dying from cigarettes, we need to stop selling them, or switch to the
electric version.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following text from an education magazine.
While compulsory education in some countries such as England begins at
the age of five (with many children actually starting at four), in countries
such as Sweden, Denmark and Finland, school does not begin until the age
of seven.

There are two different points of view regarding this. Some people think
that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and
should spend most of their time on school studies. Others believe that
young children should spend most of their time playing.

Write an essay to an educated reader to tell which point of view you agree with. Include
specific reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer. You should write at
least 250 words.

Sample 1:

Education is an integral partin a modem society. Some people think formal

education is of primary importance to children at early age, while others prefer to let
them spend most of time in playing. I am in favor of the point that let children have
most of their own time playing. Since I believe that playing is another form of
education to children, and it’s crucial in shaping of children.

Firstly, playing provide a chance to let children know the world, and develop
some essential personalities. At the early age, children are very curious about
everything surrounding them, because their understanding of the world is still remains
in a very initial grade. Though playing, children can learn some very basic but
essential concepts, logic and characters about the world. For example, when children

go on barefoot on the grass, they can themselves feel the softness of grass, which no
one can teach them about, except for themselves.

Secondly, children can explore some very unique talents of themselves.

Generally, a formal education is to teach some standard course and grating in a very
formula way. If children received a formal education at their early age, they were
deprived a chance to discover and develop their own special talents. Children should
own this chance to search what their potential advantages and advance in fun, since
this chance might lead to success in their future adult world.

In conclusion, parents should let their children spend most of the time playing.
It is a good way for children to learn about the world surrounding them as well as to
themselves explore their talents.

Sample 2:

Many parents want their children to acquire better scholastic achievements in future. Hence,
they compel them to attend classes and use their free time at home to study from very early
age. However, I believe that most of their time should be spent playing.
By playing, children are able to study many things around them. Children by nature want to
discover all things surrounding their houses and their playgrounds. When we force them to
spend their time on formal education, we accidentally build the walls that separate them from
the beautiful world outside. Moreover, children often find knowledge in books boring. In
contrast, when playing, they can observe the natural phenomena which attract their attention.
During this process children gain the knowledge.
Furthermore, playing helps them in developing physical conditions. When they play in the
gardens, or parks, they can breathe fresh air and be provided vitamin D obtained from
sunlight. Running and laughing also help in strengthening their muscles. Additionally, they
will have better immune systems that can protect them from many diseases. On the other
hand, if they stay at home and study too much, they may have the risk of getting obese.
Finally, when playing, children are able to gain many skills. They can learn how to
cooperate with their team-mates to beat the opponents in games. Sometimes, there are
arguments between the children. These are chances for them to practice problem-solving,
negotiation skills. In reverse, when children study for most of their time, they become
passive. In addition, they find difficult to communicate with other people.
In short, young children should spend most of their time playing rather than just studying. By

playing, they are able not only to learn many useful things, but also to develop

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following extract from a book chapter.

Young people have the highest rates of arrest for reported crime. Almost half of
all people arrested are under the age of 25. Young people are more likely to be
involved in crime because they have fewer relationships that encourage them to
follow conventional behavior.

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about the reasons
for violent crime among youngsters. Include reasons and any relevant examples to
support your answer. You should write at least 250 words

It has been indicated by the latest researches that there is a significant increase in
number of violence crimes in the youngsters under 25 years old. The reasons for this
phenomenon are believed to be lack of good encouraging to behave conventionally
from their parents and teachers and not able to find the best ways of educating their
own children in this age group.

The biggest mistake of educating people in this age is their parents and teachers treat
them in serious ways during the learning process. First of all, they observe that this
age group of children do not need emotion and softness as younger children, and they
really pay attention just to their academic study and how to pass successfully from the
school. As a result, the relationships between parents, teachers and students become
extremely hard without any love. Secondly, once the circumstance at the school or
home is getting worse and under pressure for students, they start to hate everyone and
act negatively and violently against innocent. Consequently, teachers and parents
cause people at age of 25 to be dangerous criminals in the society.

Additionally, parents and teachers feel embarrassed in finding their own method of
teaching people in this group. Although there are several of resources that teach
people the intelligent approaches of emotional and social learning for adult, it doesn’t
seem really effective to these teachers and parents. In Canada for instance, in
Chapter- the famous library there are a lot of the newest and easiest books of dealing
with secondary schools students, yet criminal behaviors have reached the peak at
schools, on streets and in public places.

In Conclusion, to reduce the number of crime violence among 25 years old

individuals, parents and teachers should teach them in inspirational and friendly
methods because strict communication and narrow education are the influential factors
for making these youth criminals.

Task 2:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Read the following text from an article about mass media.

While most of us make use of some form of the media on a daily basis, we may not
think about the functions or purposes the media serves in our society. One
important function is entertainment. On television, in particular, the variety of
entertainment programs is extensive, ranging from soap operas, to comedy, to talk
shows, to sports.

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about the purposes
of mass media. Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer. You
should write at least 250 words.

Mass media come in many forms, such as television, radio, the internet, newspaper or public
events. As it encompasses a significant part of our life, it also have a powerful influence in

shaping our lives. As such, we should be aware of the capabilities of such powerful tools, and
from my perspective, mass media have four main purposes: To entertain, to educate, to
inform and to influence.

Most people watch television for the entertainment and news. If we think about the time when
there is to TV or radio, a good singer could never easily distribute their songs to the audience.
Only aristocrats and powerful businessmen could afford going to soap operas or musical
events. People got news largely through words of mouth, which also made it inaccurate.
Nowadays, a song can be easily downloaded with one click, and there are always some
hundreds of movies to choose from on cable TV.

Because entertainment and information are available everywhere and often more noticeable
than other types of contents, we tend to misunderstood that these are the only purposes of
mass media. However, with the ability to reach millions of people, they can also be used to
educate and influence. Take advertising for example: we see ads everywhere in our life, and
all they are trying to do is to persuade us to buy something. Likewise, if the message of an ad
is to educate people about an important social issue, it immediately carries a different

To conclude, mass media have various purposes that can greatly benefit the community.
Governments, businesses and individuals should embrace the power of such communication
channels, while aiming at making positive impacts in order to improve life quality, both
spiritually and educationally.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following text from an educational magazine.
Compulsory attendance in university has always been a highly debated
subject. Professors view class attendance as an individual student
responsibility. However, many students want to be given the freedom to
decide which classes to attend. Due to the difficulty of regulating a school-
wide attendance policy, most colleges and universities give professors the
authority to set their own attendance rules. Some people believe that
university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that
going to classes should be optional for students.

Write an essay to an educated reader to tell which point of view you agree with. Include
specific reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer. You should write at
least 250 words.

Class attendance is, unarguably, a necessary part in any level of studying, let alone in
university. However, either it must be strictly controlled or not should not be applied
totally, but to some appropriate extent with each method.

In my opinion, we must see that not every university in the world is as good as others.
Therefore, the academic and perhaps even ethical levels of the students are not the
same. In a highly-rated university for example, which is famous for its teaching
quality and mostly accepts nearly perfect students only, they must have every
motivation to fully attend the classes. But on the contrary, a local, remote and low-
quality one which may astonishingly have fewer students than the number of lecturers,
they could even be pleasingly invited to the class!

