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Planning an International

Mailing Campaign

Market analysis

Conceptual design
Test phase


Asendia is an international partnership between La Poste and Swiss Post.

1. Market analysis 3

2. Conceptual design 4

Target group 4
Message 4
Timing 4

3. Implementation 5

Addresses 5
Language 6
Mode of address 6
Boosters 6
Response 6
Postal charges 6

4. Test phase 6

5. Response 7

Reply options 7
Terms of payment 7
Replies 7
Fulfilment 7

6. Performance measurement 7

Planning an International Mailing Campaign

1. Market analysis
Companies that have success analysed. This means that, before observed. A company that intends
using direct marketing in entering a new market, every to sell bedding in Germany, for
company should investigate the instance, must make sure that they
their home country often try
main active competitors and offer a single-person set consisting
to use the same approaches how they work. If there are no of a duvet cover and a pillowcase.
abroad. However, even in the competitors, a company is naturally
same language area, it quickly faced with the question of whether In Europe, linguistic diversity is the
becomes clear how complex a the product or service is even most obvious factor. There are more
relevant for the respective country, than 20 official languages in the
successful campaign can be. For
or if there is another reason for a European Union alone – and that is
this reason, a detailed market lack of competition. If there are a not including regional languages and
analysis is indispensable. There large number of active competitors, dialects. The following fundamental
is a wide range of factors to then a significant USP must be factor always applies: the more
take into account. defined – the decisive sales and attuned a mailing is to the language
success factor. of its recipients, the more successful
it will be.
Some fundamental questions about There are different regulations in
the product or service need to be almost every country for products It is also advisable to gather
answered even before beginning and services in areas such as health, information about the payment
to design a mailing. For instance, food, sweepstakes or astrology. practices in each country. There is
it is essential to make sure that the For example, a special notice must often no available reference data for
product's positioning and current always be included when advertising defaulters: if there are bad payment
pricing can be adopted. There are alcoholic beverages in France. practices, one should be sure to
also country-specific regulations require prepayment – or to favour
that must be observed, such as Likewise, unique cultural and cash-on-delivery transactions.
product packaging and labelling country-specific factors cannot be
specifications. forgotten. For example, differences
in purchasing power, buying
Furthermore, the leading behaviour, consumption propensity
competitors must be exhaustively and consumer habits must be

EU-official languages Swedish


Irish Polish

English Czech



French Slovene

German Romanian

Italian Maltese

2. Conceptual design
A company that is treading on new soil should not avoid the necessary effort France, it is of primary concern
of designing a detailed concept. Such a concept must include descriptions that the product looks good, while
of all essential facts – everything from target definition to timing. This makes in Germany, consumers pay more
implementing direct marketing measures easier, and facilitates performance attention to the functionality and the
review. price.

All the requisite legal notices must

Payment behavior? Type of household? also be included, e.g. information
regarding data privacy and applicable
return and cancellation rights for
mail-order business. Mistakes can very
Residence? quickly lead to legal warnings from
competitors or consumer protection
Needs? organisations.

Age? Timing
Losing sight of the right timing often
has painful consequences. Advertising
material often flops simply because
it was sent at the wrong time – for
example, if the customer has already
received a competitor’s catalogue
Target group a week before yours. Holiday times
and public holidays also have a large
Goals must be adapted to fit each years old, one can assume that the influence on response levels. After all,
respective country, and possibly comparable target group in France is a potential customer will only respond
redefined. Differences in culture and around ten years older. The primary to a mailing if he actually notices it.
buying power always lead to different measures that can help a company
results. For target group definition in these areas are market research, It is also advisable to schedule
in the B2B area, it is important to targeted tests and discussions with mailings so that customers receive
know the processes, structures local and international experts. them toward the end of the month.
and decision-makers in the target People are more likely to make
companies. This is the only way to Special assessments must also be purchases after payday.
determine, for instance, that the made for target groups such as
ideal target group of purchasing children or adolescents. It must be
managers in companies with 50 to determined whether the company is
100 employees is underrepresented in even allowed to address these groups,
a planned export market. and if so, how. In most countries, for
instance, it is not allowed to directly
In the B2C area, a company must address minors in advertising for
pay attention to the target group’s lotteries.
environment. How does the target
subject live? What are their needs
and preferences? What are their Message
feelings about direct marketing and
what are their payment practices like? The message must be as simple
For instance, someone who has an as possible and must not violate
average level of purchasing power accepted moral codes. The applicable
in France would belong to a very legal requirements must always be
small privileged upper class in most observed. The content and style of the
Eastern European countries. There message must take local cultural and
are also major differences in relation social idiosyncrasies into account.
to age. While the average customer
for a mail-order textile company in In addition, the potential customer’s
Germany would be approximately fifty expectations must be fulfilled: In

