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The Most Wonderful Time

December 2018

It's the most wonderful time of the year. Or so the song lyrics of the same title go. However,
though, in the fullness of time, I wonder if that is indeed true of some others' experience of
this season. Is it really all the time all that wonderful for all?

I had a conversation some time ago with a friend whose family has had many experiences
of grief and loss over the years. In sharing with each other about some of our common,
similarly emotional moments of remembering loved ones who have passed on to eternity,
they made mention of sometimes having mixed feelings about holiday, anniversary and/or
birthday celebrations.

There seems to be for some a bittersweet sense of joy and manifest pain of loss present at
the same time that characterizes such celebrated life events. Questions unanswered, even
such unspoken thoughts rise to the surface of our conscious being. Where might we be
now, if not for…? What might this Christmastime be or have been like if they were still here
with us today?

One person offered that, in their experience, not necessarily the first, but the second or
third subsequent holidays, birthdays or anniversaries become particularly difficult over
time. And yet, life truly does and has to go on, doesn't it? There is, as the hymn that ascribes
of God's steadfast loving-kindness goes, strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.
Because of the Lord's great compassion, we are not consumed. We, above it all, experience
mercies renewing every morning. Lamentations 3:22-23 tells us of God's great faithfulness
unto us amidst the challenges in and through which the Lord identifies with us.

One colleague in ministry says that during times when we may find ourselves at a low point
emotionally or otherwise, s/he finds it helpful to give oneself to and for others. Whether it
is unto those in need or not, the act of giving in the service of others for their greater
blessing actually lifts up our own spirits for our betterment as well.

In and through the wonder of it all, we experience God's grace for us and for our loved ones
both living and also on the other side of eternity. In this case, I do resonate with certain
themes in the romanticism of the tune.

It is the most wonderful time of year. It is a time of year filled to the full, with wonder and
awe at the God of wonders who came to be born unto us in awfully humble surroundings.
That is certainly worth celebrating most wonderfully, even throughout the whole year.

May this holiday season be for you and yours entirely filled with joyfully fulfilling holy days
of yuletide reverence to the glory of the Holy One of Bethlehem. Blessings at Christmas for
the New Year to come!

In the Spirit of the King,

Rex Espiritu, pastor

First Presbyterian Church

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