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All praise to Allah gods of the universe, because of the abundance of grace and mercy we can

gather together here at the present time in a good health. Good morning all, first i would like
to thank our lecturer who has given me the opportunity to present My presentation at this
moment, and I would like to say thank you for all my friends for coming in my presentation

My name is Nabilla and today I will bring a presentation with the topic of “why satellites are
extremelly important”

the contents of my topic for today is

the first discussion is
second discussion
the third discussion
the fourth discussion

Satellite is a planet (sky object that are in outer space) or a machine that orbits (circling)
another planet or a star. Earth for example, is a satellite because the Earth orbits the sun. The
same with the moon, the moon is a satellite because the moon is circling the earth. Usually
the word satellite is more directed to a machine that circles the earth, therefore the moon is
called the Earth's satellite.

There are two types of satellites, they are, natural satellites and artificial satellites.
First, Natural Satellite
A natural satellite is one of the existing outer space objects that orbits a planet. It means
this satellite is not made by humans. e.g : The moon, the natural satellite that belongs to the
planet Earth, Callisto,
The Io Satellite, which surrounds the planet Jupiter, and other.
Artificial satellites
Second, Artificial satellites
Artificial satellites are one of human made space objects which orbit a planet, and in its
manufacture have certain types and functions with a purpose for the benefit of human. e.g :
satelit Palapa and Telkom-1

Some of the main functions of artificial satellites are:

 Take a picture of the earth. It is used by scientists and meteorological agencies to
predict the weather and anticipate the presence of hurricanes.
 Take pictures of another planet. Because human science must be developed, scientists
need data about other planets to study. So that mankind can better understand the
universe and outer space.
 Telecommunication. Artificial satellites are generally used for the purposes of
information exchange. Examples are for satellite TV, satellite Internet and GPS.
To be able to operate satellites launched into orbit with the help of rockets. Developed
countries such as the United States, Russia, France and later China, have had
station to throw a satellite into its orbit.

The position of satellites in orbit there are three kinds namely. Low Earth Orbit (LEO): 500-
2,000 km above the earth's surface. Medium Earth Orbit (MEO): 8,000-20,000 km on the
surface of the earth. Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO): 35,786 km above the earth's surface.

The entire movement of the satellite is monitored from the earth or better known as the
control station. The workings of the satellite is by way of uplink and downlink. Uplink
transmission is sent from earth to satellite, while downlink is transmitting from satellite to
earth station.

While the power system used by satellites is obtained through sunlight that is converted to
electrical form using Solar cells (Solar cells). In addition, the satellite is also equipped with a
12-year power source that is fuel in order to operate.

Before the satellite, it was difficult for humans to observe the earth as a whole with a short
time. Using ground tools to observe the earth takes a very long time. So with the satellite,
more data can be obtained about contours, shapes, and weather on earth very quickly and

Satellites are important, because before satellite TV signals can not radiate at great distances.
In fact, the TV signal radiates like a straight line. Because of the round shape of the earth, this
signal is easily strayed into the outer space. Does not follow the shape of the earth's surface.
Not infrequently also this TV signal blocked by mountains, hills, or buildings in the city ..

So is the case with the phone. Calls using cable will cost very much. This is because the cost
of underground and underwater cable installation is very expensive, and also with a very high
level of difficulty.

With the satellite, TV broadcast and your phone conversations can be sent to the satellite as a
signal. Then only a few moments, this satellite can send all the information just to the
destination. More efficient and faster.
In conclusion, the satellite is a celestial body or a machine that surrounds other objects, there
are two types of satellite satellites such as natural moon and satellite-made example palapa
satellite and satelite telkomsel 01, so the satellite when its existence is important because
without the satellite it will be difficult for us as human observe the earth for a short time, and
electronic devices such as tvs and telephones will not work as they do today, because they
require satellites to catch their siyals and distribute them according to the destination address
of the information

just a lot of me, sorry if there is a mistake on my words I end with wabillahi taufik wal
hidayah wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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