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mpromptu speech is task not for faint hearted and may seem more challenging than it actually

is! As the name implies, it means speaking in public, which usually frightens students more than
dealing with essays.
What makes this type of delivery different is spontaneously speaking, which leads most
presenters to structural problems, content or length issues. Still, everything should start with
great impromptu speech topics because one should definitely have something to say first! Best
way is getting several ideas brainstormed, then choosing one that works out best in terms of
arguments, evidence, and emotional constituent! As much important as prior readiness appears
to be, correct choice of speech topic should also include research with study of relevant
How Can You Prepare for an Impromptu Speech?
In accordance with Mark Twain, it took him about three weeks to prepare his speech. Indeed, it
takes preparation, courage, and good structure. While such statement contradicts essence of
impromptu (meaning no preparation), it does not say that there is no way that helps a person
Sometimes students are even asked to replace an actual speaker who has not prepared his or
her assignment. Then during college meeting or even a party, an ability to deliver cheering
speech or words of thanks come truly beneficial. Yet, excellent results are only achieved by
correctly chosen topic with accurate structure. It should include three elements, namely
expression of personal opinion about chosen subject, related story or parable, a good
conclusion with a call to action.
Public speaking topics are usually prepared mentally by taking certain notes or simply practicing
diverse subjects verbally. Even if you have no friend or fellow student to talk to, practice on
your own, identify elements that move you. If something inspires you, it will definitely inspire
your audience. Remember that information delivered should not be preachy or forced. One
uses emotion but still remain tactful, sensitive, and respectful even if controversial subjects
have been touched upon. Golden rule here is keeping audience hooked, which may be reached
by strong metaphors, comparisons or events that most people know or relate to.
Alternatively, taking look at how TV hosts ready, one sets clock for about five to seven minutes
and do one’s best to present coverage of certain ideas.
In a game form, it helps to overcome initial public speaking fear and focusing on key arguments.
Since one deals with improvisation, do not write everything so that it sounds too serious. Just
use good-hearted humor if situation and subject allow. Finally, if you stuck, take a pause if it’s
necessary or ensure that audience sees a certain point. Do not forget that you are not the only
person afraid in the audience!
5 Tips for Picking Impromptu Speech Topic
There are many impromptu speech questions that arise as good topic is chosen. Should it be
argumentative or should author stay neutral? Should I use personal experience for impromptu
speech? Truth it, there is not always enough time to consider these options so these simple
topic selection tips will serve well in most situations:
 Select topics you know well - avoid choosing something that is not well known in terms
of experience and knowledge. Choose that you are knowledgeable about, something
where either your professional or other skills shine.
 Choose topics you can research - if there is time to get ready, choose something that is
possible to research or quickly look up, getting facts clearer.
 Customize chosen topic - if topic has been chosen with not much chance left for
consideration, remember that anything may be customized to fit situation. This is what
most TV show presenters do even when having text already written.
 Add value - addition of value is an element that will move people and help them relate
even if topic may seem obscure. Speak of personal experience, share knowledge
acquired, inspire, motivate.
 Relate to recent events - if possible, finish narration by making reference to last events
or issues discussed in media or local community. It will make audience think of what
changes could be implemented, forming powerful ending!
120 Impromptu Speech Topics Divided by Category
No matter what topic is chosen in the end, it should trick audience into thinking. As you look
through diverse topics below, try something that moves you and touches upon inner strings.
Brainstorm diverse ideas, select some of them, try speaking one’s opinion fast by talking of
what comes up! Just like with demonstration speech ideas or commemorative speech topics,
make an argument or give voice to certain thesis, main thought, thus focusing on clear ideas.
Persuasive Impromptu Speech Ideas
 Paper books are better than electronic books
 Should English classes be obligatory for all disciplines?
 Tipping in restaurants should be made obligatory
 School uniforms do not make students equal
 Cursive handwriting is useless today
 Should prisoners be allowed to vote?
 Internet should have stricter censorship rules
