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Multiculturalism in the Short Story On Being Crazy

by W. E. B. Du Bois

Written by:

Indah Sari


As a final requirement to complete Multiculturalism in Literature course

in 7th semester

Department of English Literature

Faculty of Cultural Sciences

Mulawarman University



ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... 3


1.1 Background ................................................................................... 4

1.2 Problems of Research.................................................................... 4

1.3 Theoretical Framework ................................................................. 4

CHAPTER II METHODS…………………………………………………….. 6


CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS……………………………………………………. 10

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION………………………………………………… 13

WORKS CITED……………………………………………………………….. 14


On Being Crazy is one of the multiculturalism short stories, about the insanity
treatments that white people did to black people. Seen in the various conversations,
that reflected in multiculturalism aspects. The rejected of social equality between
whites that's unfair to blacks.



This chapter is divided into three parts that include background of the study,
research problems, and theoretical frameworks.

1.1 Background of the Study

Multiculturalism takes part in literature as a reflection of the real world that has
many cultures, ethnics, races, and may collide in one situation. Multiculturalism can
be found in many literary works.
W. E. B. Du Bois is one of American writers who bring multiculturalism in his
literary works. One of his famous literary works is On Being Crazy written in 1907.

In early 20th century was a century of major changes, starting in 1896 to 1954
many social movements also known as “The American Civil Rights Movements”.
They’re voice of the aspirations to abolish racism between black people and white
people. The Civil Rights Act expressly banned discrimination based on race, color,
religion, sex, or national origin in employment practices. Discrimination is distinct
from racial prejudice (attitudes), racial streotypes (beliefs), and racism (ideologies)
that may also be associated with racial disadvantage. Discrimination may be
motivated by prejudice, streotypes, or racism. In particular, “On Being Crazy” picked
up on the tense relationships between blacks and whites in the early 20th centuries.

1.2 Research Problem

Based on the background above, so this paper tries to analyze:

1. What are the aspects of multiculturalism which reflected in the On Being

2. How the aspects of multiculturalism are reflected in the On Being Crazy?

1.3 Theoretical Framework

In the multicultural society, race and ethnicity are defining as the features of

society. According to Romero, race refers to biological distinctions, phenotypes and/or
cultural characteristic that are believed to be the basis for the creation of racial groups
(238). Race imposed whereas ethnicity is a phenomenon that can be imposed or
chosen. While race tends to be associated with biological origins, ethnicity refers to
the cultural practices that distinguish one group from another (Romero: 246).

The problem of during most the 20th centuries, is the different racial group based
on color-line. Particularly in Africa during most of the 20th centuries, there is a social
distinction between the different racial groups which emerged racial segregation. The
problem of racism becomes exciting. It is associated with the idea that one race must
be superior to the other. According to Spencer, Racism still exists in spite of
multiculturalism, and ethnic inequalities in income and political participation have not
been removed. There is still very unequal treatment of some minorities in education,
employment and the justice system (207). Besides that, racism leads on the unfair
treatment of people based on prejudice, also known as discrimination (Romero, 236).

Discrimination divided into three types, there are, individual discrimination,

institutional discrimination and legal discrimination. The differences about them are
the individual discrimination is when one person treats the other unfairly and that the
treatment is attributed to the victim’s membership in the minority. Institutional
discrimination is the way when the society is organized is accepted as a normal, and
even necessary, while it confers disproportionate benefits to members of the majority
groups. The last, is legal discrimination is when the laws permitted restaurant,
business and government agencies to limit or deny services, housing and employment
or comparable wages to racial minorities. (Romero, 239)



In this chapter, will explain furthermore about research design, data and source of
data, data collection technique, and data analysis, also shows out the research

2.1 Research Design

The researcher uses qualitative approach, interprets the data based on

identification and analysis. It is a type of research that does not need a statistic to
collect the data. The identification of the data will be helped by the theories.

2.2 Data and Source of Data

The researcher will be collected any data from the short story script On Being
Crazy written by W. E. B. Du Bois in 1907. The data will be in the act in dialogue of
On Being Crazy. The dialogue that will be used as the data is the dialogue that
contains any multiculturalism aspects.

