Various Ways On How To Protect Your Hearing

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Various Ways On How To Protect Your Hearing

When your hearing is damaged, then it will be a big problem. Such is the reason why we must raise
awareness against hearing loss. We must conduct an early diagnosis of hearing problems to find solutions
immediately. Don’t wait for last-minute before starting to take care of your ears. Thus, here are some
ways on how you can protect your ears:

Use Earplugs When Dealing With Loud Noises

Around 15% of Americans today have suffered hearing loss due to loud noise at work or their home.
Chainsaws, concerts, clubs, and other loud noises can make dangerous sound levels. Thus, it is
recommended to use earplugs. You can have it at any store and it is very convenient. Visit your healthcare
provider because you can have custom-fitted earplugs too.

The earplugs of the musicians are customized. It allows the person to still hear music and conversation.
But it can reduce the noise while maintaining the quality of the original sound as much as possible. For
any hearing problem, check the Accessible & Affordable tinnitus treatment designed by a specialist

Minimize the Volume

The World Health Organization (WHO) provides that there are 1 billion young adults and teenagers around
the world who are at risk of losing their hearing due to noise from audio devices.

Thus, if you enjoy listening to music through your earbuds or headphones. Protect your ears by adhering
to the 60/60 rule. Listen at the audio of your headphones with no more than 60% volume. Do this for one
hour only or 60 minutes per day.

It is dangerous to use earbuds since it fits directly to the eardrums. As much as possible, use ear
headphones to enjoy your music.

Remember that all kinds of loud music and not just those which are played through the headphones can
present a risk for hearing loss. So if you are in the event, get away at a noisy area which will force you to
shout to people to keep the conversation going.

Give Some Time for your Ears to Recover

If you are exposed to loud background noises for a long time, you must give some time for your ears to
recover. Step outside the concert hall for five minutes to let your ears have some rest. Researchers provide
that your ears must have 16 hours of a quiet place to recover from one loud event. For more information,
check the Accessible & Affordable tinnitus treatment designed by a specialist doctor.

Skip Using the Cotton Swabs to Clean your Ears

It is common to see people using cotton swabs to clean their ears. However, this tip is not advisable. It is
normal to have wax in your ears. Your ears can clean on its own. The wax will stop the dust and other
harmful material from going inside the ear canal. When you insert anything inside the ear canals, you are
just damaging other sensitive organs which is your eardrum.
For excessive ear wax, you can clean the ear canal with the use of a damp towel. Do this tip gently in your
ears. Try using an earwax removal solution for a few nights. This will soften the wax and remove on its

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