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CA - 0622



D "
the are of the moral universe must bend towards a more reformative
version of justice rather than retributive one

Martin Luther
2) context

Justice Kurien Joseph in a recent Judgment observed that

the time has come to review the death penalty its practice 4 purpose ,

3) scenario in India

D In the Bachman Singh case the so ruled that death

could be awarded of

only in rarest rare oases


Nivbhaya and amendments to Now death

2) case Ipc .

penalty could be
awarded certain and
to category of rapes to
repeat offenders
D in 2016 ,
the -

Hijacking Act was passed

prescribing death
47 POGO Aet amended death
in 2018 , was
awarding penalty for rape
and of children below of
gang rape 12 years age

4) statistics
Death penalty in India ; Annual statistics Report 2018 by ,

D 162 death sentences by trail courts in 2017 highest since 2000


2) In 2017 ,
Sc commuted death Sentences to life imprisonment lis
A the 12 cases it heard

5) Concerns

D Trail courts death

greater affinity for
have penalty

2) Judge centric variations affect uniform applications of the law

37 Law commission C 2015 ) observed that the constitutional regulation of
death penalty C Bach an Singh case ) has failed to prevent death sentences
from being arbitrarily imposed
D Judges apply different standards to
judge review petition

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⇒ Disposal of mercy petitions are also based on personal beliefs of

individual Presidents
67 irrevocable nature of the sentence
⇒ His medieval and human rights
against progressive
8) influenced by public opinion
9) of investigations and police
Social bias the and marginalised
co )

unfairly targets poor

the criminal
ID Delays in justice system
ID Not been effective in crime
137 No scope for reformation

6) abolishing death
Arguments against penalty

D the for punishment not deterrence and

reason as a


of crime is problems and
rates the delays in the
judicial system

2) Sc has put in
to make sure death
penalty is not arbitrarily
int posed

3) India is affected terrorism and need mechanism

by strong for
the criminals while to prevent it
punishing simultaneously trying

⑥ capital punishment shows that certain crimes will not be tolerated

by the

5) it is not it through
arbitrary as goes a process

7) 262 Law commission report 2015 recommendation

1) Death should be abolished for ordinary but


penalty crimes can be

terrorism and war the state
waging against

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CA - 0622

Criminal Defamation

D Context
Journalist Prashant kanojia was accused of defaming up cm

Yogi Aditya nad

27 Definition
of damaging the
" it is an act reputation of another person .

It can be libel cwrilten ) or slander C spoken)

2) Defamation in India is both a civil and criminal offence
37 Section 499 9500 of IPC lists defamation as a criminal offence

3) Constitution
Article 19 C) Ca ) and Article 19127
Article 21

4) Imp Judgement

Dsc in Subramanian not 2016 upheld the constitutional

Swamy us .

validity of criminal defamation

D court said reputation is a
part of right to
dignity under Art . 21

3) Defamation is covered under reasonable restrictions under Art .

invoked constitutional

a) court

fraternity ,
as the protection of reputation
serves social interest

5) Arguments
D multi religious and multiethnic D No dear definition
checks and 2) It prevents constructive criticism
society requires
balances 37 defamation is
civil defamation does not have
2) disproportionate
deter rant effect a) potential fool for harassment
3) Use of social media to defame

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67 forward
D Prevent the misuse of section 499 9500 of IPL

2) Penal ise false charges

3) No developed is
having criminal defamation

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CA - 0622

Freedom of speech 9 Expression

D Context
controversies related to the release of certain films and books

D Constitution
Article 1947cal
Article 19 CD

37 Issues

D threat to public order

⇒ against creative freedom

3) chilling effect on free speech
4) majoritarianism
indiscriminate of section of

use 95 Gpc
concerns of judicial censorship
77 hecklers
' '

Berens Patria

8) state like

acting e

9) influence the masses

a) case of films
D Pre -

2) CBFC is
statutory body under cinematograph Act
a Films can .

publically exhibited only after they get certification from CBFC

D New guidelines issued under Cinematograph Act by each govt

5) Imp Judgements

SC in Rangarajan us P ram case held that mere


Jagjeeiau a

threat to order cannot be to

public a
ground suppress
freedom of expression

in KA Abbas case ,
the constitutional validity of CBFC was
However held censorship of films
challenged .
Sc that
restraint is valid under the constitution

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6) Shyam Benegal committee recommendations

D emphasis on certification over censorship

2) Selection of Board members should be based on criteria
3) 501 representation

for women

4) more
categories of certification

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CA - 0622

to convert
Right marriage g Right to

D Context

reversed the order of the Kerala Hc which nullified the
of Hadiya
2) Anti -

conversion laws in some States

⇒ constitution
D Article 21

2) Article 25

3) SC judgement
in Shatin Tahan vs Asoka n case 2018

Dsc said that right choose religion

to and
is an intrinsic part '

of existence neither the state patriarchal


meaningful nor

's decision
can interfere in a person
faith whether to believe not
D Matters
of belief and , including or are

at the core of constitutional liberty

a) Issues related to
religious conversion

D Constitution the to freedom of religion however it does
guarantees right ,

not explicitly mention

right to conversion

D conversion is a sensitive social issue and has wider

socio -

political in
③ Indian society
pluralist and heterogenous
4) There are also concerns of forced conversions

⇒ Religious practices and social exclusion has forced many people to

voluntarily convert to another religion

5) Anti -
conversion laws
States like MP ,
Odisha ,
Arunachal Pradesh enacted anti - conversion

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CA - 0622

Hate speech

D Context
fr K .
Viswanathan committee constituted by the centre has recommended
strict laws to deal with cases of hate speech and the use

of cyberspace to spread hatred and incitement

2) Definition
so observed that hate speech is effort to
individuals based on their membership in a
group .

2671A Law commission report Gott ) defines hate speech as an Incitement
to hatred primarily against a
group of persons defined in terms of "

race , ethnicity , gender ,

sexual orientation , religious beliefs and the like

3) constitution
Freedom of speech is subjected to reasonable restrictions

4) concerns

Targeting minorities or vulnerable groups
2) incidents of online hatespeech
D cyberbullying and
affecting the
dignity of women

D incitement to violence
5) Defamation
6) majoritarianism

57 Viswanathan committee recommendations

D Appointment of cybercrime coordinators in all states and anti -

cells in each district to deal with online hate speech
2) Amend IPC and insert section 153C prohibit
to incitement to hatred
37 Insert section 505A in the to provocation violence
IPC prevent of
on the grounds of identity

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CA - 0622

Transformative constitution
( C

Indian constitution is social document almost

D a
great , revolutionary
in its aim of transforming a medieval
hierarchical Society into a


egalitarian democracy
Supreme court .

