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Volume 8, Supplement 2, 1993

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., Publishers

Growth Factors to Stimulate Bone Formation



During the past decade we and others have shown that bone is a storehouse for growth factors. Accordingly,
bone contains a number of growth factors including insulin-like growth factors I and I1 (IGF-I, IGF-11)
transforming growth factor (TGF-PI, TGF-P,), platelet-derived growth factor, basic and acidic fibroblast
growth factor, and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). Osteoblasts have been shown to produce many of
these growth factors, which then act in an autocrine and paracrine fashion. The production of these growth
factors is regulated by both systemic hormones and local mechanical stress. Recent studies on the relative
distribution of bone growth factors during different physiologic and pathologic situations indicate that the
concentration of bone growth factors is not invariant and provide indirect evidence that growth factors
deposited in bone have physiologicsignificance. In addition, many of these bone growth factors have been shown
to increase bone formation either systemically or locally in vivo. Based on the past findings, we propose that
different growth factors may have a specific role in regulating proliferation and differentiation of different
stages of osteoblast lineage cells and play important roles in the local regulation of bone formation.

INTRODUCTION mones (e.g., parathyroid hormone, vitamin D, calcitonin) and

(2) local regulation. Local mechanisms are believed to involve


enables it to remodel itself in response to changing physical
demands and to repair itself after injury. This regenerative
the actions of growth factors that act as autocrine or paracrine
effectors of osteoblastic and osteoclastic proliferation and dif-
ferentiation. This is not to say that systemic regulation of bone
property of skeleton is essential for the maintenance of the does not use growth factors. Indeed, there is evidence that the
structural mass, strength, and shape of bone and for fracture skeletal effects of at least some hormones (e.g., PTH,vitamin
healing. Since the early studies of Harris and Heany (1969), it D) are mediated by production of local growth factors under the
has been known that the volume of bone and ultimately its influence of these systemic hormones (Mohan and Baylink,
strength are determined by the balance between two opposing 1991a,b). Recent findings that skeletal tissue is a major storage
processes, osteoblastic bone formation and osteoclastic bone site for growth factors and that bone cells in culture produce and
resorption (i.e., coupling). The balance is shifted toward bone respond to bone growth factors support the concept that regula-
formation by increased mechanical stress and toward bone tion of bone volume may in part depend on the local growth-
resorption by disuse or by chronic disease states, such as promoting activities of bone growth factors. In this article, we
osteoporosis. Thus, in order for us to understand how the bone evaluate the potential roles of bone-derived growth factors as
volume changes during physiologic and pathologic situations, determinants of local bone formation by discussing (1) growth
we need to understand the mechanisms by which osteoblastic factors stored in bone and dentin, (2) growth factors produced by
bone formation and osteoclastic bone resorption are regulated at bone cells, (3) biologic actions of bone-derived growth factors in
the local sites of bone. In this regard, two mechanisms have been vitro and in vivo, and (4) models illustrating how bone-derived
postulated for regulation of bone formation and resorption: (1) growth factors could be involved in mediating the local regula-
systemic regulation by calcium- and phosphatt:-regulating hor- tion of bone formation to resorption.

Departments of Medicine, Orthopedics, Periodontics, Biochemistry, and Physiology, Loma Linda University and Pettis VA Hospital, Lorna
Linda, California.



Actions on osteoblasts

Factor Synonym kDa Proliferation Differentiation

IGF-I Somatomedin-C 7.7 7“ t
IGF-II Skeletal growth factor 7.5 t t
TGF-p, Cartilage inducing factor-A 25 t t
TGF& Cartilage inducing factor-B 25 t t
Basic FGF 16 t 1
Acidic FGF 17 t 1
PDGF 35 t 1
BMP-2 BMP-2A 30-35 t t
BMP-3 0steogenin 30-40 t t
BMP-4 BMP-2b 30-35 t t
BMP-5 30-35 t ?
BMP-6 30-35 t ?
BMP-7 Osteogenic protein-1 30-35 t t
a t ,increase; 1,decrease;?, not known.