 Medical marijuana use is harmful
 Global warming is a hoax
 Distance learning misses point of education
 Child's age to have a cell phone
 Should American military budget become smaller?
Humorous Topics
Some funny impromptu speech topics as we battle our fears:
 Ways to get up in the morning
 How to please your boss
 First date behavior tricks
 Telling that a girl (guy) likes you
 Making it through Walmart shopping
 Guide on overcoming phobias
 TV turns people into modern age slaves
 How to finish party before parents arrive
 What does my pet tell me
 If children were voting
 Round-shaped pizza is healthier
 Guide on reading 10 pages a minute
Personal Impromptu Public Speaking Topics
 My role model in life
 What does friendship mean
 Post military service adaptation
 Why I want to become an engineer (physician, lawyer, musician, etc)
 My conflict resolution methods
 My vision of Israel-Palestine conflict
 If I were a president of the United States for a day
 Overcoming sports trauma
 My first book
 If I could change the world, I would…
 My American Dream
 Things I shall always remember
Debate Impromptu Speech Examples
 Will Scotland become independent from the United Kingdom?
 Best American president in history is…
 Brexit is inevitable process that will affect the United States as well
 Should modern schools have gender segregation?
 Should teachers physically stop bullies?
 Are public cameras ethical?
 Should voting be made obligatory for all people?
 Should companies receive information about future employers?
 Is there still gender bias when college applications are reviewed?
 Should priests marry?
 Can countries ban certain religious practices allowed in other lands?
 Internet with no geographical restrictions
Speech Examples for High School
 My future career choice
 Guide on punishing school bullies
 Teamwork means unity
 Volunteering at … (any example)
 Peer pressure may be beneficial
 Gym performance must not be graded
 Modern role models for youth
 Doing homework together
 Bystanders and school playground troubles
 Learning alone versus learning in classroom
 You cannot teach creativity
 What school does not teach us
Middle School Topic Ideas
 Here are some great ideas for middle school:
 Guide on improving your weekends
 Cool games for rainy days
 My favorite celebrity
 Guide on avoiding getting grounded
 How to make skateboarding safe
 Guide on surviving moving into another town
 My trip abroad
 Narnia Chronicles by C.S. Lewis (or any other book)
 If I was a detective, I would...
 Winning one million dollars, I would
 If I could be famous, I would choose
 My day at desolate island
Topics for College Students
 Should college students choose roommates?
 Reasons behind campus violence
 Guide on identifying and avoiding cheating.
 Is listening to music in college halls damaging to education?
 Colleges slowly become lifelong financial debts
 Are scholarships always fair?
 Guide on surviving through first college year.
 Internship choices
 Is private tutoring acceptable?
 Should students report students who look or sound depressed?
 Do colleges provide birth control pills?
 College professors biased attitude
Controversial Ideas for Impromptu Speech
 Should there be public prayer times in the classroom?
 Should churches and religious organizations pay taxes?
 Are female priests acceptable?
 Human cloning should be banned
 Paris Agreement - financial obligation or means of control
 Replacing physical libraries with online catalogs
 Link between violent video games and crime rates increase
 Should employers be fired if robots cope with their functions?
 Plastic bags ban will not help the environment
 Should zoos be banned?
 Should recovery programs replace jails?
 Death penalty has no place in modern society
Social Media Impromptu Speech Examples
 Instagram results in distorted body image standards
 People become addicted to social media
 Online interactions will never replace physical friendships
 Smartphones use among young children
 Dependence on Internet in modern times
 Online safety rules
 How to make Internet safer
 Cyberbullying dangers
 Should computer classes include coding?
 Benefits of distance learning
 Social Media role in political protests
 How Facebook saved… (any example)
Environment Impromptu Topics
 Should drilling in offshore marine locations be made illegal?
 Ways to protect Amazon rainforests
 How social awareness restored… (any world heritage)
 Ways for world to protect oceans
 Tsunami prevention measures
 Examples of nature protection in classic literature
 Famous environmental protector
 Scouting and nature in the United States
 Taking pictures with animals is not ethical
 Vegan culture traditions, restrictions, rules
 Animals as PTSD healers
 Should forests and seas become national legacy?
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100 Extemporaneous Speech Topics
May 24, 2019
HandMadeWritings Staff
Do you belong to that type of people who fear to speak on education topics in public? Then
check our list of extemporaneous speech topics to get yourself started.

