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Name: ___________________________________ Score:____________
Grade & Section: __________________________ Date: ____________

Instructions: Read the following questions carefully. On your answer sheet, shade the letter of the correct answer.

The First Spider

A long time ago, a young woman named Gamba was very good pinning threads to turn them into
cloth, weaving it to create dresses. She would finish the dress in no time, always being of the best quality
and take more orders right away. Gamba never stopped working and weaving. She was so absorbed with
her weaving tools, that she even put more importance of them than her mother. Her mother was worried
about her. One day, Gamba went to town to get new threads. Meanwhile, her mother noticed the torn
curtain she asked Gamba to sew was not done yet. She thought that Gamba neglected her errand. So she
took a needle and a thread from her daughter’s sewing tools to fix it herself. When Gamba came back and
noticed that her mother used her sewing tools, she got mad and confronted her. It offended her mother
and to her anger she said, “If you care nothing but weaving, even more than I your mother, may you be
weaving all throughout your life.” Seconds after her mother said this, Gamba turned into a weaving insect.
With much regret, her mother called the weaving insect “Gagamba”.

1. What does Gamba love to do most?

A. painting C. dancing
B.weaving D. gardening
2. What happened first before Gamba turned into a spider?
A. She weaved threads into cloth.
B. She sewed dresses for other people.
C. She got angry at her mother.
D. She went to buy some threads.
3. Gamba never stopped working and weaving. This statement would give us an idea about Gamba. Which of this words
best describes her?
A. diligent C. thrifty
B. lazy D. respectful
4. Which event could have happened if mother had not sewn the torn curtain?
A. Gamba would have sewn it herself.
B. Gamba could have changed the curtains into a new set of curtains.
C. Gamba could have bought a new curtain.
D. Gamba could have done the sewing better than her mother.

Identify the figures of speech used in the following sentences. Choose your answer in the box.

A. Simile C. Personification
B. Metaphor D. Onomatopoeia

5. The rain whispered as it fell to the ground.

6. Father works like an ant
7. My life is an open book.
8. The moon played hide and seek with the clouds.
9. The thunder was as loud as the fireworks.
10. “Wee! Wee! Wee!” as the baby mimicked the ambulance.
The Legend of the Monkey
Once there was a young girl who lived in the forest and was a trainee of the Goddess of Weavers.
One day, the Goddess called the girl and asked her to make a dress made of cotton. The young girl had no
idea how to make it. So the Goddess explained that she has to clean the cotton, beat it, spin it, weave it
into cloth, cut it and finally sew it. But the girl was lazy and thought that making a dress out of the cotton
was a lot of hard work. So she thought of an easier way. She took the leather cloth which is used to beat
the cotton and wore it. She also thought that the leather would last longer than the cotton. When the
Goddess asked the girl to show her the dress, she got furious to find out what the girl did. So she punished
her by making the leather stick to her skin and beat her with a wooden stick which became her tail. And
the girl became the first.

