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Gulinao, Hyacinth Arienhail R.

AR501/ TTH 12-1:30 Prof. Beatrice Bernardino September 3, 2019

*When no one understood the lecture

Prof: “Okay, surprise recitation”

The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp is a 1632 oil painting on canvas by Rembrant.
The event can be dated to January 31 1632: the Amsterdam Guild of Surgeons, of which Tulp
was official City Anatomist, who permitted only one public dissection a year, and the body would
have to be that of an executed criminal. In the work, Dr. Nicolaes Tulp is pictured explaining
the musculature of the arm to medical professionals. Some of the spectators are various doctors
who paid commissions to be included in the painting.

First reaction every time a professor says that there will be a surprise recitation, or even
a quiz, a student would basically be shocked as if he learned nothing at all. Facial expressions of
the surgeons in the painting perfectly describe the students of this generation each time they are
not prepared for something coming in surprise.

Meme of the painting explains the concept behind the student’s behavior in a classroom.
It specifically points out the reaction of how one is not prepared at all for something that is coming,
like a surprise quiz or recitation. There are professors who teach the subject matter well that
everyone in the class can easily cope up, while there are some professors who doesn’t at all –
students under him are perhaps, very lucky.
Gulinao, Hyacinth Arienhail R. ART APPRECIATION
AR501/ TTH 12-1:30 Prof. Beatrice Bernardino September 3, 2019
Gulinao, Hyacinth Arienhail R. ART APPRECIATION
AR501/ TTH 12-1:30 Prof. Beatrice Bernardino September 3, 2019

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