Extemporaneous Speech Definition

What is an extemporaneous speech you may ask? The essence of this type of speech lies in
answering the question in a school assignment or tournament in front of the audience. In
comparison to impromptu speech that requires zero time for topic preparation,
extemporaneous speaking does allow to take some time and take notes before entering the
While giving a speech looks like a terrifying task, the art of extemporaneous delivery is not that
hard to master. After all, there is a reliable custom essay writing service which can provide you
with necessary text if you don’t know how to write an extemporaneous speech.
To facilitate your work on a speech, we’ve prepared a list of 100 speech topics on a wide range
of disciplines that’ll guide you in the right direction.
Extemporaneous Speech Topics
1. How can unequal conditions for different social classes be combated?
2. Should people be restricted by social rules and ethical code, and why?
3. How has the environmental pollution worsened our quality of life?
4. Speak on why is apathy about politics more widespread now than in past decades?
5. Should the government constantly encourage people to convert waste into reusable
6. How can you foster environmental responsibility in your community?
7. What environmental issue keeps menacing the environment in America?
8. Tell us about yourself, and share some unusual trait that you have
9. Speak on the best day of your life. How did you feel then and why?
10. Tell the class about where you see your life in 10 years
11. Describe the ten best things you like about your city
12. What are the ten things you dislike about your school/ college?
13. An incident of your bravest act
14. A story from my life with a lesson and a message
15. Speak about who is your favorite author, and why?
16. Present a word portrait about one of your friends
17. Recall on the time when you had to give honest feedback
18. What is one thing that you think will make you successful?
19. Speak on a person who motivates you
20. Why do people celebrate Thanksgiving?
21. Why is Paris a unique place for traveling to?
22. What television show you think should be canceled, and why?
23. Speak on what is the best way to combat internet crime and piracy
24. Will the problem of water supply be the top geopolitical problem we will be ought to
25. Can workers do anything to resist automation?
26. Is big tech eroding American concerns about personal privacy?
27. Speak on your biggest concern for the future
28. Real wealth is never measured in money, what do you think about it?
29. How do you see the killing of animals that keep happening all over the world to produce
food or other leather materials?
30. Do you believe in fate/ destiny?
31. What is the most useless invention do you think?
32. If you got a chance to choose between born as a boy or a girl, which one do you prefer?
33. Speak on how important communication is to you?
34. What is more important – skills or education?
35. Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, do you agree with it?
36. If you were extremely rich, what would you do with your money?
37. What goes around comes around, how would you explain it?
38. If you were a president, what would you do?
39. Do you want to live in a kingdom? Why?
40. If you could choose a country to live in, what country would it be?
41. Describe the happiest moment in your life
42. If you were an animal, what kind of animal do you want to be?
43. What could we do to save the earth?
44. Speak on why is it important to learn a second language
45. Should exams be replaced by other forms of testing performance?
46. Tell us what can we do to increase our patience?
47. How can world peace be achieved?
48. Every change should start with the man in the mirror, do you agree with it?
49. What is the meaning of life in the moment for you?
50. Should we cherish everything we have?
51. Which is more important do you think, being smart or beautiful?
52. Do you think doomsday is real?
53. Speak on your favorite family tradition?
54. If you were alone on a lonely island, what would you do there?
55. How does technology affect our lives?
56. Can we reach our goals without working hard?
57. What does being fair mean for you?
58. Imagine how people will look like in 1000 years.
59. Actions speak louder than words, how do you see it?
60. Speak on whether smoking should be allowed in public places?
61. If your life was a movie, what title would you give it?
62. Speak on your biggest fear
63. Is it important to have a sense of humor?
64. What is your idea of a perfect job?
65. Speak on your role model?
66. What do you think being educated means?
67. Is it necessary to make plans before doing something?
68. Conservation is survival, do you agree with this statement?
69. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?
70. All that glitters is not gold, explain it
71. If you had a chance to invent something useful, what would it be?
72. If you knew you only had 24 hours left to live, what would you do?
73. What does a family mean for you?
74. Speak on your idea of a perfect day?
75. Speak on whether it is a good idea to be a vegetarian?
76. Do you prefer tea or coffee? Why?
77. What is the biggest thing you’ve done that you’re proud of?
78. What do you think is a healthy lifestyle?
79. When you go for shopping, which one is more important for you, price or quality?
80. People say the biggest challenge in life is discovering who you are, do you agree?
81. The world is full of nice people. In your own opinion, are you one of them?
82. When you are in a room full of people, do you mostly feel happy or lonely?
83. You are what you do, not what you say you will do. Do you agree?
84. If you could take a year off from school, what would you do?
85. Speak on what do your dreams mean to you
86. Explain the meaning of life for you
87. Do you think all people are selfish?
88. Speak on how can society affect your character
89. What are the benefits of homework?
90. Could final testing in senior high schools reflect your effort for the past few years?
91. Should hunting be illegal?
92. Is it right to ban fur clothing?
93. Speak on the ways to reduce homelessness
94. Should the death penalty be banned?
95. Do you think being a leader is easy?
96. Speak on what do you think your life purpose is
97. How do you start a conversation with a stranger?
98. What human quality do we need more of and why?
99. What do you miss most from your childhood?
100. Will life be better in the next century?
Extemporaneous Speech Tips
Stick to One Presentation Structure
For those who don’t know what is extemporaneous delivery – the answer is simple. It’s a
natural ability to speak on a topic without or with little preliminary preparation for a speech.
The best way to develop your extemporaneous style is to use a solid structure, like the SEE one.
The abbreviation stands for statement, evidence, and emotion. This scheme is a useful tool for
you to utilize when you need to speak extemporaneously during a speech. For example, when
you’re asked to speak on your recent class project in an extemporaneous speech, divide your
answer into blocks. First, provide a statement which tells about your success on the project.
Then, give some evidence of your hard work on the task to back up your initial statement.
Finally, appeal to emotion by sharing an interesting story associated with the project.
Tap into the Power of Extemporaneous Presentation Methods
There might be situations when you’ll feel uncomfortable to speak to a large – or not very –
number of people. Your audience will sense this inner tension during the speech unless you find
a way to maintain communication with them. One of the time-proven means of delivering an
excellent speech is to be kind and speak nicely. Keep eye contact with people you talk to, smile
naturally, and visually scan the audience to make them feel that you’re confident. Another
great trick to use in case of confusion or oblivion during an extemporaneous speech is to create
an intentional pause whenever you forget the text. This way, you’ll heat the interest of listeners
for your speech even more.
Don’t Strive to Memorize Everything at Once
Learning texts by heart is a great practice anytime, except when it comes to giving an
extemporaneous speech. Memorizing everything you want to pronounce in front of the
audience will only distract you from what’s important – the message you want to speak on.
You’ll only want to remember words from the notes instead of focusing on the essence of your
How to Prepare for Your Next Extemporaneous Speech in 3 Steps?

