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Autonomous Region in Muslim Miindanao

Masiricampo Abantas Memorial National High School

Manila Group, Wao Lanao del Sur

( Grade 10-Masiricampo)


(Science Teacher)

March 16,2019

A. Background of the study

B. Statement of the problem

C. Hypothesis

D. Limitation of the study

E. Significance of the study

F. Definition of terms




A. Tools and Equipment’s

B. Ingredients

C. Procedures




A. Summary

B. Conclusion

C. Recommendations


A. Background of the study

Using chemical which is ephemeral are not only expensive but also contains toxic

harmful elements that will lead to a life misfortune (Cancerous cellular activity). Our topic is a

combination of botany and applied chemistry which is affordable, accurate and safe to use. Our IP

(investigatory project) is entitled as “ Cymbopogon Citratus ( Lemon grass ) and Tagetes ( marigold

flower) as an insect repellent “ . As a student we don’t have much concerns in Engineering and

Electricity but we enjoy our science class by discovering essential remedies when it comes to farming

problems. Toxic sprays can eliminate pest but it is harmful to you and to our environment. Plant,

harvest, and experiment is the only thing you need. Converting cheap , can be seen in our homes , and

valuable plant in something resourceful , creative , and natural is amazing! This investigatory project

serves us that effective insecticides will lead you to a calibration where you can help save our mother

earth without harming the health of individuals and without ravaging the beautiful plantation of a

beautiful garden.

B. Statement of the problem

o Main Problem

 Can we produce an alternative insect repellent to the consumers?

 If the combination compatible to each other?

o Sub Problem

 Where can we find insect to test with?

 Will this product would be effective and safe just like other insecticide?

 Will the result of this Investigatory project would be great?

C. Hypothesis


 Lower the use of chemical toxic insecticide improves plants and soil cultivation.

Lowering the use of chemicals higher the agricultural productivity.

D.Limitation of the study

Considering how limited the sources can be, Our group has moved to alternative

ingredients. Due to having difficulties in finding subjects, not all insect will be tried and tested .Our

research use the following ingredients which can be seen in homes, using highly priced ingredients is

another bargain for our pocket and to get the imported ingredients it must be bought in a market

and prices may vary in different stores. You might as well plant your own lemon grass and marigold

flower in your garden and have it for free. This product is for alternative use only. Since we never tried

our product to every insect we are not sure if the effect would be same if we try our product to other

insect. This product of our has its own limits but the aftereffect of toxic sprays has a greater impact in

individual and environment.

Our main goal in making this product is to have an insecticide which is safe and affordable to

buy the ingredients you will be going to use. Our investigatory project has nothing to do with making

soil healthy but more chemical you use does. Our study is not a remedy on some health dis-orders but it

is a remedy for destructive insects. There’s no loss in making this study because there’s no wrong in

trying. Trying this study is making your experience wide and making your abilities broad. Expect that at

the end of this you can acquire new things that worth to develop. In 100 insects there is no assurance

that all insect will be killed. 60 percent will faint and feel dizzy. 90 percent this study will assure that

you will find that culprit

D. Significance of the study

This study was conducted for the beneficial effect of every community. The organic

homemade insecticide is non-toxic to humans and pets and safe for the environment since it’s

based on natural ingredients and contains the natural chemicals. Using inorganic chemical is very

dangerous to our environments but if use this insect repellent as substitute we could help our

earth to save itself as well saving our lives. Using organic insect repellent can help us

combatting erosions, it is a good source of water conservation , discouraging algal blooms , for

having a healthy soil , fighting the effect of global warming, and reducing exposure to chemicals

and insecticides. This study can raise the knowledge and awareness to its consumers regarding to

the impact of insect in our ecosystem including evolving mosquitoes with its increasing number

of cases of dengue, malaria, and Zika virus. This will be beneficial to green thumbs, nature lover,
advocate of organic farming , and promoting safety, awareness, and helping the environment. By

understanding this study, this will be of great help to with a good sanitation practices and proper

cultural practices.

This will serve us future references to practitioners, and future researchers regarding

improving repellents and future products. Our advocacy once in our English subject is

promoting organic farming practice and we undergo study to know more about its importance it

is said that organic farming has been very difficult into this days and we must step up in order to

educate people and give them the knowledge they need.

To start from a healthy food one should start from a healthy soil. It will supports

the needs of Filipinos in medicinal supplies and give free services from the government.

Furthermore , DOH will also benefit to the use of increasing the productivity of people’s needs

to achieve and improve on every person’s health status, service for health care and as much as

possible, avoiding hazardous chemicals to an individual’s health. Using non-toxic , and insect-

repellent which is easier to use on children and very effective. Hopefully, a lot of future studies

can follow. In a small way we can contribute to the world greatest improvement, Our micro

effort will have a micro effect to help save our home , our community, and our planet.

E. Definition of terms

A. Lemon grass – Cymbopogon, better known as lemongrass, is a genus of Asian, African,

Australian, and tropical island plants in the grass family. Some species are commonly

cultivated as culinary and medicinal herbs because of their scent, resembling that lemons.

B. Micro - small in value but great in effect

C. Repellent – able to repel a particular thing: impervious to a particular substance.

D. Marigold – Tagetes is a genus of annual or perennial, mostly herbaceous plants in the

sunflower family. It was described as a genus. The genus is native to North and South

America, but some species have become naturalized around the world.

E. Cancerous- affected by or showing abnormalities characteristics of cancer.

F. Calibration- the action or process of calibrating an instrument or experimental readings.

G. Dengue – is a mosquito-borne viral disease that has rapidly spread in all region of WHO

in recent years.
H. Zika Virus – is a spread mostly by the bite of an infected species mosquito.

