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“This paper has been accepted for publication by the National School I N ST I T U T E O F

Improvement Network, and the final (edited, revised and typeset) version will E D U C AT I O N
be published © 2002” UN I V E R S I T Y O F L O N D O N


Effective Learning EDITION

The purpose of this paper is to lay out key elements of

What’s involved? -
learning, to define effective learning, and to consider Models of learning
how it may be promoted in classrooms. A model draws out key elements and makes a
What is Learning? statement of their relation.
There have been many definitions of learning: most Dennison and Kirk describe four elements in a
leave teacher readers disappointed. The following learning process, drawing on the model by Kolb .
definition draws out key elements, which have individual
and social implications for teachers and schools: Do
“Learning … that reflective activity which enables the
learner to draw upon previous experience to understand
and evaluate the present, so as to shape future action Apply Review
and formulate new knowledge”

Features highlighted by this definition include:

• an active process in which the learner relates new Learn
experience to existing meaning, and may
Figure 1: A model of the learning process
accommodate and assimilate new ideas
• past, present and future are connected, although a This cycle highlights activity in learning (Do), the
linear connection is not assumed: need for reflection and evaluation (Review), the
un-learning and re-learning may be implied extraction of meaning from the review (Learn),
• the process is influenced by the use to which and the planned use of learning in future action
learning is to be put: how the learning informs action (Apply).
in future situations is vital. The model may describe the process for a learner
The above definition stands in contrast to prevalent on her/his own who is actively making sense of a
views of learning, which imply that it is a passive process learning occasion, or for a group of learners
of knowledge acquisition, with predictable and involved together. Whatever the overall time
measurable outcomes. scale, time is required for individuals to reflect,
make meaning, and move forward.
Definitions do not cover everything. The above does not
specify prior conditions (for example how learners select Other elements, such as the previous experience
what to learn, the beliefs which the learner brings) or the of the learner, the context of learning, and the
context in which learning happens. Indeed, this definition effects, are included in the model below.
does not refer to other people in the context: teachers,
facilitators, peers, etc.