So, what is the best solution? Maybe we shouldn’t find the “best” one for application
to all cases in general, but the most suitable and harmonious one. This obligatory
attendance policy should only be used in laboratory work due to mostly in-class
performance with very little work to do at home. In ordinary lectures, the policy may
cause a negative effect as students could possibly get more bored and stressed; instead
lecturers should implement it in other more practical ways to earn participation points
like quizzes and discussions, which may encourage learners to get more involved and
excited in the lectures, and as a result keep them sitting in class to the end.

To conclude, personally I would suggest the universities focusing on improving their

main factors such as quality, accommodation, even competitiveness and successfully-
employed-after-graduation rate; instead of minor things like the compulsion of class

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following text from an article about the Internet

It is evident that the Internet has increasingly brought about significant changes
to our life. According to a recent study, the more time people use the Internet,
the less time they spend with real human beings. Some people say that instead of
seeing the Internet as a way of opening up new communication possibilities
worldwide, we should be concerned about the effect it is having on social


Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about the effects of
the Internet on human interactions. Include reasons and any relevant examples to
support your answer. You should write at least 250 words.

From last century to these present days, Internet comes up with the one of the greatest
innovations of human interactions. It makes significant changes in the waythat people
communicate with each other. However, everything has two sides, and the effects of the
Internet on people’s relationship is not an exception.
Initially, technology enhances quicker and simpler communication among people. There are
so many different means of communication to help contact between one person with others,
even for those who are separated by long distance. It not only gives easier chance of
connection but also saves time and money of communication. For example, people don’t
need to visit their colleagues and their families in different regions or cities to talk to them
anymore. Instead, they could just open the phones or computers and call their friends.
On the other hand, it also causes negative impacts on social interaction. By using electronic
device in daily life of communication, it is hard for people to involve in social environment.
It will decrease their self-confidence to speak in public because they usually interact through
devices not face to face communication. If people spend most of their time communicating
online and not mixing in their neighborhoods, it possibly leads to feelings of isolation for
those individuals who do not have a ‘real’ person to connect.
In conclusion, Internet easily helps people keep in touch with others who are in different
places and brings some beneficial developments on communication. Nevertheless, it is very
important to maintain a balance between our online life and our contact with real human

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following text from an article about university education.

Some people think that young people should be required to work for a year before they
go to university. Such work gives young people valuable knowledge of the world, which
in turns helps them to appreciate their studies and decide what they want to do in life.
However, there are those who argue that going to university immediately after school
is a much better option.
Now, write an essay to discuss what choice in your opinion is better for young people in
preparing them for the future career. Include reasons and any relevant examples to
support your answer.

You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

For the duration of entrance to university, some people think that young people should be
required to work for a year before they enter the university. Such works give them valuable
knowledge about the world, which in turns help them to appreciate studies and decide what
they want in their life. However, other people do not agree with that. In my opinion, I partly
agree with the statement.
At first, I think that the working time before coming to university will provide precious
knowledge and experience about the daily life for the students who have spent their 18 years
before in the arm of parents. Those works will let them know how the money is generated
and how difficult the living earning is. They will have much real material about life to serve
themselves in studying and understand more about the situation of their parents.
In spite of the advantage of working before university, it seems that the results of trial do not
lead to all good response. It can be seen that there is some student will stop the studying and
do not come back to continue the university. The thing is they no longer have interest in
studying and decide to give up without any success at work. Some others come back to
university but cannot concentrate their mind on studying. Furthermore, at the age of 18, they
almost cannot have a work with nice environment and condition, which may lead to bad
effect like joining bad group of friend or feel that it is 1 year for trial so they do not need to
try their best to achieve any goal.
That is my point of view about the working time before entering the university. It both has
pros and cons and it will reach the best effect only in suitable situation and condition

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following text from a book about fashion.

In modern society, fashion is becoming more highly valued in people’s choice of clothes.
Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see people walking around in brand-name clothes and
sunglasses like celebrities. While some people think it is a positive development, others
blame for negative aspects of fashion obsession.

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about fashion
consciousness. Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

As people can see in our modern daily life, it is not uncommon to see people walking around
in brand-name clothes, which indicated that fashion is becoming more highly valued in
people choices of clothes. There are people said that it is a positive development and I totally
agree with that, in both social and economic aspect.

In terms of economics, it is clearly shown in the success and development of fashion

Company and corporation. Beside the quantity of customer from brand loyalty, the change
and update in design each season of those companies also attract many new purchasers to
involve in. People spend a large amount of money on clothes leading to the increase in
revenue and profit of this field and it contributes to the rise of the worldwide economy

On the other hands, in the social aspect, fashion is the same as some work of arts which can
represent for the people point of view through each period of time. The fashion trend is the
unique feature of some exact point that when it is mentioned, it will remind people to the
days in past. Therefore, it is understood that the design of fashion will change and improve
when the society develop.

The detail above is my opinion of the about fashion consciousness, which explained that the
development of fashion industry is such a positive issue to the world.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following text from a book about space exploration.
Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring
outer space (for example travelling to the Moon and to other planets). Other people
disagree and think governments should spend this money for our basic needs on the


Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss what extent you agree with space
exploration. Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

Governments have an important role in our lives. It is responsible of many things in the
country such as education, defense, discoveries and even transportation. It spends a lot of
money for things that may be not essential for our existence such as exploring outer space.
Some people would agree that governments should spend as much money as possible
exploring other planets. Other would disagree. Even though we should understand and
expand our knowledge about outer space, I think it is better for governments to spend this
money for our basic needs on Earth for several imperative reasons.

First of all, governments should develop our health. As we see every day, there are a lot of
diseases new and many people died because infections, cancer, and other sicknesses which
the government should pay attention about them since it may be epidemic to our society. For
example, when I was in pharmacy school, our professor in the pathology class explained that
researchers should develop most of medicines to eradicate diseases in current days. In fact, he
stated that the government should spend money and research to improve our life since many
children is suffering from cancer and may be these diseases threaten our life and our health

Second, governments should prevent the contamination of our environment. Nowadays, there
a lot of pollutants that affects our life and our existence. In addition, these pollutants have
negative impact in our physical life. For instance, I read an article about the destruction of
forests in our planet and how it has bad consequences, since it will decrease the oxygen
production and it may contribute to increase endangered animals.

By the way of conclusion, based on the argument discussed above, I strongly concur that
governments should spend money for our needs and not for exploring space. Our earth is
worthwhile and precious for our dominance.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following extract from a book about education.
Being able to speak a foreign language is an advantage these days. Some people think
that children should start learning a foreign language at primary school while others
think children should begin at secondary school.

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss what ages in your opinion are
more suitable to begin learning a foreign language. Give reasons for your answer and
include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

Due to advances in communication systems the relation among nations has been increased
markedly. As result of this, learning foreign language has become a controversial issue in
global village. Some experts claim that primary school is the best place for learning another
language instead of secondary school. I firmly believe that there is a defensible basis for this

The proponents of this view discuss that there are many reasons behind of their claims. The
most important one is about recent research. The studies have shown that the children
between 4-9 ages have great opportunity to learn new languages. Also they clarify their
claims by an example: a survey among 200 pupils has shown that the above mention ages has
a crucial role in children building character and developing their personality. Moreover, give
the special care and settle down proper curriculum could be much profitable for them in this
way. Consequently, because of carefree mind children can catch more points in this level.