Step 1 – Think of Your Topic

Before the speech starts, you will, in most cases, be given a subject to speak about. At this
point, it’s more than important to choose the topic for a speech which is closer to you, or which
you have a burning desire to speak on with others. Whether it’s connected with controversial
issues or even socially disturbing ones, choose wisely and confidently.
Step 2 – Develop a Thesis Statement
A thesis is an essential element of any writing or speech piece. It’s a form of instruction that
helps speakers better swim in the ocean of thoughts that spring to mind with regard to this or
that extemporaneous speech topic. Write down, in two-three short sentences, what your
feelings and opinions about the issue are. Then, reread your thesis and add some more
information to speak about if necessary.
Step 3 – Practice in Advance
The practice is the key to success in any situation, and especially in cases when you’ll need to
give an extemporaneous speech. Start with something as simple as speaking to yourself in the
mirror. Try to observe the manner you speak, the body language you use, and if there are blind
spots, fill them with more practice to avoid such mistakes. Alternatively, consider recording
yourself to evaluate how good you speak and how decent your articulation is. Keep training
until you are satisfied with the result.
3 Things You Should Not do While Presenting Your Extemporaneous Speech

 Don’t be Afraid of Your Audience

Your palms are probably sweating as you try to imagine how others will judge you or make
premature conclusions when you speak to them during a speech. In reality, it’s just a delusion
that lives in your head. Try to relax and enjoy the experience of being listened to.
 Don’t Speak Fast
Human brain always needs some to process the information it receives while you speak.
Accelerated speech makes it harder for listeners not only to digest your ideas but also to figure
out what you want to say. To get away with nerves and calm down, it’s always a good idea to
take a deep breath before you start an extemporaneous speech.
 Don’t Pretend to be Smarter Than You Are
Many speakers make a huge mistake when they try to be experts in the topic, when in fact
they’re not. Such an attitude to an extemporaneous speech will only diminish the trust of your
audience that will otherwise detect your false intentions. Hence, be sincere with the public you
speak to and take a personal stance on any topic you discuss during a speech.
Extemporaneous speaking is a skill that requires the ability to engage listeners to the topic and
naturally discloses the idea with the mighty power of words. With little practice and devotion,
you can make listeners genuinely interested in your personality and your manner of presenting
any subject. If you have struggles defining your topic or keep asking “can someone write my
speech?”, there are writing services that are ready to help. Stay confident, forget about fear,
and strive to deliver the most memorable extemporaneous speech ever.

113 Extemporaneous Speech Topics

Extemporaneous speech topics tutorial including

preparation in three steps and examples. Prepare good, quick and properly in a minimum of
preparation time for school and / or college assignments, tournaments or business public
speaking occasions.

The goal of right extemporaneous speaking is this: to persuade or inform an audience briefly.
This is the common general definition of speaking.
If you are asking yourself: What should I do in the extemp speech? Then keep this rule of thumb
in mind: the extemporaneous speech topics must answer the question in a school assignment
or tournament. Simple and easy. Although the best spontaneous speaker can speak almost
without any notes. But avoid that if you feel not confident enough.
In this article:
 Preparation In 3 Steps
 Extemporaneous Speaking Without Preparation
 Extemporaneous Speech Topic Examples
 Outline Examples
 How to Prepare
 How To Deliver
In general, we can define three specified types of extemporaneous speeches:
 High School And College Assignments – Always do what your teacher asks you to do!
Often you have to pick out forms of informative, analytical, international, domestic or
economic questions about current events. Your extemporaneous speech topics should
answer the question exactly.Check if some written notes are permitted in classroom.
 Tournaments – An event where speakers receive their questionnaire forms. Check the
tournament entry to see which format and which rules will be used. Successful
extempers don’t use cards.However, if you are allowed to use notes, then use a card for
each element in the form below. Just use keywords.
 Business Presentations – The are considered as difficult by those who must give
presentations in business. Here I limit myself to good class hints for at school, college
and for tournaments.
Preparation In 3 Steps
These three steps for preparing extemporaneous speech topics will help you to do what you
have to do: answering the question in case of school assignments or tournaments.
The First Step – Analyze what extemporaneous question you have to answer:

 Questions of fact – Characterized by is and are, or will or would.
 Questions of value – Characterized by should.
 Questions of policy – Characterized by can and could. Often used for an political
The Second Step – Determine if it is informative or persuasive. The
words what, which and who indicate that it is an informative issue. The
words should and why indicate that it is a persuasive issue.
The Third Step – Always stay with your subject. In other words: never change the ideas. Now,
organize your ideas and points effectively. You can use the outline technique below. Focus on
your subject and think about the various angles.
Now write those first thoughts quickly down. Catch them in keywords.
Extemporaneous Speaking Without Preparation
Extemporaneous speaking speech topics in three parts to help you do a better job next time
you have to speak without preparation. Almost everyone is going to have to speak
extemporaneously at some point in their lives, whether it is a simple introduction to a group,
presentation for work, or something more complex occasion.
Most natural communication can fall under the umbrella of the term extemporanous speech.
But just what is it, and what are the best rules to follow so that you know you are giving a real
winner extemporaneous speaking talk or address and cure your on stage fear?
Let’s take a look at my tricks that will help you do a better job next time you have to speak
without preparation:
Extemporaneous Speech Topic Examples
Ready for a couple of extemporaneous speech topics? Here we go:
1. Can We Blame – fill in a team – For Its Defeat?
2. Why Do I Play Golf? Or another kind of sports
3. Should – fill in a name – Win A MTV Award?
4. I’m Just A Paperboy Now, Will I Become A Millionaire?
5. Who Is The Laziest Person On The Campus And Why?
6. Should We All Buy – fill in a product – ?
7. Why Do We Celebrate Thanksgiving?
8. Which Moviestar Earns Too Much Money In Comparison To His / Her Merits?
9. Why Is Barcelona A Special Place To Be? Or any other city or region
10. Is The X-Box Better Than Playstation?
11. Will – fill in a name- Become Senator?
12. Who Is The Best Songwriter?
13. Could We Really Say To Our Bosses What’s On Our Mind?
14. What Television Program Should Be Banned And Why?
15. Should cruel and very authoritarian principals be sacked – or are there any degrees in
domineering the campus population with accordingly disciplinary fines for them?
16. Why do we need a Whistle Blower Protection Act – whether we like it or not they
always serve as a replacement or scape goat anyway?
17. Does the Bharatiya Janata Party represents a pan Indian ideology and how did it evolve
over the years?
18. Must we focus more on improving basic education for the poor and historically
disadvantaged – and what are the chain reactions for the overall well-being of human
beings in society?
19. Do gays have as many rights as the rest of society does?
20. Does global warming makes the Arctic Sea ice melting or is it a conspiracy theory to
make us believe to invest in alternative power sources? Both sides of the same coin are
extemporaneous public speaking topics you could consider to try out anyway.
21. Does the world community really want to solve the Darfur Sudan problem even the
states are now separated?
22. How India can be persuaded to participate in efforts to tackle global warming, or is it
not prerequisite?
23. Is the growing population and economy a threat to India’s environment?
24. Does the development of tourism in Malaysia open new opportunities?
25. Should the Indian society invest in maintaining peace between Hindus and Muslims?
26. What are the causes of political instability in Pakistan?
27. Can prime-minister and Democratic Party leader Yukio Hatoyama give a boost to the
Japanese economy?
28. Reasons why Facebook’s popularity is falling down?
29. Is Wikipedia sometimes more reliable than for example the Online Encyclopaedia
30. Should illegal immigrants receive no doctor care?
31. Will petroleum be the major fuel till 2050?
32. The quality of health care in America is the best in the world, or is it a myth?
33. Do pharmaceuticals profit too much from Swine Flu or other mondial diseases?
34. Should the Cash for Clunkers program be continued due to its success?
35. Should we prosecute individual American intelligence personnel involved in outrages
committed during the hunt for al-Qaeda members?
36. Will microloans and community banking be the lifesaver for developing countries?
37. Did bankers caused the recession and are ordinary people paying the price?
38. Should we be afraid of internet crime and piracy?
39. Is this the time to increase taxes?
40. Should we lower our tolerance for repeat drunk driving?
41. Does the number of abandoned and abused pets swell as the economy has worsened or
even closer at home: when the vacation season will soon be in sight …
42. Will on-campus housing problems worsen in the future – what are botherations and
squeezing annoyances that should be cleaned up right away>
43. Should there be fines for running out of petrol on the motorway?
44. Should we consider free public transportation (metro, bus, or other forms) in large
45. Should the time high school students spend on homework each school night be limited
to two hours maximum?