a. Learner
c. Teaching -
Learning d. Outcomes
b. Teaching

e. Classroom Context
f. School and Wider Context
Figure 2: A contextual model for school learning, developed from Biggs and Moore
Figure 2 does not portray a linear mechanical model: the Learners’ conceptions of learning reflect their
arrows denote influence in both directions, recognising, educational experiences – the style of teaching, the
for example that outcomes affect characteristics of disciplines followed, and the assessment systems in
teaching, that particular outcomes for learning will which their learning has occurred.
accentuate particular learner characteristics, and that the
qualities of classroom and school context affect the What is the learner’s approach to learning?
process of learning.
Learners vary in their beliefs about success, their goal
We now expand each element of Figure 2, before orientation in learning, and their responses to difficult
defining “effective learning”. 11
tasks .
A positive pattern: A negative pattern:
“learning orientation” “performance orientation"
a. Learner Characteristics
• belief that effort leads • belief that ability leads to
Learner characteristics are not fixed: current state, to success success
previous competence, previous experiences and beliefs • belief in one!s ability • concern to be judged as
influence the learning being considered. to improve and learn able, to perform
• preference for • satisfaction from doing
challenging tasks better than others
What state is the learner in? • personal satisfaction from • emphasis on competition
success at difficult tasks public evaluation
When approaching any new knowledge, a learner’s state • problem-solving and • helplessness: evaluate
may reflect his/her current sense of competence and self-instructions when self negatively when
5 engaged in task task is difficult
view of the need to learn. Dubin suggested four states.
concern for improving concern for proving
Unconscious Conscious one!s competence one!s competence
(of a need to learn a specific
skill or knowledge) A focus on performance is associated with negative
effects for learners:
Unconsciousin Consciousinco • greater helplessness “I‘m no good at X”
Incompetent competence mpetence • reduced help-seeking12
• less strategy use, and worse performance13
Unconscious Consciousco • more maladaptive strategies 14
Competent • greater focus on grade feedback, and worse
competence mpetence
(relative to a performance15.
specific skill Approach to learning is learned, alongside and linked
or knowledge) to other aspects: gender, cultural experience, etc.
Figure 3: Four possible states of the learner It is shaped by the prevalent ways of talking about
learners and learning in school, family and society.
The state of “conscious incompetence” may be valuable
at the start of a learning experience. What about “learning style”?
Some uses of this notion suggest learners have a
What is the learner’s view of learning? preference for particular channels of reception (e.g.
visual, auditory) . It would seem hazardous to
From age 4, children’s conceptions of learning develop,
encourage learners into “thin” descriptions of
from learning to do towards learning to know, and in
6 themselves as learners (e.g. “I’m a visual learner”).
some cases learning to understand .
By age 12 pupils’ learning conceptions vary from naïve Other uses focus on stages in a learning cycle :
7 Activists
to functional to developmental . When asked, learners
may report different conceptions of learning: - involve themselves in new experiences
- tackle problems by brainstorming
• increasing one’s knowledge
• memorizing and reproducing
- like to stand back to ponder experiences
• applying - observe from many different perspectives
• understanding Theorists
• seeing something in a different way - like to analyse and synthesise
• changing as a person - focus on assumptions, principles, theories, models
(seeing oneself in a different way)
8 Pragmatists
- like to try out ideas to see if they work in practice
However, important differences between these may not - take the first chance to experiment and apply.
be so clear to learners as they are to researchers: 14
Each individual is likely to have a profile containing