GROWTH FACTORS STORED found that proteins extracted from skeletal tissues of 10 animals
IN BONE AND DENTIN representing five of the six vertebrate classes exhibited mitoge-
nic activity to embryonic chick bone cells. These studies
showed that IGF-I and IGF-I1 extractable from skeletal tissues
During the past decade, studies on identification of bone are conserved from the mammalian class down through the
growth factors have been pursued in several laboratories. In cartilaginous fish class, thus suggesting that storage of growth
these studies, two assay system have been used frequently for factors in bone is an active process (Bautista et al., 1990).
identification of active factors from bone extract during purifi- In 1%5, it was discovered that demineralized bone extract
cation. They are ( I ) bone cell proliferation assay using embry- could induce bone formation ectopically (Urist, 1965). Since
onic fetal bone cells in serum free culture and (2) induction of Urist’s discovery, scotes of articles have been published further
bone formation at an extraskeletal ectopic site. By using these demonstrating the role of extracellular matrix in local bone
asqy systems, several bonederived osteogenic protein factors induction. The finding that the bone-inducingactivity elicited by
have been successfully isolated from human, bovine, and rat demineralized bone matrix could be dissociated into a soluble
bones (Table I). Farley and Baylink (1982) reported that component and assayed by implanting with an appropriate
extracts of human bone contained abundant mitogenic activity collagenous matrix carrier in rats permitted the isolation of
for embryonic chick calvarial bone cells in serum-free culture. several osteogenic proteins, bone morphogenetic proteins
Subsequently, it was found that extracts from chicken, rat, and (BMPs) (Celeste et al., 1990; Luyten et al., 1989; Sampath et
bovine bones contained similar mitogenic activity, termed al., 1990;Wozney et al., 1988). The subsequent isolation of the
“skeletal growth factor” (SGF) (Mohan and Baylink, 1991b). In genes encoding these proteins from human cDNA libraries
1988, SGF, the most abundant growth factor stored in human identified a family of proteins including BMP-2 through
bone was purified to homogeneity and was shown to be very BMP-7. The predicted amino acid sequences of BMPs indicate
similar if not identical to insulin-like growth factor-11 (IGF-11) that they are all members of the TGF-p superfamily, sharing a
purified from human serum (Mohan et al., 1988). high degree of homology within the C-terminal 7cysteine
During the purification of IGF-II from human bone extract, domain (Celeste et al., 1990; Luyten et al., 1989; Ozkaynak et
evidence was found for the presenceof additionalgrowth factors al., 1990, Sampath et al., 1990). The significance of why there
in human bone. Characterization of these additional growth are so many BMPs in bone can only be speculated at this time.
factor activities revealed that (1) human bone matrix contains Extracts of human dentin have been shown to be mitogenic to
multiple growth factors, including IGF-I, IGF-11, transforming embryonic chick bone cells, suggesting that human dentin, like
growth factor+ (TGF-p), plateletderived growth factor human bone, may contain growth factors (Finkelman et al.,
(PDGF), and basic fibroblast growth factor (basic FGF), (2) 1990). Subsequently, we found that dentin extracts contained
human bone matrix does not contain detectable amounts of IGF-I, IGF-11, and TGF-P. The concentrations of these growth
epidermal growth factor, and (3) IGF-I1 and TGF-p are the two factors were found to be similar to those found for human bone.
most abundant growth factors present in human bone matrix, Dentin proteins also have been shown to exhibit osteoinductive
and IGF-I, PDGF, and basic FGF are severalfold less abundant properties (Bang and Urist, 1967a,b; Somerman et al., 1987;
(Mohan et al., 1987). Consistent with these data, studies by Yeomans and Urist, 1969). In addition, extracts of cementum
Seyedin et al. (1985), Hauschka et al. (1986), Jennings and have been shown to be mitogenic to gingivial fibroblasts in
Mohan (1990), and Canalis et al. (1988) have shown that bovine culture (Miki et al., 1987). Thus, growth factors are present in
bone also contains multiple growth factors, including TGF-p, , abundance not only in bone but also in other hard tissues, such as
TGF-p,, IGF-I, PDGF, acidic FGF, and basic FGF. It was also dentin and cementum.