46. Is Barack Obama the next John F. Kennedy but better because he is an expert in auticue
teleprompting reading …
47. Does the fight against the Taliban in Afghanistan become tougher over time?
48. Should internet service providers and hosts be prohibited from blocking any content?
49. Is the Hugo Chavez controlled legislature in Venezuela a serious threat to free thought
and freedom of speech in that country?
50. Is the reappointement of Ben Bernanke as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of
Governors a good and wise decision?
51. Should lobbyists in our financial and political capitals work transparent and open?
52. Do we need a government funded campaign to transform our capitalist economy to a
clean and green energy economy?
53. Will freezing the construction of Jewish settlements in the West Bank favors the Middle
East peace process?
54. Is prison and jail reform more than just reworking tough legislative packages of criminal
sentencing laws?
55. Does fanatic animal rights extremists endanger the universal human rights, or vice
56. Will a flexible timetable to withdraw American troops from Iraq will best serve our
national needs and interests?
57. Is seizing laptops or other computers indefinitely by the customs a proper instrument to
fight the border crime?
58. Does lifting the moratorium on commercial whaling cause more slaughter by
commercial vessels in the oceans?
59. Is it acceptable to force American laborers or employees to be fingerprinted at the
working place?
60. Should all young girls up to 15 years be required to get the vaccine against the human
papillomavirus H P V to avoid cancer of the cervix?
61. Should NASA abandon plans and blueprints for colonization of the Moon by 2020 – or
even Mars?
62. Should we improve mental health care for returning veterans and servicemembers –
longer than five years after they have returned home?
63. Should India and China work together to counter western economic power? Or is it still
under construction and do we see and hear less about that successfull joint venture?
64. Could the conflict between Georgia and Russia implode to a threat to world peace? Pick
some other regional conflict if you like, as long as you stay close to actual politics.
65. Do the Six-Party Talks on North Korea’s nuclear program lead to a satisfying package
solution? What if they progress on down to earth nuclear tests …
66. Does the Arab television stations al-Arabiya, al-Jazeera and the Saudi financed Middle
East Broadcasting Center in the United Arab Emirates together reach more people
worldwide watching television than CNN?
67. Does the system to register and grant patents for new innovations needs to be
68. Does Venezuela really need to nationalize private rice-processing plants? And why the
powerplant supplies branches …
69. Is legalizing the opium cultivation in Afghanistan a better option than forcing it down?
70. Is Osama bin Laden still alive? Or has the conspiracy ended a couple of years ago with
the sniper action …
71. Should the federal Attorney General be chosen by the people?
72. Is the NATO nuclear policy consistent with our federal nuclear policy
73. Is Vladimir Putin the real almighty political and national strength that Russia needs now?
74. May U S military authorities hire private security contractors in doubtful areas?
75. Must the international community assembled in the ASEAN nations (Association of
Southeast Asian Nations) work collaboratively to reduce greenhouse gas emissions – or
is that a so-called mission impossible for lots of nations? (You can fill in other
organizations as alternative extemporaneous topics)
76. Must we make the immigration system consistent with national economic precedences
and priorities – what are the exceptions anyway?
77. Will the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty C T B T have more positive ramifications for
arms control – or is it ‘paper tiger’?
78. Reasons why Facebook’s popularity is not falling down despite the critics.
79. The controversy over President Obama’s broadcast education speech to schoolchildren.
80. Why we have to preserve architecturally significant historic-cultural monuments and
81. Should we make legal alcohol limits the same for both car drivers as well as boaters?
82. Should the labels light and low tar be banned on in tobacco and nicotine products? And
what to say about the mandatory illustrations on the packaging in some countries that
are supposed to shock and deter people?
83. A Few Extemporaneous Topic Ideas To Test Your and Your Public Audience Intelligence.
84. Bailouts and have prevented that our economy become worse in current and future
85. Does Europe rely too much on Russian gas petrol fuel sources? And what about the
border conflicts in relation to vulnerable pipeline transports.
86. Must all college and university textbooks also be available in easy to update and
cheaper electronic ebook versions – to save money and easily updatable versions?
87. Why releasing Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi from a Scottish prison is an insult of the
relatives of the Lockerbie victims.
88. The government of India should advocate for a nationwide census; regarding the
population growth and in spite of the totally understandable privacy concerns that could