D Context

some of the recent Sc

judgments invoked the concept of transformative

3) Transformative constitution has two dimensions

D Transformed the relationship between the individual a the state

state a
27 Transformed the
society itself
47 Definition
It is defined as a
longterm project of constitutional enactment ,

and enforcement committed 's
transforming to country
political and social institutions and in
power relationships a

democratic and direction

participatory egalitarian

5) Prominent cases in the recent times

Pultaswamy case
, right to
Hadiya case > court upheld the right of two
consenting adults to get married
Shakti vahini case ,
Sc laid down measures to stop
Johar case Sc decriminalised section 377 of IPC
Navtej Singh s

Joseph shine case > decriminalised adultery

Indian Young lawyers s Allowed women of all to

Association case enter shabarimala temple

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67 significance of Transformative constitution

D Reflects the evolving social and moral standards of the

D Promotes social
3) creative interpretation of the constitution
D Upholds constitutional morality '

57 Acts checks and balances mechanism the political


as a
67 upholding individual rights
7) Sets a legal precedent
D Increases faith in constitution and law

9) this shows that it is not

or constitution

A concerns

D Interpreted by nominated judges

2) Tension between social
rights and legal rights
3) Reforms should not be
top down

4) Judicial legislation

8) Global case

Transformative constitutionalism was popularised in the context of

South Africa 's transition from apartheid to constitutional democracy

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CA - 0623

National Register of citizens

D context
' The final list of NRC will be published on July 31 2019
B President

Nath Hovind his address to the

Ram in
joint sitting
Parliament said that centre has decided to implement the process of NRC

on a
priority basis in areas affected by NRC

NRC is register names of Indian citizens which was prepared
for only time in 1951

It is
being updated for only Assam to weed out the illegal immigrants

D Background
D the root of the problem is
immigration from Bangladesh
D After and
years of mass protest
violence the Assam Peace Accord

was signed between the Rajiv Gandhi

govt Assam Govt and AASU in 1985

to deport illegal migrants and to


stop illegal immigration from Bangladesh

3) Section 6A of citizenship Act added amendment 1986


was through an in

to accommodate the Assam Accord

4) the cut-off date for citizenship kept as 25 March 1971 C Bangladesh
liberation war ) .
However the NRC was not updated
5) In 2009
based on a
petition , Sc directed the state to complete the

NRL update on

47 the Process

to enroll NRC
if she the

A person is
eligible in the update on , can prove
that heyhis ancestors were
living in Assam or were
citizens of India
before March 1971 have to provide documents
24 ,

They supporting
to chili case
prov .

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5) Issues
D the draft NRC included 2.9 crore people out of 3.29 crore

27 the verification is tedious and

a process many genuine people are

not included
D Govt fears that violence can break out time
4) the process will be extended with claims and contestations

5) Lack of proper documentation system in the

6) concerns about the basic of the people became stateless
rights who have

7) deportation agreement
No Bangladesh
8) Bangladesh has consistently denied
illegal immigration of its citizens
9) the citizenship came nd ment ) Bill grants citizenship to minorities
, from
Bangladesh Pakistan, Afghanistan who entered
after the cut off date -

107 the potential of this issue to lead to communal tensions in the

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CA - 0623

Refugee of India

1) Context
the crisis has prompted look into the
Rohingya refugee a
policy of India

2) Refugee Policy of India

India has not

though signed the UN convention for Refugees
nor its protocol India has always accommodated and assimilated

from the countries

refugees neighbouring

⇒ there are Tibetans Afghans ,

Chak mas , najongs ,
Rohingyas ,
Sri lankan

Tamils and other refugees in India

C Amendment) Bill to
⇒ citizenship 2016 proposed grant citizenship to

minority refugees from Bangladesh , Afghanistan and Pakistan

India Declaration for and

4) signed Newyork Refugees migrants in 2016

3) Why India is not a to ON

Refugee convention ?

D India believed that 1951 convention were tailored to fit the

requirements of postwar European countries

2) Internal due to borders

security concerns porus
3) Strain on infrastructure and resources
④ Upset the balance
⇒ concerns about radicalisation
6) ratification of the convention means India will be bound its
rules like non -

refoulement principle

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Rohingya crisis

D Quote

the Rohingya issue is one of systematic and widespread ethnic


Cleansing by Myanmar

2) Rohingyas
D Rohingyas are majorly ethnic muslim minority people living primarily
's western Rakhine state
in Myanmar

D Myanmar do not provide citizenship to the Rohingyas

37 Crisis
D it 15 a humanitarian crisis and has

implications on the
region B
27 The violence inflicted by the dominant

groups and theunfair treatment
by the
govt has resulted lakhs of

rohingyas to Hee country

3) crossed into
many refugees are Bangladesh .

India and South-East Asian countries Andaman

④ the present crisis has its in

origin .

clearance carried out
Myanmar to root out the
by army
rohingya refugees INDONESIA

4) Indian Govt 's stance

D Due to national security concerns Govt want to deport Rohingyas

D Centre asked all States to prevent Rohingyas entry
⇒ Operation lnsaniyat -
Indian Govt 's humanitarian assistance to Bangladesh
on account of influx of Rohingya refugees

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5) Sc direction
Accomo date and take care of the basic needs of the Rohingyas
till a
permanent solution is found
b) N
hikers 's to deport
against govt plan Rohingyas

⇒ Issues

D large scale refugee exodus

2) human networks
3) human rights violations
4) radicalisation of the community
in Rakhine
emergence of armed guerilla groups
the bilateral relations

a affect .

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CA - 0623

to strike

D context
An attack on a
junior doctor by the relatives of the dead patient
has sparked an all India agitation by doctors

2) Strike
it is a
stoppage of work caused by the mass refusal in
to grievances

strike not fundamental right but

Right to is a a
statutory right

3) Constitution
Article 19 CD

D statute

D Industrial disputes Act
2) trade unions Act

Imp .


D Bharat Kumar Us Cpm

Sc held that Bandh is illegal because it involves an element of
coercion . It threatens a total Shutdown and paralyses normal life
other hand hartal that
on the a is not
illegal provided proper
procedure is followed by hartal is

6) Arguments
D to their when D will disrupt the life
convey grievances economy ,

all other methods fail 2) incidents of violence

D Turn the attention of the nation D violates the to freedom
and create about the and to life
of movement
problems faced by them a) worst affected will be the
37 it
may act as a safety -
valve and vulnerable as in the doctor's strike

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CA - 0629

Basic rights

D Context
D A PIL has been filed in the Patna NC
the Bihar govt
not its which caused
for fulfilling promise of controlling Encephalitis ,

the death of more than 150 children

D Me water crisis in Chennai

2) What is Basic rights

claims state walk
" Basic rights are on the to provide her people

goods and services that satisfy their basic needs

2) Basic rights are different from fundamental rights .

they are needed

basic survival
37 Eg food water ,

D Even if these
rights are not recognised and enforceable ,
It is the same

for all beings

3) Imp Judgement

Manohar Pratap us Uo I

In a PIL with respect to AES in Bihar so observed that people have a


basic right to medical care nutrition and hygienic ,


4) Imp .

of basic
rights :

D Basic minimum decent life worth

rights Anything really

ensure a .

depends on the satisfaction of basic needs

2) to ensure elementary justice

3) Prevent tragedies like death due to malnutrition , starvation etc
47 If basic rights are not fulfilled the people will be disastifled and they

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5) challenges

State's side

Peoples side

Governance deficit back

of awareness

Administrative failure not


Civil society I media

not codified no attention


6) way forward

Govt must be made accountable for the violation of basic rights -

Rajiv Bhargava

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fiscal Federalism

D the union govt is committed to cooperative federalism .

Our mantra is
Sab ka Sabha vikas

Saath ,

Pm Narendra Modi

⇒ context
some States are of the view that Union Govt is to encroach
on the States through GST council 151k finance commission

3) fiscal Federalism
it deals with the division of governmental functions and financial
among the levels of govt

47 Concerns

D Implementation of GST

a) the uncertainty and unpredictability in the GST regime

b) States autonomy to fix the rates have been taken away
c) loss of revenue due to cast
d) Restrictions taxation and implementation of model
on one
of development

2) Terms of reference of 1515 finance commission

a) usage of soil Census data in the tax distribution formula

9) conditions on state borrowing
c) Performance based incentive to the States on the basis of certain indicators .

which relate to union schemes and schemes

are mostly govt flagship

5) way Forward -
Pillars of new Fiscal Federalism C Vijay Kelkar )
D finance commission
2) New Institution with financial Powers for allocating for developmental
schemes and to address imbalances
3) for Gst with third Tier

Arrangements sharing proceeds

47 Implementation of flawless Gst

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special category status

1) Context
Andhra Pradesh ,
Odisha , Bihar Jharkhand etc is
demanding Scs

2) What is Scs ?