In parallel, I am personally side with this idea. The key point to justify this attitude could be
illustrated by a personal tangible example. Couple of years ago, I met a German family with
interesting story. To cut a long story short, Lucas the first child of the family has started
learning English language at secondary school and now the level of his English skills is
almost intermediate. Conversely, his sister has started English and France together at primary
school. Now, she can speck very fluently both of them. On balance, beyond a shadow of a
doubt, primary school can pave the way for learning foreign language easily. Although, it
should be considered that the method and atmosphere of the school play a key role in children


All in all, we should own up to the fact that learning foreign languages has become a key
factor in our lifelong. It goes without saying; having a strong basis in new language can
uplifted us toward prosperity. Primary schools are best place to enhance our children
language abilities. Also, in this special span the pupil’s mind are dead ready to catch an awful
lot of new things and what is better than learning new language.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following text from an article about technology in education.

Thanks to the ever-increasing use of technology, computers are being used more and
more in education. Some people say that this is a positive trend because technology can
benefit both teachers and students at the touch of a button. There are others, however,
who argue that it may deprive people of real human interaction.

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the effects of technology in the
classroom. Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.

You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

There is no doubt that education and the learning process has changed since the
introduction of computers: The search for information has become easier and amusing, and
connectivity has expedited the data availability. Though experts systems have made
computers more intelligent, they have not yet become a substitute of the human interaction
in the learning process. In my opinion what can be expected is a change of the teachers’
role, but not their disappearance from the classroom.

Nobody can argue that the acquisition of knowledge is more fun and easier with
computers. The mere activity of touching and exploring this device constitutes an enjoyable
task for a child. This, accompanied by the relaxing attitude and software interactivity,

usually contributes to a better grasping of new knowledge. At a higher educational
level the availability of digital books, simulators and other academic materials provide the
student with an ever accessible source of information, that otherwise would not be at hand.

But, besides the increasing complexity and behavior of intelligent software, which is
usually embedded in the academic digital material, the need for human interaction in the
learning process will always be present, at least in the foreseeable future. There is the
necessity for a human being to be able to determine what the specifics needs of each
individual are. The expertise of a teacher in how to explain and adapt complex concepts to
different individuals can hardly be mimicked by a computer, no matter how sophisticated its
software is.

As computers are becoming a common tool for teaching, teachers should be more aware of
their role as guides in the acquisition of knowledge rather than transmitters of facts. They
have to be open minded to the changes that are taking places, keep updated and serve as
problem solvers in the learning process, thus allowing students to discover the fact for

To summarize, in my personal view, teachers play and will continue to play an important
role in the classroom, especially at the primary level. No matter how complex computers
become, there will be no replacement for the human interaction, but in the way how this
interaction takes place.

Part II:
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following text from a book about the Internet.
The Internet is an amazing information resource. Students, teachers, and researchers
use it as an investigating tool. Journalists use it to find information for stories. Doctors
use it to learn more about unfamiliar diseases and the latest medical developments.
Ordinary people use it for shopping, banking, bill-paying, and communicating with
family and friends. However, while there are many positive developments associated

with the Internet, there are also certain fears and concerns. (Academic Encounters- Life
in Society, chapter 6, page 129)

Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the negative effects of the Internet.
Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

The Internet is an amazing information resource. Students, teachers, and researchers use it as
an investigative tool. Journalists use it to find information for stories. Doctors use it to learn
more about unfamiliar diseases and the latest medical developments. Ordinary people use it
for shopping, banking, bill-paying, and communicating with family and friends. People all
over the world use it to connect with individuals from other countries and cultures. However,
while there are many positive developments associated with the Internet, there are also
certain fears and concerns.
Firstly, one concern relates to a lack of censorship or control over what appears on the
Internet. Anyone can put information on the Internet that can then be read by anyone else, at
any time. This makes it very different from television or radio. With television and radio
there are editors to check the accuracy or appropriateness of the content of programs, and
with television there are restrictions on what kinds of programs can be broadcast and at what
times of the day. With the Internet, parents cannot check a published guide to determine what
is suitable for their children to see. While softwarecan be used to block access to certain
websites, such as those displaying pornography, this can never be completely effective.
Sencondly, there are also concerns about privacy and control of communication on the
Internet. For example, when you use e-mail communication or participate in chat groups, it is
possible that your private messages may be read by others without your knowing. If you buy
things on-lineor simply browsethe Internet, it is possible to trace all the websites that you
visit. One potential danger is that the information could be used by others to your
disadvantage. For example, an employer could use such information to decide that you are
not a suitable applicant for a job.
A further issue relates to the misuse of the Internet in the workplace. Many companies are
now finding that they need to establish policies to control when employees use the Internet
and for what purposes. Many companies block the popular social network like Facebook,

Instagram, Twitter, etc… to ensure their employees will not waste time on the internet during
working hours

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following text from a book about staying single.
Over the last twenty years, there has been a huge increase in the number of people who
remain single. Most people who live alone are young adults who postpone marriage into
their late twenties, but some are in their thirties and forties. One reason they often give
for staying single is that they have not met the right person. Others say that marriage
involves too much commitment and responsibility, or that they prefer the single
lifestyle. (Academic Encounters- Life in Society, chapter 1, page 11)

Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the benefits of staying single. Include
reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

Over the last twenty years, there has been a huge increase in the number of people who
remain single. In 1998, about 25% of all U.S. households were single-person households. In
other countries, similar statistics can be seen. In Australia, for example, approximately one in
twelve people lives slone, and this number is expected to double over the next twenty years.
Most people who live alone are young adults who postpone marriage into their late twenties,
but some are in their thirties and forties.

One reason they often give for staying single is that they have not met the right person. Other
say that marriage involves too much commitment and responsibility, or that they prefer the
single lifestyle.
There are two important sociological reasons for the increase in singlehood. First, the social
pressure to get married has declined. Furthermore, social disapproval of divorce has
decreased. At one time many people stayed in unhappy marriages because divorce was
unacceptable in their community. Now, divorce is more acceptable.

Second, the opportunity for singles to have a good life has expanded. This is especially for
women. As more women earned college degrees, entered the workforce and delayed
motherhood, marriage became less necessary for their economic survival. Marriage is no
longer the only path to economic security, emotional support, social respectability, and
meaningful work.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following extract from an article about media.

The media has become one of the most important means of social interactions. Television,
newspapers and other forms of media have a strong effect on the way we think and act.
However, people hold different views about what the effect it has on society. Even though
access to media allows us to be better informed and gives us an increased understanding of the
world, it is also argued that some forms of media may make us more passive, violent, or too
Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the effects of media on society.
Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfilment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.
The media plays a big role in society that has both positive and negative effects. Yet, some
wonder if the negative effects trump the positive ones. It is true people want to know what is
going on in the world around them from their neighborhood to state, federal and international
interests. But the media may have more of an effect on society that many are tired to being
reminded of on a daily basis.

The media has an important job in providing informative information about things that may
have an effect on you or how you live your life. The positive side includes learning about
breakthroughs in health, technology, and other areas that can help make a difference now and
in the future. At the same time you know what is going on in other places you may have
connections with such as family, friends and so forth. The media can be a useful tool in
helping you be aware of things that could be harmful or detrimental to you or your loved

On the other hand, the media is known for taking things out of context and even causing
panic when it is not necessary. There are certain networks and outlets that people realize they
cater to certain audiences or provide information that may not be seem fair or correct. There
are times in which too much information is shared or details could have been left to the
imagination. There are events that happen in which the media is known for taking things too
far such as mass shootings, terrorist attacks, and political controversies to name a few.

