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Name: Janimah M.

Panawidan Date: May 08, 2019

Subject/Section: GEC108-Cc Instructor: Prof. Jamali Yusof Den

Reaction Paper on "Human Flouring Home"

Based on what I have watched last meeting in this class "Science,

Technology and The Society" titled "Human Flourishing Home", it is all about the art of

environment or the it effect to the Global environment that cause Global warming . The art of

every country and the buildings that has an art like how the building flourished has an effect to

our environment. How the volcano erupt and how the ice melt that seems like an art and how

the cycles of nature change the climate because of the pollution of the volcanic eruption and

then how the water and air help our daily lives.

In my own perspective, this movie talks about the global warming because

of some advance technology that was used in every art of infrastructure build whether it was in

city or in the rural areas. How the technology evolve in every decades or from generation to

generation can effectively cause global warming but it also have an advantage because the

advance technology helps us work very fast as the technology did. Like for example, the

technology use in grabbing the rice is now advance because it was automatically getting the rice

easily unlike the old that was getting rice manually. The movie talks about how the environment

slightly become a savage environment.

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