Because of geographic , demographic historic and ,

economic reasons

few States were

given special category status

3) criteria
D hilly and difficult terrain

glow population density or

presence of sizeable tribal population
3) strategic location along international borders
47 to no mic and infrastructural backwardness
5) non -

viable nature of stale finances

a) Benefits of Scs

D 304 of the total central Assistance were allocated to these States

D Assistance to centrally sponsored schemes
for Scs ie ao : to

37Debt and debt relief schemes

D Tax concessions

5) Issues war Scs

D the criteria is and not quantifiable

2) there mention the constitution
is no
of Scs in

3) Scs States have not shown any improvement over the years
4) these States are not keen on other source
of revenue
57 Increased devolution by 1415 AC

b) Many of the States does not fulfill the specific criteria

for Scs

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6) Demand of Andra Pradesh for so

D Because of bifurcation of the state

D Promise of an Scs status for a
period of 5 years by
the UPA -

I govt
③ Need of central Assistance to new capital project and other big projects
4) New state is lagging in development

7) Centre
govt 's stand

' '

the distinction between and States


special category

general category
were no relevant after the 1415 FC recommendations

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statehood Demands

D Context
Statehood movements have gathered momentum in North East States viz

Gorkha Land Naga lim Bodoland etc

, ,

27 constitution
Article 2 .
Article 3

37 Reasons
D Regional aspirations
2) marginalisation and govt negligence

3) feeling of deprivation and regional disparity

a) illegal mimic ration

conflict over
sharing of resources

6) Identity and culture

7) Belief that smaller States greater administrative efficiency

D vested interests of politicians

with statehood demands


D challenges

D Political unrest

D Inefficient development
37 Regionalism
9) Minority protection
5) Intolerance
6) weak
govt and governance

57 Should we have many smaller States ?

For Against

2)Targeted development and feeling of D Small States does not automatically

empowerment mean development
⇒ greater accountability D financial dependence on centre
③ Effective use and monitoring of 3) inter state disputes
- like
natural resources water sharing etc

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6) steps to be taken

D strengthen grassroot democracy

2) reduce regional imbalances
3) use of technology for better governance
D Efficient leadership

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CA - 0630

Euthanasia Right to Die

D Context Sc

so upheld passive euthanasia together wear the individuals

right to draft a living will
D Terms
" Passive euthanasia is an act of withdrawing medical support to a

dying patient with a terminal illness .

with no
hope for revival

D will is will drafted individual

determining if
living a
by an a

medical treatment should be continued or not in case he is

from terminal illness


3) SC Guidelines on
living will
D It includes the
guidelines to the
validity of a
living will ,

by whom it should be certified ,

when and how It should
come into effect
D It also cover a situation where there is no
living will and
how to approach ar
plea for passive euthanasia

47 Imp

Aruna Shan bang case -

SC decided to
legalise passive euthanasia
but ruled out active euthanasia

5) Law commission
report advocated passive euthanasia
6) Arguments

D Right to die with

dignity YA 21 alternative treatments and

2) Patients autonomy and self palliative care are available
determination It also lead to non voluntary
2) may


close euthanasia
3) will
living may
family members and care 37 for doctors ,
does it mean an

givers of the moral abandonment of their
of making a life ending decision to preserve life

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Article 35 A

1) context
Sc is
considering whether Article 35A is violative of the constitution

2) Article 35A

define permanent residents


D It
empowers Tak state

of the state and provide special rights and

privileges to those

permanent residents
D denies certain
It rights to non -

permanent residents .
They cannot
immovable vote
squire property , ,

seek govt job or to a

aided educational institute Tak

govt in

3) Background of Article 35A

D Article 35A was incorporated through

a Presidential order in 1954
2) In 1952
TEK and Union signed
the Delhi Agreement which extended Indian citizenship to all residents

of the state and allowed the state to decide on the

rights and
privileges of the state subjects

3) Teak enjoys special status under Article 370

g- the constitution

4) Arguments
Against For

D It is
discriminatory against women D Threat of demographic change
violates Article 14 .

D Article 35A was

negotiated between

2) Article 35A was inserted through the princely state of Tak and Got
Presidential order
not welts the and is the bedrock of accession

Parliament 's approval 3) abrogation of the Article will create

3) this article is an hindrance to the more tension and conflict in the

investment opportunities region

a) increases alienation

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triple talaq Bill - Muslim women C Protection

of Rights on
marriage Bill

D context
govt introduced the fresh Triple Talaq bill

2) Provisions of the Bill

D Triple Talaq has been declared void and

D it is cognizable
a and non -

bailable offence
3) Imprisonment upto years and fine

a) women can seek subsistence allowance and is entitled to seek custody

of her minor children

3) So

Sc in Shay ara Bano us Uo I declared Triple Talaq unconstitutional

and void

a) Arguments

for Against
D declared that bid dat convert civil
Sc talaq .

e- D Attempt to a
illegal into a criminal offence
27 the bill is to ensure gender justice D section of
498A Ipc already
and gender equality allows prosecution of a
D Even after there were husband for domestic violence
judgement .

of instant D Husband not the

reports imuslim talaq may pay
a) Bharatiya Manila Aan dolan maintenance
welcomed the bill a) It only deals with divorce not

deserting wife . .

5) Committee recommendations

centre 's High Level Committee on status of women in India 0157

recommended reforming personal laws of all communities

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uniform Civil Code

D Context '

D Law Commission in its consultation paper on family Law Reforms stated

that acc is neither necessary nor desirable at this stage

2) constitution
Article 44 that state shall endeavour to secure for the citizens
a ucc the territory of India

③ Ucc
set of laws the the
" A common
governing personal matters for all citizens
of the country irrespective of religion
⇒ Presently different laws regulate the personal matters for the adherents
of different religion


For Against

D National integration D three impediments as stated by

and Social Equity Law ministry
2) Gender justice
37 Social reform is conservatism
4) reduce vote bank politics ii) misconceived notions
57 Practice is other countries about Personal laws
iii) separatism

27 unity diversity

3) It is a western concept

97 To reach consensus and drafting a law

Law commission paper family law Reforms

a A unified nation does not necessarily need to have uniformity
27 the mere existence of difference does not imply discrimination but it is

indicative of robust democracy

a .
thus the diversity of personal laws
must be preserved while at the same time it must be ensured that

they do not contradict the fundamental Rights guaranteed under


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3) It recommended to remove discriminatory provisions in

personal Laws
D Uniform age of marriage of 18
years for both boys and
girls so that

they marry as equals .

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CA - 0706

Election Commission

D Elections the bedrock of democracy and Ihi EC 's

is central to democratic
5. Y Quraishi former CEC

2) context
concerns about the independence of EC
the recent

③ Constitution
Article 324

4) Issues

D crisis
of credibility
2) Control of Central Govt on the EC

3) NO
separate independent
and permanent secretariat
4) NO to de political parties
power register .

⇒ EC reluctant to take bold steps

6) Dissent in the EC

5) Law Commission 25515 report

Collegium system for the appointment of Ears

⇒ A permanent secretariat

6) Good Examples

se Shan confidence
T N Jim Lyngdoh etc won public as CEC

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CA - 0706

voting behaviour

D Context

behaviour in the recently held General elections


determinants India
D General of voting behaviour in

D Caste -

2) Ideology of the political parties
37 Perception about the 2 ofcandidate
4) Age and gender
5) Regionalism
6) Money power - cash for votes
⇒ literacy
3) changes visible in recent elections

D Effect of social media

2) role of mainstream media
3) data -

driven approach
charismatic leadership
¥ no of women voters
§ Fake news

7) hate speech

Appeal to emotions

Paid news
Political consultancies
One party dominance

4) social media and elections

D take news

2)Difficult to monitor
③ Digital divide
4) Social media companies has the power to influence election
57 hate campaigns
6) Polarisation

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CA - 0706

Model code of Conduct

1) context
the recent election
has witnessed
incidents of
violation of Mcc

2) Model code of Conduct

D set of guidelines political parties and
for candidates during election period
evolved with the
of political parties Its

consensus objective . is

ensure a
playing field .