and 15 year-olds have been said to have no clear
9 more than one of these styles. As Figure 1 indicates,
understanding of how they learn . A learner’s conception all are needed for the full learning process. It is crucial
of learning affects how s/he goes about learning: those to help every learner extend her/his range. This may
early in the above list are associated with simple be best achieved through promoting richer
approaches rather than focusing on understanding . descriptions of learning, not categories of learner.
b. Teaching Characteristics c. Teaching - Learning Processes
Characteristics of assessment and curriculum will create To arrange activities which promote the process of
tensions in teaching. These impact on conceptions of learning is a complex challenge in any situation, and
teaching, and on the process and outcome of learning. especially so in a classroom. The deceptively simple
National systems and dominant models of assessment hyphen in the phrase “teaching-learning” embodies the
challenge teaching by encouraging mechanistic and core task of the teaching profession.
fragmented approaches, which in turn disadvantage Bruner 24 helps us see how we are steered in helping
groups of students . Classroom practice can still assess children learn by four models of “folk pedagogy”:
in a way that promotes qualities such as collaborative 1. Learning by being shown
and thoughtful approaches to learning, by staying close 2. Learning by being told
to learners’ experiences and remaining supportive to 3. Learning by constructing meaning
learners . 4. Learning by joining a knowledge-generating
National “curricula” framed to assist assessment rather
The second is probably the most adhered to line of
than promote important development, lead schools and folk pedagogy in practice today, but as Mark Twain put
teachers to adopt strategic responses. Teaching it “If teaching was as simple as telling, we’d all be a lot
methods focus on “coverage”, and the quality of learner smarter than we are”.
experience declines .
The ways in which we talk about teaching-learning
In this context, teachers are faced with key tensions: processes may reflect different conceptions or
• Issues of responsibility for student performance (is discourses of learning:
authority vested in external policies or knowledge of 1. S/he taught me … [Instruction]
student needs, and do teachers have agency in 2. I made sense of … [Construction]
promoting student success?) 3. We worked out that … [Co-construction]
• Issues of focusing on learning (is knowledge The first has been most dominant in the 20th century,
transmitted or constructed, and is instruction a matter to the point that when asked about learning many
of delivery or of creating an environment for seeking people talk about teaching.
• Issues of professional culture (is teaching a job or a Social
profession, and is it a solitary or collegial act?). structure
Teachers’ conceptions of teaching vary, with two main
orientations - learning facilitation and knowledge
21 Goals
transmission . The associated approaches to teaching
are in turn linked with qualitatively different approaches Resources Role
to learning: when the approach to teaching is focused on
the teacher and knowledge transmission, students are
more likely to adopt superficial approaches to learning. Time and
Conversely, when the approach to teaching is oriented pacing
towards students and to changing their conceptions, Figure 4: Elements in teaching activities
learners adopt significantly richer approaches to
22 Teaching activities are composed of elements shown
learning . in Fig. 4. Different patterns of teaching activities
Teachers’ conceptions and approaches influence those display different conceptions of learning (Fig 5).
of learners. With learning facilitation, students of all Similarly, practices such as “feedback” may be
approaches focus on their own process. By contrast, in handled differently depending on the conception of
teacher-centred approaches students focus on learning invoked25.
transmission and reproduction, whatever the approach
to learning they bring
Figure 5: Patterns in teaching activities display different underlying views of learning:

