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Monthly, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed Journal with IC Value: 86.87 Impact Factor: 6.497
Received Date: 07/08/2019 Acceptance Date: 18/08/2019 Publication Date: 31/08/2019

Spread system of elementary school principals and zoning of student

admission of the quality of education in Padang
1 2
Reni Dian Adriani, Syafrial Anas, 3Widya Indah Pratiwi, 4
Dlyardi Nur, 5
Rodi Chandra
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi “KBP” Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
1, 2, 3, 4
UniversitasNegeri Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

Abstract: This study aims to know the spread system of elementary school principals and zoning of student
admissions of the quality of education in Padang. This study uses a phenomenological qualitative approach. The
informants in this study were Head of Official, Head of Division, Head of Technical Staff, Regional Coordinator,
Principal, Committee and Teacher. The informant areas are 4 sub districts and 8 junior high schools. Analysis
method for data that use in this study is SWOT method. The variables in this study consisted of system deployment
of principals, zoning of new student admissions and quality of education. The first focus testing on the study stated
that the distribution of elementary school principals based on the location of residence is still being a conversation
that must be discussed in Department of Education Padang. Second focus testing stated zoning system on new
student admissions, received the enthusiast response from many people who be the respondents on the study cause
it is being the spread on news student admission which as we know that it is only focus on favorite school, so
some school get the students who do not accepted in favorite school finally. Third focus testing of study stated
that the education quality in Padang by considered the result of mid semester achieved by every student at school
after zoning system, so that the spread of smart students are same for all of junior high school around of education
Department in Padang. To spread of elementary school principals based on the location can be accepted, but it
hoped not in the same residences or district area, but it still can be reached by all of principal candidates. The
socialization is hoped to introduce more about how the system of zoning in new student admission which it is the
first step of it is conducting for parents or closest people of student and the teachers & principals also.

Key Words: Distribution System of Elementary School Principals, Zoning of New Student Admissions, Quality of

Education is one of determining on developing and growth in a country whichitis a key to create human
resources in high quality and it has a qualification of rival to face the education that getting higher in level. However, to
improve the quality of education right now that has been reached is not one of easy to do by Indonesia government.
Base on the rank result education in the world, Indonesiais one the member of ASEAN countries still existing below of
neighborhood rank, they are Malaysia and Singapore in education. As quoted from Deutsche Welle, follow are the data
about rank of education in ASEAN and the rank position education according to UNESCO that view from education

Table 1. Education Index Rank in ASEAN Countries and The Position based on UNESCO
1 Singapore 0,768 9
2 Brunei Darussalam 0,692 30
3 Malaysia 0,671 62
4 Thailand 0,608 89
5 Indonesia 0,603 108
Source: media data center ( SOSBUD ), on Feb 2017.

From the data above, we can see that the quality of education in Indonesia stated in number of five for ASEAN
countries area and education index (EDI) 0,603 and its have the position at 108 according to education index (EDI)
UNESCO this is really far from the rank of malaysia as the neighbour which state in number 62. To increase the quality
of education in Indonesia to be number one in ASEAN countries, is needed the rules from government to repair the
education quality either from aspect of education financial infrastucture and also human resource for the rules that will
be conducted letter to support the increasement the quality of education in Indonesia. According to the directorate

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Monthly, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed Journal with IC Value: 86.87 Impact Factor: 6.497
Received Date: 07/08/2019 Acceptance Date: 18/08/2019 Publication Date: 31/08/2019

general Educational Quality Assurance Council elementary and junior high school shows the progress result the quality
assurance in some region for Padang as follow:

Table 2. The Delivery Data of Quality Assurance Education in Padang

Total Sekolah 2016 Total Sekolah 2017 Total Sekolah 2018
No Wilayah
Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total
SD Data SMP Data SD Data SMP Data SD Data SMP Data
1 Kec. Padang Barat 35 35 14 12 35 35 14 12 35 35 14 14
2 Kec. Padang utara 33 33 10 10 33 33 10 10 33 33 10 10
3 Kec. Pauh 23 23 5 5 23 23 5 5 23 23 5 5
4 Kec. Kuranji 56 55 12 9 56 56 12 11 56 56 12 11
Source: PMP Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Dasardan Menengah

Base the data of educational quality assurance council elementary and junior high school, can be viewed the
delivery data to recheck the quality of school for each subdistrict from 4 subdistrict that become as object as study,
kuranji subdistrict become most offering to delivery data of quality assessment, that have the less of school number
which register in the region from year 2016 to 2018.
The one of rules in current situation has been conducted by some of region in Indonesia, such as: by
implementation rules of government about the ways to admisse the new student. For Padang as the one region which
have conducted the rules has distribute about Padang Mayor Regulation number 30, 2018 about the ways in conducting
new students assessment, in the previous time, system of new student assessment (PSB) mainly for student of elementary
school (SD) who will continue to junior high school (SMP) in Padang on 2005 who have use the developed of technology
information through internet (on line).
Based on the explanation above, so researcher interested to do the research with the title "Distribution System
Principal of Elementary School and Zoning of New Student Assessment and the Quality of Education in Padang."