2) Election Commission
the MCC
using its executive powers
D MCC comes into operation right from the time and day the election

schedule is announced by the EC and remains in operation fill the

completion of electoral process
g) Mcc does not have legal but several of its have
sanctity provisions
laws contained in RPA 1951 and IPC
enabling ,

37 constitution
Article 324 Superintendence direction and control of elections to be
, ,

vested in an EC

4) Imp .

so in s Subramaniam
Balaji v .
Govt of observed that the EC in order
to ensure a level playing field and also to see that the
purity of election
does not vitiated has been instructions under the Mcc
process get issuing
power under Article 324

57 Issues
D Not binding or enforceable
D Rules of me are
difficult to enforce went the advent of social media

lot of restrictions the and the normal
37 Mcc put ni on
govt affects
g) concerns of and
subjectivity partiality by the Ec

B making me
legally enforceable
would be a
self defeating
. measure

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6) Political parties continue to violate the code


that it toothless
7) EC
recently confessed to the SC was

6) committees
D Dinesh Goswami Committee 99907 recommended that Mcc should have
the statutory backing
D Parliamentary standing committee -

bist report on electoral reforms recommended

the violation
that the
power to
de -

recognize political parties for of


Should be in ME RPA 1951 Itself


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CA - 0706

Criminalisation of politics

whatever constitution

p the
may or
may not provide welfare of the
, country
will depend the in which is administered that will depend
on way "
country .

on the men who administer it

Dr Rajendra Prasad


criminalisation of Politics

it the criminals the politics and elections and even
means entering contesting getting
elected .
It takes place primarily due to the nexus between criminals and


③ statistics
D In the current Loksabha , of sitting MPs have criminal charges
D In 2014 ,
344 had criminal charges

4) Sc judgment
Sc directed political parties to publish online the pending criminal cases

of their and urged candidates

Parliament to
bring a strong law to ensure

that candidates with criminal records do not enter public life and take part in


57 constitution
Disqualification of MPs at A 102 and MLAs UH 191

i section 8 of RPA bans convicted politicians .

sii ) However those

facing trail ,
no matter how serious the charge are free to
contest elections

6) other prominent cases

i ) Lily Thomas v .
UOI Case
SC ruled that any MP or MLA who is convicted

of a crime and awarded a minimum 2

year imprisonment loses .
the House with immediate effect ie section set ) of RPA declared
of . was

ii ) ADR q PULL us not case Sc upheld court order the EC
to obtain and disclose the background information relating to candidates

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so directed
the centre to frame a scheme for setting up of criminal
courts exclusively to deal with

criminal cases
involving politicians . this
Should function on the lines of the fast Track court to expedite the cases

7) issues
increasing election expenditure
ii ) tickets given only on the basis of money
or muscle power
Iii ) no timely justice
is toothless laws convicted politicians
role elections
u ) of caste and religion in

8) committees
i ) Goswami committee on electoral reforms highlighted the
crippling effect of
and muscle
in elections
ii ) Vohra committee pointed to the criminal who carried out their
activities under the
aegis of
various political parties

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CA - 0706


D Context

Introduction of electoral bonds

2) Data

D According to ADR 094 of the income of the political parties was

from unknown sources

has made Act


2) No party any complainer under RTE

③ causes
D Loopholes in the laws

2) commercialisation of elections

3) Black
criminalisation of elections

4) Consequences

corruption a no free a fair lack of quality

nexus elections legislators

erosion of
maladministration poor governance
public trust

Electoral Bonds

) Electoral Bonds were introduced in 2017 When the Finance Act

amended four different statutes .
the RPA 1951 Companies Act 2013 ,

RBI Act 1934 and income Tax Act 1961

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2) Objective
To enhance transparency in political funding

③ Electoral Bonds
it is a bearer instrument
It will be issued
a notified bank CSBD for specified denominations
37 It can be purchased by citizen of India or a incorporated in India
any body
4) It can be donated to political party which be em ashed
regd can

that verified party's

I through days
the donor
will be known the
identity of the not to receiver

4) Issues
D secrecy and anonymity
D funding through shell companies
D Political parties are no
longer required to
reveal the donors name

for contributions in the form of electoral bonds

4) Elimination of 751 cap on net profit means even loss making companies
can make unlimited donations
⇒ shareholders may not be aware to which political party donations are

5) Law commission
Law Commission in its 25515 report observed that in political
' '
results in and capture of the donors
funding lobbying govt by big


cec Sy Quraishi suggested that National Electoral fund to

which all donors will contribute .
the funds will be allocated to

political parties in proportion to the votes they get

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CA - 0707

Aadhaar Verdict q Aadhaar and other laws Amendment ) Bill

D Context
in a majority judgment , upheld the constitutional validity of the Aadhaar Act

Govt introduced Aadhaar amendment Bill


2) Aadhaar
Aadhaar proof of identity is a 12
digit number UDAI was set up to
p ,

status Aadhaar Financial
issue .
It was
given statutory by C Targeted Delivery of
and other subsidies ,
Benefits and Services ) Act 2016

⇒ Aadhaar records a persons demographic and biometric information

3) Benefits of
universally acceptable portable , unique identification
, ,

It is free for every
It is inclusive
It is and avoids fake records and duplicates
authentication by UDAI and privacy safeguards

p digitisation of public service delivery

a) the verdict
D Aadhaar is constitutional and it is mandatory for filing income tax returns
D Aadhaar is necessary for availing welfare schemes and subsidies given by
the govt
3) SC struck down section 57 of Aadhaar Act which allowed private companies
to avail Aadhaar Act
47 Sc ruled that data retained under Aadhaar architecture should not be stored
for more that 6 months
5) Disclosure of information can be done only after a court order and after the

individual is
given an opportunity to hearing
6) with to authentication failure for manual Labours and others whose
fingerprints are worn out ,
the apex court asked Govt to devise alternate methods

of authentication
7) Not only UDAI ,
but individual can
file a
complaint for breach or violation
of privacy
8) Aadhaar Act be tabled
can as a
money bill

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57 Observations of judges
D is not violated as only minimalist and information is collected
Privacy necessary
D Aadhaar passes the
triple test -
existence of law

legitimate state interest

- test of proportionality

3) Dignity of the community is linked with their

right to welfare schemes
4) the act has been established for the public good
5) Aadhaar is a tool for inclusion
6) Power of the choice rests with the individual so Aadhaar cannot be made

7) Aadhaar does not create surveillance state

D Arguments against
D Aadhaar as a bill is a
fraud on the constitution
2) Safety of biometric system
3) violates right
privacy informational
4) no
independent regulatory framework
5) different logic for different rights → not
required for RTE , but required for NFSA

6) de linking with Bank Alc but

linking with PAN
7) individual court ; will lead to
legal battles
Now it
an can
approach unending
8) Issues with Aadhaar implementation

⇒ the Aadhaar and other Laws CAmendment ) Bill - Features

D Provides for voluntary use of aadhaar no

2) opt out option for children on

years of age
37 Prevents denial of services
for refusing to ,
being unable to undergo
4) Establishment of UDAI fund
5) Provides for penalties for violations of Aadhaar Act

Benefits challenges

opting out option for children D Try to bypass the Sc
2) complaints by individuals D Privacy concerns
3) more
to UDAI 33 the bill has no provisions to
a) use of virtual ID differentiate between whistleblower and


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g) Committees

D B .
N .

