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Clin. Cardiol.

13, 764-772 (1990)

Alpha-Adrenergic Blockers: Mechanism of Action, Blood Pressure Control,

and Effects on Lipoprotein Metabolism
D. T.NASH, M.D.,F.A.C.P., F.A.C.C.

SUNY Health ScienceCenter at Syracuse, Syracuse, New York, USA

Summary: The sympathetic nervous system plays a major and lipoproteins. Doxazosin is different from other aI-
role in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension and is adrenergic inhibitors in that its maximal hypotensive ef-
mediated by the a and P receptors. The a receptor is divid- fect occurs within 5 or 6 hours after administration in acute
ed into two types, a I and a2, based on response to dosing studies, making first-dose postural hypotension un-
epinephrine and norepinephrine. a ,-Adrenergic receptors likely, and its long half-life provides 24-h blood pressure
have a high affinity for drugs such as pmzosin, doxazo- control with once-daily dosing.
sin, and terazosin, which act to reduce blopd pressure by
selective blockade of the receptor. These agents provide
a rational approach to the treatment of hypertension by Key words: hypertension, a blockers, 0 blockers, lipids,
correcting elevated total peripheral resistance, the fun- doxazosin, prazosin, terazosin
damental hemodynamic abnormality in essential hyper-
tension. In contrast, early a-adrenergic receptor blockers
nonselectively blocked both a Iand a2receptors and were Introduction
unsuitable as antihypertensive agents because they induced
tachycardia and patients developed a tolerance to them The pathogenesis and maintenance of essential hyper-
rapidly. a,-Adrenergic blockers also have beneficial ef- tension has been associated with a number of factors, but
fects on plasma lipoproteins, tending to decrease levels hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system plays a
of triglycerides and cholesterol and increase levels of high- major role. A manifestation of this hyperactivity is a gener-
density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and the HDL alized increase in total peripheral resistance, the fundamen-
cholesterol/total cholesterol ratio. P-Adrenergic blockers, tal hemodynamic abnormality in essential hypertension. I
such as propranolol and atenolol, have been shown to have This abnormality appears even in patients who have no
an adverse effect on the lipid profile by tending to increase evidence of increased peripheral resistance at rest, but
levels of triglycerides and decrease HDL cholesterol. A who, on exercise, demonstrate inappropriately high sys-
number of mechanisms contribute to these effects, in par- temic resistance at a given level of increase in cardiac out-
ticular, adrenergic modulation of lipoprotein lipase and put.2 Other mechanisms prominent in the development of
the triglyceride secretion rate. Doxazosin has been shown systemic hypertension include increased vascular sensi-
to increase the activity of LDL receptors, which may be tivity to catecholamines or to other vasoactive substances,
partly responsible for its beneficial effect on plasma lipids hyperactivity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system,
or a reduced level of local or circulating vasodilator sub-
The actions of the sympathetic nervous system medi-
ated by either of two receptor types, known as a or 0 .
These receptors are defined by their responses to stimu-
lation by catecholamines: a-adrenergic receptor sites
Address for reprints: respond primarily to epinephrine and norepinephrine and
David T. Nash, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.C. less so to isoproterenol; the converse is true of P-
Clinical Professor of Medicine adrenergic receptors. The a-adrenergic receptors are fur-
SUNY Health Science Center at Syracuse ther subdivided into two distinct types: a I, most of which
Syracuse, NY 13210, USA are located postjunctionally on the vascular smooth mus-
Received: February 16, 1990 cle cell, and a*,which are located prejunctionally on the
Accepted: May 29, 1990 sympathetic nerve ending (Fig. l).4 Blockade of the aI-
D. T. Nash: Mechanism of action of alpha blockers 765

