How CAs Can Become CPAs

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How CAs Can Become CPAs

Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) are asks us for evaluation of the qualification and

qualified accountants in the United States experience.

who have passed the Uniform Certified Public (7) Now the CPA exam is conducted

Accountant Examination and have met additional (through prometric centres), but only

state education and experience requirements for USA. There are four subjects only and one

certification as a CPA. In most US states, only CPAs choose to sit individually or together. The

who are licensed are able to provide to the public, percentage is 75.

attestation (including auditing) opinions on financial (8) Exam questions mostly comprise

statements. According to Wikipedia, the exceptions Choice questions (say 60-70%), other

to this rule are Arizona, Kansas, North Carolina and formats (say 10-20%) and descriptive-

Wyoming, where although the "CPA" designation is simulation models (balance 20%).

restricted, the practice of auditing is not. (9) On an average, generally all the
States require

In the present times of fast-paced globalisation, a minimum of 150 credit hours to be complied

the qualification of a CPA will prove to be a valuable PLUS completion of the Ethics test (which can

additional asset for the Chartered Accountants be written from home--passing grade is 90%),

across the globe. Following are the 13 information before a CPA is awarded.

tips which can help a Chartered Accountant become (10) Then you will be given "Active" status of
a Certified Public Accountant. based on which you can practise in that

(1) Although the American Institute of Certified You can sit for the exam in one State and after

Public Accountants (AICPA) conducts uniform passing, shift to another State by providing

examination nationally, each State has got its valid reasons. The"Active"status will be passed

own requirements to sit for the exam. on to the other State, provided ethical test

(2) AICPA is a parent body, however only an requirements of the other State are complied

individual State can decide the pre-requisites with.

to sit for the exam in that respective State. (11) As for Colorado State is concerned, both

(3) It is our responsibility to choose the State pass certificate and Certificate of License

depending upon one's qualification and to practice are same. But, other states like

experience. Delaware, the CPA pass certificate is different

(4) Once we choose the State, eventually all the from Certificate of License to practise.

States will ask our qualification and experience (12)


to be evaluated by the designated body certain credit hours are to be maintained

(approved by AICPA/NASBA). annually. For example, in Colorado State, it is

(5) But, as of now, only Colorado State recognises 80 credit hours for two years with a minimum

Indian Chartered Accountants and so does not of 2 credit hours each year towards the

require evaluation before admission to sit for of ethics.

the exam. (13) The relevant details can be availed from the

(6) However, after passing the exam, Colorado websites and www.cpa2biz.

State does not award `CPA' as at that stage it com

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