Sri Krishna committee on Data Protection

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CA - 0707

Anti Torture Law

D Context
Recent custodial deaths in Punjab and Kerala

27 Need of a law

D human constitutional value

dignity is a core

2) India 's failure to ratify UN convention

Against Torture Cun cat )
37 NHRL Stressed for a stand alone law
a) facilitate the extradition of criminals

5) Sc described Torture as an of human degradation

used by the state

D Prevention of Torture Bill Gott

Dit a widedefinition to torture
D State is responsible for any inflicted by its agents on

the people

3) It provides for a
presumption that injuries of any person in police
custody is inflicted by
the police action ,
unless proven

4) courts should provide justiciable compensation for victims

5) Punishment ranges from fine to life imprisonment

Pros Cons

D Protect human rights D Police will continue to have the

2) prevent custodial deaths responsibility of investigating the

3) helps in extradition torture I custodial deaths Hence
process .

complaints about torture rarely

result in successful prosecution

5) Law commission
in its 27 3rd report has proposed an anti -
torture law

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CA - 0707

Technology C use and Application) Regulation Bill

1) context
cabinet cleared the
Technology Cuse DNA
and Application) Regulation Bill
again .

2) Objective
the Bill seeks to create a
regulatory framework for
obtaining storing ,

testing of DNA samples of human beings mainly for the
criminal with the objective of establishing
purpose of investigations ,

identity of the

37 Imp .


D set two institutional framework a DNA

regulatory board and
up ,

A DNA data bank at the national level


2) Board will be the main regulatory authority and Data bank would
be the repository of all samples collected
37 DNA profiling will be undertaken only for identification of a person
4) Consent will be required to collect the DNA samples
5) Maintenance of strict confidentiality
6) violators of the provisions will be liable for punishment

Pros cons

D crime
investigation D Privacy concerns

e) Identification of missing persons g Sample contamination

and dead 3) lack of infrastructure
D Improve conviction rate 4) data breach
4) proper regulation of the data

⇒ committee .

Sri Krishna committee on Data Protection

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CA - 0707

Anti -

1) context
trafficking of Persons C prevention
Protection and rehabilitation ) Bill
2018 though passed in Loksabha , lapsed with the dissolution of
the Loksabha

⇒ constitution
Article 23 -
Prohibition of traffic in human being and forced labour

③ statistics
According to NCRB ,
8137 cases of trafficking were reported
in 2016 . It was increased by 1st .

from 2015

4) Salient features of the Bill

D Addresses the issue from the point of view of prevention , rescue and
D ensure confidentiality of victims I witnesses
37 time bound trail and
repatriation of the victims

D designated courts for speedy.

5) created a rehabilitation fund and National anti -

trafficking Bureau
6) punishment of 10
years to life imprisonment

5) Issues

D Raid -

Rescue -
Rehabilitation model
27 victim has to lead the police to the trafficker
D vulnerable people are exploited
4) does not differentiate between those who are trafficked and voluntary
sex workers
57 root of the problem ie Poverty is not addressed

6) committee

An ministerial
inter committee has been constituted under mowed

to tackle human trafficking

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CA - 0713

Legislative Impact Assessment


D If we find ourselves the same laws and part

amending again again ,


the to with
of reason lies in
laws begin

D context

the of legislative Impact Assessment is
slowly getting traction around
the world

37 Mechanism for LIA in India

D Law commission reports
2) Standing committees of Parliament
3) committees
D Specific bodies created this
for purpose
5) Public Feedback

4) of Loksabha

PRS Research 's analysis 16M


Total noof .
Bills passed - 133

D Bills lapsed with the end of u -


of ordinances 45
D No

4) Proportion of Bill scrutinised by committees : 25 't

5) Benefits of LIA

D Laws affects all the citizens and the growth and development of the nation

Different use
of resources
3) Remove contradictions with in the Act

LD Eliminate the need for frequent amendments

5) LIA ensures participatory and deliberative democracy
6) Reduce Judicial

6) Issues
D Delays in
D with varied interests and
diversity "
it is difficult to reach consensus

3) back of institutions and resources to conduct LIA

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CA - 0713

Dissent judgements

D Dissent is the safety value of democracy .

If it is not allowed
value will burst

justice Dy Chandra Chad

D Context
the dissent judgements of the shabarimala case and the Aadhaar
verdict were widely debated

3) constitution
Article 145 (5)
and no such opinion shall be delivered by the SC

with the of the

save concurrence
of the majority judges present
at the hearing of the case but in this clause shall be deemed
, nothing
to prevent a
judge who does not concur from delivering a dissenting

4) Recent Dissent judgements

D Shaba vimala case

2) Aadhaar case

3) Triple Talaq case

5) Significance of Dissent judgements

D not monolithic with view

Judiciary is
entity only point

one one

2) impartiality of Judiciary
D upholding constitutional morality
a) Such judgement was an outcome of deliberation

5) Values minority opinion

p legal precedence
⇒ Encourages public debates
D creative

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6) Issues

D the

lone voice in the Habeas case

dissenting corpus during Emergency was

Justice Khanna 's

it cost him the chief Justice -

ship of India
D Presence of dissent gives hope to people a
future appeal may
the judgement
3) Dissenting judgements erode the authority of the court

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CA - 0713

" "

D The rule of law and maintenance of order is the science

of governance
Kanti Iya 's Arthashastra

2) Context
Recent controversies have started the debate on
regarding judiciary
required to make it accountable and efficient
judicial reforms more

3) Constitution I Laws
D Article 124 147

27 Article 142 -
Sc is not constrained in the exercise of its powers by laws
made by the Parliament
3) Judges C Inquiry ) Act ,

4) Data Economic


survey 2019

3.5 cases in the

with a ease clearance rate below 100% and heavy backlog of pre

cases ,
Indian courts suffer from increasing delays
37874 the in lower courts
of pending cases are


④ Institutional issues
D Collegium system
D not
37 post retirement jobs taken by judges
4) huge vacancies

problems in lower
judiciary .

Disagreements between the judges coming to the
⇒ Inaccessibility
④ Procedural Issues

D Procedural issues related to the handling of the sexual harassment

complaint against Cti

2) huge cases
backlog of
3) delays in verdict
little time constitutional matters

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judicial legislation -
Judicial overreach

p insensitive judgments
⇒ frequent recourse to contempt of court

Master of roster issue

% Tribunal is a lion of justice
to constraint to ease of doing business
57 Reforms undertaken

D Hike in
2) E -
3) National Judicial Data Grid
a) Bifurcation of us of Telangana AP

(B) Procedural
D live -

streaming of court proceedings

2) in -
proceedings for complaints against judges

6) Reforms needed

① Institutional
D National court of Appeal
D Increase retirement of judges
37 All India Judicial services

4) strengthen ADR mechanism

5) Fill up the vacancies
6) Infrastructure


D Transparency in Appointments
27 Judicial standards and Accountability Bill

D Strict control over adjournments

7) Economic
Survey 2019 -

Ways to make Indian courts more productive

D Increase the number of working days by reducing the number A holidays

A Establishment of Indian courts and Tribunal Services

3) Use of technology like e -

National Judicial Data Grid

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CA - 0713

Anti -

Defection Law

D Context
D Incidents of opposition MLAs
joining ruling party
in Goa , Telangana
2) Karnataka episode exposes issues with Anti -

defection Law

27 ADL

D the purpose is to curb political detection by legislators

⇒ Grounds of disqualification
D If the member voluntarily gives up membership
he votes abstains to
2) If from voting contrary

against or

the directions of his party and his action is not condoned

by his party
3) Exception
Dlf a minimum of two -

of a
decides to
another party
4) Power lies with the
disqualify speaker
5) ADL was brought in by 52 amendment act 1985

