Concrete Construction Article PDF - Plastic Aggregate

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Plastic aggregrate

Colorful alternative to mineral aggregate produces

striking design effects


magine being able to

I produce architectur-
al concrete contain-
ing aggregate of any
color. It’s now possible
due to recent re s e a rc h
by Master Builders In c. ,
Cleveland, and Ge n e ra l
Electric Co.’s Plastics
Div., Pittsfield, Massa-
chusetts. Since 1988, the
companies have been
working together to de-
velop plastic aggregates
that can replace con-
ventional mineral aggre- This patio, one of the first installations of plastic aggregate concrete, uses an attractive mix
gates in concrete. After of gray, white, and black aggregate. Notice the interesting contrast between the pattern-
experimenting with sev- stamped area, exposed by acid washing, and the border panels, exposed by use of a retarder
eral plastic formula- and water washing.
tions, researchers found
that an engineering aggregate. In laboratory tests, con- moisture, the concrete also per-
thermoplastic called polybutylene crete containing an aggregate mix of formed well in freeze-thaw durabili-
terephthalate (PBT) had the great- virgin and recycled PBT had a 28- ty tests. It showed no deterioration
est potential. day compressive strength of 5500 after 25 cycles even though the con-
PBT is primarily used for electri- psi—almost 38% higher than that of crete was not air-entrained.
cal parts, automotive exterior parts, concrete containing crushed lime- But strength and durability aren’t
and small appliances. It has high stone aggregate. The plastic aggre- the only advantages of plastic aggre-
mechanical strength, low moisture gate concrete also had a 50% higher gate concrete. For designers, its
absorption, and good dimensional flexural strength and was more re- greatest feature is color flexibility.
stability. These qualities contribute sistant to abrasion and impact. Be- Almost any shade is possible, from
to its excellent performance as an cause plastic aggregate absorbs little neutral grays and tans to brilliant
reds and ye l l ow s. And like mineral border panels (see photo). Plastic place architectural flooring for of-
aggregate, plastic aggregate can be aggregate concrete even tops the fices, malls, and other public build-
exposed by waterblasting, sanding, home’s kitchen counters. Grinding ings and precast products such as
grinding, or acid washing to achieve was used to smooth and polish the counter tops, conference tables, lit-
different surface effects. counter surfaces. ter containers, and wall panels.
For environmentalists, plastic ag- The aggregate distributor premix-
gregate has another advantage: in More field testing needed es the material with cement, fine ag-
some colors, the aggregates are Plastic aggregate is currently gregates, and admixtures then pack-
made from recycled plastics that available for use in interior con- ages the mixture in bags. The user
otherwise would wind up in land- crete. Applications include pour-in- only needs to add water to the
fills. Because disposing of bagged mix. Because plas-
waste materials is a growing tic aggregate is lightweight,
problem, some municipali- the concrete mix is almost
ties and businesses have 35% lighter than conven-
launched programs re- tional concrete. The aggre-
warding the use of recycled gate comes in 11 standard
materials in construction. colors. Aggregate in three of
these colors is made entire-
House of the future us- ly from recycled plastics.
es plastic aggregate The manufacturer also can
The first installation of produce custom colors to
plastic aggregate concrete meet special design re-
was at the General El e c t ri c quirements.
“Living En v i ro n m e n t s” The major drawback of
concept house built in plastic aggregate is cost—
Pittsfield, Massachusetts, in the material is several times
1989. The house, which is more expensive than most
30% plastic, showcases mineral aggregates. Howev-
construction materials and er, the price of plastic ag-
design and building meth- Precasters also can use plastic aggregate in such products gregate should drop as con-
ods that will influence the as conference tables and kitchen counter tops. Grinding the sumer demand for the
way homes are built in the concrete produces a smooth, polished surface. material grows.
future. It uses more than Another problem is lack
45,000 pounds of plastics in of in-field perf o rm a n c e
such elements as the roof, testing. Because plastic ag-
flooring, windows, siding, gregate concrete is so new,
plumbing, and foundation. there have been few instal-
The concept house fea- lations to date. More testing
tures plastic aggregate con- is needed to determine the
crete in several areas. Con- m a t e ri a l’s long-term per-
crete floors in the basement formance under va ri o u s
contain various colors of conditions.
plastic aggregate and have a
t e r ra z zo-style finish pro-
Joe Nasvik is president of
duced by wet grinding. A
Chicagoland Concrete Spe-
concrete patio contains a
cialists Inc., Lombard, IL, a
mix of gray, white, and
company that specializes in
black plastic aggregate. In-
placing architectural con-
stallers used stamping tools
crete. He also is on the
to give part of the patio sur-
board of directors of the
face a granite-like texture
Chicago chapter of the Amer-
and pattern. To provide
ican Concrete Institute (ACI).
contrast, they exposed the
aggregate using two meth-
ods: acid washing for the Publication # C910399
pattern-stamped area and a Copyright © 1991,
retarder and water wash for The Aberdeen Group.
All rights reserved

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