GROWTH FACTORS PRODUCED lating not only the production of IGFs but also the secretion of
There have been few reports on the regulation of TGF-P
If growth factors are fixed in bone for future actions (see next production in bone cells. Kasperk et al. (1990a) have shown that
section), it follows that these bone cell regulatory proteins treatment of normal human bone cells with dihydroxytestoster-
should be produced by bone cells and deposited as a constituent one increased the TGF-P mRNA level. In addition, Oursleret al.
of bone matrix. Consistent with this interpretation, we have (1991) and Finkelman et al. (1992) have shown that 17P-
found that human bone cells in culture produce a number of estradiol increased the level of protein and mRNA for TGF-P in
growth factors, many of which are known to be stored in human a dose-dependent manner in normal human osteoblast-like cells
bone, including IGF-I, IGF-11, TGF-P, and PDGF. Bovine bone and normal mouse bone cells, respectively. Coincubation of
cells have been shown to produce basic FGF (Globus et al., l7P-estradiol with an equimolar concentration of PTH abolished
1989), and since basic FGF is found in human bone, it seems the stimulation of TGF-P seen with estradiol alone. Finkelman
likely that human bone cells also produce basic FGF. Of these et al. (1991) have shown that I ,25(OH),D, increased production
growth factors, IGF-I1 seems to be the most abundant mito- of TGF-P in mouse osteoblasts. In addition, recent studies have
gen produced by human bone cells. IGF-I is produced by human shown that TGF-P is autoinductive in human bone cells and that
bone cells at 50-100-fold less concentration than IGF-I1 dexamethasone reduces both its constitutive and autoinduced
(Mohan et al., 1990). In contrast to human bone cells, adult release (Firek et al., 1992). These findings are consistent with
mouse and rat bone cells in culture produce and adult rat and the idea that systemic agents may modulate their effects in the
mouse bone extract contain severalfold more IGF-I than IGF-11. local areas of bone by altering regulation of bone growth factors.
Thus, the relative distribution of IGF-I and IGF-I1 appears to be With regard to BMPs, very little is known about which cell
different between rodents and humans (Mohan and Baylink, types produce BMPs and how they are regulated. Harris et al.
1991b). (1991) have shown that retinoic acid regulates induction of
Recent studies suggest that systemic hormones may modulate BMP-4 and BMP-2 mRNA level at the transcriptional level,
local bone formation, at least in part, through regulation of suggesting that retinoic acid may exert some of its morphoge-
synthesis and release of bone growth factors (Mohan and netic effects by enhancing expression of BMPs.
Baylink, 1991b). For example, PTH has been shown to stimu-
late IGF-I release in fetal rat bone cells (McCarthy et al., 1989b)
and in newborn mouse calvaria (Linkhart and Mohan 1989).
Progesterone has been shown to stimulate human bone cell BIOLOGIC ACTIONS OF BONE-DERIVED
proliferation and production of IGF-I1 (Tremollieres et al., GROWTH FACTORS IN VITRO AND IN VIVO
1992), and 17Pestradiol has been shown to increase release of
IGF-I, IGF-11, and TGF-P in rat osteosarcoma cell line UMR IGF-I and IGF-I1 have been shown to stimulate proliferation
106 (Gray et al., 1989a,b). In addition to the systemic regula- in serum-free cultures of human bone cells derived from iliac