2.3 Data Collection Technique

There are some several methods of data collecting, for this research I will use
observation because qualitative analysis data can be described by words in this short
story and does not have to be counted. In conducting this study, these are the
following steps of the observation in the process of collecting data from the data

a) Read the short story comprehensively and repeatedly.

b) Observe the narration and the dialogues in the short story. Pay attention to get
a related to the topic analysis.
c) Looking for any theories.
d) Identify what any multiculturalism aspects in On Being Crazy.
e) Conclude this short story.
2.4 Data Analysis

In this parts, the researcher uses descriptive analysis. It means that the researcher
interprets the texts and contents. Then, the researcher uses the data to analyze based
on multiculturalism aspects in On Being Crazy. The first step will be editing the data
to check if there is any error and make sure the data is related to the topic. Secondly,
is analyzing the data then make it into any classifications. The third step will be
making the conclusion.



3.1 Biography of the Writer

William Edward Burghardt “W. E. B.” Du Bois, was an American writer who has
received many awards such as the Spingarn Medal in 1920 and Lenin Peace Prize in
1959. His graduated in Harvard University and 2 other such as, Fisk University and
University of Berlin. He was the first Afro-American to earn a doctorate.

3.2 Synopsis of On Being Crazy

On Being Crazy is a written in 1907. This story tells about any white people who
gave discrimination toward black people, Du Bois, even in any different places. In the
early twentieth centuries, the insane relationship between whites toward blacks.
Reflected what white people thought of black people. There are civil equality and
social equality.

As the story goes by, when there are various scenes of Du Bois in restaurant,
theatre, hotel, and train station. There are somebody ask a question about Du Bois
whose a black people placed in a white people. Some argument appeared in that
conversation. Take placed in restaurant, theatre, hotel and train station. In the end of
conversation tells about a white man who gave up with their insane own argue and
still cannot allow social equality.

3.3 Indicators of Multiculturalism Issues

On Being Crazy is a short story that tells about white people perspective toward
black people. There are some indicators from white and black’s point of view
characters that can be found in this short story which relates to multiculturalism issues,
especially discrimination, prejudice, racial stereotype and ethnicity.

The first indicator is when a black man, Du Bois, walked into a restaurant and he
just want to eat but there are somebody ask a question and some argument happened.

It can be seen from Du Bois’s point of view (1907, 1):

…I walked into a restaurant, seated myself, and reached for the bill of fare. My
table companion rose. “Sir,” said he, “do you wish to force your company on those
who do not want you?” No, said I, I wish to eat. “Are you aware, sir, that this is social
equality?” Nothing of the sort, sir, it is hunger, and I ate.

Therefore, the second indicator is when a white woman in theatre asked a

question and gives her negatively perspective.

It can be seen from the lady’s point of view (1907, 2):

…I sought the theatre. As I sank into my seat, the lady shrank and squirmed. I
beg pardon, I said. “Do you enjoy being where you are not wanted?” she asked coldly.
Oh, no, I said. “Well, you are not wanted here” I was surprised. I fear you are
mistaken, I said, I certainly want the music, and I like to think the music wants me to
listen it. “Usher,” said the lady, “this is social equality.” “No madame,” said the
usher, “it is the second movement of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony.”

Also, the third indicator is when Du Bois can’t allow in white hotel. The
receptionist gives his negatively statements.

It can be seen from the receptionist’s point of view (1907, 2):

…I sought the hotel where I had sent my baggage. The clerk scrowled. “What do
you want?” Rest, I said. “This is a white hotel,” he said. I looked around. Such a
color scheme requires a great deal of cleaning, I said, but I don’t know that I object.
“We object,” said he. Then why, I began, but he interrupted. “we don’t keep niggers,”
he said, “we don’t want social equality.” Neither do I, I replied gently, I want a bed.

That’s quotation below is the final argues between Du Bois and a wayfarer in the
train station. Before that, they were a long argued with not having the end of clarity.
Both of them have each own perspective about social equality. Until finally both of
them such as exhausted with any blank argued. (1907, 4):

…”Well, then!” he shouted in that oddly illogical way. I gave up. Go on, I said,
either you are crazy or I am. “We both are,” he said as he trotted along in the mud.



Based on the explanation above which shown the prejudice appeared when any a
white people and Du Bois met even in any different place. Identify that prejudice as
multiculturalism issues which is the most confronted in this short story and will be
analyzed in this chapter.

4.1 Prejudice

The story also reveals race can determine social beliefs of another race. It can be
formed by stereotype from prejudice which refers to person or groups. Prejudice may
be refers to negative. It reinforces based on the social beliefs and feeling of personal
experience. It can be identify by this word:

…I walked into a restaurant, seated myself, and reached for the bill of fare. My
table companion rose. “Sir,” said he, “do you wish to force your company on those
who do not want you?” No, said I, I wish to eat. “Are you aware, sir, that this is social
equality?” Nothing of the sort, sir, it is hunger, and I ate.