Input and out Teacher to

put tasks many Tasks for processing Individuals, Tasks of generating Changing groups,
and understanding pairs, groups knowledge networks, linkages

Teacher-chosen Teacher as teller,

resources organiser, judge Student experience Teacher as Access to world of Teacher as
a resource enquirer resources learner too

Teacher controls
time: !pace" seen Longer time blocks, Time seen as less
as key student-paced relevant

1. Instruction 2. Construction 3. Co-construction

d. Outcomes What is Effective Learning?
Although the term “effective” has been widely used, it
Many important outcomes of learning are not simply or only makes sense when context and goals are specified.
quickly measurable. Learning has impact in the long Effective for when? Effective for what? The
term. Outcomes include many of the following: contemporary context has these important features:
• knowledge - of things, people, action • the knowledge base in society is increasing rapidly,
• skills - with things, ideas, people and now doubles every 373 days. Teaching
• action knowledge is an anachronism.
• feelings and emotions: success, satisfaction • a wider range of the population process and
• ideas and strategies about learning generate knowledge. Information is not the
• affiliation to learning possession of a few “experts”.
• a sense of oneself, including self as a learner • employment prospects relate more to the ability to
• a sense of others and interacting with them enhance and transfer learning. The accumulation of
• a sense of membership of a community. qualifications is not enough.
• the landscape of learning is much wider and richer,
involving multiple contexts, modes and sources.
e. Classroom Context Learning is no longer the province of special
The classroom is a unique and complex context. It is institutions: it is a way of being.
crowded, busy, public and sometimes unpredictable. In such a context the goals of learning need to focus less
“Teaching in such settings requires a highly developed on knowledge acquisition by individuals, and more on
ability to manage events” . Learners too need skills to knowledge-generation with others.
cope with such complexity, and become competent Effective learners have gained understanding of the
learners in such an environment. individual and social processes necessary to become
Talk in classrooms is mainly about work, sometimes effective learners. This is not just acquisition of particular
about performance, and rarely about learning27. At best strategies, but the monitoring and reviewing of learning
2% of classroom interactions are about learning and how to see whether strategies are effective. This has been
it may be advanced28. described as "learning how to learn” and "meta-
Some classrooms have strong learning orientation, with learning" . Effective learning includes this extra crucial
beliefs that interest and effort cause success. Work ingredient “which actively involves the student in meta-
avoidance and alienation from school are low. Those cognitive processes of planning, monitoring and
with strong performance orientation involve beliefs that reflecting"4.
competitiveness causes success 29.
Learning is:
- an activity of construction,
f. School and Wider Context - handled with (or in the context of) others,
- driven by learner’s agency.
Learning in school will be influenced by the
organisational culture: Effective learning is all of these at their best,
- the style of management PLUS the monitoring and review of whether
(does it focus on performance or on learning) approaches and strategies are proving effective for
- how learning is talked about the particular goals and context.
- the extent to which collaboration and dialogue are An effective learner is versatile and can actively utilize
encouraged. different strategies and approaches for different contexts
As the key site of institutional learning, school attracts and purposes, for example gaining understanding from
conflicting views of its goals and of what learning shall texts while alone, creating knowledge with others
be taken to mean. through a project, actively listening to an exposition,
Learning in school may differ from learning outside building dialogue with people of different stances,
school: characteristics of difference may include : extending social roles with the family, and so on.
Learning in School Learning out of School Effective learning can be seen as a virtuous cycle:
decontextualised has ‘real’ context effective learning advances effective learning processes:
second-hand is first-hand distinctions between process and outcome decrease. In
needs motivating comes easily the model (figure 2) there is greater connectedness
tends to be individualistic is co-operative/ shared between the elements: the arrows of influence become
assessed by others self-assessed more obviously two-way.
formal structure few structures
Exceptions to these characterisations provide rich
Effective Learning in Schools
sources of learning for schools: at the same time they
may provide tensions with the messages about learning How can schools, teachers and learners promote
which are dominant in society. effective learning in their schools and classrooms?
We will examine this question for the main elements of
the model in figure 2, in a broadly reverse order to that
We now move to define effective learning and consider
used in the first part of this paper.
its various elements.
Promoting Collaborative Learning
Outcomes of effective learning When learners together create a joint product and
understanding, they develop higher order skills. As
Effective learning involves outcomes such as: Annie (Year 7) put it: “You learn more because if you
- more connected knowledge explain to people what to do you say things that you
wouldn’t say to yourself, really. So you learn things that
- wider range of strategies
you wouldn’t know if you were just doing it by yourself”.
- greater complexity of understanding Processes of joint problem-solving, explaining and
- enhanced action appropriate to goals and context reciprocal teaching promote this 34 .
- increased engagement and self-direction Moreover, co-operative cultures and group investigation
- more reflective approach methods give better academic results . Learners
- more positive emotions and affiliation to learning develop interpersonal and management skills ,