11. The girl is a trainee. She is learning how to become a good weaver. Which word is similar to the word trainee?
A. skillful C. expert
B. learner D. practiced
12. Which event happened before the girl thought of making the leather as her dress?
A. The girl sewed the leather into a dress.
B. The goddess asked the girl to make a dress.
C. The leather stuck to the girl’s skin.
D. The girl turned into a monkey.
13. All, except one, has a long e vowel sound. Which is the word?
A. beat C. find
B. weave D. trainee
14. Which compound word can be formed out of the words line and clothes?
A. lineclothes C. clotheline
B. lines of clothes D. clothesline
15. Read the sentence and choose the word read with silent letter. The young girl had no idea how to make a dress out
of cotton.
A. young C. make
B. girl D. idea
16. In this series of words, which word should come after cotton: car, cotton, clean, cut, cry?
A. cry C. cut
B. clean D. car
17. Which is the plural of monkey?
A. monkies C. monkeys
B. monkey D. monkeyses
18. Which expression could tell plural of sugar?
A. a pocket C. a houseful
B. a teaspoon D. a bottle of
19. Which sentence shows the correct expression of possessive nouns?
A. The goddess’ stick turned into a tail.
B. The goddes’s stick turned into a tail.
C. The goddess stick turned into a tail.
D. The goddesse’s stick turned into a tail.
20. Find the pair of this word: forest
A. plain C. woods
B. mountain D. barrio
21. Angry is to calm as lazy is to ___________.
A. idle C. slow
B. hardworking D. fast
22. Which could be the reason why the goddess of Weavers wanted the girl to sew a dress?
A. She wanted the girl to learn how to sew a dress.
B. She wanted the girl to sell the dress.
C. She wanted the girl to make a dress for her.
D. She wanted the girl to do things for her.
23. You were asked to do something but you do not know how to do it. What should you do?
A. Ask the help of someone to do it for you.
B. Ask the help of someone to show you how to do it, then, try it yourself.
C. Ask the help of someone to show you how to do it then wait for other’s help.
D. Ask someone to work it out with you.
24. Read the sentences below. Which sentence has a word with a long vowel a?
A. The Goddess of Weaver asked the girl to make a dress.
B. The Goddess of Weaver said the girl has to clean, beat, spin, cut the cotton then sew the dress.
C. The Goddess of weaver thought the cotton dress is fine.
D. The Goddess of weaver got furious when the girl disobeyed her.
25. Which word does not belong to the group?
A. church C. chair
B. choir D. champ
26. if you have to arrange the words in alphabetical order, which could be the correct order: monkey, men, make, mud,
A. monkey, mud, mitten, make, men
B. mud, monkey, mitten, men, make
C. make, men, mitten, monkey, mud
D. mitten, men, make, monkey, mud
27. If goddess is to goddesses, then trainess is to ___________.
A. traineesses C. trainers
B. trainees D. traineies
28. Which sentence is expressed correctly?
A. The girl wears the leather as her dress.
B. The girl wear the leather as her dress.
C. The girls wears the leather as their dress.
D. The girl wearing the leather as her dress.
29. _________ of medicine can cure the camel’s wounds from the beating.
A. A box of C. A slice of
B. A few drops D. A dash of
30. Which set of words have the long /o/ sound?
A. bone, coil, done C. joke, lone, rode
B. cone, food, gone D. soup, tone, rose
31. Which set of words have the long /u/ sound?
A. cute, huge, sure C. some, sum, hum
B. cube, make, tore D. huge, look, non
32. Which pair of words will best complete the idea of the sentence: Louise ____________ milk for breakfast. She
_____ it is a good way to start the day.
A. drinks – think C. drinks – thinks
B. drink – thinks D. drink - think
33. The bridge is flooded. It is impossible to cross now. What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. possible to flood C. not possible to cross
B. possible to cross D. not possible to flood
34. Kiko is a good cat. He is harmless with children.
A. can cause harm C. full of harm
B. cannot cause harm D. little harm
35. What is the correct sequence in making a sandwich? Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Put your bread together
2. Get two slices of bread.
3. First, you need to buy loaf bread and peanut butter.
4. Spread the peanut butter on the bread
A. 1-2-3-4 C. 3-1-4-2
B. 3-2-4-1 D. 4-3-2-1
36. Read the selection carefully. What do you think Rica and Rita should do?
Rica and Rita were walking from school, when they noticed a wallet near the trash can. They picked it up. They
opened it and saw five hundred pesos. They looked at each other. Both were hungry. They stood for a while thinking.
A. Use the money to buy food C. Throw the wallet in the trash can
B. Get the money and give it to mother D. Keep the wallet and report it to the Police Station with Mother
37. Which is a slogan?
A. It is chocolate C. Cover the trash cans
B. Stop, look and listen D. Coca-Cola- It’s the real thing
38. Which letters are found between R and U?
39. Roberta felt like hiding her face. She was wearing her new eyeglasses to school for the first time. She felt that
everyone on the street was laughing at her. “I look like an owl,” she thought to herself. What do you think did the
character feel?
A. happy C. jealous
B. angry D. shy
Read the paragraph carefully. Answer the questions.
Leonardo’s mother prepares the cake. She fills the table with delicious food and sweets. She looks out the
window and sees Leonardo arriving from school. Mother tells everyone to get ready. As soon as Leonardo opens the
door, everyone starts to sing.
40. What is the mood of the selection?
A. sad C. happy
B. festive D. gloomy
41. What feeling will Leonardo have when he gets in the house?
A. calm C. afraid
B. surprised D. funny
42. Which of the following is NOT a compound word?
A. inside C. somewhere
B. herself D. happily
43. In the sentence “Polly and her friends eat the leaves of the vegetables in the garden. They are always hungry.”
Which of the following words is a personal pronoun?
A. Polly C. eat
B. They D. leaves
44. What is the correct sequence of the direction given below?
1. Measure rice with a cup and put in the cooking pot.
2. Cook rice for about 25 minutes.
3. Follow the 1:1 ratio. One cup of rice to one cup of water.
4. Wash rice.
A. 2-1-3-4 C. 3-2-1-4
B. 1-4-3-2 D. 4-1-3-2 1
45. Which of the directions given below should be done first?
1. Heat the pan and add cooking oil.
2. Crack the eggs and place in the hot pan.
3. When the edges turn white the eggs are done.
A. number 1 C. number 3
B. number 2 D. not in the given