Peripheral nerve ending Vascular smooth muscle these agents are phenoxybenzamine and phentolamine,
which are nonselective a-adrenergic receptor blockers.
These agents block both the postjunctional receptor on the
vascular smooth muscle cell, which is desired to reduce
blood pressure, and the prejunctional receptor on the sym-
pathetic nerve ending. The increased levels of
norepinephrine resulting from a,-adrenergic blockade may
attenuate the desired postjunctional blockade, thus d e c m -
ing the degree of blood pressure reduction. Furthermore,
the increase in norepinephrine in the systemic circulation
may result in tachycardia and tremulousness. These ear-
ly agents were clinically unsuitable for use in antihyper-
tensive therapy because of their tendency to induce
tachycardia and rapid tolerance buildup.,
A different mechanism of action is at work with selec-
Circulating E tive a-adrenergic receptor blockers. These agents selec-
tively block the a,-adrenergic receptor but do not affect
FIG.I Schematic representation of the a-adrenergic receptor sub-
types on peripheral nerve endings (presynaptic) and vascular smooth
the prejunctional a,-adrenergic receptors. Consequently,
muscle (postsynaptic). Contraction of vascular smooth muscle is unwanted increased levels of norepinephrine are avoided
mediated primarily by a,receptors, whereas a2receptors located and thus undesirable cardiac and systemic effects of in-
on peripheral nerve endings inhibit norepinephrine (NE) release, creased norepinephrine release are circumvented. The use
thereby providing local feedback control of sympathetic vasocon- of a selective a-adrenergic receptor blocker makes phys-
striction. Recent data indicate that some vascular postsynaptic recep- iologic and therapeutic sense in the management of hyper-
tors are of the a2subtype. [Modified from Colucci and Braunwald, tension.
Cardiovasc Clin 14, 39 (1984)l.
The different physiologic effects of selective versus non-
selective a blockade in a blood-perfused dog kidney prepa-
ration can be seen in Figure 2. In this study,2 prazosin,
adrenergic receptor results in relaxation of vascular smooth injected into the blood supply of a blood-perfused dog kid-
muscle and a reduction in blood pressure. ney preparation, did not increase overflow of
The prejunctional a,-adrenergic receptor is quite differ- norepinephrine when compared with control; phentola-
ent from the a,-adrenergic receptor and is involved in the mine, however, significantly increased norepinephrine
maintenance of vascular tone by mediating the release of ovefflow when compared with control (p<O.OOl). Fur-
norepinephrine. When the prejunctional a,-adrenergic thermore, prazosin, unlike phentolamine, does not poten-
receptor is stimulated by norepinephrine, additional release tiate the effects of sympathetic nerve stimulation. When
of norepinephrine is inhibited. Release of norepinephrine
may also be reduced by norepinephrine or epinephrine en-
tering the synaptic cleft from the bloodstream. Blockade’
of the a2-adrenergic receptor results in an opposite effect;
namely increased release of norepinephrine. The prejunc- T
tional a,-adrenergic receptor, therefore, forms part of a
feedback loop that maintains sympathetic activity and sub-
sequent vascular tone.
The a-adrenergic receptors also differ in their specitici-
ties for antagonist agents. The a,-adrenergic receptors have
a high affinity for drugs such as prazosin, doxazosin, and
terazosin, and a low affinity for drugs such as clonidine
or yohimbine. The converse is true for a,-adrenergic recep-
tors: extremely low affinity for prazosin and doxazosin and
a high affinity for clonidine or yohimbine.’

Sensitivity of Alpha,-Adrenergic Receptor n=3 n=3 n=3

Blocking Agents for Alpha,-Adrenergic
Effects of phentolamine and prazosin on stimulation-
Receptors induced norepinephr;ne overflow in isolated blood-perfused dog kid-
ney. 0 Control; fzI intra-arterial phentolamine 0.5 mg; intra-
a-Adrenergic receptor blockers were the first agents to arterial prazosin 0.5 mg. [Modified from Davey, Am J Curdiol59,
be used as antihypertensive agents. Early examples of 18G (1987). Ref. 2.1
766 Clin. Cardiol. Vol. 13, November 1990