Planning an International Mailing Campaign

3. Implementation
In implementing a direct marketing Some address providers require country to country. In some countries,
campaign, it is important to schedule approval of the advertising material the source of the addresses must be
sufficient time for each step. There before they will provide the addresses. stated on the advertising material, or
are often hidden difficulties in the This must be settled beforehand and one must have the express consent of
details. For instance, the envelopes must be integrated into the overall the recipient to receive mailings.
turn out to be too big for automated timing plan.
processing and the address format A service provider that has suitable
is not compatible. This could lead to In the B2B area, almost every software and country-specific word
unnecessary additional costs. The European country has a different tables should be selected for data
design of a mailing also often takes industry allocation system. While processing. Formatting, postal
more time than planned. Germany, Austria and Switzerland address verification, de-duplication via
have very detailed country-specific reference data (individuals who are
industry allocations, France has so- deceased or have moved, etc.) and
Addresses called NAF codes, Great Britain and other such measures should be carried
the USA have SIC codes, and other out with the utmost care. Other
The following questions must be European countries have NACE codes. important issues include response
resolved beforehand: Which addresses analysis and the development of score
are available? How good is the Special attention is also required for cards for optimisation of future results.
address quality, e.g. how high is the the consumer sector. People from
number of expected returns due to England or Germany have high
non-deliverability? Does the address expectations for address selection
broker offer guarantees for returns options. Every criterion is not available
(e.g. reimbursement as of 2 per cent in every country. For instance,
returns)? What return rate is to be negative addresses of defaulters are
expected? Are the addresses in the not available in France due to data
B2B area accurate for the respective privacy regulations. Other reference
contact partners? Do the addresses data, such as forwarding addresses for
meet the applicable standards in the undeliverable mailings, are available
recipients’ countries? How frequently in only a few countries. It is necessary
are the addresses updated, and what to have an in-depth and on-going
sources are used for this process? Can engagement with data privacy
the addresses of respondents be used regulations in each country, because
for a follow-up mailing? How high is they often change quite quickly.
the minimum charge rate? There are significant differences from

Language Boosters depends on the target group and
the product, and differs according to
When crossing language borders, Well-adapted mailing includes the country.
many direct marketing users have additional incentives that
a propensity to shoot themselves are targeted toward
in the foot by having their mailings getting a response from Postal charges
translated quickly and carelessly. Not the customer. These
just any translation makes for good so-called response According to expert
advertising copy. For this reason, it boosters are "mini-gifts" opinions, postal
is advisable to have professionals or "gimmicks" that charges comprise 30
in each target country adapt all increase the to 50 per cent of the
slogans and advertising copy. Idioms, customer's interest overall costs of a
figures of speech and socio-cultural level for the mailing. directed mailing.
references require a sensitive feel for However, add-ons in These costs can be
the respective language. connection with the significantly reduced.
purchase of a product The choice of envelope format and
In addition, the length of the text are not always allowed. of paper type, usage of specific
varies according to the language: An While in some European counties, mailing solutions (e.g. Marketing Mail
English translation is generally 20 per gifts of any value are allowed as long Professional by Swiss Post
cent shorter than a German source as they are not considered to be International) and careful mailing
text. For an Italian text, on the other "exaggerated enticement", other preparation can all have a significant
hand, one will typically need 10 per countries such as France have effect on the price.
cent more space, and up to 20 per distinct value limits for gifts.
cent more for a French text.
Discounts are also subject to varying
regulations in Europe. Sweepstakes 4. Test phase
Text lengths are allowed, but they must generally
be free of charge, i.e. not connected Tests are an indispensable strategy
German with an order. There are different for improving the effectiveness
regulations for puzzles or quiz of direct marketing activities. By
English -20 % questions where intelligence or using the test results, it is possible
knowledge is required. Regulations to optimise mailings, get valuable
Italian +10 % for such activities are also constantly insights for future marketing
changing, and there are even some campaigns, and even reduce costs.
French +20 % countries where sweepstakes First, define a test country, test
connected with orders are fully goals and representative test target
allowed. groups. Then use significant sample
An ideal solution looks like this: sizes to test a few independent
Either an agency can provide the variables such as offering, price,
texts directly in the target language, Response visual elements, postage-paid
or a tw0-phase process is required impression or reply element. In this
where the texts are first translated The response level is strongly process, it is important that you label
then adapted for use in advertising. influenced by response factors. The the mailings, e.g. with a code, so that
This allows for optimal results. following issues are important: Does you know which alternatives achieve
the mailing include the essential the highest response rate.
factors for making answering
Mode of address as simple as possible, e.g. the
recipient’s contact information? Is all
When designing a mailing, the of the sender's contact information
following factors must be considered provided, and is it correct? The
in addition to text- and layout- preferred mode of response should
specific requirements: What is the be presented as compellingly as
correct form of address? Which possible. In addition, the method of
salutation is most commonly used? sending a response should be clearly
Should the customer be addressed formulated and should include
formally or informally? all required steps. The selection
of preferred modes of response