Caterpillar by Christina Rossetti

Brown and furry
Caterpillar in a hurry,
Take your walk
To the shady leaf, or stalk,
Or what not,
Which may be the chosen spot.
No toad spy you,
Hovering bird of prey pass by you;
Spin and die,
To live again a butterfly

46. The word “stalk” in line 4 means_____.

A. follow C. stem
B. hunt D. branch
47. What does the second to the last line connote?
A. The caterpillar rests in a cocoon for a while.
B. The caterpillar suddenly falls from the leaf.
C. The caterpillar dies after spinning.
D. The caterpillar lives once again.
48. Which sentence about the poem follows the correct order of adjectives?
A. The poem is about brown furry one caterpillar.
B. The poem is about one furry brown caterpillar.
C. The poem is about one brown furry caterpillar.
D. The poem is about all the caterpillars.
49. Before becoming a butterfly, it used to be a caterpillar. What kind of an adverb is the underlined word?
A. place C. manner
B. time D. degree

Browsers,182 MS PowerPoint, 160 Formatting Tools, 134

Programming, 239 Internet, 172 Rectangles and Squares, 86
Microsoft Word, 122 Social Networking, 196

50. What is shown above?

A. glossary C. dictionary
B. index D. table of contents
51. What topic is found on page 239?
A. Browsers C. Programming
B. Internet D. Social Networking
52. Which topic comes before Microsoft Word?
A. Internet C. MS PowerPoint
B. Browsers D. Programming
53. Which of the following topics is not found in the book?
A. MS Word C. MS PowerPoint
B. MS Excel D. Formatting Tools
54. Based on the given page, what do you think is the book about?
A. environment C. science
B. computer D. social studies

Mother: Ana, I’m going to the market. Please get me one big basket.
Ana: Will this be okay, Mother?
Mother: Well, this one is big but I want a bigger basket since I need to buy our one-week supply of
groceries, too. (Ana gave Mother another basket.) Wow! This is perfect. I think
this is our biggest basket; enough to hold the supplies I’ll buy for the family.
Ana: Can I to come with you, Mother? I can help you carry the goodies.
Mother: How sweet of you, dear. But I’ll be fine. Your Kuya is driving me to the market.

55. Which of the sentences states a request?

A. Please get me a big basket.
B. Can I come with you, Mother?
C. How sweet of you, dear.
56. Which one is asking permission?
A. Please get me a big basket.
B. Can I come with you, Mother?
C. How sweet of you, dear.
D. But I’ll be fine.
57. Well, this one is big but I want a bigger basket. The adjective “bigger” is in the ______degree of comparison.
A. positive C. superlative
B. comparative D. comparison
58. Which of the following is in the superlative degree?
A. big C. biggest
B. bigger D. super big
59. The above pie shows the items bought by mother in the market and their amount. Which food stuff has the biggest
A. vegetables C. fish
B. pork & beef D. chicken
60. Which three did Mother buy in equal amounts?
A. vegetables, pork, fish C. canned goods, chicken, vegetables
B. chicken, fish, pork & beef D. pork & beef, fish, canned goods
61. What can you infer from this chart?
A. Mother prefers poultry products to beef and pork.
B. Mother serves her family more vegetables than meat.
C. Mother doesn’t buy canned goods.
D. Mother likes to buy food.
62. In what other form can these data be possibly presented?
A. map C. timeline
B. graph D. outline
63. It is Mother’s first time to go to the market. Which tool will help her reach the place?
A. map C. timeline
B. graph D. outline