tion, there is evidence for the regulation of IGF-I and IGF-I1 crest and calvarial bone cells derived from embryonic chick,
production by local factors. For example, low-amplitude, fre- fetal mouse, and fetal rat (Mohan and Baylink, 1991b). In
quency-specific electric fields increase the release of IGF-I1 in addition to its effect on bone cell proliferation, IGF-I1 has been
TE85 human osteoblast-like osteosarcoma cell line (Fitzsim- shown to stimulate the synthesis of type I collagen in untrans-
mons et al., 1992). We consider electric fields to be. a local factor formed normal human bone cells (Mohan and Baylink,
because we believe that exercise, which is a Itxal effector of 1991a,b). IGF-I and IGF-I1 have been shown to increase bone
bone, may mediate its actions on bone through creating electric collagen synthesis and decrease collagen degradation in intact
fields. In addition, IGF-I1 and TGF-P have been shown to rat calvaria in vitro (McCarthy et al., 1989a). Presumably, these
modulate production of IGF-I in a mouse osteoblastic cell line responses were from relatively mature osteoblasts. In contrast to
(Tremollieres et al., 1991). Because all of these growth factors the actions of IGF-I and IGF-11, the biologic effects of TGF-P
are anabolic for bone cells in culture, it seems possible that depend on cell type, cell density, and culture conditions. For
systemic and local stimulators of bone formation may mediate example, TGF-P has been shown to be. a potent mitogen for
their effects by the elaboration of growth factors. calvaria cells derived from embryonic chick and newborn mouse
Human bone cells in culture produce, in addition to IGFs, osteoblasts, where it inhibited proliferation of MC3T3-EI
IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs), which have been shown to mouse osteoblasts (Tremollieres et al., 1991). In normal human
modulate IGF actions in bone. Five different IGFBPs, desig- osteoblasts, the effects of TGF-P appeared to be dependent on
nated IGFBP-2 through IGFBP-6, have beer) shown to be cell density and dose. At low density, TGF-P stimulated cell
produced by human bone cells (Bautista et al., 1991; Mohan et proliferation at low doses, whereas it inhibited cell proliferation
al., 1989; Mohan and Baylink, 1991b). Secretion of IGFBPs at high doses (Datta et al., 1989). In addition, TGF-P has been
from bone cells in vitro, however, appears to be cell-line specific shown to stimulate production of type I collagen in human bone
(Hassager ct al., 1992). Studies have shown also that both cells (Strong et al., 1988). In chick growth plate chondrocytes,
systemic and local agents regulate production of IGFBPs in bone TGF-P inhibited collagen synthesis but stimulated noncollagen
cells (Chen et al., 1991b; LaTour et al., 1990; Scharla et al., protein synthesis and sulfate incorporation (O’Keefe et al.,
1991). Based on the findings that IGFBPs can modulate IGF 1988). In contrast to IGFs and TGF-P, which stimulate both
actions either positively (Andress and Birnbaum, 1992) or proliferative and differentiative functions of bone cells, PDGF
negatively (Mohan et al.. 1989). it is proposed that local and and basic FGF have been shown to stimulate human bone cell
systemic agents may modulate bone cell proliferation by modu- proliferation under certain culture conditions but had no effect