cardiac sympathetic nerves in the dog were stimulated to minutes.7 Mean resting supine arterial pressure after 1 h
increase heart rate, prazosin did not potentiate the stimu- was lowered by 8 % from baseline at rest supine, by 12%
lation, whereas phentolamine increased the effect.* at rest sitting, and by 10% on a bicycle ergometer (at 100
Doxazosin and terazosin have been shown to have a W). Mean total peripheral resistance index was reduced
similar a,-adrenergic receptor selectivity as prazosin. In by 5 % at rest supine, 9% at rest sitting (p<O,OI), and
fact, when the affinity for aI-and a,-adrenergic recep- 14%during bicycle ergometric exercise (p<O.001). Heart
tors among doxazosin, prazosin, and phentolamine were rate increased by 5 % , indicating that only slight reflex
compared in a rabbit pulmonary artery, doxazosin was tachycardia occurred despite the rapid reduction in blood
shown to have greater selectivity than prazosin for the a,- pressure. Cardiac index remained unchanged at rest and
adrenergic receptor as opposed to the a,-adrenergic recep- increased by 4% with exercise (pC0.05). primarily as a
tor., At concentrations > M,prazosin caused an in- result of the minor increase in heart rate. The investiga-
crease in efflux of tritiated norepinephrine. Doxazosin, tors concluded that doxazosin normalizes central
however, at concentrations < M had no effect on ef- hemodynamics, both at rest and during exercise, in hyper-
flux of norepinephrine (Table I). It is unclear if these tensive patients. Doxazosin reduced blood pressure by
differences have any clinical relevance. reducing total peripheral resistance without reducing cardi-
ac output.
In this same study,7patients were placed on once-daily
Hemodynamic Effects of Alpha,-Adrenergic oral doxazosin (mean dose 6.5 mg; range 2-16 mg). Af-
Receptor Blockers in Hypertensive Patients ter one year of treatment, reductions in total peripheral
resistance index of 19% ,20%, and 18% were Seen at rest
Recent studies in humans suggest that postjunctional a,- supine, at rest sitting, and following bicycle ergometric
adrenergic receptors in resistance vessels significantlycon- exercise, respectively. Resting supine cardiac index in-
tribute to the maintenance of vascular tone resulting in creased slightly but was unchanged at rest sitting and fol-
hypertension. Selective a,-adrenergic receptor blockers, lowing bicycle ergometry. Although the doses employed
such as pmosin, doxazosin, and terazosin, inhibit adrener- in the acute and chronic phases of the study were not the
gically dependent vascular tone without disrupting over- same, the investigators felt that a similar acute and chronic
all sympathetic function, thus offering significant clini- hemodynamic response was achieved with doxazosin.
cal advantages over earlier nonspecific agents. Because
postjunctionala,-adrenergic receptors located on arterio-
lar smooth muscle are the major determinants of sym- Renal Effects of Alphal-Adrenergic Receptor
pathetically mediated vascular tone, selective blockade Blockers in Hypertensive Patients
with a,-adrenergic receptor blockers is a rational approach
to lowering blood pressure by correcting elevated total Since selective a,-adrenergic receptor blockers do not
peripheral resistance, the major hemodynamic defect in affect a,-receptor-mediated negative feedback control of
essential hypertension. norepinephrinerelease from sympatheticnerve terminals,
This effect was demonstrated in a study of 14 patients these agents effectively lower blood pressure without
with moderate essential hypertension who received in- markedly affecting renal function. This was demonstrat-
travenous injection of doxazosin 0.5-1 mg over 3 ed in a clinical study of hypertensive patients who received
doxazosin in either stepwise doses of 0. I , 0.3, 1. 3, and
10 gg/kg/min with each infusion lasting 10 minutes or
fixed doses of 1 gg/kg/min.*A third group served as con-
trols and were infused only with glucose. Only minor
TABLE I Effects of antagonists at pre- and postjunctional a,-
adrenergic receptors in superfused strips of rabbit pulmonary
changes in renal perfusion and m i n secretion were seen
artery in patients receiving doxazosin. The investigatorsconclud-
ed that although a,-adrenergic receptors in the kidney can
Prejunctional Postjunctional Selectivity influence renal vasoconstriction and inhibition of renin
activity activity ratio release, the quantitative impact is minor.
EC4o pre (nmol) EC4o post (nmol) prelpost
Doxazosin >30,ooO 50 >600
Clinical Experience with Alpha,-Adrenergic
Prazosin 1,300 4.5 289
Receptor Blockers in Hypertension
Phentolamine 120 1 ,ooO 0.12
Abbreviations: EC4o pre =concentration producing a 40% in- In clinical trials, a ,-adrenergic receptor blockers have
crease in overnow to nerve stimulation; E C post=comntmtion
~ been shown to be efficacious antihypertensive agents.
producing a 40% decrease in the contractile response. Prazosin, doxazosin, and terazosin have been shown to
Source: Modified from Davey, Am J Curdiol59, 18G (1987), be effective as initial the rap^,^ and in comparison with
ref. 2. diuretics10 and P-adrenergic blockers. In clinical studies
D. T. Nash: Mechanism of action of alpha blockers 767

ranging from single-dose administration to long-range blockers.I7.'*Table I1 is a summary of clinical trials com-
studies of more than a year, these agents have been found paring doxazosin and other a,-adrenergic receptor block-
to be effective antihypertensive agents when given as ers with each other, 8-adrenergic blockers, and thiazide
monotherapy, together with concomitant medications,'* diuretics (Table II).13-17*19-26
and in comparison with other antihypertensiveagents, such The phannacodynamic profile of doxazosin in humans
as diuretics, other a,-adrenergic blockers,I3-l6and 8- differs from that of prazosin in that the maximal hypoten-

