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Kenneth Jhon I. Estaño Leah Mae L.

Caberte HUMSS-Comte
Flornel Joy A. Macahine Karen P. Buenavista ENG 4 - TRAVELOGUE

A Rewarding Escapade Experience Worth 200 Pesos Only

Probably you‟d say 200 pesos can‟t just be enough for a superb swimming
adventure. But that can be proved wrong! Give yourself a try on a trip for four to
General Santos City‟s “Gateway to Paradise”— that is, no other than Olaer
Springs Resort, and for sure it‟s going to be the most ideally spend-worthy
escapade experience to reward yourself!

Our group took chances to take background checks by inquiring for news
and opinions from and among those who had their memories of their first-hand
experiences at the Olaer Springs Resort. We found out that Olaer Springs is said
to be the most popular cold springs resort in the city. Located at Purok Olaer,
Barangay Apopong, the resort is easily accessible from the National Highway via
motorcycle, tricycle, or any other land
transportation means to reach the place.
Many friends have been highly
recommending Olaer Springs as the
rightful travel destination to choose
especially if you‟re wishing to gain a
worthwhile treat that‟s on a tight budget.
Their entrance fee amounts to only 25
pesos per person. Cottages are also
available there, but in case there‟s no
fund ready to be allocated for such, you Shown in this photo is Olaer Swimming Resort’s inviting
can opt for a picnic set-up. emblem ascribed with the words “Haven of Picnickers”.
(Photo taken by Leah Mae Caberte)

Historically speaking, Olaer Springs is prominent for being the choice

weekend destination for most families in the city during the 70s and early 80s.
And with the Generals‟ penchant for making any excuse to party, Olaer was
where thousands of festive birthday, baptismal, victory and holiday parties were
held. It is also where most of the Generals at the time first learned how to dog
paddle, jump head first and eventually swim the free-style, the backstroke and
the butterfly. For most of the “Martial Law Babies”, they could never forget how
the resort accommodated their plays of the pool tag games, the “longest time
underwater” game, the swimming contest, the underwater obstacle course, the
shark game, water polo using plastic beach balls, and a whole lot more.

Finally, upon barely getting to know the resort by means of inquiry, our
group stepped into taking this venture to really find out how true this idealistic
experience this cold springs resort has to offer.

It was Sunday, 22nd of April 2018 at about 6 o‟clock in the morning when
we were all indecisive about where to bring ourselves out on an escapade.
Howbeit single-mindedly we thought among ourselves that there can‟t be any
other day than April 22— it‟s like now or else we‟ll never be able to come up
with our group travelogue and so get failing grades, as writing a travelogue is
one of our mandatory write-ups under Creative Nonfiction.

A week ago, our Creative Nonfiction Adviser gave a task among our class
to group ourselves into four, and collaboratively come up with a travelogue with
our co-members along with the topic, “Saan aabot ang 200 pesos mo?” He said
that Php 200.00 must be the maximum budget as a group. Since we were
required to provide pictures, we cannot but fulfill this project by truly immersing
ourselves on an escapade to our chosen tourist destination.

Karen made up her mind to consult

Matthew, a classmate who‟s been to Olaer
Springs the day before we got there, so as
to have ourselves informed about what to
anticipate about traveling to the place. He
recounted that the best time to visit Olaer
Springs Resort is from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.
when the throngs of masses have not yet
descended upon its still cold waters.
Moreover, he said such span of time is
Here’s a glance at the less crowded Olaer Springs, as
what Matthew did suggest to be the best time to visit much suitable to savor the relaxing silence
the place. (Photo taken by Leah Mae Caberte) because once the competing voices
emanating from the karaoke machines scattered all throughout the resort start,
then good luck.

We pondered about getting there by 6 a.m. as what Matthew told us to

do, but Flornel and Karen just can‟t fail on their full commitment to not to
compromise attending church‟s morning services on Sundays. So to mend the
conflicting schedule, Karen decided to suggest about getting there by 1
o‟clock in the afternoon and began to convince everyone in the group via chat
on Facebook.

“Guys sa 7-Eleven sa Polytechnic ta ninyo kita at around 12 noon po

please. Pack your things na guysue for this afternoon's escapade! 50 each ang
alamutan, inclusive na sa entrance fee (Php 25) ug budget for foodies maybe.
Pero wala ko idea asa ta makapalit og foodie na masagad natog habhab.
Hahaha. Kung magluto si @Kenneth tas bayaran ta lang unya, oki pud kaayo.”

Then the rest of the group responded on an affirmative note.

“Opo ati,” Leah answered.

“Sige magdayon na ta guyses,” Joy agreed, “sa 7-Eleven sa polytechnic

alas 12 jud mga 11 dapat padulong na ta ninyo diraa.”

“Ingon ni Matthew mga nasa 10-15 pesos ang pamasahe padulong didto
(kapag galing sa Polytechnic). Ing-ana pud daw gihapon pabalik,” Karen
furthermore explained.