I. Malaria – is a life-threatening disease. Its typically transmitted through the bite of an

infected Anopheles mosquito.



The literature for this study focuses on the benefits of using home organic insecticide

and its effects. Homemade organic repellent using lemon grass and marigold flower, with its pleasing

aroma and overall effectiveness would be beneficial to all its consumers. All marigolds grow best in full

sun. They are heat resistant and grow in almost any kind of soil, though they prefer well drained soil.

This is one of the attributes that makes marigolds such a popular addition to flower beds and gardens.

They adapt well to almost any growing condition. Marigolds germinate fairly quickly and easily outside

. Thin when plants are about 2 tall space. Marigolds about 8 to 10 inches from other plants. Marigolds

only take a few week from starting seed to bloom. Marigolds are mainstays in gardens all over the world

because of their sunny appearance it has been well- utilized since the 2th century in Central Europe and

Mediterranean . In late Greek and Roman empire marigold is as dye and now we are bringing to its

important use when it comes to repelling insect because it has its elements which can repel insect and its

beautiful aroma. In late Christianity it was named after Mary to honor her and their deceased love ones.

Marigold is also used in herbal, cooking, teas and etc. Same as lemon grass same purpose but with

greater value. Marigolds came in different colors, yellow and orange being the most common. Most of

the marigolds have strong, pungent odor and have great value in cosmetic treatment. There are many

varieties of marigolds available today such as African or American marigolds, French marigolds,

Signets marigold, Mule marigolds, . Marigolds is also extremely effective herb for the treatment of skin

problems and can be used wherever there is inflammation of the skin whether due to infection or

physical damage; for example, ulceration, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, mastitis,

sebaceous cysts, impetigo or other inflamed cutaneous lesions. Marigold is also good as ointment, for

improving eyesight and lighten the mood, garlands, religious statue decorations , weeding and funeral

ceremonies, it is also a good source of food coloring and human livestock.

Lemon grass is a native aromatic tall sedge which grows in many parts

of tropical and sub-tropical South East Asia and Africa. In India, it is cultivated along Western Ghats ,

Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu states besides foothills of Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim . It was

introduced in India about century back and is now commercially cultivated in these states. Lemon grass
has been essential to all of us it has been useful in tropical regions. Africa, Asia, South East and

Australia. In country like China and Thailand it has been useful when it comes to culinary and medicine

. Lately as year passes by the number of victims of insects ( mosquito, bugs, spiders and etc.) has been

increasing in year 2018 the number of people who undergo dengue has been rising “ Aside from being

an important herbs, Lemon grass may help repel dengue mosquitoes” said DR. Manuel Mapue (DOH) a

doctor who undergo study about lemon grass. In his discussion this tall , perennial sedge throwing up

dense fascicles of leaves from short rhizome, culm is stout, erect, up to 1.8 m long, glucose, green ,

linear tapering upwards and along in the margins. Flower born on decompound panicles 30 to over 60

cm long has been effective. Lemon grass and marigold is a result of research and experiments which

lead to facts. It is proven the this plants offer more than beauty alone with its numerous uses.


A. Tools




Stainless/ steel glass receiving vessels

Bottled spray


B. Ingredients

Lemon grass

Marigold flower


Mosquito or other insect for testing

C. Procedures

 Prepare all of your ingredients

 Boil lemon grass for an hour

 Put water and marigold flower in a blender and pulse for just a few seconds. The mixture

should be chunky

 Strain the mixture out through cheesecloth ( for marigold flower) or strainer ( for lemon

grass ) to get the last of the liquid out of both lemon grass and marigold flower extract.

 Get the extract ( created water) of both lemon grass and marigold flower.

 Mix them and place in a jar and let it sit in a cool dark place for 2/3 days and shake it


 Pour into a plant sprayer and dilute with water

 You are ready to have your finish product.



A. Result

The result of the repellent activity of the organic extract against mosquito behavior has

shown in table 1.

Time ( minute) Type of repellent used Observed results

6:00-7:00 PM No all-out Mosquitoes were in

numerous numbers

7:00-8:00 PM All-out 80 percent of the mosquito

number was greatly reduced

8:00-900 PM No all-out Again mosquit0 numbers

increased greatly

9.00- 10.00 PM Bio-out 70b percent of the mosquito

number was reduced


Table 1. Repellent activities of lemon grass oil number of mosquitoes attracted and reduced the sample

B. Discussion

The result obtained shows that during 6 to 7 PM numerous number of mosquitoes

were gathered in a room, where this period was considered to be control period with no

mosquito repellents and took the area as 100 percent attracted area for the mosquitoes ( 0

percent repellency) . From 7-8 PM all-out , a positive control was used to check the

repellency activity in that area shown in Fig. 1. It has shown that up to 80 percent of the

mosquito number was greatly reduced. Considering the same conditions from 8 to 9 PM
again we have placed no repellent and numerous number of mosquitoes were gathered from 9

to 10 PM bio-out,, test sample was use to check the repellency activity in the area as shown

in figure 1, it was showed that up to 70 percent of the mosquito number was greatly reduced .

The same procedure was treated and used immediately after treatment following the same


Procedure was treated and used immediately after treatment following same

procedure. After a period of 180 minutes, with our bio-out test sample repellent, we found

that the highest number of mosquitoes was reduced significantly ( Ninety-Five repellency)

activity is may due to medicinal and insecticidal properties of the product.


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