TABLEI1 Summary of double-blind parallel group therapeutic trials comparing different a,-adrenergic antagonists with each other
and with other antihypertensive drugs in patients with mild or moderate essential hypertension
Mean decrease in SBPIDBP
No. of Dosage Duration Response rate
Reference patients (mglday) (weeks) Supine Standing (%la
Comparisons with a'-adrenoceptor antagonists
Cox et al. (1986)20 1 10' D 1-16 9-64 719 9/10 60
P 1-20 619 7/10 61
Hayduk and SchneiderI4 55 D 1-16 18 18/15 17/16 73
( 1987) T 1-20 14/14 1019 64
Torvik and Madsbul' 104 D 1-16 52' 14/13 11/10
( 1987) P 1-20 819 616
Degerl5 (1986) 174 T 2-20 14 617 9/18
P 2-20 315 816
Comparisons with 8-adrenoceptor antagonists
Baez et al. (1986)21 12 D 1-16 14 619 10113
A 50-100 12/10 8/ 10
Cox et ~1.(1986)~~ 3 12' D 1-16 9-64 517 718 60
A 50-100 10112 9111 60
66 D 1-16 9-64 10113 13/13 60
M 100-200 23/16 12/14 70
52 D 1-16 9-64 418 719 60
N 40-160 8/10 619 54
Frick et al. (1986)22 143 D 1-16 20-58 716 1118 45
A 50-100 32 16/12 17/13 50
Frick et al. (1987)23 91 D 1-16 817 1119
A 50-100 13/10 13/10
Nash et al. (1987)" 129 D 1-16 16 918 I1110
A 50-100 1311 1 12/12
Ott et al. (1987)24 126 D 1-16 28 316 918
A 50-100 20114 1019
Comparisons with thiazide diuretics
Cox et al. (1986)20 131' D 1-16 9-64 8/15 13/14
H 25-100 13/14 15/14
Hjortdahl et al. (1987)2s 115 D 1-16 28-32 718 1311 Id 60
H 25-100 18/10 16/10 51
Trost et al. (1987)26 106 D 1-16 32 14/12 18/13
H 25-100 1411 1 1711 1
Luther et al. (1989)" 194 T 1-10 14 811 1 819
M5 15/12 1519
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~

aRespOnse rate = % with satisfactory response defined as decrease to <90mmHg diastolic and a reduction of at least 5 mmHg from
baseline or a decrease of 2 10 mmHg.
'Number of patients treated with other drug only; a similar (unstated) number received doxazosin.
'A non-blind comparison.
dEffect significantly gmter with hydrochlorothiazide for supine systolic pressure only.
Abbreviarions: D=doxazosin; P=prazosin; T=terazosin; A =atenolol; M =metoprolol; N =nadolol; H =hydmhlorothiazide;
M =methyclothiazide; SBP=systolic blood pressure; DBP =diastolic blood pressure.
Source: Modified from Young and Brogden, Drugs 35, 525 (1988),ref. 19.
768 Clin. Cardiol. Vol. 13, November 1990

sive response to a single dose (intravenous or oral) of dox- Systolic BP Diastolic BP Heart rate
azosin occurs much later (5-6 h) than that of prazosin Mean 5
(0.5-1 h).27 Thus, doxazosin may be less likely than change T
prazosin to cause symptomatic postural hypotension af-
ter the first dose. The short (2.5 h) half-life of prazosin
requires multiple daily dosing. The half-lives of doxazo-
sin and terazosin are significantly longer: 10-12 h in -5
single-dose studies. In multiple-dose studies that meas-
ured plasma concentrations beyond 24 h, the half-life of -10
doxazosin was 22 h. 28 The pharmacokinetics of doxazo-
sin appear to make the drug suitable for once-daily ad- -15