3) Pros and cons

Pros cons

D To prevent trading horse and D No importance to individual

frequent changing of political parties legislators and their opinion
2) to prevent political instability D undue importance and usage of
③ voters elect a candidate both on whips
individual capacity and for the 37 inner party
party belongs he to ADL cannot prevent mass
47 members should be committed to the defections
election manifesto of the
party 5) Disproportionate power given
to speaker
67 Increases parliamentary disruptions

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4) Committees
D Dinesh Goswami committee - ADL should be applied only to

no -

confidence motion

D Venkata challah Commission -

the decision on defection should be

made by President or Governor on the advice of EC

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CA - 0713

office of profit

D Context
Issues of disqualification of MLAs , citing that they held office of profit

2) Constitution
D Article 1024 ) Ca ) provides for the disqualification of the membership
of either house Parliament if holds under the Got
of the he OOP

or any state other than an office declared by the Parliament by Law

not to disqualify its holder

2) Article 1914 ) ca ) has a similar provision with respect to state assembly

③ Definition
D the term OOP is not defined in the constitution
2) However SC
through many cases laid down the conditions for deciding
whether an office 15 OOP .
These are

govt makes the appointment
i ) govt has the to dismiss the holder
right remove or

the remuneration
Iii )
govt pays
in the holder performs the functions for the govt and the
govt exercises
control over the performance of those functions
a) Laws
Parliament C Prevention
of Disqualification ) Act , 1959 exempts several posts from
disqualification on the grounds of Oop

5) objectives of Oop

D Maintain separation of powers

D to ensure that legislatures should not feel obligated to the executive in


6) Sc case

D Taya Bachchan us not case


Sc held that to decide whether is Oop not it

person holding or

must be considered whether the post is

capable of yielding profit and
not if the
person has actually relieved the profit

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⇒ Issues
D Post of Parliamentary secretaries is mainly created to MLAs
who are not part of the cabinet

D to circumvent Article 164 CD ca ) of the constitution which limits the

number Ministers the cabinet
of in

D It would affect the independent working of the

4) In Delhi AAP MLA case they disqualified without them
, were

sufficient opportunity to present case

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CA - 0714

Judicial Accountability
" "

D Power tend to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely

Lord Acton

2) Context
the in which the SC handled sexual harassment case
CTI has prompted the debate how to
against again

enforce judicial accountability

3) constitution I Laws
' Article 124 and 217 deals with removal of judges
Judges C
inquiry ) Act ,
D Judges Protection Aet ,

4) Issues where Judicial Accountability is to be enforced

D Appointment and removal of judges
D Conduct of judges
D in house procedure

a) contempt of court

5) Implications
D Against Principles of Natural justice
2) Erosion of public trust

3) Impact judicial independence

4) Against rule of law

6) challenges
D increased emphasis on independence
4 cumbersome process to enforce accountability
Black of political will

D Provision of contempt of court

5) Exempt from RTI

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7) measures

D Parliament standing committee on Home

Affairs suggested contempt of court
C Amendment ) Bill ,

D Judicial standards and Accountability Bill 2010

37 In - House mechanism to check Judicial Accountability

g) Strategy for New India @ 75 -

Judicial reforms

D Establishment of Judicial Performance Index
D Establishment of All India Judicial
3) Training for judicial members

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Police reforms

D Data
is it million

D India faces shortage of policemen -

present strength against

sanctioned strength of 22 million

D India has 138 police personnel per lakh population

3) Many complaints against police excess .

2) Law
D Police is in state list
D Present Police system is largely based on Police Act 1861

D Issues

, colonial era laws
D Infrastructure
D Lack of proper infrastructure

2) lack of technology
3) Institutional
D lack of training

effective accountability
D rigid hierarchy
a) cyber crimes
a) Social
D non
2) keeps away poor g vulnerable
D Suicide
among police
D quality investigation
D politicisation of
3) corruption
D overburdened police force
⇒ custodial torture

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4) Committees
D Gore committee on police training
D National Police commission

③ Padmanabha iah committee

47 soli
Sorabji committee

5) Sc -
Prakash Singh us not case

D constitute state security commission
merit based transparent
D Appointment of DGP through process

3) Police personnel on operational duties need a minimum tenure of 2

g) separate investigation and law and order functions
⇒ Police Establishment Board to decide service matters
6) Police complaints Authority
National commission
D security

6) so directive
state govt should send their proposals for the appointment of DGP
to UPSC three months before the incumbent is due to retire
will of be in the
2) Upsc
prepare a panel officers fit to DGP
State concerned State .
shall appoint one of the
persons shortlisted

⇒ strategy for New India @ 75 -

D Model Police Act 2015 can serve as the basis for legislative reform
D Identify non -
core functions that can be outsourced
encourage greater women participation
4) Transfer and postings should be made more transparent
5) introduce e- FIRS

6) separate cadre into cyber crimes

for exclusively looking
⇒ technological initiatives

⇒ way Forward

SMART Police Sensitive , mobile Alert Reliable and Techno


, ,

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D context
Upsc issued appointment letters to the first batch of lateral entry

D Lateral entry
" Refers to a mode of by its regular
joining an organisation passing

mode at a higher level in its hierarchical structure

D Lateral
entry in civil service is recommended by
2nd ARC and NIN


37 .

Benefits Issues

to have specialists D A civil servant 's job is different from

Address the shortage of officers put sector job
at the middle level 2) Best talent can be attracted only
there reasonable
making field if
3) Policy is
becoming a assurance

increasingly complex of reaching top level positions

D encourage 33 Discontent the
competition among govt personnel
5) improved and adoption a) May increase the disconnect between
best practice and implementation
of policymaking

a) way forward

Civil Service needs reform ,

internal reforms like insulation from political
and and external like lateral entry
pressure specialisation reforms

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civil Service Reforms

D Prashant Nair 2007 batch IAS officer of Kerala cadre has earned much

public acclaim for many

innovative initiatives as collector of Kozhikode
For Sulaiman Kozhikode etc
Eg Operation compassionate

2) Context
Govt lateral in civil service
D brought entry '

2) Govt puts many officials on

compulsory retirement over lack of
3) Dopt asked all govt departments to identify officers who under perform

3) Laws
Article 311 318 -

civil service ( conduct Rules ) 1964

4) Issues
CA ) Institutional CB ) Functional

changing role
of government D Need for specialisation

D Political interference 2) Corruption
3) Vacancies 3) underperformance and lack of
D Training capacity a) Issue of frequent transfers
④ Other Issues
D AH lpsltfs officers service to enter into politics

2) Recommendations of various committees have not yet been implemented

3) Not Attracting talent

5) Reforms undertaken
BC ) functional
CA) Institutional
D End to VIP culture D 360 degree appraisal
23 7 CPC recommendations D Compulsory retirement

3) Lateral entry 37 Amendment to Prevention of Corruption

g) civil service Board Act to protect honest officers
57 Declaration of assets

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6) Committee

's 3 Year Action Agenda

D Institutional ise
goal setting and tracking for each
D increase specialisation and induct lateral entry
3) E and paperless
governance governance

2) 2nd ARC

D Establish National Institute of Public Administration

D Promotions should not be merely on

seniority but on the completion

of mandatory training programs

37 Fix minimum tenure for senior civil servants
47 Provide safeguards against arbitrary dismissal of civil servants

⇒ strategy for New India @ 75 -


D Recruitment encourage lateral entry
ii )
municipal Corporation cadres
is Orient meet job outcome oriented goals
2) Training
training to
- -

ii ) mid modules

Multi-stakeholder feedback )
3) Evaluation i) Replace ACR , with MSFC
ii )
compulsory retirement for underperforming officers
47 Governance i) Improve public access to information through the KT and
ii ) introduce checks and balance
appropriate system of , including
for process of suspension

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Consumer Protection Bill


D context
Consumer Protection Bill 2019 seeks to replace the consumer Protection Act 1986

2) Problems with CPA .


