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Online Attendance System is software developed for daily student

attendance in schools, colleges and institutes. If facilitates to access the attendance
information of a particular Employee in a particular industry. The information is
sorted by the operators, which will be provided by the employee for a particular
working day. This system will also help in evaluating attendance eligibility criteria of
employee. Attendance System covers the requirements of the Personnel Department
in terms of Manpower Analysis, day-to-day monitoring of the Attendance.


Hardware Requirement:

Processor : Pentium IV OR CORE i5.

RAM : 2 GB or Greater.
Hard disk : 20 GB

Software Requirement:

Software : WAMP Server .

Software Code : Php, CSS, Java script
Database : Postgresql 9.3.
Operation System : Linux/ Ubuntu/ windows 8/10

Team Members Are:

Mr. Kadam Mohit Kautik - 96

Mr. Kadam Rushikesh Ramdas -97
The purpose of developing this attendance managementsystem is to
computerized the tradition way of taking attendance. Another purpose
for developing this software is to generate the report automatically at the
end of the semester.

Requirements of New System:

User Requirements The User requirements for the new system are to
make the system fast, flexible, less prone to errors and reduce expenses
and save time...A system that can automate the checking of answers
which are pre-stored so that results can be generated as soon as the
Student gives the reason.A facility that can generate result charts as
per required.The New system should be more secure in managing
Student records and reliable enough to be used in any
condition.Finally, it should prove cost effective as compared to
thecurrent system.
This project aims to reduce the paper work and saving time to generate accurate results from the
student’s attendance. The system provides with the best user interface. It is trouble free to use. It is
relatively fast approach to enter attendance is highly reliable. The efficient reports can be
generated by using proposed system. This project aims to reduce the paper work and saving time to generate
accurate results from the student’s attendance. The system provides with the best user interface. The efficient
reports can be generated by using this proposed system.

Advantages of Proposed System

 It is trouble-free to use.
 It is a relatively fast approach to enter attendance
 Is highly reliable, approximate result from user
 Best user Interface
 Efficient reports
Working of existing system:-
The Existing system is a manual entry for the students. Here the attendance will be carried out in the hand written
registers. It will be a tedious job to maintain the record for the user. The human effort is more here. The retrieval of
the information is not as easy as the records are maintained in the hand written registers. This application requires
correct feed on input into the respective field. Suppose the wrong inputs are entered, the application resist to work.
so the user find it difficult to use.

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