improved communication skills and positive multiethnic
- more developed vision of future self as a learner
relations, and the teacher’s role becomes more
- greater facility in learning with others concerned with ‘high-level’ enquiries and freed from
- more sense of participation in a knowledge community mundane tasks .
We now consider what teaching-learning processes Promoting Responsibility in Learning
promote learning of this sort. Learners who see themselves as key players in their
learning are not only more self-directed, they are also
more collaborative: when this is not so, dependent or
Teaching-learning processes for cynical roles emerge, and engagement reduces.
effective learning When learners plan how to proceed, they gain over high
From the definition above effective learning is promoted quality teacher-planned occasions in terms of GCSE
by: scores, retention of knowledge, and reports of
• activity, with reflection and sense-making enjoyment, motivation and effort . Teaching self-
• collaboration for learning regulation strategies to developing and struggling writers
• learner responsibility for learning improves writing performance39.
• learning about learning. Promoting Learning about Learning
Learning cycles for each of these four elements are Learners who build up the language and piece together
illustrated in Figure 6 below. knowledge about their learning experiences become
more reflective, strategic and versatile, and show
Promoting Active Learning 40
Active engagement with materials, persons and ideas is improvements in academic performance . This is not
needed, with active reflection, enquiry and sense- simply taught: classroom practices which promote
making. It is not sufficient to be engaged in activity: learning about learning include:
without reflection the learning potential is lost. Pupils • making learning an object of attention
welcome this: they rate activities such as research, • making learning an object of conversation
group work, practical work and class discussions as • making learning an object of reflection
twice as effective at promoting their learning as copying, • making learning an object of learning.
answering questions from a book, and dictation33. The model overleaf depicts this as an additional cycle
Figure 6. A framework for planning and reviewing the teaching-learning cycle for effective learning.
Active learning Collaborative Learning Learner responsibility Learning about learning
Do Tasks are designed for Tasks in small groups Learners exercise Learners are
learner activity, not connect to create a choice and plan their encouraged to notice
teacher activity larger whole (by roles or approach aspects of their learning
by parts) as they engage in tasks
Review Learners stop to notice Learners bring ideas Learners monitor their Learners describe what
what happened, what together and review progress and review they notice and review
was important, how it how the group has their plan their learning (goals,
felt, etc. operated strategies, feelings,
outcomes, context)
Learn New insights and Explanations of topic Factors influencing Richer conceptions of
understandings are and of how the group progress are identified learning are voiced and
made explicit functioned are voiced and new strategies further reflective inquiry
across the group devised is encouraged
Apply Future action is planned Future possibilities for Plans are revised to Learners plan to notice
in light of new under- group and community accommodate recent more and to experiment
standing. Transfer to learning are considered learning with their approach to
other situations is learning
In the optimum case all elements are present.
Do Teaching characteristics for
effective learning
Apply Review ‘Teaching characteristics’ here means features of
the content the content
curriculum, assessment, and conceptions of
teaching. Even when external aspects of these are
Apply to Learn about Review the
future learning the content learning
poorly designed, classrooms and schools can
employ effective learning to address them.
Curriculum which addresses big ideas and which
Learn about gives learners the big picture is most engaging.
learning Coherence for the learner and the ability to make
Figure 7: An extra cycle in learning about learning connections in different contexts 44 is also supported.
Aspects of learning about learning include41: In assessment, self-assessment supersedes social
• reviewing how we learn most effectively comparisons, and enhances learner responsibility.
• exploring our thinking and problem-solving Conceptions of teaching focus on the learner:
• reviewing beliefs about successes
• exploring approaches to anxiety-provoking tasks
teachers: Instruct Guide Facilitate Consult
• managing feelings that impede learning
• practising our approach to difficult tasks, talking Learners Self-
become: Dependent Interested Involved Directed
ourselves through them
• examining responses to experiences of failure
• analysing contributions to group tasks. Classrooms as a context for
effective learning
Learner characteristics for When classrooms operate with active learning45,
collaboration46, learner responsibility 47 and shared
effective learning
inquiry, they begin to operate as a community of
The definition of effective learning suggests that the learners48. In such a context learners develop pro-
effective learner: social skills of dialogue and helping36, together with
• is active and strategic positive coping strategies and positive feeling49.
• is skilled in cooperation, dialogue and creating Such a community cannot be engineered into
knowledge with others existence in a classroom, but an engineering
• is able to develop goals and plans approach to schooling can crowd it out.
• monitors her/his own learning and is versatile
across contexts. Schools and the wider context for
What of this is noticeable to others? Think of learners effective learning
you know, and choose one who, for whatever Schools that promote effective learning emphasise
reason, you have come to see as effective. What
intrinsic motivation, social relationships for learning,
does that person do? What can you see about their
and an overall learning culture. They are learning
approach? What can this example help you notice 50
organisations , making many connections within and
about other learners?
