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Paper number Paper number 1570570386

Email Email,,,,,

Paper title Paper title Bidik as a Location Midwife & Clinical Search
Plarform and Health Services to Meet Family
Health Needs
Title Format, 1) Format of FM must be -Title should not be all-uppercase. Uppercase letter
Abstract writing, according to conference is only used for the first letter of every word
keywords template: font size, length
of abstract, number of

2) Abstract must contain


3) Maximum number of
keywords 5.

4) No repetition of word
for the title
Name of authors For the same affiliation, -All authors are from the same affiliation, thus they
(combine combine multiple authors need to be written in just a single column (middle),
authors with in one column. and please check the format of author list in the
identical template -Name of department and institution
affiliation) More than 1 email must be in italic
address can be written on
the last line
Fonts according In general, the section -The spacings on final lines of paragraph 1 and
to template title, body of the paragraph 3 are all messed up. Please fix these
paragraph, figure caption, problems and any similar problems (if any)
table caption, size and -Please change the title of chapter III. You still use
type of fonts, must follow the chapter title from the template.
the template of the
Equations 1) The way to write the OK (No Eq)
writings equation must follow the
conference template with
center alignment for
equation and equation
number right justified,

2) Equations may not be

in the form of screenshot,
but equations must be
typed using Word
alphabet, Equation Editor,
or Equation Tools
Picture 1) Pictures/figures must -Figure 2 is too blurry/too small to read
resolution and be of high resolution,
font size inside
picture 2) Font size used inside
the picture/figure must be
equal to Times New
Roman size 7 and
Figure caption 1) Consistency in -For figures which contains two or more sub-
and Table referring, if in caption the figures, each sub-figures must be marked (a), (b),
caption to be author uses Figure, then etc. and then the figure caption should address
consistent in text in paragraph body the each of these subfigures
citation must be Figure,
too. If in caption the -Figure captions must be justify-aligned, not
author uses Fig., then in centered, and not indented like in Fig. 1
citation should use Fig,
too. -Figure captions only use uppercase for the letter
"F" in "Figure", and the first word of the
2) Size and style of explanation. Any other letter at the start for the
caption for Figure and rest of the words should be in lowercase (see the
Table must be Times New template)
Roman size 8 (according
to template)

3)The numbering of
Figure uses italic number
(1,2,3), the numbering of
Table uses roman number
(I,II,III), for example Fig. 1
or Figure 1, Table I)
Figure/Table 1) Figure and Table must -Each figure must be referred in the text before the
must first found first be mentioned in text figure appears
in text before before the Figure and
they appear Table appears in the -If the author uses the form of "Fig.1" as the figure
paper. captions, the figures must be referred in the text in
the same way, e.g. " can be seen in Figure 1...".
2) Referring to Do not replace the word "Figure" with anything
Figure/Table must directly else for example image 1 to refer the figure
use their number, not
using words such as "next -Avoid the use of the words "below", "above", etc.
table", "the following to point to figures/tables when referring them in
table", and so on..., the text

3) Each Figure/Table must -Please make the indentation of the contents in

be mentioned at least 1 Table 1 consistent, either left or center.
time in the paper,
-Please follow the template on how to write the
4) Table and Figure should table caption (all-uppercase, roman numeral)
be placed not too far from
the place where they are -Table should be referred in the text before it
referred to inside the appears using roman numeral, i.e. Table IV instead
body of the paragraph of Table 4
Writing the 1) Check whether the -Citation in the text must use IEEE style, not APA
reference (style, writing of the references style. Again, please consult the template
order of already follows the IEEE
appearance) style, -Reference must be cited in order of appearance
2) Reference must be -Reference list should use IEEE style of reference
cited in order of (beginning with abbreviation of first name, etc.).
appearance Please fix them according to the template.

3) Maximum 25%
Indonesian references.
The rest must be in
Updated Paper must contain OK
reference must citations which are
be used (last 3 published in the last 3
years) years (references must
update, proven by
which are 3 years old or
English Writing The general assessment of -Please remove this sentence "What is midwifery? "
and Grammar the English level of the in Chapter II. No need for asking question and
paper. Acceptable or not? answering it yourself in scientific paper.