In conclusion, the media can help a consumer get the word out about something useful.
Nowadays, it seems you have to be more careful about what you learn through the media
since some sources are known to provide bogus information. Others see media as a form of
entertainment since it can be interesting following stories you find hard to believe that
actually happened.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following text from a book about peer group.
As children grow older, they become increasingly involved with their peer group, a
group whose members are about the same age and have similar interests. The peer
group- along with the family and the school- is one of the three main socializing agents.
The peer group is both a positive and negative influence in our lives. (Academic
Encounters- Life in Society, chapter 2, page 35)

Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the effects of peer group on children.
Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

A peer group is both a social group and a primary group of people who have similar interests,
age, background, or social status. The members of this group are likely to influence the
person’s beliefs and behavior so that it holds both positive and negative effect in our lives.

When you do not like a particular idea or when you have no inclination towards a particular
field, it is obvious that you won't like to go by it. For sure, you won't like to go that way. But
it is you peer group, which may compel you on doing something you hate. In such cases,
there are chances that you won't do well in those things. Things you do not enjoy doing
cannot fetch you success. You cannot emerge successful in something you have never liked
doing. So, it is important that you do not lose happiness of your life by succumbing to peer
Peer pressure is not always bad. It can help you analyze yourself and contemplate on your
ways of life. Some of the practices that the masses follow may actually teach you the way of
living. You may be able to change yourself for the better. Looking at what others do, can help
you bring about a positive change in your way of thinking. If you can pick selectively, peer
pressure can actually result in a positive change in your way of life.
A strong support from family, an ability to differentiate between the positive and the negative
and a skill to choose friends from the peers - this three-pronged strategy is the best way to
keep away from negative peer pressure.
Sample 2

Adolescents are influenced by the lifestyles and the ways of thinking of their peers. Peer
groups can prove beneficial but it is also observed to have negative effects on juveniles’

Firstly, teenagers are led to follow a certain kind of lifestyle due to peers. They may not like
night outs with friends, drinking or smoking, but peer pressure may make them do those
things. They may get used to drug abuse because of peer pressure. Some teenagers literally
spoil their lives that way.

Moreover, peer pressure can lead to a loss of individuality. Juveniles adopt their tastes of
fashion in clothing, hair, music and general living. Peers can actually lead an adolescent to
lose his/ her original way of looking at life.

On the other hand, peer groups can teach teenagers the way of living. Friends can actually
result in a positive change in the way of teenager’s life. Furthermore, via friends teenagers are
exposed to the world outside their home, to a wide variety in human behavior. If an
adolescent is fortunate to get a good peer group, friends can play a vital role in shaping his
personality. Their way of looking at life may influence him to change for the betterment.

In conclusion, the effect of peers is greater during teenage. A strong support from the family,
an ability to differentiate between the positive and the negative, and a skill to choose friends
from the peers are the best ways to keep adolescents away from negative influences of peer

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Read the following text from a book about advertizing.

Advertizing is a very common feature of all our daily media. In fact, in most daily
newspapers, advertizing makes up the majority of the content. Very large amounts of money
are spent on advertizing. A television commercial can easily cost many thousands of dollars
per second. (Academic Encounters- Life in Society, chapter 5, page 117)

Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss both advantages and disadvantages of

advertizing. Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.


Advertising is an indispensable part in modern social life. Although there are many benefits,
many people still criticize it. In this essay, I will discuss the positive and negative points of

To begin with, advertising helps producers to sell goods. People get to know about
company’s new offerings easily through advertising. Without advertising, publicity of
company’s product and services will not be possible. Thus advertising helps companies in
increasing their sales and profits. Secondly, advertising industry creates employment
opportunities for many people because it requires a large number of staff, such as actors,
technical assistants, script writers, etc... Additionally, advertising is a kind of entertainment.
They often contain images and music which attract people’s interest, especially children’s.

However, advertisements have some drawbacks. Many advertisements are intrusive and
irritating at times. Advertising on the mobile phone is an example. With the latest
technology, mobile companies are now able to send advertising messages via SMS to
consumers' phones, which is really annoying. Moreover, advertising encourages people to
buy products they may not need or cannot afford. Children and young people in particular are
influenced by advertisements showing the latest toys, clothing or music and this can put

enormous pressure on the parents. Furthermore, customers are sometimes cheated about the
quality, prize and appearance of the products. Buyers can purchase goods which are far
different from what they have seen on TV or newspapers.

To sum up, advertising industry not only brings benefits to manufacturers and advertising
producers, but also serves as a kind of entertainment. However, many aspects of advertising
appear to be morally wrong and are not acceptable in today's society which should be

Sample 2
Today we can see advertising everywhere, from TV, newspaper to the Internet. According to
Academic Encounters – Life in Society, in most daily newspapers, advertising makes up the
majority of the content. Very large amounts of money are spent on advertising. A television
commercial can easily cost many thousands of dollars per second. However, we could not
refuse some advantages of advertising industry.

It cannot be denied that advertising has a great number of advantages. Firstly, all companies
must make people know their brands by means of media when selling products. Secondly,
advertisements suggest people what they demand to lead a more convenient life and where to
purchase products with best quality. Consequently, customers find themselves have more
choices on the outlet. Finally, advertising is a creative industry that employs a wide range of
people and most jobs related to advertising are now considered well-paid ones.

The advertisement, on the other hand, shows many drawbacks. One of them is that they
persuade people to buy a product without telling them the disadvantages of it. This has led to
the overstatement and even false information of an item’s use that we see in advertising
industry nowadays. Furthermore, advertising also encourages people to follow the latest trend
and causes them to shop lavishly. In addition, many commercials aim at children’s interest
thus they probably put pressure on their parents to buy the items advertised.

In conclusion, advertising is a form of modern business that every company needs in order to
inform people about their products. However it may be disadvantageous when it stimulates or
even deceives people to buy them things a great deal.

Sample 3

The world that we live in today is dominated by advertising. Adverts are on television, on the
World Wide Web, in the street and even on our mobile phones. However, many of the
strategies used to sell a product or service can be considered immoral or unacceptable.

To begin with, the fact that we cannot escape from advertising is a significant cause for
complaint. Constant images and signs wherever we look can be very intrusive and irritating at
times. Take for example advertising on the mobile phone. With the latest technology mobile
companies are now able to send advertising messages via SMS to consumers' phones
whenever they choose. Although we expect adverts in numerous situations, it now seems that
there are very few places we can actually avoid them.

A further aspect of advertising that I would consider unethical is the way that it encourages
people to buy products they may not need or cannot afford. Children and young people in
particular are influenced by adverts showing the latest toys, clothing or music and this can put
enormous pressure on the parents to buy these products.

In addition, the advertising of tobacco products and alcohol has long been a controversial
issue, but cigarette adverts have only recently been banned in many countries. It is quite
possible that alcohol adverts encourage excessive consumption and underage drinking, yet
restrictions have not been placed on this type of advertising in the same way as smoking.

It is certainly true to say that advertising is an everyday feature of our lives. Therefore, people
are constantly being encouraged to buy products or services that might be too expensive,
unnecessary or even unhealthy. In conclusion, many aspects of advertising do appear to be
morally wrong and are not acceptable in today's society.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following text from a health magazine.
Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure. Pressure
becomes stress when you feel unable to cope. Stress can affect how you feel, think, and
behave and even how your body functions. It is worth taking the time to learn different
strategies and techniques for managing your stress before there are serious consequences for
your mental and physical well-being. People have different ways of escaping the stress and
difficulties of modern life. Some read; some exercise; others work in their gardens.