D Slow disposal of cases

⇒ Not equipped to deal effectively with e-commerce

D Advertisements are innovative and exploit the loopholes in the law to

mislead the consumers

4) consumer Protection councils does not have much

5) To address the market
emerging challenges

3) Key Provisions

consumer as
any person who buys good or a service
D any
for a consideration

2) Central
consumer Protection Authority @
PA) to promote , protect and enforce the

rights of the consumers .

' '
D Punishment for product liability '

47 Mediation to be Alternate Dispute Resolution for

is the any dispute
online transactions
' '

5) Covers
' '

6) Punishment for misleading endorsements by

④ criticisms

D Does not make e-commerce websites liable for the products and services
sold on their websites

2) more focus on creating institutions and punishments

③ CCPA powers would lead to an encroachment of powers of the consumer


57 Committee


Dsc observed that consumer courts have

appointed poor
organisational setup

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D Consumer awareness is
very low at the rural and semi -
' '

3) Jago Grahak Tago campaign had like reach and effect on

the consumers

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CA - 0722

Data Protection

" "

D Data is the new oil

2) Personal data
Personal data is defined as
any data which makes an individual
directly or indirectly identifiable

37 Need for data protection

D Age of big data

Right privacy is a

37 Data breach
a) cyber crimes
5) Data colonisation
D Data commodification
⇒ surveillance and profiling of people

a) constitution a Laws

D Article 21

D IT Act

3) Data Privacy and Protection Bill

57 Sc judgement
held that
Krs Pultaswamy

us UOI 2017 Case

right to

a Fundamental Right

6) the Personal Data Protection Bill 2018


D Restrictions on processing and collection of personal data


2) Personal data may be processed by the of state


govt for functions

3) Data Principal rights include right to correction
, right to portability ,

right to be forgotten etc

4) Data localisation
5) Data Protection Authority
6) Data fiduciary should ensure
transparency and security

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CA - 0722


chapter I .
Private Investment

D to achieve the objective of becoming a

$5 trillion
economy by
2024 -
25 India needs to sustain a real GDP growth rate of 81 .

cycle of savings

D Such can be sustained by virtuous
growth a ,

investment and exports supported big a

favourable demographic phase .

Private investment will be a key driver in this

③ there is a perception that high investment rate will substitute labour .


there has been a debate about labour intensive us capital intensive modes

of production .

4) Capital investment enhances Total factor Productivity which in turn enhances export
5) An economy that is in w constant state of dis equilibrium-
needs a new

approach to
navigate this .

requires a clear vision , general strategy

and recalibrate tactics
the flexibility willingness to continuously in response
to unanticipated situations

chapter a :

D Behavioural towards desirable


economics provides insights to

nudge people
2) Schemes that employed insights from behavioural economics have met ivith
success For Eg.

Swachh Bharat Mission CSBM )
Ci ) SBM has achieved success in
providing toilets and also ensured that
these toilets are used

④ Statistics shows that

literacy and early marriages of correlate
female girls
with and of toilets the States this shows that toilets

access across
usage .

usage can
be increased
and with behavioural nudges that push
marriages of girls
female literacy rates up and discourage early
④ to initiate behavioural change Swachh his Who are locals recruited
④ SBM relies on community based approaches to sanitation
Other schemes

a) Give it
up campaign

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chapter 3 :

D M SMEs that
not only create greater profits for their promoters but
also contribute to job creation and
productivity in the Govt

policies must focus on enabling MIMES to



foster dwarfs ie small firms that never grow


27 However Govt policies ,

instead of firms that have the potential to grow


D Dwarf firms account for more than 50% of all organised firms in manufacturing
their contribution to employment is
only 144 . and to productivity is 8%

4) in contrast large firms though

only 151: by number ,
accounts for 314 of such

5) this is due to size based incentives that are provided irrespective of firm age
and inflexible labour regulations

Govt incentives Dwarf

labour regulation
6) Suggestions
D Sunset clause for size based incentives

2) De
regulation of labour laws

3) Access to credit to firms

4) focus on sectors like tourism which has high spill over effects

④ Chapter 4 : Data

D Concurrent with the data explosion of recent the

marginal cost A data

years ,

has declined while its

marginal benefit
society has increased manifold
D Falling marginal cost of data

Falling prices of

increasing skills of
efficiency of Falling marginal data
data gathering cosy of data processing

costless to disseminate data


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37 why data must be treated as public good ?

D optimum utilization of data

2) useful resource
for planning
3) Data for welfare

4) Data system

Administrative survey
Data Data
Data maintained
by govt
Transactions institutional
Data Data

5) utility of public datasets

D Govt To improve public service

⇒ Put -
Access to select database to help in developing innovative products
37 citizens - Online services -

Eg Digital Locker

⑤ chapter 5 : Lower Judiciary

D Delays in contract enforcement and disposal resolution the

hurdle to the of doing business in India and higher GDP growth


2) Around 87.51 of cases are in the Dt and subordinate courts


pending .

therefore .
this segment must be the focus of the reform
3) the study found that 100% clearance rate can be achieved by merely filling
out the vacancies in the lower courts and high courts
47 the States of UP
Bihar , Odisha and west Bengal need special attention

D Increase number of working days

D Establishment of Indian courts and Tribunal services

37 Deployment of technology

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CA - 0722

USD 5 Trillion Economy

D Context

" Economic Survey has drawn up a to make India a USD 5 trillion

economy by 2024 - 25

D Statistics
D India is a USD 2.8 trillion economy
2) India is the sixth in the world
largest economy
3) the had at annual of 71 in the last few years
economy grown an
avg . .

3) Contributing factors
D Reforms initiated by the govt
2) Economic and social sectors are
performing well
37 Investment in infrastructure

D Demographic dividend

5) Political stability


undue focus GDP

on growth
Jobless growth

Goal is stated in terms of nominal GDP in us dollars

insufficiency of resources


labour reforms
Human and social capital
Environment us Development debate

increasing inequality

Banking sector issues

Problems in
Agriculture sector
MSM E Sector issues

technological disruptions
shifts wi global economy -

rising protectionism
Export pessimism

Energy security

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5) way Forward

D focus on investment
2) Human capital
3) Energy and Infrastructure

¥ Agriculture and
Reforms in manufacturing
RGD and adopting technology
D focus on Service sector

⇒ Reform taxation
8) Ease of doing business

6) suggestions by Economic is -19 C chapter e)

survey so

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CA - 0722

MSME Sector

D Statistics - Economic Survey

DMSME Contributes around 401 .

of the total exports
2) Share of MIME in GVA is 32%

D It provides for opportunities for self employment

Amendment to MSMED Act 2006

2) ' '

D Amendment brought change in the basis of classifying MSME from investment

to annual turnover basis . thus the new definition is
a) Micro - annual turnover does not exceed Rs 5 crore

b) Small -

annual turnover between Rs 5 crore to Rs 75 crore

c) medium -
annual turnover between Rs 75 crore to Rs 250 Crore

3) Benefits of the sector

) opportunities
i for employment
ii ) Labour Capital
ratio is higher for Msm Es

iii ) relatively low capital requirement makes selling up Msm Es

ID major contributor to manufacturing output

4) Challenges
> of credit availability

> capital ,
rising capital intensity
in cost of production

> lack of skilled workforce

, lack of social security

> Technology s
Technology transformation

issue of Dwarfs C Eco


> Policy complex laws , environmental clearances , GST

> market > lack of access to market

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5) Govt Initiatives

programme for
Modi announced support and outreach MSME Which will


help growth expansion and facilitation of

Msm Es this
will address 5 key
aspects of Msm Es
④ Access to credit in principal -
loan approval with in 59 minutes
24 interest subvention for GST regd firms
(b) Access to market -

public sector companies asked to procure 25T .