The committee can help -Please change the title of chapter II. "Theory
by providing professional Understanding" makes no sense from grammatical
proof reader (sworn point of view
translator) with the price
of Rp100.000/page. -Avoid the use of "I" in a scientific paper. It should
be replaced by "the author" or rephrase the
The author is suggested to sentence in passive voice.
provide proof read by
himself/herself. -The phrase "The following below..." is redundant.
The word "following" already points to something
Publication may be to be shown after the line.
rejected if there is no
significant improvement
in level of English writing. -In general, grammar and sentence structures are
still poor. Proofreading by professional is
recommended. We provide proofreading service
with the fee Rp 100k per page if the author could
not find professional proofreader. Please note that
there is a possibility that the paper will not
published if there is no significant improvement in
English department.
Number of The paper must be at OK
pages (minimum least 4 pages but
4, maximum 6) maximum 6 pages.
Conclusion does Check the writing and the OK
not have to be content of Conclusion
with section.
n (reformulate It should be written in
recommendatio style of research
n) conclusion, but not in
style of a thesis
conclusion, final project
70% of the Final manuscript (FM) The following points from the reviewers have not
reviewer inputs must accommodate at been adressed:
must be least 70% of reviewers'
accommodated input, if the FM is Reviewer 1:
in Final compared to the Review 1. You should follow the format of IEEE citation
Manuscript manuscript (RM) style includes in-text citations (numbered in square
brackets) e.g. [1], Examples of in-text citations:
"...end of the line for my research [13]."
2. Change this line III. PREPARE YOUR PAPER
3. Table 1 is not referred anywhere in the paper
4. Image 1? do you mean Figure 1? Change it so
that it refer to Figure 1
5. Figure 3 is not referred any where in the paper
6. Caption of Figure 4 a,b should be changed to
Figure 4(a) .... Figure 4(b)...
7. Caption Figure 5 also the same with point
number 6
8. Figure 6 also the same, in the text it is mention
that there are two images but it appear 4 images of
figure 6, you should change the caption for Figure
9. Figure 7 is not referred anywhere in the paper
10. follow the IEEE reference style, for example if
the source is journal then you should write it as:
J. U. Duncombe, "Infrared navigation - Part I: An
assessment of feasability," IEEE Trans. Electron.
Devices, vol. ED-11, pp. 34-39, Jan. 1959. So please
see and follow the IEEE formatting guideline
11. Put all the citation sources in part literature
review in REFERENCES as you have not listed yet in
12. Other than poin 11 you should also put the
source for (Gita and Nurrobikha, 2018), Hitt et al.,
(2001: 17)
12. Change I become we or authors in page 1: For
this reason, I am interested in......
13. what is development and platform below the
title of the paper? is it sub title or what?

Reviewer 2:
- Revised paper format based on IEEE format:
column of affiliation is indicate the number of
institution. if the author only from one university,
then the affiliation is only one column. citation also
must be in the numbering form.
- English must be improved.
- Add some results in the abstract
- In the introduction, the author need to add more
literature study which published in the last three
years. therefore, we could identify the contribution
of the papers.
- The quality and font size of all figure must be
- What do you mean by: II. THEORY
BEFORE STYLING, in the section II and III,
- How do you evaluate the develop application?
- what is the differences between existing google
map with Fig?
- Please analysis results in the discussions and
The revised final Author must send back Above are the inputs from the Publication Chair of
manuscript must the improvement of FM, the ICSECC Conference.
include named FM2 to
highlights of, Please conduct the review of your final manuscript
changes made (FM) according to the items mentioned above.
by author Author MUST give
highlights to parts where
the author conducts the You now have 10 days to revise your paper
improvement, showing according to the input. Please send again your
the difference between revised final manuscript (FM2) to
FM2 and the previous FM.


CHANGES. We will reject FM2 without highlight.

Your paper will proceed to publication phase only

after it passes the checklist of the Publication Chair.
Document Submitted FM must be in Please ensure that you only submit documents in
Format DOC, may not be in other DOC format.
DOCX will not be accepted.
DOCX or PDF is not

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