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Unidade, lição, vocabulário

1,1,1 Saying hello
1,1,2 Welcome to 6 loquacious Tagarela, falador
1,1,3 6 Minute Suffixes able
Vocabulary (responsable), ee
(interviewee), ness
1,2,1 Asking Getting to know Rollercoasters Montanha russa
Questions each other
1,3,3 exhilarating empolgante
1,4,1 Do you know
how to begin an
e-mail or a
1,5,4 compass bussula
2,1,1 fashion and let's get started Vamos começar
clothes scruffy mal vestido
jumper camisola
Adverbos e trainers comfortable sports shoes (ténis)
adjetivos as long as it's not Desde que...não todos os dias
every day
Present Simple hoodie Casaco com capuz
and Present
2,,3,1 Ouvir de novo
2,4,4 catwalk passarela
2,5,2 Ouvir de novo
3,2,2 seasick enjoo
stern Popa do navio
galley the kitchen in a ship, boat or plane
berths beliches
2,5,3 bow front end of the boat
stern back end of the boat
rudder a flat piece of wood or metal at the back of a boat that
controls the direction of travel (by moving from side to side)
deck outside part of the boat that people can walk on

Boom a pole that supports the bottom of the sail and can move from
side to side
mast a tall pole that supports the sail on a boat
mainsail the largest sail on a boat
galley kitchen area
3,2,2 Ouvir de novo
aloof distante
furry peludo
loving amoroso
conforting reconfortante
cuddly fofinho
selfish egoísta
3,2,4 uso do like
3,4,3 feral cats gatos ferozes
3,5,2 Ouvir de novo
3,5,3 It's not all plain Nem tudo é simples
depression an area of low pressure that causes cold, wind and rain
gale force describes very strong wind that can cause damage
hammer down describes very heavy rain
batten down the prepare for a difficult or dangerous situation
weather the storm survive a difficult situation
4,1,2 tube metro
rush hour Hora de ponta (tráfico)
folding bike Bicicleta dobrável
4,1,5 Chunk words Grupo de palavras que aparecem sempre juntas
4,2,1 adverbs of Allways, never e sometimes
4,3,1 Ouvir de novo
4,5,1 I am missing home Tenho saudades de casa
knocked his head Bateu com a cabeça
what a scary few Que dias assustadores

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