In the quotation above, we can know how the prejudice can show the one race
beliefs. Race is often described as a social construct because it is a consequence of
accepted social reality as part of an identified racial group. This consequence includes
being the target of prejudice and discrimination, which has implications for the
long-term quality of life and implications for the long-term quality of life and mental
health (Sunardi 2).

The other cases of prejudice would be explained below:

…I sought the theatre. As I sank into my seat, the lady shrank and squirmed. I beg
pardon, I said. “Do you enjoy being where you are not wanted?” she asked coldly. Oh,
no, I said. “Well, you are not wanted here” I was surprised. I fear you are mistaken, I
said, I certainly want the music, and I like to think the music wants me to listen it.
“Usher,” said the lady, “this is social equality.” “No madame,” said the usher, “it is
the second movement of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony.”

4.2 Discrimination

The individual discrimination, when one people get the treats on the other
unfairly. It can be identify by this word:

…I sought the hotel where I had sent my baggage. The clerk scrowled. “What do
you want?” Rest, I said. “This is a white hotel,” he said. I looked around. Such a
color scheme requires a great deal of cleaning, I said, but I don’t know that I object.
“We object,” said he. Then why, I began, but he interrupted. “we don’t keep niggers,”
he said, “we don’t want social equality.” Neither do I, I replied gently, I want a bed.

In this case, when a receptionist did not allowed Du Bois to get a room in a white
hotel. Looks treat Du Bois very badly. Until finally Du Bois like a runaway and did
not get the comfort of he wanted.

I walked thoughtfully to the train. I’ll take a sleeper through Texas. I’m a little bit
dissatisfied with this town. “Can’t sell you one.” I only want to hire it, said I, for a
couple of nights. “Can’t sell you a sleeper in Texas,” he maintained. “They consider
that social equality.” I call it barbarism, I said, and I think I’ll walk.

Those quotation above shown how a white people gave an unfairly act toward
black people.

Walking, I met another wayfarer, who immediately walked to the other side of the
road, where it was muddy. I asked his reason. “Niggers are dirty,” he said. So is the
mud, said I. Moreover, I am not as dirty as you yet. “But you’re a nigger, ain’t you?”
he asked. My grandfather was so called.

Those happened in a train station and met another wayfarer.

…”I do not want my sister to marry a nigger.” I had not seen his sister, so I
merely murmured, let her say no. “By God, you shan’t marry her, even if she said yes.”
But, but I don’t want to marry her, I answered, a little perturbed at the personal turn.
“Why not!” he yelled, angrier than ever. Because I am already married and I rather
like my wife. “Is she a nigger?” he asked suspiciously. Well, I said again, her
grandmother was called that.

Those quotation above talked about how hated the white people to black people.

4.3 Ethnicity

Common characteristics of ethnicity that can be identified in the story are

nationality and language. It can identify through nationality that differentiate one
group to another group which can be proved through this sentence:

…Do you live in the South?” I persisted pleasantly. “Sure,” he growled, “and
starve there.” I should think you and the Negroes should get together and vote out
starvation. “We don’t let them vote.” We? Why not? I said in surprise. “Niggers is too
ignorant to vote.” But, I said, I am not so ignorant as you. “But you’re a nigger.” Yes.
I’m certainly what you mean by that.

From the sentences above, identify the aspect of multiculturalism, especially

ethnicity. Those sentence shown wherein Du Bois’s from, in South. There are
arguments about that placed, in South. It definitely reveals the cultural identity of
person or groups.



In these era racism is still exist of the most issues. Racism itself covers by
discrimination, prejudice, stereotype and ethnicity. That always happened because,
many people have different perspective but in the end they were create an argued to
minority group such a black people. The aspects of multiculturalism can be described
clearly through in various conversations in this story between white people toward
black people.

On Being Crazy is the story about a black people whom got a denial from white
people. Which that’s a white people who still didn’t want a social equality toward
blacks. All of bad act formed from the first and like be usual until now. Even though,
they were cannot explain it why they were did it.


Maloney, Thomas. 2002. “African Americans in the Twentieth Century”. EH. Net

Encyclopedia, edited by Robert Whaples.

Foner, Eric and A. Garraty, John. 1991. “The Reader’s Companion to American


Rosado, Caleb. Toward a Definition of Multiculturalism. ROSADO CONSUTLING

for Change in Human Systems, 1997. Pdf

Du Bois, W. E. B. On Being Crazy., 1907.

Raz, Joseph. Multiculturalism. Ratio Juris. Vol. 11 No. 3. 1998.

Romero, Sergio. Race and Ethnicity. Web. 2010.


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