ministration that may achieve 24-h blood pressure con- p = 0.06 p = 0.002 p = 0.04
trol in many hypertensive patients.28
This 24-h blood pressure control of doxazosin was
demonstrated in a recent study of 40 patients with mild
to moderate hypertension who were treated with doxazo-
sin (mean final daily dose in 20 patients of 13.1 mg) or
placebo.29 In the 9th week of double-blind treatment,
blood pressure measurements were taken throughout the
day during 24-h hospitalization and compared with simi- -5
lar measurements taken during the 2-week placebo run-
in period. Inpatient results showed that doxazosin signifi- -10
cantly reduced mean standing and supine diastolic blood
pressure at most intervals, including 24 h after adminis- p = 0.06 p = 0.01 p = 0.03
tration (p < 0.05 vs. placebo). For outpatients, mean 24-h
postdose reductions from baseline with doxazosin were
12.9/11.9 mmHg for standing systolic/diastolic blood FIG.3 Outpatient results: Mean 24-h postdose changes (fSEM)
in (A) standing and (B) supine blood pressure (mmHg) and heart
pressure and 9.9/10.0 mmHg for supine blood pressure. rate (beatslmin) at the end of 9 weeks of treatment with doxazosin
Figure 3 shows that the reductions from baseline for stand- (Ed) or placebo (0). [Modified from Smyth er al., Eur J Clin Phar-
ing and supine blood pressure were significantly greater macol 34, 613 (1988)J
with doxazosin than with placebo (p=0.002 and p=O.OOl,
respectively). Furthermore, heart rate in both the stand-
ing and supine positions was unchanged 24 h after ad-
ministration of doxazosin. to increase plasma triglyceride levels and decrease high-
In a multicenter comparative study of doxazosin and ter- density lipoproteins (HDL) without generally affecting
azosin as once-daily therapy for hypertension, therapeu- low-density lipoproteins (LDL).30Labetalol, which is an
tic success, defined as a decrease in standing diastolic a- and 0-adrenergic blocker, appears to be lipid neutral.
blood pressure to < 90 mmHg and a reduction of at least Prazosin not only lacks adverse effects on plasma lipids,
10 mmHg in standing diastolic blood pressure, was but has been shown to increase HDL levels, decrease to-
achieved in 19 of 26 (73%) patients receiving doxazosin tal cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and increase the
and in 18 of 28 (64%)patients in the terazosin group.I4 HDL cholesterol/total cholesterol ratio. 30 Similar benefi-
Patients tended to require lower doses of doxazosin than cial effects have been seen with doxazosin (see section
terazosin to achieve therapeutic success. Results are sum- below).
marized in Table 111. A number of mechanisms have been proposed to ex-
plain the influence of adrenergic antagonists on lipid
metabolism.3 1 The first involves adrenergic modulation
The Effects of Adrenergic Agents on Plasma of lipoprotein lipase, a key enzyme involved in the break-
Lipoprotein Metabolism down of triglycerides into free fatty acids, via constric-
tion of the precapillary sphincter tone in microcirculatory
In addition to its contribution to the development of vessels. Blockade of the a-adrenergic pathway leads to
hypertension, the sympathetic nervous system affects increased capillary flow and greater availability of
lipoprotein metabolism. The adrenergic influence on lipoprotein lipase, which ultimately results in decreased
lipoprotein metabolism may be of primary importance in plasma levels of triglycerides and triglyceride-rich
the development of atherosclerosis and may mediate lipoproteins. In contrast, 0-adrenergic blockers (e.g.,
changes in lipids during long-term treatment with certain propranolol) inhibit lipoprotein lipase activity, leading to
antihypertensive agents. 0-Adrenergic blockers, such as reduced clearance of triglycerides (Fig. 4).32Prazosin has
propranolol, atenolol, and metoprolol, have been shown been shown to increase lipoprotein lipase activity in hyper-
D. T. Nash: Mechanism of action of alpha blockers 769

TABLEI11 Doxazosin compared with temzosin: patient response by dose

Doxazosin (n=26) Terazosin (n=28)

Patients Patients
considered considered
therapy Patients therapy Patients
Final successes controlled Final successes controlled
dosage no. no. dosage no. no.
(mg daily) (cumulative X ) (cumulative X) (mg daily) (cumulative X ) (cumulative X )

1 4 (21)
2 11 (79)
4 3 (95)
8 1 (100)
16 0
Total response 19/26 (73)
Dose summary
Mean 2.4 2.5 5.6 5.0
Median 2 2 5 5

Source: Modified from Hayduk and Schneider, Am J Cardiol 59, 95G (1987), Ref. 14.

