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Reading for Give the SS the full text.

Pair the SS and T-SS 4 mins HO2,

details tell them that you will give them 5 HO3
sentences and they have to check the text
to find they’re T or F. SS have 2 minutes
to do this. Demo the first one.
ICQs: Are you going to read everything? SS-SS
Are all the sentences T? (No)
Are you going to write T / F? (Yes).

Do a brief FB with the class to check the T-SS 1 min


Reading for Tell SS that you have 5 questions for them T-SS 5 mins HO4
details and they have to answer the questions
related to the text in groups. They have 3
minutes to answer the questions. Demo
the first one.

ICQs: Are you going to read everything or SS-SS

just look for information? (look for
Are you going to write long answers or
short answers? (short answers)
Are you going to work alone or with your
group? (with your group)

Do a brief FB with the class to check the T-SS 1 min


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