Write an essay to an educated reader to tell what you think is the best way of reducing
stress. Include specific reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer. You
should write at least 250 words.
We increasingly understand stress more clearly these days. We know the reasons behind it
and the harm it can cause. Besides, we have also found out many effective ways to relieve it.
In my opinion, playing video games, talking with someone, and listening to classical music
are the best ways to relieve stress.
First of all, playing video games is an effective way to overcome stress. When I play
computer games, my mind definitely focuses on the characters and tasks in the games. This
helps me forget my current difficulties. Moreover, winning or completing a mission in these
games makes me feel very happy and satisfied. It is the feelings that dislodge negative
feelings such as strain or anxiety from my mind.
Another way to reduce stress is talking with other people. Stress is pressure and worry caused
by the problems in our lives. Talking about problems that I am facing with someone will help
me feel better, because my burden seems to be shared with another. Additionally, advice
from a person I talk with also assists me in escaping the stress more easily and quickly.
Furthermore, listening to classical music is also an excellent choice to relieve stress. Music
with a slow rhythm not only soothes the mind from tension, but also lowers the heartbeat and
blood pressure. It helps us calm down. Many research projects have pointed out that listening
to music makes the levels of stress hormones decrease. In other words, stress is evaporating
gradually when we listen to music.
In conclusion, playing video games, talking with others and listening to classical music are
the best ways to remove stress and recover one’s balance in mind.
Sample 2
Nowaday, many people have stress from work, school and so on. As you know, stress can
cause bad health and mental depression, which can also affect your life. You have to get rid
of stress so that you can concentrate on your work or school, or enjoy your life. There are
three common ways of reducing stress; talking with your friends, having a hobby, and taking
a trip alone.

First, you might feel better if you talk with your friends at a coffee house. I think spending
time with friends is a good way to get everything that bothers you out of your mind, and also
it is a good way to build friendships. For example, I hang out with my friends when I have

stress from school. I can forget all about study and classmates. However, you have to be
careful. If you spend too much time with your friends, you may not be able to get a
satisfactory result from your work or school.

Second, a wholesome hobby will make you stress-free. There are a great number of things
that you can do such as exercise, reading, painting and so on. Watching movies, for instance,
is my friend's favorite hobby. She even enjoyed a movie club a while ago. She always says
she can relieve her stress from work by wating movies

Finally, I believe that the best way of reducing stress is to take a trip alone. It's kind of hard to
do, if you are too busy to take a long trip. Even so, a long trip alone once in a while is really
exciting. You might feel adventurous and free. All you need is some money, time, and
courage. Besides, you can find many cheap trips you can take on the internet.

To sum up, there are numerous things that might help you stree-free, such as talking with
your friends, having a hobby, and taking a trip. It would be good for you, if you are having a
hard time in your life. Because you deserve to enjoy your life.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Read the following text from a business magazine.

Success is the most aspired by everyone. Success comes in all shapes and colors. You can be
successful in your job and career but you can equally be successful in your marriage, at
sports or a hobby. However, success is not easy to achieve. The road leading to the
achievement has obstacles that are to be crossed over. Some people believe that success in
life comes from taking risks or chances. Others believe that success results from careful

Write an essay to an educated reader to tell what you think success comes from. Include
specific reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer. You should write at least
250 words.


Where does success come from? This is a question that has challenged many people all over
the world. Some people believe that it results from chance, while others oppose this point.
Form my point of view success comes from planning. You cannot experience a real success
in your life unless you make a precise and careful plan for yourself. In other words, success is
achievable if you plan for it.
To begin with, reading about the lives of successful people throughout history indicates that
prosperity is a fruit of planning, not a result of chance. For example, when I read the
biography of Thomas Edison, the great inventor of the previous century, I found that he used
to make a plan for his daily life with great details, because he wanted to exploit each moment
in the best possible way.
In addition, utilizing your time and energy in the most optimal manner requires exact
planning. Otherwise, you would waste your time and your energy. In other words, prosperity
is not available unless you decide how to use your time and where to consume your energy in
advance. For example, I have a long term plan for my private life and my job. Moreover, I
employ a short term plan each year. By doing so, I know exactly what to do in each year or
each month; consequently, I definitely will reach all of my objectives easily.
To sum up, success in life comes from exact and careful planning. If you wish for prosperity,
wealth, or fame in your life, all you need is an accurate plan.

Sample 2

Success comes in all shapes and colours. You can be successful in your job and career but you

can equally be successful in your marriage, at sports or a hobby. Whatever success you are

after there is one thing all radically successful people have in common: their drive and

hunger for success makes them never stop taking risks or chances.

Successful people often paint a picture of the perfect ascent to success. In fact, some of the

most successful people in business, entertainment and sport have tried many chances, took

any risks. Many have failed numerous times but they have never given up. Successful people

are able to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and carry on trying.

I have collected some examples that should be an inspiration to anyone who aspires to be

successful. They show that if you want to succeed you should grab any chances along the

way. I actually believe that risks can spur you on and make you try harder.

For example, Walt Disney - one of the greatest business leaders who created the global

Disney empire of film studios, theme parks and consumer products didn't start off successful.

Before the great success came a number of failures. Walt was fired from an early job at the

Kansas City Star Newspaper because he was not creative enough. In 1922 he started his first

company called Laugh-O-Gram. The Kansas based business would produce cartoons and

short advertising films. In 1923, the business went bankrupt. Walt didn't give up, he packed

up, went to Hollywood and started The Walt Disney Company.

So, the one thing successful people always do is: Take risks! This is one of the ways for

everyone who aspires to be successful in whatever way they chose.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Read the following text from an article about the Internet

In some countries, people are increasingly doing their shopping on the Internet instead of
going to stores. Some people, especially those with a limited time budget, regard online
shopping as a positive development since they can buy products at home or office without
having to go to stores or shopping malls. However, there are those who argue that making
online transactions can be advantageous to them in several ways.

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about the positive and
negative aspects of online shopping. Include reasons and any relevant examples to support
your answer. You should write at least 250 words.


People now can buy almost everything with a few mouse clicks from the comfort of their
home. Obviously, online shopping has become more and more popular these days. This trend
has both positive and negative aspects.

The huge popularity of online shopping can be attributed to the fact that it makes shopping
easier. It saves both time and money. Buyers no longer have to drive all the way to shops to
buy things. Also, online stores tend to offer reasonable prices to attract customers. In
addition, online shopping makes it easy to buy things from any part of the world. Even if an
item is not available in a country, people can buy it on websites. Online shopping also allows
people to compare prices before hitting the purchase button.

On the other hand, the ease of online shopping has made many people become unintended
shoppers and victims of viruses and malware. People now spend lots of time on the internet
every day so they see numerous advertisements. The fact that online shopping encourages
people to buy things that they do not need or use cannot be denied. Also, there are security
concerns. When people buy things online, they may get a risk of getting financial information
exploited by hackers and being attacked by viruses and malware programs.

To conclude, online shopping is both good and bad in terms of its convenience and risks
people may take when shopping online. However, we cannot deny this trend in our modern
life. It is expected that its drawbacks will be eliminated in the future.