beyond their boundaries. They anticipate future
It is not easy for teachers to observe pupils reflecting. problems and seek continuous review.
“Reflection on the process of learning is believed to
“Learning-enriched" schools display more sense of
be an essential ingredient in the development of
purpose (i.e. learning), and are less routinised than
expert learners. By employing reflective thinking
the learning-impoverished school. Teachers see
skills to evaluate the results of one's own learning
peers as a resource, and continue to learn: new
efforts, awareness of effective learning strategies can
teaching ideas come from colleagues and their own
be increased and ways to use these strategies in
creative solutions. The greater teachers’
other learning situations can be understood” 42. When
opportunities for learning, the more their students
teachers promote reflective discussions among
tend to learn: pupils achieve better in learning-
pupils, this promotes pupils’ noticing, as well as 51
allowing teacher to notice more. Such practice enriched schools .
accepts that “The student knows more than the In such a setting, leaders of learning are likely to:
teacher about what he has learned – even if he • make learning a visible, central element
knows less about what was taught” 43 . • talk publicly about learning
When learners’ knowledge of their own learning • promote inquiry into learning
experiences is enriched and enhanced through well- • support learning exchanges and forums
supported dialogue, the private aspects of learning • ensure fluid organisation
experiences and the shared language for talking • reward and support staff learning
about learning are built together. Through this • ask of every action and every policy “What do
process learners’ characteristics for effective learning we learn from this?”
can be developed. • encourage others to do the above.
Towards More Effective Learning Resolving the tensions
in our Classrooms and Schools When teachers depart from the traditional
assumptions and views of learning which influence
The analysis of effective learning does not provide a their role, they may experience some of the tensions
simple prescription nor a recipe for easy change. As of teaching (page 3) more sharply than before.
the traditional site of compulsory learning, schools
may have initial difficulties in promoting more Effective learning suggests resolving the tensions as:
effective learning. School learning is on the public • Responsibility for student performance:
agenda of many stake-holders, and schools are sites teacher authority and teaching decisions are best
for public contestations of society’s difficulties. based on their knowledge of students as learners,
and teachers do have agency.
Making a change • Focusing on learning:
When teachers (i) believe that change is needed, knowledge is constructed, and teaching is a
and (ii) start with the aspects nearest to them, they matter of creating an environment for this.
can make a significant difference to the quality of • Professional culture:
learning. For example, try banning the word “work” teaching has a professional voice, and is a
from your classroom and see what happens when collegial activity.
you substitute the word “learning” – effects can be The implications of this paper, and a new resolution
electric! of the tensions which continue to face teachers, is
Because the pressures to focus on performance are that a new stance on the power relations between
very strong, as further experiments and enquiries into teachers and pupils emerges. Without this, class-
learning develop, it is necessary to keep going and rooms and schools stay fundamentally the same.
remember the evidence that a focus on learning
enhances performance.
Noticing current diversions
In times of pressure to produce quick results, it is
Working against the grain understandable that some will seek to “accelerate
Teachers who are subject to performance pressures learning”. This stance is more often about teaching
may either a) cave in, b) pass it on, or c) wise up. than learning. It may not be effective learning.
The last of these responses involves teachers In times when it appears knowledgeable to categorise,
developing their professional voice on learning, and the growth of interest in “learning styles” is
distinguishing it from the official voice (which rarely understandable. Although sometimes this can valuably
mentions learning). A focus on learning will often extend teaching repertoires it may not extend the
seem “against the grain”. learner’s range or voice on the learning process.
“A public discourse has been established which Many enthusiastic conversations, apparently about
accounts for successful teaching in mechanistic and learning, pay little attention to context, especially the
superficial terms as a set of external behaviours complexity of the classroom context. The implications
which are not linked to an understanding of learning. of context-free knowledge (e.g. brain research) for
It is based on teacher performance, not interaction learning in the classroom are far from clear.
between teachers and learners” 52. In this context
Above all, it is necessary to know that quick-fix
initiating and maintaining successful practices which
instrumental strategies may be “more of the same”
promote learning may be inspiring yet at times feel
and not contribute to any transformation. We need to
like a struggle.
move from the mechanical and backward-looking
“what works?” to the more human and future-oriented
“what’s worth working on?”.

Closing Reflections
Review What reflections about your own learning and teaching did your reading of this paper stimulate?
How do your school practices and policies focus on learning and support effective learning?
Learn In what way have you enriched your view of effective learning as a result of your reading?
What new visions for classrooms and schools have these ideas stimulated?
Apply How would you tell a story of these ideas with some of your colleagues?
In what ways can you review with your pupils their views about their learning?
What experiments can you plan to undertake in classroom activities for effective learning?

Written by Chris Watkins, Eileen Carnell, Caroline Lodge, Patsy Wagner and Caroline Whalley.
Series editor: Frank McNeil,
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