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Crossing the Road of Success through the Core Values

Of Mother Ignacia Del Espiritu Santo

Thesis Statement: Even an undergraduate person can still attain success:

through faith, excellence and service


I. Introduction
A. Definition of Success
B. Statement of Purpose

II. Faith
A. Strong Faith to God
1. Obedience
2. Prayerful
3. Finding God in All Times
4. Devotion to Mary
B. Prophetic Witness to Gospel Values
1. Sensitive
2. Willing to Stand
3. Conscientious
4. Keeps Confidentialities
C. Nationalism
1. Openness
2. Responds to issues of Justice, Peace and Love
3. Patronizes our Own Products
4. Shares Ones Talents to Ones Country
D. Justice
1. Fair
2. Ethical
3. Respectful
4. Brave
E. Communion
1. Peace-Maker
2. Joins and Initiates Active Non-violent Programs
III. Service
A. Stewardship
1. Diligent
2. Spirit of Volunteerism
B. Humility
1. Simple
2. Accepts and recognizes that all things come from God
3. Accepts ones strengths and limitations
4. Refined in words and actions
C. Charity
1. Generous
2. Compassionate
3. Hospitable
D. Courage
1. Takes Bold Risks and Initiatives
2. Persevering
3. Takes Willingly the Tasks without Counting the cost
E. Preferential Love of the Poor
1. Loving, Sensitive and concerned to the needs of the less
2. Shares Resources

IV. Excellence
A. Integrity
B. Competence
C. Resourcefulness
1. Makes use of what is available
2. Maximizes the use of human and material resources
3. Creative
4. Innovative
D. Discipline
1. Responsible
2. Self-controlled
3. Obedient
4. Shows strong conviction to stand for what is right, good and
E. Self-reliance

V. Conclusion
Crossing the Road of Success through the Core Values
Of Mother Ignacia Del Espiritu Santo

Mary Anne Goldiñeza C. Amaya

IV-St. Anthony
St. Mary’s Academy
Dalaguete, Cebu

“In everything that you do put God first and He will direct you and crown your efforts

with success.” (Proverbs 3:6)

Every person dreams of success. It is there goal or ambition in life. Some people

think success means being rich, having a peaceful life and not having any problems even

when they grow old. Other dream of having a good job, earning a lot of money, and being

respected by many people. Other people think of success as being with God. In short,

success is an achievement.

How can we attain success? What are the possible inputs that we need to grab in

order to be successful? According to Ribeiro (99), success is no accident. The attainment

of success is just in our hands. We are the one who shaped our future. The secret to

success on an ambition is to have faith in God. The secret to success in on a struggle of

life is to be competent in one self. The secret to success on a job is to work as though you

were working for yourself. That is, attaining success have no possible inputs needed only

faith in God, determination in yourself and eagerness to succeed through passion.

Something in our human nature longs for that experience of complete emotional

absorption, that magical moment when we are swept away. It is passion that entertains us.

When a book is written without passion, you lose interest. When a team plays without

passion, the game becomes boring. When a magician performs without passion, the

magic loses its spell. Thus, if a person is passionate to do all things, he’ll end up


This paper aims to open the eyes of all the people in the realities of life. The

writer of this paper would like to emphasize the things that are needed most in order to

succeed. It is faith in God, excellence in your work, and service to the people and to

oneself. The bible says that if you “delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the

desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4). We need to have a great faith in God because it’s the

greatest of all. If we have a great faith in Him, we excel in every move that we take. If we

have a great faith to Him, we can do service to others and to yourself. If we have these

all, we will surely succeed in life.

The verses taken from the bible in the first few paragraphs are great evidences

that it is a promise of God to all mankind. Speaking of all, we can clearly see that there

are no limitations in attaining success. If one just has faith in God and then the other two-

excellence and service will just follow. Both rich and poor, neither intelligent nor dull,

either professional or undergrad, still success will be possible. Thus, even an undergrad

person through faith, excellence and service can still attain success.
Faith is not a blind leap in the dark. It is a calculated risk. Faith is a complete

acceptance of a truth that cannot be demonstrated or proved by the process of logical

thought. Faith is trust that the god- given human mind and soul- can discover that self-

indulgence and materialism and utilitarianism just aren’t enough; like communism they

will collapse of their own untruth. Faith is always clinging up to the truth and nothing

more but the truth. But how does faith contributes to the attainment of success?

It is not just faith in God alone. Any faith. Faith can be shown in many ways. It

may be both faith in God and prophetic witness to gospel values, neither nationalism nor

justice and communion. Among of these five divisions of faith there is one thing in

common- faith believes in the truth and trusting God’s sovereign power all the ways in

order to attain success.