tensive patients.33In a study of 15 patients with hyper- by the uptake of chylomicron remnants, plasma free fatty
tension, terazosin was shown to have no adverse effects acids, glucose metabolites, and norepinephrine. Additional
on lipid metabolism.34 factors include inhibition via hormonal manipulation by
epinephrine, insulin, and glucagon. 3 1 Studies in humans
show that during periods of hypoglycemic stress, produc-
Effect on VLDL and HDL Metabolism tion of VLDL and triglycerides is reduced.35The extent
to which the triglyceride levels are reduced correlates with
Adrenergic mechanisms affect several factors that in- urinary epinephrine release but not norepinephrine. This
fluence synthesis and secretion of very low-density suggests that @-adrenergicreceptors decrease the produc-
lipoproteins (VLDL),including stimulation of synthesis tion of VLDL, which agrees with the increase in VLDL
levels seen with propranolol, a @-adrenergicblocker. 29
This was demonstrated in a study in which rats received
prazosin, propranolol, or no treatment (control).36 Hepatic
triglyceride secretion rate in rats receiving prazosin was
10 lower than in control rats and those treated with
propranolol. Triglyceride secretion rate correlated with
plasma triglyceride concentration. These data also sug-
gest a direct effect of a-or @-adrenergicblockers on the
triglyceride secretion rate in the liver.
A similar study was performed comparing the effects
of doxazosin and propranolol on lipoprotein lipases and
I J. plasma lipids in rats.37In rats fed a normal diet, doxazo-
Pre Rx sin increased heart lipoprotein lipase activity by 14%,
V2 16.5 while propranolol decreased it by 20% (pc0.05 compared
with the doxazosin group). In rats fed a cholesterol-rich
diet, doxazosin still increased heart lipoprotein lipase ac-
tivity by 5 % , adipose tissue lipase by 14%, and hepatic
lipase by 13% (Fig. 5). Propranolol decreased all three
0.1 parameters by 12%, 20%, and 9% respectively. The
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 difference between the two treatment groups reached
Time (min) statistical significance for heart and hepatic lipase
FIG.4 Intralipid clearance levels for 25 patients before and after (pCO.05). Although neither agent had an effect on total
3 months of therapy with a &blocking agent. (*p<O.O5; **p<O.Ol) plasma cholesterol or triglyceride content in the
[Modified from Day et af. Am J Med 74, 94 (1984)l cholesterol-fed rats, the doxazosin group had significant-
770 Clin. Cardiol. Vol. 13, November 1990

Heart LPL Adipose LPL Hepatic lipase


2o 1

1604 P

r 1

l~-il 10-9 10-8 10-7 10-6 10-5

Concentration of doxazosin (mmol/l)
-20 FIG.6 Effect of different concentrations of doxazosin on the
-30 processing of [ 1251]low-density
lipoprotein (I-LDL) by cultured skin
FIG.5 Percentage change in heart and adipose tissue lipoprotein fibroblasts. Fibroblasts were cultured in a monolayer in medium
lipase and hepatic lipase activity in cholesterol-fed rats during treat- with 10% fetal calf serum. Different concentrations of doxazosin
ment with doxazosin (8) and propranolol (0). Mean fSEM li- were added before 24 h of incubation at 37°C. Values for associa-
pase activities per heart, left fat pad, or liver are expressed as a tion of [lz5I]LDLat 4°C (--m--), association of [1251]LDLat
percentage of a mean control value. Control values were: heart 37°C (-0-), and degradation of [1251]LDL (-*-) were
lipoprotein lipase 899 mU, n=5; adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase obtained as described in the Materials and Methods section in refer-
180 mU, n=5; hepatic lipase 3120 mU, n=15. [Modified from ence 35. The values (mean of 3 parallels) are expressed as % of
Jansen and Baggen, J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 10 (suppi 9). S16 the values obtained with control medium. [Modified from Leren,
(1985). Ref. 37.1 Acfa Pharmacol Toxicol 56, 269 (1985), Ref. 38.1