“Okay guys,” Kenneth conformingly gave his approval.

We all then met each other at 7-Eleven at around 1:30 in the afternoon
already. To our surprise, we found out that none of us brought any food to share
to the group. Each of us chipped in his or her 50 pesos to help the group raise an
amount of 200 pesos as budget for the trip. Somebody from the group spoke up,
“Unsaon kaha nato ni pag-budget? Ay, basta, kung unsa ra‟y kinahanglan,
mao lang to‟y atong paliton. Excluded na diri ang pamasahe.” Then Kenneth
told the group, “Ani lang, ang 100 pesos kay sa Entrance Fee man gyud nato na
paingon, so bale ang mahimo nalang nato sa mabilin sa budget na 100, ipalit
nalang og tinapay ug 1.5 L coke.”

So we thought about finding some bakeries near 7-Eleven where we can

buy some bread and beverages for snacks. Then we saw a bakery with a
display of a loaf of banana cake sold at 35 pesos. We all agreed, saying, “Okay
na kaayo ni sa atuang tanan,” and bought it for ourselves. We then made sure
that we can find a 1.5 L coke worth 65 pesos, and successfully did. But only to
find out that each didn‟t bring any container or cup, we all burst into laughter,
howbeit Kenneth instantaneously thought of an immediate solution to ask for
plastic cellophanes and straws from the store.
We walked near the bunch of tricycles and one of the drivers asked us
where we shall go. “Sa Olaer Resort mi „ya,” somebody replied. “Kinse ang singil
kung gikan diri padulong didto gang, ha.” We then agreed with one another
and took a ride to Olaer Springs.

We were all smiles until suddenly…

“Lubak-lubak man diay ang dalan diri pasulod og Olaer!”

“Hmmm! Ang abog!”

“Okay lang unta kung kanang bisan ing-ani ang biyahe paadto nato
didto pero sulit diay gihapon kung makaabot na ta sa resort!”

“Hala, puno gyud diay ang resort sa ing-ani nga oras?!”

Indeed, Matthew was right, for upon arrival, we saw the whole resort
crowded by throngs of masses, and its atmosphere filled with earsplitting,
competing voices emanating from the karaoke
machines scattered all
throughout the place. Kenneth
assuredly told everyone, “Sige
lang, manguli naman nang
mga tao taud-taod.”

What we did next was to

find unoccupied rocks to secure
Here’s the Main Pool and deep portion of
some space for the group. We the kilometric Olaer Springs Resort. Photos
kept on looking for a good spot were shot from near the lifeguard’s post.
where we can leave all our
bags and just be care-free for
us altogether to take a swim on
the pool. Until at last, to our
relief, we decided to put our
things beside where the
lifeguard, sitting over a high
A loaf of banana cake and chair while carefully observing
a liter and a half of Coca- all people around the resort, was located. And yes, there was
Cola were all what we
had for snacks! nothing to worry about the safety of our belongings anymore.
We then began to eat our food.
We were all fascinated to see with our own eyes the resort‟s pride—its
main tourist attraction—the refreshingly cool, crystal clear natural waters that
were said to have been flowing straight from the mountains of South Cotabato.
Its coldness immediately brings about goose bumps and shivers to the body.
Even at times, the visitors chill their beverages at the pools. The invigorating
power of the water complements to the temperature under the heat of the
scorching sun. There are different heights of fresh water pools that allow
anybody, young and old, to swim safely and enjoy. We found the waters flowing
in the same path and pools separated by a combination of large spherical
stones. When you put yourself into the water, you
will barely feel the various kinds of fishes softly
touching your feet and swimming along with you

Leah went beside the pool but she wasn‟t

yet thinking to swim. All of a sudden, Kenneth,
wanting to play pranks on us all, attempted to
push her and she fell down to the water. When
We spotted Leah surprised and amused to find
out what a prank Kenneth has just played on Leah put herself up, she found out that it was
her. (Photo taken by Kenneth Jhon Estaño)
Kenneth. So Karen, being afraid to think Kenneth
might push her, too, rushed to the poolside. She thought she can escape unlike
Leah, but splash! Everybody started to laugh and then went down to join into
the water. We all played in and enjoyed the rest of the time.

Flornel, Karen,
and Leah fondly
featured the best
of their
poses at the pool
while Kenneth
captured the
starry scenes.

It is said that many Generals in their youth had memories of The Bridge separating
the deep and shallow portions of the Main Pool. Thousands must have waded or
swam under The Bridge a la The Bridge of Sighs in Venice.

It is even possible to do what you wish for

without having a large amount of money, get a trip
and have fun with your friends at the same time. Yes,
believe us; you can achieve a good escapade
Beams on a groufie for a mission experience at your convenience!
accomplished! We all felt fulfilled and
rewarded right after a fun, fun, fun
experience at Olaer Springs.

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