Faith is like a plant. It must be well nourished in order to grow and bear fruits.

Faith must be organized and must be developed accordingly in order to be a faithful and

successful individual. In order to grow faithfully and successfully, one way is to have a

strong faith to God. Under this genre, we have the great attitude of obedience. An infinite

obedience to God’s will and commandments shows a great faith to God because as what

God had promised to mankind in John 14:21: “ Those who accept my commandments

and obey them are the ones who love me. My Father will love those who love me; I too

will love them and reveal myself to them.”

But not everything comes and appears just in the wink of an eye. We need also to

pray and ask the holy spirit for enlightenment in order for our wishes to come true, for

only in this way we can give back God’s goodness to all. Finding God in all times is also

one sign of showing a strong faith in Him. If we seek God in all times we can make all

our fantasies into reality because we have the reason to keep on fighting over the

hindrances that might come. Another way to express one’s faith to God is to have a

devotion to Mary. According to Tan (2006): “If we devote ourselves to Mary, everything

that we ask will be granted even not just right then and there but truly it will be granted.”

From that testimony, we can say that Mary is also an intercessor because if we devoted

ourselves to Mary, She will help us and pray also for us together. In short, strong faith in

God really helps much for if we have this, everything will just follow.

As a witness for Jesus, you will affect the entire world. “ Ye are the light of the

world,” Jesus told His followers. “ A city that is sent on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do

men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto

all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good

works, and glorify your Father, which is in heaven. (King James Version, Matthew 5:14-


One can show his prophetic witness to gospel values by reacting sensitively to the

signs of the times; having the willingness to stand for truth, justice and love; acting

conscientiously with concrete actions; and keeping confidentialities. According to the

song by Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey, “There could be miracle when you
believe.” There is no wrong in believing and reacting sensitively to signs of the times,

because it has been part of our lives. Not all signs are true but not all true are false. We

just have to believe; we don’t know its true.

If one has a great determination to stand for truth, justice and love, then he can be

considered as a prophet or a hero because it shows an ultimate faith to God, to himself

and to others, that he can do it. Doing what you want is good but not all the times. You

must act conscientiously with concrete or real actions. As human beings, we are gifted

with conscience unlike other creatures so; we must also consider it first so that we can

attain success honestly. All of us have our own weaknesses and strengths. In the family

all the members know each ones weaknesses and strengths. As a witness, one must not

reveal all secrets that are very much confidential in order to maintain family privacy.

From these, we can apply Newton’s laws of motion that states: “In every action there is

an equal and opposite reaction.” (242). Whenever one exerts a force on the other, the

recipient also exerts an equal and opposite force on the first. That is why, let us react and

act wisely so that we can come up to a better decision if it’s not the best.

According to Powell, “The best method of overcoming obstacles is the team

method.” That is the best and prescribed tactic in order to succeed in life. One must be

nationalistic and in that we can be one in our journey towards success. There are many

denominations in exercising nationalism: we should promote ones culture and is open to

adjust to other cultures; we have to respond to issues of justice, peace and love; we must
patronize our own products; and we should share our talents in our own country. If all of

these things are present in us, then definitely, success is not very hard to reach, even

you’re an under graduated person.

In order to be nationalistic, one should promote ones culture because we all have

our own cultures and mores and equal to that we should be open also to adjust to other

culture so that there would be unity with each other. From the previous paragraph, we

know already that in order to be a witness then one must have the willingness to stand for

truth, justice and love: furthermore, in order be a nationalists, one must not just have the

willingness to stand for truth, justice and love, but rather put it into action or respond to

issues about it. Responding to issues of justice, peace and love pictures out a great action

of nationalism under the category of faith because you’re not just saying it but putting it

into action. Patronizing ones own products also show an enormous part of nationalism. If

we devoted ourselves to our own nation and patronizes ones own products, then probably,

there will be no such poor country; all will be progressive and successful.

Another caste under nationalism is the act of sharing ones talents in ones country.

It’s a very act of nationalism because we just don’t know, time will come that those

talents which we have shared is the key to our success or to the success of our country.

Overall, if all will work as a team in everything, anything and something, then surely,

every obstacle will be just simply an ant in our eyes.

