Project SHAPE - Bulan2012

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Schools Division of Sorsogon
Bulan, Sorsogon

I Project Title: Project S H A P

(School Head’s Accountability to Pupil’s Performance towards Excellence)

II Proponent: Mr. ISAIAS A. BERMAS

Public Schools District Supervisor

III Introduction:

Education holds much promise for the youth today. It is implanted in most
cultures that an educated populace is essential to national progress. With this
conviction the school is the only institution that can answer the dreams and
aspirations of every individual through nation building and progress. Thereby, a
school should be manned with leaders who are advocates of good character and
committed to be of service. School administrator must bring the children’s
performance into quality, productive and committed to doing things that
addresses the needs of the pupils. School leader, like a conductor or a “maestro”
with the baton that magically creates the symphony carefully studies the music
that needs to be produced, the right sounds at the right time thus beautiful music
shaped with everyone playing an important role.

In the school setting, the school head is the conductor, he should make sure
that everyone’s role played well. The school head must lead in developing and
pursuing academic goals that the school needs to achieve and ultimately
responsible for seeing to it that the teachers help the students to learn effectively.
School principal has many important roles to perform so they need to be
adequately prepared for the job. Principal as a transformational leader can effect
change to allowing the spirit of creativity and innovation to others and surely this
leader paves the way for individuals to do their best work by providing resources
and taking away obstacles. This leader believes that competence and dedication
are among the vague requirements towards excellence.

IV -Objectives:
1. Help the school administrators to internalize and fully understand their
basic task as instructional and transformational leaders;
2. Develop and enhance the essential competencies of principals for
effective schools; and
3. Empower school heads to lead their teachers and learners towards
higher learning outcomes.

V -Rationale of the Proposed Solution

Schools in the entire Division of Sorsogon as to the National Achievement
Test reveal that the mastery level of seventy-five (75) percent is at far in
realization. Presently the performance level of the District of Bulan South,
Division of Sorsogon is still below the planning standards. The district’s
performance level is sixty-eight percent during school year 2010-2011. The
challenge is channeled to the school heads that are the central factor to twist the
situation and convey the district feat on its target of 75% per subject area relative
to EFA goals and objectives by 2015.

The proponent believes that by strengthening the competencies of school

leaders they will become an effective educational motivator and influential to lead
the school towards higher learning result.

VI -Plan
1. Conduct School heads LAC Sessions pertaining to mentoring and
monitoring process;
2. Conduct in service trainings focusing on the basic task of a school
managers such as;
a. Preparation of Instructional Supervisory Plan
b. Coaching and Mentoring
c. Planning and Budgeting
3. Identify the domains of responsibility of a school head in achieving
instructional goals.
4. Demonstration and Observation
5. Conduct re-orientation of the Instructional Leadership Course
6. Conduct crash course focusing on the effective strategies and
approaches frequently used by teachers.
7. Propose a monitoring mechanism to see to it that the knowledge
acquired is fully implemented in the school.
8. Maintain a viable storage of district information and updated
recording and reporting system.

VII -Time Frame

The duration of this project will start second week of January 2012 to
December 2012.

VIII -Project Resources

A. Persons/Groups
1. Schools Division Superintendent
2. Education Supervisors and PSDS
3. Resource Speakers
4. School Administrator
5. Master Teachers/Teachers
6. Pupils

B. Materials:
1. Computers (Laptop) 6. Training centers
2. LCD 7. Masking Tapes,
3. Power Point Presentation 8. Bond Papers, pentel pens
4. Handouts 9. Cartolina, manila papers
5. Foods 10. scissors

C. Budget:
 Total Estimated Amount - P 50 000.00

IX -Evaluation/Assessment
The following reports that should be submitted to the
District/Division Offices are:
 Principal’s Monthly Monitoring and Mentoring Plan
 Principal’s Monthly Monitoring and Mentoring Report
 Supervisor’s Monthly Monitoring and Mentoring Plan
 Supervisor’s Monthly Monitoring and Mentoring Report
 Annual Instructional Supervisory Plan
 Report on Teachers Supervised with corresponding assistance
 Narrative and pictorial report on the conduct of INSET.

X -Expected Output
 Empowered school leaders.
 Increased school performance.
 Instructional supervision was used to achieve goals.
 Teachers’ competence enhanced.

Prepared and submitted by:

Public Schools District Supervisor

Recommending Approval:


Asst. Schools Division Superintendent



Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
OIC-Office of the Division Superintendent

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