ly increased HDL cholesterol levels (+24%)when com- tivity was studied in cultured skin fibroblasts at con-
pared with controls and the propranolol group (p ~0.05). fluence. Figure 6 shows that at concentrations of to
The same mechanism that decreased triglyceride secre- M, doxazosin increased processing of ['251]LDL.
tion in this study may also explain the increase seen in Doxazosin ( M) significantly increased the LDL recep-
HDL cholesterol levels. The decrease in hepatic lipase ac- tor activity determined as association or degradation of
tivity was partially reversed by doxazosin, and since hepat- [ '2Sl]LDLat 37°C. After incubation with doxazosin, the
ic lipase may play a role in uptake of HDL cholesterol two LDL receptor indices increased by 57% (association)
by the liver, this action may be enhanced by the a Iinhi- and 45% (degradation). A slight increase in LDL recep-
bition induced by doxazosin and not by 0-adrenergic in- tors independent of the processing of ['251]LDLwas seen.
hibition. The investigators concluded that doxazosin may The mechanism underlying the increase in LDL receptor
produce changes in lipids and lipoproteins that are favora- activity is unknown.
ble to more efficient cholesterol transport to the liver and Since doxazosin increases LDL receptor activity, it
out of the body. They noted that this interpretation need- would be expected that the drug would reduce LDL and
ed scientific confirmation and that whether these effects total cholesterol levels. In one study, 20 weeks of anti-
were mediated by adrenergic receptors or hormones is still hypertensive therapy with doxazosin in 42 patients with
unknown.37 mild to moderate essential hypertension resulted in sig-
nificant decreases in total plasma cholesterol (8.9%)and
LDL cholesterol (16.9%) over pretreatment values
Effect on LDL Receptors (p < 0.01). 39

The lipoprotein most clearly identified with the develop-

ment of atherosclerosis is the LDL particle. Levels of LDL Effect of a,-Adrenergic Blockers on Plasma
are controlled by the number and activity of LDL recep- Lipoproteins
tors located on liver and other tissue cells and by the rate
of endogenous LDL synthesis. LDL is primarily derived Other studies show that a consistent pattern has emerged
by catabolism of VLDL. Mechanisms by which adrener- in the effect of a'-adrenergic blockers on lipoproteins in
gic antagonists affect production of VLDL may also be clinical trials. I 3 . l 7 . 18.22-26.40 Doxazosin therapy is associat-
responsible for changes in LDL levels.31 Data from a study ed with reductions in levels of triglycerides and total
with doxazosin suggest that blockade of the a-adrenergic cholesterol and with increases in the levels of HDL
pathway can promote or increase clearance of LDL.38In cholesterol and the HDL cholesterol/total cholesterol ra-
this study, the effect of doxazosin on LDL receptor ac- tio. A total of 746 patients with evaluable lipid data at
D. T. Nash: Mechanism of action of alpha blockers 77 1

TABLEIV Overall comparative effect of doxazosin versus placebo in double-blind titration studies, mean baselines," and changes
with treatment for semm lipids
Total Total HDL HDLlTotal
trig1ycerides cholesterol cholesterol cholesterol

Number of Base- Percent Base- Percent Base- Percent Base- Percent

Treatment patients line change line change line change line change

Doxazosin 142 119.1 -9.1 224.01 -1.2 51 .O 7.6 0.228 8.9

Placebo 155 119.8 -3.0 221.2 0.6 50.3 4.8 0.228 4. I
Significance p <0.05 p<0.05 NS p<0.05

"Baseline calculated as a geometric mean; percent change derived from geometric mean of final/baseline. Significant difference be-
tween treatments from ANOVA on changes in logarithms of values. NS=not significant.
Source: Data on file, Pfizer, Inc., New York, Ref. 27.

baseline and the end of treatment has been included in con- upon plasma lipoprotein metabolism favor a,-adrenergic
trolled Of these 746 patients, 142 were treated blockers, which, contrary to P-adrenergic blockers, do not
with doxazosin in placebo-controlled studies. Table IV adversely affect the lipid profile and may even induce
shows favorable trends for doxazosin relative to placebo beneficial changes in blood lipids.
for all four lipid parameters. Significant reductions in to-
tal triglycerides and total cholesterol levels (p <0.05) and
a significant increase in the HDL cholesterol/total References
cholesterol ratio (p ~ 0 . 0 5were
) seen. HDL cholesterol
levels tended to increase, but this trend did not reach 1. Davey MJ: The pharmacological basis for the use of a,-
statistical significance. As mentioned above, a possible adrenoceptor antagonists in the treatment of essential hyper-
mechanism for these favorable changes in blood lipids may tension. Br J CIin fharmacol 21, 5s (1986)
be increased LDL receptor activity induced by doxazo- 2 . Davey M: Mechanism of alpha blockade for blood pressure
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