2.1 Quality of Education
According to the Great Indonesian Dictionary, quality is a side of good or bad about something, content, level
or the degree of it, such as smartness and cleverness, etc (Depdiknas, 2001). Generally quality is a general visual of
characteristic about something or services that show the ability to content the needs which is knotted (Depdiknas, 2002).
In definition, quality consist the meaning about degree (level of special quality a product, serviced) either it is a goods
or a service, tangible or intangible. The tangible quality means can be viewed the form of a goods or the activity of it.
For example the quality of a television cause it has the damaged durability, clear of colors, good sound, and parts we
can get it easily, interesting of movement, etc. whereas, the intangible quality is something which is can’t view the
quality of it directly, such as discipline, closeness, cleans, etc (Suryosibroto, 2004).

2.2 Leadership of Education

Basically, a leader is someone who can influence the behaved of others in environment of works by using the authority
to guide and influence the members to do the duties. According to Syahril and AsmidirIlyas (2009) give the
definition leadership of education, it is a ability to influence others, guide, coordinate and directing them who relates
with the developing of education knowledge and the implementation of it in order to efficient to reach the education
goals and teaching.
To sum up, leadership of education is an ability to encourage or influence in coverage of implementation of
education to reach the goals of it efficiently and effectively. In application, a leader has authority to lead and influence
the members, which is relates with the duties of subject is conducted by the clear of counsul.
A principal is the single of person in charge who has a responsibility in schools surrounding. So, principle as
the leader of a school must have leadership characteristic that is suitable with the condition in schools surrounding.

2.3 The Spread System of Principal

Mangkunegara [12] Performance is the result of work in quality and quantity achieved by an employee in
carrying out his duties in accordance with the responsibilities given.The dimensions and indicators of performance [12]
are: 1) Quality of Work, with indicators consisting of: (a) neatness, (b) ability, and (c) success; 2) Quantity of Work,
with indicators consisting of: (a) speed, and (b) satisfaction; 3) Responsibility, with indicators consisting of: (a) work
results, (b) decision making, and (c) facilities and infrastructure; 4) Cooperation, with indicators consisting of: (a)
cohesiveness, and (b) good relations with colleagues and superiors; 5) Initiatives, with indicators namely independence.

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Monthly, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed Journal with IC Value: 86.87 Impact Factor: 6.497
Received Date: 07/08/2019 Acceptance Date: 18/08/2019 Publication Date: 31/08/2019

2.4 New Student Admission Zoning

New student admissions based on zoning in state junior high school are implemented through achievement channels,
quran hafiz lines, inclusive pathway and network.
 PPDB achievement path which is individual achievement in the field: (a) national science olympiad, national
student arts festival and competitions, and adolescent scientific research compititions by obtaining the lowest
rank 3 champion at the provincial level, (b) tahfiz quran at least 3 juz, and (c) PPDB achievement path, namely
implementation schedule, new prospective students who fulfill the requirements and zoning set by the head of
the department.
 The students received through the achievement pathway, tahfiz quran track and inclusive pathways that have
been determined with the decision of the head of office can no longer register on the PPDB online.
 PPDB paths in online networks/ media are carried out based on elementary school zones of origin or other forms
which have been equal, with selection of SKHUN/SBN values by considering the distance of capacity and
transportation access.
 PPDB online networks by using this link:

Based on the pattern of relationships between variables, this study uses a phenomenological qualitative
approach. As for the informants who were made the speakers were follow: head of office, head of fields, head of
technical staff, regional heads (principal) of school, committees and teachers the informants were in four sub district in
Padang, the city of Padang, West Padang sub district, North Padang sub district, Kuranji sub district, and Pauh sub
district, in processing qualitative data research use SWOT analysis.

 The study was conducted from September to November 2018. During this time, researchers tried to understand,
appreciate and involve themselves in seeing the performance of the principal by implementing a deployment
system for elementary school principals in four Regional Coordinator in Padang, and seeing the implementation
of learned in some schools after the implementation of the new student admission zoning system in four sub
districts which became the object of research by look at the results of the midterm examinations of seventh
grade junior high school students who were accepted after the implementation of the zoning system by the
government in accepting new students.
 The research of subjects observed in this study was for the dissemination of school principals, namely Regional
Coordinators, elementary school principals and teachers, and looking at the grade of class VI midterm
examinations. Whereas for the new student admission zoning the study subject is the principal, committee and
teacher as well as the midterm test score of class VI students who become the first students after the adoption
of new student admission system based on zoning, so researchers.