“To avoid criticism, do something, say something and be something.” This is a

reversed thought of the quotable quote of Elbert Hubbard- “To avoid criticism, do

nothing, say nothing, be nothing.” This quote of Hubbard sounds coward. The reversed

idea now, sounds so challenging. That is really what we should do. In order to attain

success, we must also learn how to defend ourselves soundly. According to Article 1 of

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “All human beings are born free and equal

in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act

towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” If that is so, then all of us have the

freedom to have and seek justice. Therefore, all of us are encouraged to speak for the


Justice is a behavior to oneself or to another that is strictly in accord with

currently accepted ethical law or as decreed by legal authority. In justice there is a fair

dealing. Even if he is intelligent and he is dull, though he has the money while he has

none, justice is still possible. One basis for justice is the ethical laws or the accepted

standard of good behavior. Ethical law is related to morality of behavior that is why, even

an undergraduate person, can attain justice as long as he has the accepted behavior of

justice which is being a good citizen in the community. Justice is also possible if one

shows respect and faith to others dignity. Each of us has dignity and it is the only thing

that they cannot take from us easily, besides education. Even if you’re illiterate or

undergraduate, still there is dignity in you that must be proud of.

Under this category, one should learn how to stand and defend himself on critical

issues. We should not let other people consider you as under their control. We must have

faith to our self for justice is concerned with the truth and nothing but the truth. Thus, we

should fight for our rights for we have the partner in longing for justice and finally to


One living example of that success- through the aid of justice is the courageous

farmer who dared to fight for his rights to the land. He defied the cultural mores that have

trapped farmers in the vicious cycle of poverty and exploitation by standing up for his

rights before his former landlord. Even though he is just an ordinary farmer, and an

undergraduate person he fight over his landlord for his right to the land. When the case

was finally adjudicated, the land was finally awarded to Manuel; it was a solid

reaffirmation that justice is still on the side of the small David’s against the rich and

powerful Goliaths who are out to protect their vested interest, even at the cost of the

rights of others. Mr. Amaya’s success behind his struggle for his rights was a great

evident that justice is always clinging up with the truth and nothing more but the truth.


“The good man ought to pity the malignant tendencies of others to rejoice over their

excellence to help them in their straits; to regard their gains as if they were his own, and

their losses in the same way.”

Thai- Shang, 3
What is communion? Communion is an ultimate or sublime exchange or

communication of thoughts and feelings. It is a body of people with common faith. Since

it is an exchange of thoughts and feelings, it illustrates an act of peacemaking and an

action of communicating to others by joining actively to non-violent programs.

Peacemaking is the work of nonviolence. Active nonviolence is the heart of peacemaking.

We make peace, we help bring about world peace, if we make peace wherever we go- in

our homes, in school, in the church, and in the community, we bring about order and

nonviolent actions to our environment.

One great evident for such matter is the “February 22, 1986 Revolution” that

manifest a common feature of unity through “People Power.” There was an almost

tangible sense of oneness among those who kept vigil at EDSA. Everything that mattered

was that one was there for a cause. Filipinos looked at fellow Filipinos and recognized

each other such. From that very memorable event, communion to each other is very much

visible. All people became a contributor- rich and poor, professionals and undergraduates,

all become one towards their hard-won victory and success.

“No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of continent, a part of

the main,” according to John Donne. All of us needs companion for survival. In order to

survive and be given the chance to live for the ultimate goal of success, we must do

service to one another, because “ In unity, there is strength,” and only in that way we can

be one. Oneness does not come just directly; it needs time to fixed everything. In order to
do service and fixed all the unfixed we need pointers in order to help us show, express

and serve other people, God, and ourselves. Under this genre, we have stewardship,

humility, and charity, courage, and preferential love of the poor. If we did all of these or

even just three-fourths of these, service is very much possible and consequently, we will

end up successful.

According to John C. Maxwell, “Most people have a desire to look at the

exception instead of the desire to become exceptional.” In order to help them be

exceptional is to do service to each other. Firstly, we should exercise stewardship. As

Gods stewards on earth, we must meet other people, communicate and effectively interact

with them. In order to serve through stewardship, we must apply the teachings of

Zoroastrianism that says: “That nature only is good when it shall not do unto another

whatever is not good for its own self. Thus, if we do service, it should be true and

unconditional for we don’t know what good will they can offer top you someday.

The spirit of stewardship is seen on how you work. It is being diligent or hard

working and most especially love for work. The true quality of a person is revealed on

how he works, behave and react. In stewardship, one must have the spirit of

volunteerism. Service should be done with a great willingness in order to be successful in

every decision and move to make. That is, if one is hard working, has the love for work

and the spirit of volunteerism, then surely, success is just a step away even though one

felt like nobody and he is not a somebody.

“Humility is simplicity and beauty.”

