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“War on Drugs”

By: Eman Jay Fesalbon

I. Introduction

A. Introduction for the topic

Since Duterte reign we watched in television and we can also heard in radio that there are lots
of drug lord, pusher and user arrested because of what of our Philippine President done and
action to solve the problem on drugs. Almost of the events happened in urban area and populated
areas especially in Manila because in that areas are noisy and can’t really determine drastically
who the criminal nor the innocent. In cities we don’t know the kind of people we can meet that
maybe he is a criminal or drug pusher. We could not know that maybe we are the next target of a
hold upper or the planting of illegal drugs in our pockets, pouch, purse or bag.

B. Background for the topic

Since taking once on June 30, 2016, Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte has carried out
a “war on drugs” that has led to the deaths of over 12,000 Filipinos to date, mostly urban poor.
At least 2,555 of the killing have been attributed to the Philippine National Police. Duterte and
other senior officials have been integrated and incited the killings in a campaign that could
amount to crimes against humanity. And there are some of groups of students and youths speak
out about that if, we watch in a television or we are aware.

C. Thesis statement

The Duterte’s campaign main focus is to solve the big issue and problem of our country but,
in other hand because of that campaign there are innocent people who implicate and suffer their
life. And the family of that accidentally killed persons suffer also because the budget they earn is
not enough because their partner in life is gone. It is surely hard to think that what the situation
of the family of the victim is. The children or the family members maybe will starve to death
because they don’t have budget and money to buy their daily needs.

II. Body

Summary of the counterclaim

Human Rights watch has found police are falsifying to justify the unlawful killings despite
growing for an investigation, Duterte has vowed to continue the campaign. Even some are
contradict he stand out and he sorry about that killings and he explained, but it is not good
because the one’s life is gone and remember we live ones therefore, his apologized is futile for
the family and the relatives of the victim because the anger pain prevail in their hearts and
noodles. And that sorry can’t heal the pain and make the one’s life back.
Supporting Information for the counterclaim

Not just in Human Rights and some youths are against in Duterte’s campaign because if we
base in holy bible of God, in book of exodus chapter 4:13 he said that “thou shall not kill”. So it
means in killings happened they break/disobey the law God. And that verse is a proof that the
killings bring of the campaign is oppose in one of the Ten Commandments. Even hurting
someone’s feeling is wrong and bad how much to cut someone’s life.

Giving evidence for the argument

Large-scale of extrajudicial violence as a crime solution as a marker of Duterte’s 22-year tenure

as a mayor of Davao City and the cornerstone of his presidential campaign. On the eve of his May
9, 2016 election victory Duterte told a crowd of more than 300, 000: “If I make it for the
presidential palace I will just do of what I did as mayor. You drug pushers, holdup men and do
nothing, you better get out because I’ll kill you. He is showing his braveness and his aim that he
will never stop and the police to chase those who implicate in drugs and its transactions.

The argument

Assertion of the claim:

a. Opinion

- The Duterte"s campaign to solve the problem in drugs has an negative effect. The extra judicial
killings appear unkindly. There are lot of victims died in a hand of the police without a valid proof
then, the police just made an evidence before the media or other investigators comes. In short they
just wash their hands to be good but the truth they are just pretending. What the inhumanity it is.
But how's the killings happened in a victim and why other police also die if it is not a pusher or
drug dealer so, in that situation there is a fight and exchanging of gun shots, defend of the police
even the the fight happened in other operation that truly a drug dealers.

b. Support

- After the killings happened some family of the victims file a case. They are defending that the
husband/wife or offspring is innocent. They file a case to claim the Justice they want and pay the
persons/police involved why there relative died. But that kind of case sometimes just unmindly
and ignore because it is a long process,sure enough if the person who file a case is unfortunate.
And always the unfortunate can't get the justice because don't have enough money and just forget
the justice.

III. Conclusion

Restating of the argument

I noticed that even the Human Rights against his campaign and he disobey the one in the ten
commandment is showing that he is unstoppable and it is inspiring but there are lots of innocent
person suffers. Police don’t notice that the person they killed had a dreams that maybe they are not
done to acquire their dreams and their own family that can’t really stand and live because of
poverty. One’s the post of the house is gone or the light home is gone its partner will really find
difficult to live and support the needs of their sons and daughters. And it has big possibility that
the family of the criminals or victims have still studying children it will stop and maybe a cause
that they can’t achieve their dreams and the percent of poor and unlearned in our country will

Providing plan of action

I hope that the Duterte’s campaign will become successful without no one innocent are
implicating, please the police will take care to kill and as long as it could. Instead of that killings
why the police should not try to avoid to kill, but shot the innocents either the criminals can’t fight
and arrest them put in bar nor if they are willing to turn over a new leaf help them to rehabilitate,
because no matter what happen it are still human, then and we should never take illegal drugs
because it can destroy of anybody’s life. And for all the youth’s we should be a good epitome in
making good things and let’s contribute good works to our beloved country with the presence of
the Lord.

~Avoid killings even it is criminal to avoid extra judicial killings.

~All age of 11 and above twice year DRUG TEST PROJECT.


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