on collagen synthesis. Both PDGF and basic FGF have been formation in vivo. Noda and Camilliere (1989) have shown that
shown to be potent mitogens for bone cells derived from daily injections of TGF-P directly onto the periostea of parietal
embryonic chick calvaria, newborn mouse calvaria, bovine bones of neonatal rats stimulated the formation of woven bone.
bone, and cultured rat calvaria in organ culture (Mohan and Consistent with these data, Joyce et al. (1990b) have shown that
Baylink, 1991a,b). Interactions among growth factors are likely daily injections of TGF-P, for 14 days in the subperiosteal
to be important regarding their actions on bone cells (Centrella et regions of newborn rat femurs resulted in localized intramem-
al., 1987; Kasperk et al., 1990b; Pfeilschifter et al., 1990). branous bone formation and chondrogenesis. Beck et al. (1991)
Thus, bone-derived growth factors have been shown to stimulate have reported that a single topical application of TGF-P, can
bone cell proliferation or both proliferation and differentiated accelerate the onset of bone formation and increase the area of
cell function. bone formation in a soft-tissue wound-healing model in which
There have been very few reports on the biologic actions of ear cartilage and surrounding connective tissue are exposed to
BMPs on bone-derived cells in vitro. Thies et al. (1992) have the growth factor. A role for TGF-P, in fracture repair has been
shown that recombinant BMP-2 increased alkaline phosphatase reported (Joyce et al., 1990a). These in vivo findings are
activity and osteocalcin production in the bone marrow stromal consistent with the possibility that TGF-P may have therapeutic
cell line W-20-17, raising the possibility that BMP-2 may be application in hard tissue repair.
involved in the differentiation of osteoblasts from progenitor With regard to the in vivo actions of BMPs, there have been
cells resident in the bone marrow. Osteogenin, which has been several studies demonstrating that implantation of recombinant
shown to be identical to BMP-3, increased alkaline phosphatase BMPs can induce bone formation using the rat ectopic bone
activity and collagen synthesis in rat bone cells in vitro (Luyten formation assay system (Celeste et al., 1990; Luyten et al.,
et al., 1992). Chen et al. (1991a) have reported that BMP-4 1989; Sampath et al., 1990; Wozney et al., 1988). Wang et al.
stimulated cell proliferation, alkaline phosphatase activity, and (1990) have shown that implantation of 0.5-1 15 p g of partially
collagen synthesis in rat osteoblast-like cells in vitro. Luyten et purified human recombinant BMP-2 resulted in cartilage by day
al. (1992) have shown that highly purified osteogenin (BMP-3) 7 and bone formation by day 14 in a dose-dependent manner.
and recombinant human BMP-4 stimulated in a dose-dependent Luyten et al. (1992) have shown that purified osteogenin
manner the synthesis of proteoglycans and decreased their rate (BMP-3) when implanted ectopically in conjunction with colla-
of degradation in bovine articular cartilage explant cultures, thus gen induced both cartilage and bone formation. In addition,
suggesting that BMPs are capable of stimulating and maintain- Sampath et al. (1992) have shown that recombinant human OP-1
ing the chondrocyte phenotype in vitro. Sampath et al. (1992) (BMP-7) induced new bone formation in the rat subcutaneous
have shown that human recombinant osteogenic protein- 1 bone induction model with a specific activity comparable to that
(BMP-7) stimulated both bone cell proliferation and collagen exhibited by highly purified bovine OP-1. Implantation of the
synthesis in a dose-dependent manner in rat osteoblast-enriched OP- 1 into surgically created large diaphyseal segmental defects
bone cell cultures. Consistent with these data, Knutsen et al. in rabbits leads to the regeneration of new bone (Sampath et al.,
(1991) have reported that BMP-7 stimulated both bone cell 1992). Taken together, these observations suggest that BMPs
proliferation and alkaline phosphatase activity in human bone may have an important role in skeletal development and in the
cells and that these effects may in part be mediated by the regeneration of new bone after fracture.
increased production of IGFs. Based on these in vitro findings, it With regard to alveolar bone, great interest has been gener-
can be concluded that BMPs may act to stimulate bone formation ated concerning the use of growth factors to restore and regen-
in vivo in skeletal or ectopic sites by stimulating undifferentiated erate mineralized tissues lost as a result of human periodontal
cells to proliferate and differentiate to bone cells. disease. Toward this end, initial studies have reported that a
With regard to the actions of bone-derived growth factors in combination of PDGF and IGF-I will stimulate periodontal
vivo, both IGF-I and IGF-I1 have been shown to stimulate bone tissue regeneration in the Beagle dog and in the monkey (Lynch
formation in vivo in hypophysectomized rats (Zapf and Froesch, et al., 1989, 1991b; Rutherford et al., 1992). Growth factors
1986). Spencer et al. (1991) have shown that continuous may improve the incorporation of dental implants into bone
infusion of IGF-I for 14 days increased both cortical and (Lynch et al., 1991a). However, further research using well-
trabecular bone formation in adult female rats. In addition, there characterized models is necessary to demonstrate conclusively a
have been two studies reported on the systemic effects of IGF-I role for growth factors in periodontal therapy.
to prevent bone loss in ovariectomized rats. Ammann et al.
(1991) have shown that chronic infusion of IGF-I for 6 weeks in
adult rats made osteopenic by ovariectomy increased bone MODELS FOR LOCAL ACTIONS OF
mineral density as measured by dual-energy x-ray absortiometry BONE-DERIVED GROWTH FACTORS
in lumbar spine, proximal tail, and total tibia. Kalu et al. (1991)
have shown that daily subcutaneous injections of IGF-I for 5 Based on the findings that bone is a storehouse for growth
weeks caused partial prevention of loss of femur calcium and factors and that human bone cells in culture produce and respond
trabecular bone volume. These studies are consistent with in to many of the bone-derived growth factors, we and others have
vitro effects of IGF-I and suggest that IGF-I has anabolic effects proposed the concept that bone-derived growth factors play an
on bone formation in vivo. important role in the local regulation of bone formation. To
In contrast to the IGFs, there have been virtually no studies on illustrate how bone-derived growth factors may act in bone cell
the systemic effects of other bone-derived growth factors on microenvironment, we have developed a model (Fig. 1). In this
bone formation parameters in vivo. However, there have been model, bone cells secrete growth factors, such as IGF-11, that
several reports on the local effects of TGF-P and BMPs on bone either are incorporated into bone matrix or diffuse to the