Sample 2
In the past, Internet was only accessible in developed countries but recent revolution has
made it more popular to almost all parts of the world. With increased awareness, more and
more people are drawn towards online shopping instead of going to stores. The concept of
shopping goods through online has been highly recognized and accepted as it provides several
benefits to buyers. However, every good aspect has a bad side and this is applicable to online
shopping as well.
Firstly, the most convenient point of online shopping is that you can shop from home or
working place or anywhere having Internet connection. There is no need to go to the mall to
purchase the item you need. You just need to make order and it will be available right at your
Secondly, we can purchase the required items in an affordable rate. Since there are a lot of
online shopping malls over internet, we are given a lot of choices for the similar good in
choosing the best price from various shops and moreover some sellers do provide free
shipping which furthermore reduces our purchasing cost.
In addition, online stores are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, all year
long. Online shopping allows you to shop whenever you want, at your convenience.
In contrast, it can’t be denied that online shopping still has several disadvantages. First and
foremost, some shoppers like being able to see and feel an item, and to test it or try it on prior

to purchasing. By actually seeing the item and being able to physically feel, the purchaser can
often make a far more reasonable assessment of the quality. This is difficult to do if you are
just looking at an online photo of the item. Moreover, some people are concerned about
the potential security risks of storing and sharing of their personal data and credit card
numbers with online retailers.
To sum up, purchasers should take references from various sources (friends, relatives, other
buyers who have already used online sellers) so that you can avoid making any mistakes.
Also, please weigh the pros and cons and decide for yourself whether you would like to go
for it or not.
Sample 3

In this 21st century the growth of internet has changed our way of life, these days nothing is
hard, we can do everything online such as watching movies, reading books, paying bills,
shopping online, etc,. These days online shopping is becoming very popular and has become
the best choice for many people who do shopping regularly. However, shopping online has
some of positive and negative aspects in life.

First and foremost it is the best, easiest and safest shopping in the history. Even at midnight
we can do our shopping since it is open 24/7 days and perhaps you can purchase any item
from online store without going to the store physically. Secondly, it is affordable and
convenient to do shopping online. And moreover we need not have to wait in heavy traffic to
reach the store in our area. Lastly, this shopping helps us in keeping our friends and family
together all the time, by sending special gifts on behalf of us that ranges from flowers to
perfumes, from chocolate to jewellery items, etc, on their special occasions even if we are far
away from them.

However, there are some negative impacts of shopping online. Online shopping has not been
the safest place to shop. Even in traditional malls there are shoplifters, thieves, and bullies.
But online shopping is one of the places were identity thief occurs most frequently. Privacy
and security on the Internet is not as secure as it should be. Online shopping sites have tried
to take precautions to minimize these issues. Web sites are improving their security and
surveillance on a daily basis.

To conclude, as we have found out there is no easy answers to this question. Nevertheless,
shopping online makes a huge difference to peoples' lives in term of time saving and I believe
that this is a positive impact in our society.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Read the following text from an article about computer games

Access to computers has increased significantly over the past decades and the number of
children playing games on computers has been correspondingly on the rise. As regards to
positive effects, playing computers provides children with various skills that may not be
taught at school. However, concerns have been raised about negative sides of computer
games by children, much of this related to the violence.

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the effects of computer games on
children’s behaviour and what can be done to minimize the bad effects. Include reasons and
any relevant examples to support your answer. You should write at least 250 words.


Access to computers has increased significantly over recent decades, and the number of
children playing games on computers has increased too. This essay will consider the impacts
of this and discuss ways to minimize potential negative effects.

To begin with, playing computers games can develop children’s cognitive skills. Many
games require abstract and high level thinking skills in order to win, which may not be taught
at school. For example, children need to follow instructions, solve complex problems and use
logic in many of the games. Such experience will be beneficial to a child’s progression into
an adult.

However, concerns have been raised about the overuse of computer games by children, much
of this related to the violence they contain. The problem is that in many games children are
rewarded for being more violent, and this is repeated again and again. For instance, many
games involve children helping their character to kill, kick, stab and shoot. This may lead to
increased aggressive feelings, thoughts, and behaviours.

In order to minimize these negative impacts, parents need to take certain steps. Firstly, some
video games are rated according their content, so parents must check this and ensure their
children are not allowed to have access to games that are unsuitable. Secondly, parents can
also set limits on the length of time games are played.

To sum up, there are benefits of computer games, but there are disadvantages too. However,
if parents take adequate precautions, the severity of these negative impacts can be avoided.
Sample 2

Access to computers has increased significantly over the past decades and the number of
children playing games on computers has been correspondingly on the rise. Many scientists
and psychologists find that in many computer games, the skills required to win involve
abstract and high level thinking. These skills are not even taught at school. However, there
are more convincing reasons for negative effects of computer games by children.
Most of the bad effects of computer games are blamed on the violence they contain. As
children are not matured enough to use computers positively and correctly, many of them
regard computers as a gaming device.The games those students play are often involved with
much violence. Children who play more violent games are more likely to have increased
aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and decreased social helping.
To reduce the drawbacks of playing video games, we need a complementary approach
between the parents and the game developers. Firstly, the parents are a major force into
giving advice, preventing their small kids from games with violent content. They also have to
limit the length of time accessing to computers of their children. Secondly, the developers
should develop applications that are more interactive and educationally purposeful, not
boring games with violence. By doing so, not only children, but also the parents and game
programmers, are beneficial too.
In conclusion computers have been and will be playing a crucial role in people in general and
children specifically. Games and their outcomes are inevitable. The parents and the
developers should take an adequate precaution and a considerable concern over this issue, so
that the severity of these negative impacts can be avoided.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Read the following text from an article about rumors on the Internet.

The Internet is the source of many rumors, or unverified stories. Rumors are generally
spread from one person to another by word of mouth, and the story evolves or changes in

the process. But the Internet has allowed rumors to spread much further and faster than ever

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about the consequences
of rumors on the Internet and what can be done to solve this problem. Include reasons and
any relevant examples to support your answer. You should write at least 250 words.


We are living in the era of information explosion where Internet rumors are spread extremely
fast. They may destroy not only a person’s reputation, but also to their mentality. In this essay
I try to discuss some effects of rumors on the Internet and suggest some solutions to solve the

To begin with, rumors on the Internet can bring the victim anxiety, depression, and even
suicide. Teenagers are hit especially hard because they might not be able to handle the
rumors, and it might change certain aspects of their personality. They may become shocked
and depressed deeply.

Moreover, rumor on the Internet can reduce the sale and profit of a company. Just imagine
there is information about using poisonous chemicals in producing a particular product on
social networks such as Facebook or Twister. As a result, that product will be refused by
customers in the market, although the information is not always true.
One of the measures to solve the problem is to tell the truth to the public. A definite answer
would certainly weaken the power of rumors, whereas silence can make the situation much
worse. Additionally, the government should punish those who intendedly spread untruths on
the Internet; and the admins or editors of the websites should censorship each article and
status carefully. Furthermore, Internet users should be selective enough to distinguish
between the true and the false information.

In conclusion, Internet rumors are harmful to citizens as well as society in terms of mental
and economic issues. However, they can be limited not only by strict laws or careful
censorship, but also by Internet user’s alertness.
Sample 2

With the rapid develop of the Internet, information is spread out amazingly fast, so are
rumors and unverified stories. It causes many consequences and we should do somethings
about it.

