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A/B testing

starter kit

A / B T E S T I N G S TA R T E R K I T 1
So you want to start optimizing your website for conversion rates? Here’s
what you need to get started:

1. A way to keep track of your experiments

2. Software for running your experiments
3. The knowledge to understand your data

Let’s walk through them one-by-one...

Keeping track of your experiments

The way we keep track of our experiments is in a simple spreadsheet. You
can download our template here.

Software for running experiments

Paid option: Optimizely or VWO

Both of these do the same thing, splitting traffic into two different variants
and tracking the conversions. VWO has some built-in features like heat-
maps and pop-up surveys. If you think you’ll need that, then VWO is a good
choice. Both come with plans based on your traffic load, but be prepared;
it’s quite pricey.

Free option: Google Optimize

Google has both a free and paid A/B testing software, which is a good
place to start if you want to test the waters.

Understanding your data: Article – 7 rules for A/B testing

Our Senior Director of Growth at GrowthLab, Lars Loftgren, wrote a
phenomenal article on A/B testing that will help you understand your data
and make better decisions regarding your experiements.

You’ll learn:
• How long to run your experiments
• How much traffic you need
• Statistical Significance
• And a lot more...

Check it out:

A / B T E S T I N G S TA R T E R K I T 2

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