override the need for credible statistics to rule a country?
89. Should the African Union nations and organizations end direct military aid to the
Transitional Federal Government?
90. Why we should not be afraid of the Swine Flue and trust on the precautions.
91. How former vice president Dick Cheney breaks the tradition of being not critical towards
a new Washington administration.
92. Pre-existing conditions may never be a reason to to deny coverage by insurance
93. Or choose the opposite side for an extemporaneous topic: Bailouts will cost us, the
taxpayers, in the end mucht more?
94. Should we accept a sky-high federal budget deficit number?
95. Why church ministers should have lifelong, monogamous, stable relationships.
96. The three pillars of a labor union: higher salaries, secondary benefits and job security.
97. Will freshwater supply to millions become the next huge world problem besides the
global warming issue?
98. Does marijuana has a therapeutic and medicinal value for cancer patients and what
about the legal consequences.
99. Why do bush fires often occur immediately after a rainy season in spring and autumn is
there an scientific explanation for this annually natural phenomenon?
100. Should mayors keep a daily blog concerning their whereabouts and policies – just
for squaring up at the next election time?
101. The requirement to register to vote in general elections. Should we end, keep /
alter that practice – what is the reason behind it, is there some kind of a preambule in
the laws concerning registration?
102. Should we outlaw taxpayer-funded events in political campaigns?
103. Should the Justice Department release information more often and sooner to
local media to involve the local residents in crime fighting and solving almost undoable
104. Is it ethical to wipe away illegal migrant or asylum camps in Europe?
105. Are teens with free access to a car more at risk to get involved in accidents?
106. Will Hispanic immigrants – like other foreigners – adapt to the American society?
107. Is the new G-20 summit effective in solving the economic crisis?
108. Must judges sentence drunk drivers who for long terms in jail?
109. Is the decision to stop the development of an Eastern-Europe air missile defense
system a threat to the national security of the nations involved?
110. Or: alternative best speech topics could be the position of the western world, or
even Russia’s point of view.
111. Could we lose the war in Afghanistan now the insurgent troops are multipying
their forces?
112. Are the rich G-20 nations buying out their efforts to reduce the negative climate
change effects?
113. Will water supply be the next geopolitical problem we must face seriously?
Tip: Tweak a little bit with the why’s, can’s, could’s. That’s the way to discover your own themes
and original extemporaneous speech topics. Nice for your audience too.
Outline Examples
Use this outline to prepare ideas quick and properly. Remember: all information that you want
to cover should answer the mandatory question of the teacher or jury members.
Your Theoretical Outline Method
In one complete summarizing sentence: _______
Grab the attention of your public in a oneliner that state the theme. Relate the oneliner to
question. State the extemporaneous speech topics question and tell why it is important. Briefly
answer it. Tease your main points.
The main points should be phrased as argumentative statements. Devote an equal amount of
time at each point. Try to come up with three points.
Try to come up with three sub-points. Construct your sub-points with credible arguments and
factual evidence.
Perhaps you can add relevant statistics and references. Think about the pros and cons, likes and
dislikes, advantages and disadvantages.
Refer to reliable sources, it will enhance your credibility. Write down your the points in one
sentence for each point.
Just pick out the elements which are appropriate within the time limit!
Summarize the main points of your extemporaneous topics. State the question again. State
your answer in a catchy one-liner.
Extemporaneous speech topic outline for students who have to deal with actual themes using
ordinairy news articles to formulate arguments and evidence in a snap. For this writing I used
four articles as basics to filter out information, listed in the sources paragraph below:
My step by step method: First I decided on the angle of view. Secondly, I simply choose for this
extemp question: Does President Obama deserve the Nobel Peace Prize? And thirdly, I follow
the instructions in the template below. Remember, you can also take side in favor of the
laureate. This is not my personal opinion, but just an example to show you how to write an
extemp pattern yourself.
The award of the Nobel Peace Prize 2009 to Barack Obama is a surprise pick which raise lots of
doubts. A peace award winner who has not directed any winning peace project so far.
So, does he realy deserve it? No, he has not achieved any real success in foreign policy matters.
The Norwegian Committee has praised his extraordinary efforts in international diplomacy. But
world reactions expressed surprise. The honor comes too soon, according to worldleaders,
there are no real peace achievements.
(This is a short compelling summary of the vital body bricks)