Secondly, in service, one must practice humility. It is the quality of being without

pride. It shows service because it is a voluntary self-abasement. If one is practicing

humility, then he is very contented to what he has and who he is now-simplicity. He is

willing to accept and recognize all things as Gods property, which should be offered back

to God. Humility into practice is also accepting ones strengths and weaknesses or

limitations. According to Malcoln S. Forbes, “Too many people overvalue what they are

not and undervalue what they are.” If we are practicing humility we should be contented

and accept sincerely our true selves for all has a limit. Another point to ponder in

practicing humility towards success is how one presents him on the platform. A true

person stands with poise and starts to talk finesse and work righteously. In other words, if

one is practicing humility in him, then he is doing service towards success simply and

honestly, even if you’re an undergraduate.

“One of the best ways to persuade others is to listen to them. You will find that a

gossip talks to you about others, bore talks to you about himself and a brilliant

conversationalists talks to you about yourself and then listens to your reply.”

- Let Go of Whatever Makes You

Stop, from John L. Mason.

“Sharing is loving.” This is very much true in doing service to others particularly,

because it shows charitable works to one another. In sharing our time and resources to
others we all unite as one loving community. Thus, we give service to one another in just

simple ways, that everyone can do.

Thirdly, service is possible if there is charity. Charity is a spiritual action for

others. It is a virtue by which we love God above all other things and our neighbor as

ourselves for the love of God. Charity is shown when there has generosity to the needy,

compassionate heart to the poor and hospitable deeds for the less fortune. Generosity to

the needy is the quality of being a noble-minded to those who needs financial support- for

food, clothing and shelter. “The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his

works.” (King James Version, Psalm 145:9).

As what God arrays to all of us, we can also give a compassionate heart to the

poor and this, gives service to them. Showing a compassionate heart for the poor is also a

kind of sharing and service to one another because it is a feeling of a heartfelt pity arising

by the distress of others; and that is service. Another act of charitable service to fellow is

the hospitable deeds to the less fortunate. It shows gladness and openness to receive any

wish from the less fortunate and is also attending to their needs and comfort. For if one

has the willingness to share, then service to others, to God and to oneself will be possible.

Courage or bravery can be shown in many ways. If one is courageous enough to

fight and face the challenges of life, then no doubt, success will be grasped fully. A

courageous person takes bold risks and initiatives, persevering, and takes willingly the
tasks without counting the cost. Then upon all the discouragements had all came to you

then you are very brave to fight all the obstacles in order to attain success.

If one takes bold risk and initiatives, he is showing a great faith to himself that he

can do it and he must do it. Our firmness and courage are always measured on how we

can stand and act for it. Trials and obstacles come in order to challenge test and us our

initiatives on how can we overcome it. If in everything that had happened, still one is

there standing high, then it is perseverance. It is the act of doing and persevering one’s

attainment of success behind chaos situations. A true brave person takes willingly the

tasks without counting the cost. This manner is the best way to give service to one

another. Thus, if all of us will be courageous enough to face the future and the hindrances

towards success, then everything good will just follow.

Preferential love of the poor is an enormous act of service to on another. It is an

unconditional love that one gives to anyone. This kind of love is a great evident that one

loves not just for physical passion and attraction or materialism, but true and heartfelt

love. It is loving sensitively to the needy and the less privileged and an unconditional

concern to the needs of the poor and shares his resources to others. For “it is more better

to give than to receive” (King James Version, Acts 20:35).

Overall, no man will surely be an island if we give love and service to one

another. All will definitely be a continent, a part of the main, showing and giving service
through stewardship, humility, charity, and courage and preferential love of the poor.

Through all those things, service is very much visible which an essential requirement for

achieving success is also. Even you’re under and he is over, still there is an equal dealing

with God.

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path”, David said (King

James Version, Psalm 119:105). Like David, we can also make the words of God as the

lamp unto our feet and the light for our path. If we just were integrated, competent,

resourceful, discipline and self-reliant, then excellence or very great merit qualities and

abilities will be grasp. Being excellent need not be only for professional people even an

undergraduate person can be excellent. All of us can receive merit if we just follow

wherever our feet bring us. One famous evident for such act is the famous 14 century

film by Brian Helgeland, “A Knights Tale.” This is a story of a peasant squire who

dreams to become a knight and be a champion and by “ following his feet,” as what his

father had told him, all his fantasies comes into reality. He became a world champion.

Because of his fathers word of challenge to him he learned to stand up on his own and

finally follow where his feet will bring him. Thus, all can attain excellence if only we

have those special talents in us-goodness.