SWOT Analysis
Analysis of strategy develop using SWOT analysis identification of internal and external factors formulated in
an effort to analyze the distribution system of elementary school participants and zoning of new student admissions to
the quality/ grade of education in Padang, we can see as follow:

SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
 Have the human resource in a big amount.  The spread of educators are still in the center of city only.
 Have a competent education in subject  The human resources in education fields are still less in
 Department of maintaining management number.
 Various of learning method  The infrastructure for each school still under the number
 Location of school that have been spread whole of necessary.
in Padang area  Graduates management were still less.
Opportunities Threats
 Government gives the support to improve the  Ease of licensing the establishment of private schools.
developed of quality in education.  Frequent changes of regulations in the field of education.
 Citizen conditions are strongly needed the  There are formal and nonformal education institutions that
educations. can meet the need of the community.

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Monthly, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed Journal with IC Value: 86.87 Impact Factor: 6.497
Received Date: 07/08/2019 Acceptance Date: 18/08/2019 Publication Date: 31/08/2019

 The ability of citizen in economies to fulfill the  The community needs to get more education to stay even
education need. if they have to pay dearly.
 There are some amenities in usage of technology  Lack of understanding of parents in the field of technology
and information for education coverage. making it is difficult to use the new system.

SWOT Matrix
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities  Have the human resource in a big amount.  The spread of educators are still in the center of
 Have a competent education in subject city only.
 Department of maintaining management  The human resources in education fields are
 Various of learning method still less in number.
 Location of school that have been spread  The infrastructure for each school still under the
whole in Padang area number of necessary.
 Government gives the support to improve  Graduates management is still less.
the developed of quality in education.  Government gives the support to improve the
 Citizen conditions are strongly needed the developed of quality in education.
educations.  Citizen conditions are strongly needed the
 The ability of citizen in economies to fulfill educations.
the education need.  The ability of citizen in economies to fulfill the
 There are some amenities in usage of education need.
technology and information for education  There are some amenities in usage of
coverage. technology and information for education
Threats  Have many quantitatively human resources.  The spread of educators are still in the center of
 Having educators who are competent in city only.
their fields.  The human resources in education fields are still
 Department of maintaining management. less in number.
 Learning methods that have varied.  The infrastructure for each school still under the
 School locations that have spread number of necessary.
throughout the area in the city of Padang.  Graduates management are still less.
 Ease of licensing the establishment of  Ease of licensing the establishment of private
private schools. schools.
 Frequent changes of regulations in the field  Frequent changes of regulations in the field of
of education. education.
 There are formal and non-formal education  There are formal and non-formal education
institutions that can meet the need of the institutions that can meet the need of the
community. community.
 The community needs to get more  The community needs to get more education to
education to stay even if they have to pay stay even if they have to pay dearly.
dearly.  Lack of understanding of parents in the field of
 Lack of understanding of parents in the technology making it is difficult to use the new
field of technology making it is difficult to system.
use the new system.

 For the distribution of primary school principals based on their location of residence, it is acceptable but it is
hoped that the placement is not in one residential or urban location where the prospective principals is located
but outside the sub district however can still be easily reached by candidate of principals.
 It is expected to conduct socialization in schools to introduce further how the new student admission zoning
system which is currently the first stage of its implementation to parents or closest people of students and to
teachers and principals.

Available online on – WWW.IJIRMF.COM Page 82

Monthly, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed Journal with IC Value: 86.87 Impact Factor: 6.497
Received Date: 07/08/2019 Acceptance Date: 18/08/2019 Publication Date: 31/08/2019

Based on the background of the problem, the focus of the study and the result of qualitative research were on
observation, interviews and documentation carrying out in primary schools in four sub district in Padang and eight
Padang junior high schools about the distribution of primary school principals and zoning of new student admission to
the quality of education in Padang, the following conclusion can be drawn:
 In accordance with the data obtained by researchers, the distribution of elementary school principals based on
location of residence is still a conversation that must be discussed in Padang Education Department even though
some respondents strongly agree with the implementation of the school principal’s spread system close to the
location of residence because it is more effective and efficient in improving the quality of education, but this
also gets disagreement from some parties who consider that if the dissemination is carried out in accordance
with the location of the residence, it will increase the negligence of the principal in carrying out their duties.
 The application of the zoning system in the admission of new students received a very enthusiastic response
from various parties who became respondents in this study because there was even distribution of student
acceptance which had only been focused on favorite schools so that some schools finally accepted students who
did not pass the test at the favorite schools.
 With the primary school deployment system and student admission of new student admission zoning, it can be
seen that these two variables affect the quality/ quality of education in Padang by looking at the result of midterm
obtained by each student in school after implementing the zoning system so that smart students are divided the
average for all junior secondary schools is at the Padang Education Department.

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