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A Narrative

Practicum of Seed Production Technology

Choirunnisak, 175040201111065
Class I/I1, Practicum of Seed Production Technology

Practicum of seed production technology is one of the practicums held by

the BP department of the brawijaya faculty of agriculture. This practicum is held in
the 2nd floor plant breeding laboratory in BP. Practicum is held every week, namely
on Thursday at 07.00 WIB.
Seed Production Technology, learn about morphology and seed anatomy,
by studying the morphology and anatomy of the seeds we can distinguish between
the structure of monocot and dicot seeds and use specimens in the form of corn
kernels and bean seeds. There are also germination practicum materials that aim
to determine strength and viability by testing corn seeds. The difference between
the vigor test and the viability test is based on the media used during testing. The
vigor test uses a sand substrate as a medium to grow corn seeds, while the viability
test uses paper with two methods, namely test paper made in plastic (UKDdp) and
inter-paper test (UAK).
There is also material to determine seed moisture content, test seed purity,
priming and dormancy. Practicum about water content is carried out by two
methods, namely conventional method or using oven and temperature, then
automatic method with Balance Moisture Tester. Green bean seeds are first
mashed to determine the value of the water content contained in the seeds. Based
on the two methods, it can be seen that the oven method gives more accurate
results than the GMT method, except that the process is done longer than the oven
method. The moisture content of the seeds has a definition of the weight of water
contained and which is then lost due to heating according to the rules set, which
are expressed as a percentage of the initial weight of the seed sample. Water
content of seeds has an important role in seed storage. Water content of seeds
can stimulate the process of seed respiration.
In the practice of seed purity testing, a test definition is carried out by
separating three components of pure seeds, other plant seeds, and seed stool
which are then calculated as a percentage of the three seed components. Tests
are conducted with the aim of determining the composition of pure seeds, other
plant seeds, and seed droppings from seed samples that represent many seeds.
Seed breeding is an effort to care for seeds before planting. There are two
kinds, namely practicum on priming and dormancy. Priming is a technique to
improve seed quality by controlling the hydration process dehydrating seeds for
ongoing metabolic processes before germination. The purpose of the dormancy
laboratory is to determine the effect of nitric acid immersion time which can break
down seed dormancy. In addition to practicum in the laboratory, practicum is
conducted in the field by planting corn located in Karangploso, Malang. Where from
land processing, planting to maintenance includes watering, fertilizing, weeding
and piling.
A Narrative
The Importance of Seed Production Technology
Choirunnisak, 175040201111065
Class I/I1, Practicum of Seed Production Technology

Seeds are the most important part to obtain new plants or propagation of
plants can be divided into two, namely generatively, can be done using seeds or
seeds. Plant seeds are plants or their parts that are used to multiply or breed plants
(RI Law No.12 Th 1992). Another definition of plant seeds is fertilized (structural)
ovules, which are used for planting (functional), as a means of achieving calcium
production (agronomy), as a vehicle for advanced technology capable of
preserving genetic identity by achieving the highest level of genetic purity
(technology) , and as a very specific and efficient artificial product. The function of
seeds as a generative nursery tool also requires the right time to grow properly, so
that when it comes to cultivating seed plants used are high-quality and certified
Seed production is one of the main activities in seed procurement, and acts
as the most basic initial activity carried out. The product of the production activity
is the "candidate seed" which is the material that will be used in a series of other
main activities. The level of quality of prospective seeds produced from production
activities greatly determines the level of quality that will be produced in the
procurement of seeds.
Seed technology learns about ways to improve the genetic and physical
properties of seeds which include activities such as developing varieties, testing,
evaluating (releasing) and releasing varieties, producing seeds, processing,
storing, and certifying seeds. One way to determine seed quality is by vigor test.
Vigor is the seed life level and is measured in the form of seeds that germinate,
germinate speed, normal number of sprouts, in a variety of adequate
environments. While the viability test aims to determine the stages of testing seed
or seed germination by either UAK, UDK, or UKDdp. Apart from being able to
identify normal, abnormal sprouts, dead seeds, fresh seeds do not grow or hard
Seed physical quality testing can be carried out by seed purity test, weight
of 1000 grains and seed moisture content. In principle, seed purity testing aims to
separate seed work samples into pure seed components, other plant seeds, and
seed feces which are then calculated as a percentage of the three seed
components. Seed moisture content can spur the process of seed respiration so
that it will improve the reformation of seed food reserves, as a result the seeds will
run out of food reserves when needed to germinate. There are two methods used
in testing seed moisture content, namely the GMT method and the oven method.
One solution that can be done to improve the quality of seeds that have
experienced setbacks is the maintenance of seed invigoration, which can be done
by seed priming. Seed priming is conditioned by using priming solutions such as
KNO3, KH2PO4, NaCl and mannitol which are not toxic to seeds. Seed dormancy
is a condition in which healthy seeds fail to germinate when they are in conditions
that are usually good for germination, such as adequate humidity, temperature and
the right light.
Dormancy can occur during the management process, so the seeds cannot
germinate even in a good environment to germinate. The cause of seed dormancy
can be due in part to hard seed coat, growth of inhibitors in the fruit or seeds that
prevent germination, and a combination of several undeveloped dormant types
(undercooked), seeds containing inhibitors in the fruit or seeds that prevent
germination, and combinations of several types of dormancy . Some treatments
can be given to seeds, so that the level of dormancy can be reduced and the
percentage of sprouts remains high. This treatment includes seed skin, embryos
and endosperm seeds to remove germination inhibiting factors and reactivate
inactive germ cells.
A Narrative
The Assistant of Seed Production Technology
Choirunnisak, 175040201111065
Class I/I1, Practicum of Seed Production Technology

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