The laureate does not deserve the prize because of Iraq, the Middle East and Afghanistan, the
President himself has spoken openly about his doubts, and other preeminent political figures
who won before sure had achieved real substantial diplomatic peace successes.
And they are openly credited for it internationally.
There have not been any concrete achievements in Afghanistan, Iraq or Middle East.
He ordered thousands of US troops extra to Af. The Palestinians claim he has does nothing
concrete for their rights. Ir. has been suffering from the deadliest year since the 2003 invasion.
(Explain here how the first argument of the extemporaneous speech topic is constructed, based
on your evidence)
More troops could to Af. violence and civilian casualties in the end, the enemy proclaims. There
still is no working M E peace plan in which both parties, Israel and Palestinians trust. The
schedule of the person in charge for the withdrawal of troops is still discussed, the oppositional
forces still try to create disorder.
Can we call that peace efforts? Yes, we can. Can we call that substantial peace achievements?
No, we can not – at this moment.
The chief of state himself has spoken openly about his doubts less than a year in office.
He says to be surprised and deeply humbled.
Hw further said that he not feel he ‘deserve to be in the company of so many of the
transformative figures who have been honoured by this prize’.
O. has stated that he doesn’t see it as a recognition of his accomplishments, but ‘rather as an
affirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people in all nations’.
These are other cardinal political persons who won before. Who are those transformative
figures as the 2009 laureate describes them?
In 1994 Shimon Peres, Foreign Minister of Israel, won. In 1994 Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of
Israel, in 1978 Menachim Begin, Prime Minister of Israel, and in 1973 Henry Kissinger, U S
Secretary of State.
Their peace efforts resulted in concrete historical peace making moments: Shimon Peres, and
Yitzhak Rabin were honoured for their historic agreement between Israel and Palestinians.
Menachim Begin for the peace treaty he co-concluded between Israel and Egypt. And Henry
Kissinger was praised for helping to establish a ceasefire and U S withdrawal from Vietnam.
Yes, they all accomplish concrete diplomatic successes. Obama not.
There have not been any real substantial peace achievements at this moment. The laureate
himself refers to the lack of peace making moments. And he refers to Nobel Peace Prize
winners who are awarded because of their historical agreements.
So, now again: is President Obama entitled? No, he has not achieved any real success in foreign
policy matters, and predecessors have.
Some call the award a politically motivated insult. I don’t. I prefer to look ahead and cite 1984
Winner South Africa’s Archbishop Desmond Tutu ‘it’s a magnificent endorsement for the first
African-American leader in history’. But the Commander in Chief of Hope has sure achieved one
thing – do think about it – he carries hope in his peace efforts. And I predict: one day he will
really deserves the Prize for real peace accomplishments!
Aljazeera News Europe, Norwegian Nobel Committee Report, and All Laureates List.
Is There One Single Best Outline?
No. The best outline doesn’t exist. The pattern above is just a method to organize
extemporaneous topics quick and efficient.
Open Or Closed Questions?
Mostly there are two types of questions, open and closed for extemporaneous speech
topics.Determine what type you are answering.
Closed Questions – You can only state a clear Yes or No in your introduction. In the points of
the body part you offer the arguments.
Example: Is Disclosure A Bad Movie? Yes, you can also choose for humorous.
Open Questions – State how or what will, should or can be done in your introduction. Then
guide the audience to the answer in logical steps. Those steps are the major points in your
E.g. What Can We Do Against Corrupt Politicians?
How to Prepare
Tip # 1 Set up your extemp to start with a good summation that grabs the attention, then state
the theme in one sentence.
Tip # 2 Develop between three and five main points and make sure each one is a single, clear,
self contained idea.
Tip # 3 Make sure that each one is related to your main thesis statement and that it reminds
the audience what your key note point is.
Tip # 4 Make sure every point leads smoothly and sensibly into the next one – no non sequiturs
here. No ‘bridges’ that do not make sense.
Tip # 5 All your sub points must contain new information or details not stated in the main
points. Their job is to describe, explain, or otherwise support your main points. For the
conclusion, don’t just summarize. But also analyse and provide a judgement on each
Tip # 6 Come back to the introduction and reinforce your thesis statement, connect the
interests and needs of the audience to the theme, then go back over the major points of your
speech, finishing up neatly.
Tip # 7 Stick to using simple words, and don’t try to impress with complex topics for an
extemporaneous. There is a bigger chance that you will end up stumbling over them or that
your speech will fall flat.
Tip # 8 It’s all about producing topics for an extemporaneous that get strictly to the point. If
you’re feeling nervous, put your hands in your pockets or on front of the table in front of you,
and don’t be afraid to let people know.
Tip # 9 Keep comments about your nervousness short and to the point. They will probably get a
chuckle, they will understand, and you’ll feel a little better.
Tip # 10 Do not go on and on, though, or stop dead. Go right to what you need to say.
Conclude, restate, smile and just stick to that!
How To Deliver
This is about time management, practicing and repeating, and the delivery:
Time Management –
The right time management is crucial. Put a watch in front of you. If you have 30 minutes to
prepare, then divide that time in parts. Below are three examples of time management. Find
out which one is the best for you. If you are allowed to use note cards, then the memorize part
can be shorter in time, of course.
5 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes
10 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
5 15 5 5
minutes minutes minutes minutes
More about practicing
Visualize the flow of your extemporaneous speech topics in your mind. Something like this: first
I want to state this, and then I prove it by that. And so on. Learn the sequence by heart. If
there’s a possibility to practice in front of a friend or classmate, then do it!
And listen to their comment. Elaborate on it. Another idea is to tape yourself on audio or video.
Listen and look if you are
making logical steps, transitions and pauses.
Another possibility is to practice out loud in front of a mirror.
Do not be boring with monotonous and facts and a phlegmatic attitude, add some
funny extemporaneous speech topics in your presentation. Talk easy, and in a normal tempo –
do not talk to fast. Do not speak like a talking puppet in a suit. Move a little bit, use the proper
gestures (guide them
trough your material with hand signals and passionate facial expresions) to emphasize your
main points and the direction of logical reasoning.
Composing Handy Tubs
Many competitors spend hours a week to prepare files with noteworthy articles about every
possible subject for extemporaneous speech topics. They can use these so-called Extemp Tubs
in tournaments. But how does a speaker fill these files with the best?
1. Analyze and study current events in magazines and newspapers. Sort out the headlines,
the pros and cons, reasons, statistics and sources.
2. Research on the Internet. Pay special attention to quotes and reports of scientific
researchers. Don’t forget to find humorous quotes, to break the ice.
3. Watch interesting television documentaries and note the facts and the conclusions that
could be extracted.
4. Ask experienced competitors how they prepare for public speaking. Look how they practice
and perform on stage, and learn their educational discourse tricks.
5. Organize and update your files in a way you can find your written notes quick and easy. For
instance, organize your plastic tub like a cherry tree – pick four or five general
extemporaneous speech topics in hanging folders.
And place within those general tabulations lots of sub-sequences categorized from A to Z.
6. Also use a reference book, a dictionary, a small encyclopedia, et cetera to refill fresh and
creative ideas.
By now, you have learned how to prepare and outline your communication subjects – I wish
you all succes you need and keep improving your communication skills. Bookmark and share

this tutorial and come back whenever you like

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