The Sleeping Beauty (Adapted)

In a place many years ago, the most beautiful princess was born to king and queen. They named her
Rosamond and gave a great party during her baptism. All the wise women were invited except the thirteenth
wise woman.
On the day of the party, the thirteenth wise came. She was so angry for she did not have a golden plate.
She left the palace hurriedly and said, “Rosamond will not die of hurting her finger with a spindle but she will
sleep for a hundred years instead.”
The king ordered his servants to burn all the spindles in the palace.
Rosamond grew up and become the loveliest princess in the kingdom. On her fifteenth birthday, she
went around the palace. She entered in one of the rooms and saw a woman with spindle. She borrowed the
spindle and was wounded. Immediately she fell into a deep sleep. All people in the kingdom went asleep too,
including the animals.
After a hundred years, a handsome young prince came to the palace. He was suprised of the thick vines
that covered the palace. He went inside and saw the lovely sleeping princess. For him, she was the most
beautiful princess he ever saw. He fell in love with an instant. He knelt down and kissed her.
The princess woke up. All the people and animals woke up, too.

64. Which of the following sentences expresses an opinion?

A. The king and the queen had a daughter named Rosamond.
B. They gave a great party during her baptism.
C. The king ordered the servants to burn all the spindles.
D. The prince thinks Rosamond is the most beautiful princess he ever saw.
65. Identify which sentence is a fantasy.
A. The king and queen were very happy when Rosamond was born.
B. There were many visitors during her baptism.
C. On her fifteenth birthday, she went around the palace.
D. She slept for more than a hundred years.
66. Which of the following situations is likely to happen in real life?
A. A beautiful princess was born to a king and queen.
B. Rosamond fell asleep the moment she hurt her finger with the spindle.
C. All the people in the kingdom fell asleep including all the animals.
D. The princess slept for more than a hundred years.

Doggy Heaven
All doggies go to heaven(or so I’ve been told).
They run and play along the streets of Gold.
Why is heaven such a doggie-delight? Why, because
there’s not a single cat in sight!

67. Based on the poem, what conclusion can you give?

A. All dogs go to heaven because there is no cat there.
B. Dogs run and play along the streets.
C. Dogs enjoy in heaven because there is no cat to be seen.
D. Cats are not allowed in heaven
68. If rewrite means to write again, what does retell mean?
A. tell gain C. said again
B. read again D. do it again
69. It could be understood that the suffix -able means ___________ .
A. action or process C. pertaining to
B. capable of something D. quality
70. What do suffixes do to words?
A. change the meaning of the words
B. add beauty to the words
C. do nothing to the word
D. give meaning to the words
71. You are asked to construct sentences using words with suffixes. The topic is about community helpers. Which of the
following sentences will you include?
A. A teacher helps the community by teaching.
B. Uncle Bert sweeps the street everyday.
C. The nurse helps take care of the sick.
D. They help one another.
Study the medical prescriptions below.

