Latihan Penulisan EndNote

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Latihan Penulisan EndNote

Pendidikan di era Revolusi Industri 4.0 (Gerstein, 2014)

(Hariri, Monypenny, & Prideaux, 2012) Pendidikan di Lampung

“School leadership is seen as important for both schools and for government and private policy-
makers. The relationships between teacher-perceived principal leadership styles, teacher-
perceived principal decision-making styles and teacher-perceived job satisfaction in schools in
Lampung Province, Indonesia were examined. Data were collected by questionnaires from 475
teachers.”(Hariri et al., 2012)


Gerstein, J. (2014). Moving from education 1.0 through education 2.0 towards education 3.0.
Hariri, H., Monypenny, R., & Prideaux, M. (2012). Principalship in an Indonesian school context:
can principal decision-making styles significantly predict teacher job satisfaction? School
Leadership & Management, 32(5), 453-471. doi:10.1080/13632434.2016.1160210

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