First of all not everything you see on the Internet is true, even if it is shared by your friends or
someone you know. Many of them are just rumors or unverified stories which one heard from
another and spread the words. Unlike words of mouth which are gradually spread from one
person to another, one post on a website or a Facebook page can reach hundreds to thousands
of people in one second. After that these people can easily share the story to another hundreds
to thousands of people in another second, hardly double check the sources of information or
question the contents. For example there was one story shared on the Internet that this very
actor died in a car accident, showing the photo of him lying on the road side in pool of blood.
After few days it turned out he was still alive and well and the photo was from his new

The Internet users should seriously check the source of the information before sharing it to
the next audiences, especially those stories which can affect someone’s reputation, people’s
safety or society security and so on. Recently one movie fan hanged herself after hearing
about the death of her favorite actress, what if the actress hadn’t really died?Considering how
seriously one simple piece of information can affect people thought and action, the Internet
users can do quick research to verify the stories before sharing. In case they don’t have time
to do so, don’t share any stories from untrusted sites or people.

In conclusion, the Internet users should be wise and don’t let bad people take advantage to
spread the bad rumors.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Read the following text from an article about Internet addiction.

One of the growing areas of concern is that of Internet addiction. An Internet addict is
someone who is unable to control his or her own use of the Internet and whose behaviours
threatens to overwhelm his or her normal life. Internet addiction can result in many
problems including a lack of sleep, lateness for appointments, neglect of work
responsibilities, and the disintegration of marriages and families.

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about solutions to
Internet addiction. Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer. You
should write at least 250 words.


These days surfing on the Internet has become the most favorable interest for modern people,
among them there are a number of users get addicted to the Internet also. However, there are
still possible solutions which I will try to discuss below.
Firstly, people should be aware of the harm of the Internet in terms of social issues. People
who are addicted spend too much time on the Internet. They prefer to stay at home and
immerse in a virtual world, instead of going out to connect the real people. In the
circumstance, their social abilities may degenerate as well as the relationship with others may
be worsened. In this case, people should take part in social activities such as doing charity or
voluntary work in the community so as to be taken away from the computer screen and relax
their mind.

Secondly, people who are addicted to the Internet should take a new hobby to draw them
away form the harmful way of life. They can listen to music, read a book, take physical
exercise or do gardening, which make them busy and bring them happiness too. They can
leave the computer for this healthy hobby.
Finally, as for avoiding this unhealthy habit, government should enact stricter laws and grade
websites as movie rating. At the same time, system that can restrict children to access
unsuitable information should be established. Consequently, the negative effects of the
Internet can be reduced.
To conclusion, although the problems of Internet addiction would be influential, there are
some methods which can be executed and benefits of the Internet could be optimized.

Sample 2
With the rapid develop of the Internet, a vast amount of information including articles,
books,, games, movies and so on is shared on the Internet which one people can never finish
exploring their whole life. However there are people who are too attracted to the Internet and
spend too much time on it called the Internet addicts. Internet addiction can result in many
problem in these people’s lives.

Firstly an Internet addict is someone who is unable to control his or her own use of the
Internet and whose behaviors threatens to overwhelm his or her normal life. Spending too

much time on the Internet, one person can lack of sleep, therefore be tired and be late for
appointments or late for work. It not only affects their work performance but also affect their
personal lives such as long term bad health affect, spending not enough time with families
and friends and so on.

Nowadays people hang out together don’t spend all the time to talk and enjoy the moment but
they are usually more or less distracted by the Internet, such as a Facebook notification, an
email. The topics of the conversations are mainly about what they posted on Facebook,
Twister, what other posted on Facebook, Twister for example. Relationships between people
are therefore disintegrated.

The Internet users should limit their time spending on the Internet and use it on somethings
better and healthier such as sports, reading books, really hanging out with friends and taking
care of their families.

Sample 3

The Internet is an amazing information resource. However, while there are many positive
developments associated with the Internet, there are also certain fears and concerns. One of
the growing areas of concern is that of Internet addiction. Internet addiction can result in
many problems including a lack of sleep, lateness for appointments, neglect of work
responsibilities, and the disintegration of marriages and families. There are some solutions for
that issue such as lessening the time using the internet, having healthier activities, asking for
professional help and using time tracker programs.

Firstly, abstinence from this activity is the first step to treating this disorder. Try to gradually
lessen the number of hours in front of the computer. You should change the environment as
the user can associate Internet use with things such as the location of the computer and other

Secondly, it is better to work out a schedule of healthy activities. Try to minimize free time in
the schedule. Examples of worthwhile activities are exercise, sports, and hobbies that don’t
involve computers.

Thirdly, for severe cases of Internet addiction, you can get help from therapists, treatment
programs, and support groups that can help in treating this disorder. They know what is the
best solutions to support you with this problem is.

Finally, a huge part of treating this addiction is to recognize that the user may revert to
excessive Internet surfing. This can be prevented by avoiding situations that will set off the
addiction again. Whenever you're online, use a productivity or time tracking program to log
your activity, and stick with a strict, time-limiting regiment.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Read the following extract from a book chapter.

Many American believe that the death penalty is effective in deterring people from
committing murder. However, others disagree, and many sociologists argue that the
evidence does not support this view.

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to tell which point of view you agree with.
Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer. You should write at least
250 words.


Capital punishment is the process of killing the offenders for the crimes they have committed.
It was very prominent in old days but these days capital punishment is diminishing and the
authorities are opting for less barbaric way to punish the criminals. I agree with alternative
way of punishment which is less severe than death.
Capital punishment is not a solution. In the first place, humans have no right to kill other
human for any reason, no matter how severe the crime is. Some crimes are committed by
mentally sick people. Those people are not responsible for their deeds. They can be put in
safer hospitals for their rest of life. Moreover, it may happen that the offender has been
convicted and executed wrongly. Later upon further investigation he is proved to be innocent.
We do not have any way to roll this back. Somebody might lose their precious life which is
not at all acceptable. Moreover, there are various alternatives available; for instance life
sentences. These alternatives also serve the similar purpose of making criminals realize their
Secondly, criminals should be shot dead for their mistakes. Why should the government bear
the expenses of killing criminals on the electrical chair or shooting site? Moreover, criminals’
families have to suffer from their relatives’ death, which will cause pressure and negative
effects on families as well as society.
In conclusion, the government should have less severe alternatives. We should avoid the
capital punishment and try to make our society more humane.

Sample 2
Many American believe that the death penalty is effective in deterring people from
committing murder. However, others disagree, and many sociologists argue that the evidence
does not support this view. I would like to support the second opinion about this concern.
With or without capital punishment people will still commit crimes. The death penalty does
not have conclusive evidence to be a tool in the criminal justice system to deter people from
committing crime.

Firstly, the risk of executing innocent people exists in any justice system. There have been
and always will be cases of executions of innocent people. No matter how developed a justice
system is, it will always remain susceptible to human failure. Unlike prison sentences, the
death penalty is irreversible and irreparable.

Secondly, the arbitrary application of the death penalty can never be ruled out. The death
penalty is often used in a disproportional manner against the poor, minorities and members of
racial, ethnic, political and religious groups.

Thirdly, the death penalty is incompatible with human rights and human dignity. The death
penalty violates the right to life which happens to be the most basic of all human rights. It
also violates the right not to be subjected to torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading
treatment or punishment. Furthermore, the death penalty undermines human dignity which is
inherent to every human being.

Finally, the death penalty does not deter crime effectively. The death penalty lacks the
deterrent effect which is commonly referred to by its advocates. As recently stated by the It is
noteworthy that in many retentionist states, the effectiveness of the death penalty in order to
prevent crime is being seriously questioned by a continuously increasing number of law
enforcement professionals.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Read the following extract from a book chapter.

Over the last few decades, the drug problem in the United States and in many other
industrialized countries has become considerably worse. In 1981, there were about 3 million
drug addicts in the United States; today there are around 6 million. The number of drug
overdose deaths and drug-related homicides has also increased.