Integrity is an uncompromising adherence to moral and ethical principles. It is the

state of being whole or entire. The purpose of ethics according to Father Vitaliano C.

Gorospe, S.J., is “to explicitate what is implicit in man’s moral experience.” Human
wholeness or integrity demands ones woks of excellence. These works may be small or

big as long as it is done with open-heart in order to fill the spaces in him. Being open to

possibilities is a talent. Understanding people and reacting to each situation is something

one must be proud of. In showing excellence to this topic, one is showing a kind of an act

that is acceptable to the country.

Competence is a sufficient ability a modest income, enough to live on. One great

woman who has this sufficient ability is Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo. She choice to

earn her living by the sweat of her brows in order to escape herself from the worldly

pleasure she is experiencing. When she was in the beaterio she is happy and contented

that she was able to share to each other and eat 3 times a day. From the life she spent with

until her last breath, she never demanded something because she was very contented for

what she has. That is why; her competence became one of the qualities that made her a

model of RVM schools all over the country.

We too can be like Mother Ignacia in such a way. We can also succeed and make

people idolize by being competent. According to Cartilla (2006), “as long as I can feed

myself three times a day, I can continue my fight for my dream – to be successful!”

Being competent is the very act of excellence because nowadays only a few are

exercising competence. Many are demanding very much- “I need that, I want that,” if we

kept on demanding and everything and everything then will be always depending to
something or someone. If one will not learn how to be competent, then success will never

be grasped because competence requires contentment. People like them are more likely is

the undergraduate persons or people who are contented in their simple living. They are

the people most likely be successful.

Like what Mother Ignacia did when she grew in self-knowledge at the beaterio

when she became aware of her personal gifts and talents, accepted them and used them at

the of others. We too can be resourceful like her. We can make us of what available

materials. We should use our initiative in order to survive and have the chance to attain

success. Being resourceful is also an act of maximizing the use of human and material

resources. One must be creative enough to put picture out the use of things that most

people thinks n use or junks. Finally, we should pictured out initiative into be

materialized so that it innovation can be made.

One very important values in CAT that requires much sacrifice for some

discipline. In order to be a good leader, and a good follower of God, one has a discipline

to him. If one is disciplined, he is responsible. He can be trusted and if you can give him

a task to be done at a particular time interval, he can do it. A disciplined person must be

also being self-controlled. In order to be disciplined we must know how to control his

actions and emotions particularly if heavy situations are in prior to that. Lastly, a

disciplined person shows strong conviction to stand for what is right good and beautiful.

In doing this act, discipline is very visible because one likes to give sacrifice, not just for
his own success but also for the success of all. Therefore, if one is disciplined then he will

be a good leader and follower, which is the main ingredient for a best dish-success.

Self-reliance is confidence in one’s own ability and power of judgment. All

people must have the confidence to his own self, because it can bring us to places and it

can help us in our journey towards our success. We must all be a positive-thinker. God

gifts us all with abilities to develop and mind to make judgment and decision. We must

all open our eyes to the reality that “if you will not move, then nothing will happen.” We

need to believe in one, and be diligent in doing so for it says, “ Do the best and God will

do the rest.” With this saying it is clearly say that success is not just for intelligent people,

professional, and rich but also for all of us who have strong determination, diligent in

work and have self-reliance, which are the requirements for a successful endeavor in life.


If aluminum will be beaten into pieces, and scattered, mixed with sand, still the

magnet will attract to it and stick to it even the smallest bit of it. The smallest bit that is

scatted & mixed with, the sand may we. For now we can be that small hiding ourselves in

the sand. But upon reading this paper, we must go out from the hiding place and shine in

order for that magnet to be attracted to us and then allow everything to just follow this

work, we should also realize that success is for everybody’s attainment. It is not just for
the intelligent peoples, the rich merchant and the professionals for all. All one needs in

order to grasped success, are just three : faith, excellence, and service.

Faith is the best way to express love to others, to oneself and most especially to

God. Every one of us has faith and it’s out task on how to apply it in order to attain our

ultimate goal in life, which is success.

Service is the best way to put into action our faith. All that we have believed and

very notions that come into our mind must be put into service in order to succeed. Every

ideas and plans must be worked out in order to be come true. Thus, actions speak louder

than words.

Excellence is the measure of how one shows and reacts on every action. It is a test

on how one exercise all the gifts God has given, to each and everyone. It shows an action

of the mind and the heart on how to react righteously on every move to make. That is

why; it is most on inside not much on the outside.

To sum things up, from all the evidences, presented, then we can say that even

undergraduate person can attain success through faith, service and excellence- the true-

pillars of Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo’s success.



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