of their total
from Msm Es
E) Technology up gradation -
Rs 6000 crore package
hub and spoke to provide tech centres and

⑨ Ease of doing business -

easy complain

Ce) Social security schemes -

compulsorily enrol under social sector schemes

of centre related to insurance pension etc ,

2) FRED s - Trade Receivables e-

Discounting system
37 Cri Sid Ex -

first sentiment index for Ms ME

a) credit guarantee scheme

5) Scheme of Funds for Regeneration of Traditional industries CSFURTD

6) MUDRA scheme

⇒ startup India


D by Economic 2018-19
Suggestions survey

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CA - 0723

④ Chapter 6 :
Policy uncertainty

D in the investment climate in the

Uncertainty policy making affects
A law lead
27 poorly drafted inevitably to
conflicting interpretations
and endless litigation
D As investment is forward looking future expectations play a critical

role in the decision to invest

a) Economic uncertainty measured using Economic Policy Uncertainty
CEPU ) index was the highest in 2011-12
coinciding with the
of policy paralysis
However EDU has reduced in India over the last decade
57 significantly
D Suggestions
Policymakers must ensure that their actions are predictable , provide
forward guidance and reduce arbitrariness in policy implementation
④ Monitor EPU Index

Quality assurance certification of process in Govt departments

(7) chapter 7
Demography at 2040

D India has set to witness slowdown in in the

a sharp population growth
next two decades .


has whole will the dividend phase

Although country a
some States will start transitioning to an
ageing society by 2030

3) Population in the o 19 bracket has already peaked due to sharp


declines in total Fertility Rates CTFR ) across the

4) the national TFR is expected to be below replacement rate by 2021

5) working population will grow by roughly 9.7mm per year during


2021 4.2 2031

31 Mn per year in 41
- -

67 the proportion of elementary school

going children (5-14) age group
will witness declines
I Policy snipli cations
is consolidate I merge elementary schools to keep them viable .
thus there is

a need to
shift policy emphasis from quantity towards quality of
d) Expand health-care and greater focus on
geriatric care

KD Increase in the retirement


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chapters : Swachh Bharat Mission

D Even after 67
years after India 's independence ,
in 2014 ,
around to crore

rural and I crore urban households in India were without sanitary


toilet ;
over 56 crore ,
re close to half the population still practiced
open defecation
a SBM 99.21 of the rural India has been covered .
Since 2014 over

95 crore toilets have been built all over the country and 564,658
villages have been ODE

D SBM adopts a multi -

faceted approach viz , community participation capacity


selling up of
the behaviour
building to implement programme , focus on change ,

Swachh Bharat Kosh and

geo tagging

4) Impact
d) Health has reduced deaths due diarrhoea malaria

Becoming ODF to ,

especially under five children and improved child health and nutrition

in -

② Economic :
Study conducted by UNICEF on behalf of Mo Dws found that

on an household in an ODF
village saved about Rs 50000
average every
per year due to lower likelihood of disease by better sanitation
③ Environment : considerable impact on
combating contamination water , soil
147 Social gender parity , and girls education
5) way Forward
SBM needs to incorporate environmental and water management issues for
sustainable improvements in the long

⑨ chapter : 9

D important for to and

Greater energy access is economic
growth improvement
in various human development indicators
2) India has
lagged behind in energy usage ,
about one -
third of the
3) to achieve higher per capita GDP and higher HDI
India needs to raise its

share of the global consumption commensurate with its share


of global population and universal to moder at
ensure access
affordable prices
D to reach this goal initiatives like and has been
ujjwala PAHAL scheme

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5) Institutional and legal framework for energy efficiency has strengthened
through Energy Conservation Act cool ) which created Barea of Energy Efficiency
67 India has set ambitious targets for renewable
energy and has been

of the worlds largest renewable

undertaking one
energy expansion programmes
in the world .

7) Now
globally India stands 4th in wind power , 515 in solar power and 5th in

power installed capacity
8) the share of renewables is total electricity generation has increased from
6% wi 2014 -
15 To 10% in 2018-19 but thermal power still plays A

dominant role at Got . share

9) Govt Launched KUSUM and schemes to reduce dependence on non -

renewable fuels
to ) Centre and state govt are actively promoting Electric -
vehicles .
the market share

of electric vehicles is
only 0.06% in India when compared to 2% in China
And 32% in Norway .

i D Access to fast charging facilities must be fostered to increase the market

Share of electric vehicles

6) chapter to : MGNREGA

D of technology in
streamlining MGNREGS has helped increase its
D Aadhaar and PMJDY have facilitated overcoming the structural

constraints in the implementation of DBT

37 Adoption of Nefms and DBT helped to reduce delays in payment of

wages significantly
47 Both demand and supply of work under MGNREGS increased ,
in districts suffering from distress
5) workforce

the vulnerable sections of the society U2 women ,

Sc and ST
increased under MGNREGS during times of economic distress
6) Skillful of when combined with commitment to
use technology monitoring

effectiveness of govt schemes can make substantial difference on the

⇒ use of technology
④ Probable indicator of distress
④7 Expansion of works under MGNREGS
up shilling of workers
④ use
of digital infrastructure for micro benefits

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④ chapter It : Minimum

D how and in India still remain serious obstacle towards

pay wage inequality
achieving inclusive growth

D Present minimum in India is extremely The Minimum

wage system complex .

Act 1948 does not cover all wage workers

D Issues
is Issues relating to coverage
④ lack of uniform criteria across States

is Exclusion of workers
④ Gender descrimi nation
④ No
regular revision
at Different minimum for between States
wage same occupation can
D Impact of minimum wage on the labour market

is Act as a benchmark and enhance the bargaining power

reduction in
⇒ way forward
is simplification and rationalisation under the code of wage bill

④ Notify a national floor level minimum

that can
vary across

Chi five geographical regions

ID common criteria for setting minimum
viz skill category and

geographical region
④ organized and unorganized sector
④ Regular adjustment
④ Role of technology create a national level -
Cup Grievance redressal

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CA- 0723

Demographic Dividend

D Demographic Dividend refers to the rise in the economic

growth due to
rising of working age people in population

D Estimates
is As per Economic Survey 2017 for the first time Since 1950 the combined
, ,

95-59 ) of the advanced countries declined

working age population
④ UN projects that over the next three decades China and Russia will each

See their WA population full by over 20-1 .

④ India Seems to be in
demographic sweet spot war its
a working age
to child over tie period
population grow by
projected a

a) More than 300 Million people in India are in the of 18-35 years
age group
⑥ By 2020 the median age will be 28 years C 37 in China )

④ Human capital Index of world Bank ranked India at 115 position

3) Demographic Dividend and
a) Increasing labour force
drop in

dependency ratio
Divert resources invest in physical and human infrastructure
③ Rise in women workforce and decline in fertility
④ Increase in
⑤ shift towards middle class society

5) challenges
d) Investment in human capital
② growth

de -
④ de -

⑤ fourth
⑥ heterogeneity States related to WA population
⑦ lack of skilled manpower and low employability
problems in education and health sector
⑨ lack of skill
wage premium

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5) Govt initiatives
d) Skill India Mission
② labour reforms
③ Recognition of Prior Learning
⑤ Reforms in Education and health Sector etc

⑥ make in India
⑦ Digital India
⑧ Startup India
⑨ Stand up India
CD MIME reforms

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