Planning an International Mailing Campaign

5. Response
The goal of every direct marketing
campaign is to generate the highest
possible response rate. If the
response rate turns out to be higher
than expected, one must ensure that
there are sufficient reserves and
resources to supply all of the
customers expediently. Take into
account the fact that the first
reactions and orders via telephone
and e-mail will come immediately
after sending the mailing.

Reply options
box in the respective country to Regardless of the chosen solution,
In order to increase the response collect the replies. The postal service only professional customer service
rate, there should be multiple reply provider can subsequently mail them can ensure that contact with new
options: via post, fax, telephone and in a bundle to the sender's home customers is not lost, and that a
online. All documents must be country. In reply design, it is lasting dialogue takes place. In
available in the customer’s language. important to be aware that enquiries addition, all information acquired
In addition, country-specific factors from abroad that are submitted in from customer contact should be
must be observed. When providing a writing or by telephone must, of stored in a database in order to
telephone number, one must first course, be answered in the optimise future dialogue.
know what the competition is doing: customer’s language.
Is the service free or subject to
charge? If there are charges, there
must be an accurate notice as to the Fulfilment
telephone costs for the caller. 6. Performance
Processing replies quickly and
diligently creates lasting customer measurement
Terms of payment relationships. For example, in many
cases it is advisable to bundle the No other advertising medium is
Terms of payment (payment ordering system in the country of better suited to performance
method, payment deadline, origin. In doing so, it is important to measurement than direct marketing.
discounts) also differ from country settle all shipment and customs If there are clear definitions
to country and have an influence on issues in due time before a campaign regarding the type of response, the
the offering’s acceptance level. While begins. time period and the cost level, then a
payment by bank transfer upon mailing campaign can be reviewed
receipt of invoice is common in Consistent compilation parameters immediately. There are three
Germany, in France payments are decrease the amount of work different methods for performance
almost always made in advance by required in formatting addresses for measurement:
cheque or credit card. future mailings to customers. The
language for the collection of 1. Calculating the response rate
customer information must be in per cent: (number of
Replies defined beforehand. The issue of respondents / run)*100
who has access to the data must 2. C ost per contact (CpC):
What should be done with the also be settled before beginning a Total costs / number of
replies? The answer to that question campaign. individual mailings
depends primarily on the campaign's 3. Cost per order (CpO):
goal. If, for example, a local location On-site locations make it possible to Total costs / number of orders
is being advertised, then a local process orders via a branch office in
return address must be provided. the receiving country. This is also The success rate should be measured
However, if a hotel is looking for new facilitated by cooperation with local after each campaign so that the
customers abroad, a re-consignment service providers who are familiar insights can be integrated into the
will be required. Alternatively, costs with the consumer behaviour and next campaign.
can be cut by using a post-office habits in the respective country.


Asendia is an international partnership between La Poste and Swiss Post.

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