The School'S Learning Resource Center

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Learning Episode RESOURCE CENTER

My Learning Episode Overview

My Intended Learning Outcomes

My Performance Criteria
My Learning Essentials
My Map

To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes I will work my way through these steps:
My Tools
My Analysis
My Reflections/Insights
Integrating Theory and Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. All are responsibilities of the Learning Resource/ Audio-Visual/Educational Technology

Center of a school EXCEPT ________.
A. Make available technology equipment for use of teachers and students
B. Conduct training for teachers on how to use technology tools
C. Work with teachers in producing instructional materials
D. Accomplish the students technology project for them

2. The Learning Resource/ Audio- visual/ Educational Technology Center

regularly provides the teachers a list of websites, apps and instructional materials
available in the city which are relevant to the different subjects they teach. This fulfills
which function?
A. Recreational reading center
B. A link to other community resources
C. Laboratory of learning
D. Center of resources

3. The Learning Resource/ Audio- visual/ Educational Technology Center sponsor a

seminar- workshop for teachers and administrators on the use of the latest presenter
applications. This fulfills which function?
A. Center of resources
B. Agent of teaching
C. Coordinating agency
D. Recreational reading center
My Learning Portfolio

Paste an article about an example of technology gadget/material that you want to

learn more about. How can this gadget/material be useful in instruction/teaching?

Many teachers find chalkboards to be almost a thing of the past with the advent of
projectors in the classroom. Rather than writing notes across a board, teachers can make use of
PowerPoint presentations, images and even film as teaching tools through the use of
projectors. Consequently, teachers and students alike find projectors to be useful classroom

Some Advantages of using Projector in classroom:

Easier Note Taking

Projectors enable teachers to create bulleted PowerPoint presentations or other highly
organized notes for the class. With the use of projectors in the classroom, students can take
better notes with the ability to discern what information the teacher displays is most useful to
them. Additionally, students can ask the teacher to repeat a slide if they missed information, or
even ask that the teacher to email the presentation for further review.

Greater Teaching Versatility

Projectors release teachers from being bound to chalk and dry-erase boards to present
information to their students. With the use of projectors, teachers can now use films, slides,
and images to teach students about a variety of subjects. Teachers will also find that the
Internet is more useful since projectors can display web content to an entire class, rather than
each students accessing information on individual computers, if they are available.

Better Use of Class Time

Prior to the use of projectors in the classroom, teachers had to spend time writing notes on the
board, as well as erasing information as the board filled up. Projectors require a simple click of a
button or mouse, thus, freeing valuable class time. By using projectors, teachers can more
easily prepare all notes prior to class for easy presentation. Teachers may also find that they
spend less time repeating or rewriting information that is now accessible with a simple click.

Better Student Presentations

Students will appreciate the use of projectors as they prepare class projects that they can now
create in PowerPoint or other electronic mediums. Consequently, students will find that
presentation creation will go faster with each person using their own computer to create their
section of the presentation. Presentations on a projector, additionally, reduce the need to
make copies of materials to pass out to classmates during presentations that can now be
displayed for the entire class to view at once.
FS 3

Learning Episode 2 BULLETIN BOARD


My Learning Episode Overview

My Intended Learning Outcomes

My Performance Criteria
My Learning Essentials
My Map

Display board, or what we more commonly refer to as bulletin board, is one of the most
readily available and versatile learning resources.
To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these steps:
My Tools

An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS



Name of the School:

Location of the School:
Date of Visit:

Topic of the Board Display _____________________________________________________

Location of the Board Display in School __________________________________________

Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your ratings.

4 – Outstanding 3 – Very Satisfactory

2 – Satisfactory 1 – Needs Improvement
Criteria 1 2 3 4 Comments
Effective Communication







An Evaluation Report of a Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board Evaluation by:


Brief Description of the Bulletin Board:


Strengths Weaknesses

Description of the
Bulletin Board lay –

Evaluation of
educational content
and other aspects

Recommendations or
Suggestions for

Signature of Evaluator over Printed Name:

My Analysis
My Proposed Board Display


Board Title:


Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement:

Content Resources (Name each needed resource and give each a brief description):

Materials for aesthetic enhancement:

My Reflections/Insights
Integrating Theory and Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

4. Examine the bulletin board display. This

bulletin board fulfills which primary purpose?
E. Instructional - interactive
F. Informational
G. Motivational
H. Decorative

5. Examine the bulletin board display. This

bulletin board fulfills which primary purpose?
A. Instructional - interactive
B. Informational
C. Motivational
D. Decorative

6. Examine the bulletin board display. This

bulletin board fulfills which primary purpose?
A. Instructional - interactive
B. Informational, decorative
C. Motivational, decorative
D. Instructional, informational
My Learning Portfolio

Based on your suggestions, make your own board display lay – out. You may present your
output through any of these:
 A hand - made drawing or layout
 An electronic (computer) drawing/illustration or layout
 A collage

My Board Display Lay-out

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