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about the solutions to
drug addiction. Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer. You
should write at least 250 words.


Drug addiction is a worrying problem that has been increasing immensely in our society
today. Drug addiction can hinder people from normal life. In my opinion, the solution to this
vice is that families, schools, and society should all have responsibility to fight against drug

Firstly, families need to give their children information about detrimental effects of addiction.
Parents should be attentive to children and follow their developing processes carefully.
Specifically, they should know well whom their children interact with. Parents have the way
to deter their children from interacting with bad friends or other addicts. Moreover, a link
between parents and teachers is necessary to cooperate in education of children. To an addict,
sympathy and love are really important in promoting their positive emotions and feelings
which can help them fight against drugs.

Secondly, schools and universities should pay more attention to people at risk and help them
be aware of negative impacts of drugs on people’s life. Discrimination against addicts is
considered to push them far from the community. In contrast, they should be drawn into clubs
and participate in physical activities, which can help addicts distract from the vice.

Furthermore, society is also responsible for addicts to have a healthy life. The government is
able to create more study or job opportunities for addicts, in which they are not differentiated
among other people. Additionally, effective laws should be enacted to stop drug dealers.
Those who intentionally involve in selling or buying drugs should be punished seriously.

In conclusion, if families, schools and society cooperate to repel drug addiction, eliminating
this vice will be largely successful.
Sample 2

Over the last few decades, the society has been fighting hard to deal with drug addiction.
Every year, lots of money and manpower has been used in the effort of reducing drug related
problems and finding effective solutions. Although drugs threaten our lives, there are ways to
fight back in this battle.

It can be seen clearly that drugs affect negatively society and families in it. Firstly, the
addicts are always too sick, mentally and physically to function as normal, responsible
members of the community. For instance, they often use up their own then strain their
families for money to immerse their habits. Secondly, drugs may easily cause crimes by those
who profit from selling them and by the addicts who want the possible ways to support their
need. The society is struggling in defeating those problems which requires huge police force
and financial resources.

However, together we can always find out solutions. One possible way is to educate the
youth. For example, drug related issue can be discussed at family reunions or lectures at
school. By making young people aware of drug addiction, we help them to be away from the
temptations it brings. Another solution is to strengthen our laws and police force. Increase
the manpower and recourses help prevent the problems effectively. The more attempts we
put, the better chance we win. Besides, promulgating strict laws against drugs may deter
those who are about to commit the crimes.

All in all, although drug problems are almost impossible to eliminate or even control, we are
able to weaken their effects on society and family. We the grown-ups should educate our
children to stay away from drugs. Police force and laws should be strengthened and
supported to protect the society more effectively. If this battle is to be won, every one of us
must be involve.

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Read an extract from a medical journal.

Obesity is a serious global problem in today's society, especially among young people. More
than one-third of adults and 17% of youth in the United States are obese, although the
prevalence remained stable between 2003-2004 and 2009-2010. Obesity causes a lot of

conditions including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer, some
of the leading causes of preventable death.

Write an essay to an educated reader on the causes of obesity and possible solutions.
Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer. You should write at least
250 words.


Obesity is a major problem which is increasing day by day in school going children
nowadays. There are various reasons behind it. This essay will discuss the causes of obesity
and offer some solutions.

The first cause of obesity is junk food. It is often seen that mostly children are fond of
burgers, pizzas and coke. These types of food are easily available to them in school canteens.
Children love to purchase chips, hamburgers for lunch. Moreover, in this modern era, parents
are too busy to cook at home. They often buy lunch for their children instead of preparing it
at home. This diet rich in calories makes children obese. It is parents’ responsibilities to give
their children healthy food and control what they eat. Moreover, junk food and fizzy drinks
should be banned in schools.

The second cause of obesity is the sedentary life style. It is true that the use of computers and
television is increasing in children. They spend most of their time watching television or
playing video games on the computer. This technological advancement has reduced the level
of physical activities in this specific age group. This issue can be resolved by doing physical
exercises. Parents can restrict the time children playing computer games. Additionally, they
should encourage their children to take regular exercise.

To sum up, it is clear that main causes of obesity are unhealthy diet and not enough physical
activities. This ailment can be prevented and treated by healthy eating habits and physical
Sample 2

Obesity is a serious global problem in today's society, especially among young people. More
than one-third of adults and 17% of youth in the United States are obese, although the
prevalence remained stable between 2003-2004 and 2009-2010. Obesity causes a lot of
conditions including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer, some
of the leading causes of preventable death.

Write an essay to an educated reader on the causes of obesity and possible solutions. Include
reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer. You should write at least 250

Nowadays, obesity is becoming more and more serious problem in society worldwide,
especially among young people. According to a research in the US, more than one-third of
adults and 17% of youth in the United States are obese. Obesity causes a lot of conditions
including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer, some of the
leading causes of preventable death. Government and social organization should raise the
awareness of obesity within the young generation. At first, they should be educated what
cause obesity. There are three main reasons that lead to obesity.

The most common reason is lack of energy balance. A lack of energy balance most often
causes overweight and obesity. Energy balance means that your energy in equals your energy
out.Overweight and obesity happen over time when you take in more calories than you use.

The second reason is many people today lead an inactive lifestyle. Many Americans aren't
very physically active. They spend hours in front of TVs and computers doing work,
schoolwork, and leisure activities. In fact, more than 2 hours a day of regular TV viewing
time has been linked to overweight and obesity.

Another reason causes obesity is lack of sleep. It may sound strange but research shows that
lack of sleep increases the risk of obesity. People who sleep fewer hours also seem to prefer
eating foods that are higher in calories and carbohydrates, which can lead to overeating,
weight gain, and obesity.

To prevent obesity, people should have a healthy lifestyle. We should eat healthy food, avoid
as many as possible eating unhealthy food, for example fast-food, candy. We should also
have a suitable physical plan. We should doing exercise at least 3 times a week to maintain
energy balance.

Obesity is a serious problem but it could probably be prevented if people are educated well
about the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle.

Writing test 27
You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Read the following extract from a book chapter.

Some people argue that male and female brains are different and that this causes differences in
behavior. However, some other believe that most of the differences are the result of the way in
which people bring up children at home and at school.

Adapted from Solutions pre-intermediate workbook – Writing bank, Page 103

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to tell which point of view you agree with. Include
reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer. You should write at least 250

Some people think that there is a difference between male and female brains and that makes
their behavior different. Some others argue that the way in which people raise their children
at home and at school creates most of the differences. I agree with the latter point of view.

In the past, researchers claimed they could tell the sex of an individual just by looking at their
disembodied brain. But a new study finds that human brains do not fit neatly into “male” and
“female” categories. Indeed, all of our brains seem to share a patchwork of forms; some that
are more common in males, others that are more common in females, and some that are
common to both genders.

In fact, there are basic behavioral differences between the sexes, but we should note that
these differences increase with age because our children's intellectual biases are being
exaggerated and intensified by our gendered culture. Children don't inherit intellectual
differences. They learn them. They are a result of what we expect a boy or a girl to be. For
instance, a boy is taught to be strong and independent by their parents since he is expected to
protect his family when he grows up.

Last but not least, nor are the reasoning, speaking, computing, emphasizing, navigating and
other cognitive differences fixed in the genetic architecture of our brains. All such skills are
learned and developed day by day, based on the experience children get from the school and
their daily life.

In conclusion, the way parents raise their children can create the difference in behavior.
Gender does not matter.


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