a PRE-
Thus, the amount and nature of growth factors stored in bone
may be one of the determinants of the efficiency with which
coupling occurs. The following findings support this model.
EXTRA Farley et al. (1987) have shown that there is a proportionality
~~ CELLULAR between the extent of bone resorption and the amount of
FLUID mitogenic activity released from bone in organ culture. The
f 0

concentration of bone growth factors is not invariant. For

FACTOR example, Finkelman et al. (1991) have shown that bones from
vitamin D-deficient rats contained less TGF-P and were less
osteoinductive than age-matched controls. In addition, the levels
of both IGF-I and IGF-11 are increased in bones from osteoar-
thritic subjects, who have higher bone density than that seen in
osteoporotic patients (Mohan et al., 1991).
MATRIX Since bone volume depends on net balance between bone
formation and bone resorption, the efficiency of coupling
FIG. 1. Model for autocrine/paracrine actions of growth between these two processes ultimately may determine the
factors in bone. Growth factors produced by osteoblasts can extent to which bone mass is maintained. Accordingly, an
diffuse toward and be deposited in bone or diffuse into the impairment in the coupling of bone formation to resorption may
extracellular fluid to act on the same cell in an autocrine manner lead to the decline in bone mass seen during aging or during
or on a nearby cell in a paracrine manner. postmenopausal osteoporosis. If coupling is determined in part
by bone growth factors as proposed in the model, a decline in
bone growth factors could contribute to bone loss seen during
extracellular fluid. Growth factors secreted into extracellular normal physiologic or pathologic situations. In this regard, we
fluid will have acute actions on osteoblast-like cells. Growth have found an age-related decline of IGF-I in bone in both men
factors may act on the same osteoblast line of cells that produce and women, a finding that could lead to decreased efficiency of
them in an autocrine manner, or they may act on a different coupling between bone formation and bone resorption and, thus,
osteoblast line of cells in the near vicinity in a paracrine manner. to an age-related decrease in mean wall thickness (Nicolas et al.,
Our findings suggest that IGF-I1 is fixed into bone matrix by 1992). It has been shown also that demineralized bone matrix
means of an IGF-binding protein (IGFBP-5) that has strong from ovariectomized rats is less osteoinductive in vivo (Cesnjaj
affinity for hydroxyapatite and selective affinity for IGF-II over et al., 1991) and contains less TGF-P (Finkelman et al., 1992),
IGF-I (Bautista et al., 1991). Studies have shown also that suggesting that the bone loss associated with estrogen deficiency
TGF-P is fixed in bone by binding to a specific proteoglycan, may in part be mediated by the decreased TGF-P concentration
termed beta-glycan (Lopez-Casillas et al., 1991). What is the in bone.
significance of growth factors stored in bone? We propose that With regard to the tooth, since dentin normally does not
growth factors are fixed in large amounts in the mineralized remodel as does bone, the discovery of growth factors in dentin
matrix of bone for future actions (Fig. 2). According to this raises the question of their functions. That odontoblasts make
model, growth factors, such as IGF-11, are deposited for a time more dentin in response to dental caries has long been known,
and then released by osteoclastic bone resorption in a bioactive but the mechanisms remained obscure. A possible mechanism
form to act on preosteoblasts and mature osteoblasts, thus could involve growth factors (Fig. 3). In this model, the
allowing for site-specific replacement of bone that is lost to demineralization that occurs during dental caries could release
resorption (i.e., coupling of bone formation to resorption). growth factors that may stimulate odontoblasts or odontoblast
precursors. In addition, odontoblasts may release additional
growth factors, which amplify the response. Stimulated odonto-
OSTEOBLASTS blasts could elaborate additional extracellular matrix, which
mineralizes to form dentin. In support of this concept, it has been
reported that recombinant OP- 1 stimulated dentin formation in
monkeys (Rutherford and Tucker, 1992).