72. How often should Veda take the medicine?

A. every four hours C. every six hours
B. three times a day D. once a day
73. In what form is the medicine being prescribed?
A. liquid C. tablet
B. gel D. capsule
74. Ana and her friends attended the event, ___________? What is the proper question tag for this statement?
A. didn’t they? B. didn’t she? C. didn’t he? D. doesn’t she?
75. Mr. Bean is one of the funniest men in the world, _________? What is the proper question tag for this statement?
A. is he? B. isn’t he? C. was he? D. wasn’t he?
76. The _______ _______ _______ _______ drink is so delicious (dark, Swiss hot, chocolate). What is the proper
arrangement of adjectives?
A. hot Swiss dark chocolate drink C. hot dark Swiss chocolate drink
B. Swiss hot dark chocolate drink D. Swiss dark chocolate hot drink
77. This modal is used to express ability and permission. What is this?
A. may B. might C. can D. could
78. This modal is used to express obligation, requirement or command. What is this?
A. should B. must C. would D. will
79. What is the largest continent in the world? What kind of sentence is this according to use and form?
A. Declarative sentence C. Interrogative sentence
B. Imperative sentence C. Exclamatory sentence
80. Wow! What a handsome guy he is! What kind of sentence is this according to use and form?
A. Declarative sentence C. Interrogative sentence
B. Imperative sentence D. Exclamatory sentence
81. I will go to SM later to buy some stuff. What kind of sentence is this according to use and form?
A. Declarative sentence C. Interrogative sentence
B. Imperative sentence D. Exclamatory sentence
82. Bring out your English book and answer the following activities on page 13. What kind of sentence is this according
to use and form?
A. Declarative sentence C. Interrogative sentence
B. Imperative sentence D. Exclamatory sentence
83. The girl sitting beside the fountain is my auntie. What kind of sentence is this according to structure?
A. Simple sentence C. Complex sentence
B. Compound sentence D. Compound-complex sentence
84. I was playing some sort of thrilling games. What kind of sentence is this according to structure?
A. Simple sentence C. Complex sentence
B. Compound sentence D. Compound-complex sentence
85. Don’t cheat; instead, study harder. What kind of sentence is this according to structure?
A. Simple sentence C. Complex sentence
B. Compound sentence D. Compound-complex sentence
86. This kind of pronoun is placed immediately after a noun it emphasizes or at the end of a sentence. What is this?
A. Intensive Pronoun C. Indefinite Pronoun
B. Reflexive Pronoun D. Demonstrative Pronoun
87. This kind of pronoun follows a verb or a preposition and always refers to the subject of the sentence. What is this?
A. Intensive Pronoun C. Indefinite Pronoun
B. Reflexive Pronoun D. Demonstrative Pronoun
88. Marsha’s parents themselves were unsure of her academic potentials. What kind of pronoun was used in the
A. Intensive Pronoun C. Indefinite Pronoun
B. Reflexive Pronoun D. Demonstrative Pronoun
89. I found myself experimenting on a principle of light and sound. What kind of pronoun was used in the sentence?
A. Intensive Pronoun C. Indefinite Pronoun
B. Reflexive Pronoun D. Demonstrative Pronoun
90. Joshua walks to school all by __________. What is the correct pronoun to be used in the sentence?
A. Themselves B. Itself C. Himself D. Herself
91. Suddenly, she found _________ standing at the gate of the school. What is the correct pronoun to be used in the
A. Themselves B. Itself C. Himself D. Herself
92. Our school principal suspended the class. What could be the possible cause of this action?
A. So, the students did not come to school
B. Hence, all teachers got relieved of the whole day loads.
C. Therefore, some guardians complained why.
D. Due to school activities held in the school.
93. My father is mad at me now. What could be the possible cause of this action?
A. Instead, I will do everything for him to forgive me
B. And so, I will not also forgive what he did to me
C. Because I disobeyed his commands
D. However, I do not care about how he feels
94. This tense of the verb expresses an action that will happen. What is this?
A. Simple Future C. Future Progressive
B. Future Perfect D. Future Perfect Progressive
95. It is being talked about in the sentence. What is it?
A. Subject B. Predicate C. Cause D. Effect
96. It is the reason why something happens. What is it?
A. Subject B. Predicate C. Cause D. Effect
97. It is the effect of a certain action. What is it?
A. Subject B. Predicate C. Cause D. Effect
98. It talks about the topic of the sentence. What is it?
A. Subject B. Predicate C. Cause D. Effect
99. Which of the following pertains to the second person pronoun?
A. I B. You C. Us D. It
100. The soup we just ate is extremely hot! Extremely is an example of what part of speech?
A. Adjective B. Adverb C. Verb D. Preposition

Prepared by:

English Teacher

Checked by:


School Principal

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