During the past decade, a number of bone growth factors have
been isolated and sequenced. With regard to the physiologic role
of these growth factors in regulating bone formation in vivo, we
PREOSTEOBLAST speculate that each growth factor may have a specific role in
FIG. 2. Model for delayed paracrine actions of growth factors regulating proliferation and differentiation of different stages of
stored in bone. Growth factors deposited in bone are postulated osteoblast lineage cells. In vitro and in vivo studies thus far
to be released during the osteoclastic bone resorption to act on suggest that bone-derived growth factors are potential therapeu-
precursor osteoblasts and mature osteoblasts to ensure site- tic agents in the treatment of bone loss during osteoporosis,
specific bone replacement. fracture repair, and other bone disorders. However, many


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formation of reparative dentin. Dentin demineralization (i.e., for fixing IGF-II in human bone. Biochem Biophys Res Commun
during dental caries) releases growth factors stored in dentin. 17675C763.
These growth factors enter dentinal tubules ultimately to interact Bautista CM, Mohan S, Baylink DJ Insulin-like growth factors I and II
with odontoblasts or odontoblast precursors to stimulate the are present in the skeletal tissues of ten vertebrates. Metabolism
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existing odontoblasts. Odontoblasts also may secrete growth Beck LS, Ammann AJ, Aufdemorte TB, Degusman L, Xu Y,Lee WP,
factors to stimulate themselves or adjacent cells. Stimulated McFatrirdge LA, Chen TL 1991 In vivo induction of bone by
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problems must be resolved before the use of bone growth factors bovine bone. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 87:9843-9847.
as systemic agents in the treatment of bone loss can become a Centrella M, McCarthy TL, Canali E 1987 Mitogenesis in fetal bone
reality. Future studies are needed in the following areas to cells simultaneously exposed to type transforming growth factor
determine the therapeutic applications of bone growth factors for andother growth regulators. FASEB J 1:312-317.
treatment of human bone diseases: ( I ) Efforts should be made to Cesnjaj M, Stavljenic A, Vukicevic S 1991 Decreased osteoinductive
establish that a deficiency of growth factor actions is involved in potential of bone matrix from ovariectomized rats.Acta Orthop Scand
the pathogenesis of osteoporosis or other disorders. (2) Methods 62471-475.
must be developed that allow measurement of various bone Chen TL, Bates RL, Dudley A, Hammonds RG Jr, Amento EP 1991a
Bone morphogenetic protein-2b stimulation of growth and osteogenic
growth factors in sera from patients with various metabolic bone
phenotypes in rat osteoblast-like cells: Comparison with TGF-alpha
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1. J Bone Min Res 61387-1393.
factors correlates with bone formation. (3) Suitable delivery Chen TL, Chang LY, Bates RL, Perlman AJ 1991b Dexamethasone and
systems must be developed so that growth factors can be targeted 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, modulation of insulin-like growth factor-
to areas of interest. (4) Studies on the interactions among various binding proteins in rat osteoblast-like cell cultures. Endocrinology
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and differentiation in vitro and in vivo must be pursued. ( 5 ) D a m HK, Zaidi M, Champaneri JB, Maclntyre I 1989 Transforming
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tiation of various stages of osteoblast cell lineage. In terms of Farley JR, Baylink DJ 1982 Purification of a skeletal growth factor from
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future prospects, it would seem that we are a long way from
Farley JR, Tarbaux N, Murphy LA, Masuda T, Baylink DJ 1987 In v i m
accomplishing the goal of producing a stimulation of bone
evidence that bone formation may be coupled to bone resorption by
formation throughout the skeleton with the optimal combination release of mitogen(s) from resorbing bone. Metabolism 36:314-321.
of growth factors. However, the most immediate uses for bone Finkelman RD, Bell NH, Strong DD, Demers LM, Baylink DJ 1992
growth factors would be the therapeutic applications of these Ovariectomy selectively reduces the concentration of transforming
factors locally to the skeleton (e.g., in bone grafts and dental growth factor+ in rat bone: Implications for estrogen deficiency-
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