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I would sincerely like to put forward my heartfelt appreciation to our respected sociology
professor, Lakshmipathi Raju sir for giving me a golden opportunity to take up this project
regarding “ POPULATION EXPPLOTION ”. I have tried my best to collect information about
the project in various possible ways to depict clear picture about the given project topic.
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Population was one of the most important contributory factors in the ‘early development’ of
the country. Increasing population provided additional workers to work and additional
customers to buy the newly produced goods. However, beyond a point, the additional
population becomes a drain on our economy’s limited resources, more so particularly in the
case of underdeveloped countries.

India is the second largest country in the world in terms of the size of population. Rapidly
increasing population of India is a result of prevailing high birth rates and a large decline in the
death rate in our country. This project highlights the population problem in India and analysis
of factors which account for high birth rate and decline in the death rate is done.

Research problem : Population explosion.

Research methodology :

The method of research followed for this project is doctrinal and statistical study.

Independent variable :

Population explosion is a dependent variable, it depends on socio, economic factors of a

country ( literacy rate, birth and death rates, immigration and emigration, fertility rate and
mortality rate ).

Hypothesis :

Whether population growth is a problem faced by the Developing countries like India at
present situation. If so what are the measures has to be taken to control population.
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Testing the hypothesis :

Analysis the factors affecting the population and know the effects caused by heavy
population and Malthus theory of population would be observed by the researcher in the

Collection of data :

Researchers uses secondary sources like books, journals, articles, and also web data base.

Analysis of data :

By research, we can analyse that population explosion is a big problem faced by the
developing countries like India in present situation with reference to statistical data, socio
economic factors of the country and environmental issues related to the population growth
and also discuss the ways to control the population.
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INTRODUCTION__________________________________________________6 – 7

POPULATION GROWTH TABLE____________________________________8

CAUSES OF POPULATION EXPLOSION_____________________________9 – 13


INDIA’S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT______________________________13

EFFECTS OF POPULATION EXPLOSION_____________________________14 – 15

MALTHUSIAN THEORY OF POPULATION___________________________16




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Man is the creator of all the wealth, said Karl Marx, and without man, all other
resources remain idle. Thus, man is the central focus point of all development efforts. Man
produces wealth and wealth is produced for the use of mankind. Hence, population of a country
is a crucial factor in the development of its economy. Population was one of the most important
contributory factors in the ‘early development’ of Western countries. Increasing population
provided additional hands to work and additional pockets to buy the newly produced goods.
However, beyond a point, the additional population becomes a drain on our economy’s limited
resources, more so particularly in the case of underdeveloped countries. It further depresses the
existing low levels of living, leaves no scope for capital formation and adds to ever-growing
stream of the unemployed. Hence, the rate of population growth has to be kept under check to
achieve any meaningful progress in the overpopulated underdeveloped countries.

Population Explosion defined as a significant number of people staying in the

individual area. It is a huge problem in India. In fact, in all over the world, it is increasing,
especially in the poorer countries it is developing. During the 1951 Census, the Population
increased by 3.61 billion. During the 2011 Census, the Population increased by 1.21 billion.

We do not even need statistical data to see how big a problem population
explosion is in India. Be it the cafes, galleries, parks, trains or metros, or the public places in
India, when one has to make way by jostling through the crowd or standing in an inch space,
one does ponder over the rapid rise in the population in India. In the process, one’s thoughts at
last come down to population explosion. This population explosion is the result of the sudden
and unchecked increase in the size of population. Since the past few years, India has been
subject to rising population without any check. As this became a more and more persistent
issue, several raised their voices to create awareness. This was done by introducing to the
general population the causes, effects and control measures of population explosion.

Population explosion means rapid increase in numbers of

human population since the end of World War II, attributed to an accelerating birth rate, a
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decrease in infant mortality, and an increase in life expectancy these all leads to the population
growth at a high level this leads to the population explosion.

Population Explosion is a big issue in the developing country. No one people

are following the right step to control the Population, even the government of India is not
leading proper rules and regulation for control the Population Explosion. They has to made
those rules mandatory. It causes many problems among people.

Some people are suffering from an issue which generates by Population

Explosion. Firstly, on this issue people are unemployed, and illiteracy also creates in India. The
industry growth is not implementing in India for development.

Due to the post- independent India, it was big problem and negativity of India,
which affects the economy. In the present India, Population is growing day by day. There is no
implementation for developing the country. National wealth is significant for the development
in ever-expanding spheres.

The rapid growth of the population over the past one hundred years results from
a difference between the rate of birth and the rate of death. The growth in human population
around the world affects all people through its impact on the economy and environment of a
country. The current rate of population growth is now a significant burden to human well-
being. Understanding the factors which affect population growth patterns can help us to
understand the situation and we can analysis the problems which are facing by the developing
countries due to population explosion.
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Population Growth in India 1901-20111:

Increase or Decrease
Population of Indian Over Previous Decade (in Percentage increase or
Year Union (in million) million) Decrease During the Decade

1901 236.1 - -
1910 252.1 16.0 5.7
1921 251.3 0.3 (-)3
1931 279.1 27.8 11.1
1941 318.7 39.6 14.2
1951 361.1 42.4 13.3
1961 439.2 78.1 21.5
1971 548.2 109.0 24.8
1981 683.3 135.1 24.7
1991 846.3 163.0 23.8
2001 1028.0 182.3 21.5
2010 1210.2 181.0 17.6
Source: compiled from Census of Population 2011 and earlier reports.

Samir Mazidbhai Vohra, Population Growth – India’s Problem, 4 Research Paper 65, 65 (2015).
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Causes of Population Explosion

 Increases in birth rate2

In India, there is Population Explosion increasing day by day. Most of the people don’t have
the knowledge about control the delivery. The birth rate is increasing due to the lack of
awareness in people. There is the full range of gaping has increased in Population.

The birth rate increases, when an average number of women born to the child came down from
about six in the fifties to 4.4.

In 1951-61, the average birth rate was 42 per thousand Populations.

In 1996, the average birth rate came down 28.1 per thousand Populations.

Causes of high birth rate in India :3

(I)Economic factors

1) Poverty : Poor people have more children because they don’t bother or worry about
their own standard of living. Another factor to the rising birth rate is poverty of the
people. Poor people have to spend little on the upbringing of their children. Besides,
the children supplement the family income by engaging themselves in some odd jobs
at an early age.
2) Predominance of agriculture : During the periods of harvest, weeding, sowing, child
labour is required in agriculture. India is an agricultural country. Even children get some
sort of work in agriculture. Thus they do not prove to be burden on the family. So rural
population in India has the tendency to have large families.
3) Slow urbanisation : upbringing of children in cities is far most costly then in villages.
In India, due to staggering industrialization, the process of urbanisation has been slow
and it had failed in bring down the birth rate.

(II)Social Factors :

1) Universal marriage : marriage in India is almost universal institution and every one
marries. In India, marriage is a social compulsion. It is not only universal but takes

Dr . S. R. MYNENI, INDIAN ECONOMY 1 – 2, (4th ed. 2007).
Dr . S. R. MYNENI, INDIAN ECONOMY 4 – 6, (4th ed. 2007).
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place at an early age. About 80 percent girls are married during the most fertile period
of 15 to 20 yrs. of age. But in developed countries like U.K., the percentage of
unmarried girls aged 30 and aged 41 in USA is quite high.
2) Lower age of the time of the marriage : the relatively lower age at the time of
marriage in the country is also believed to be responsible for high fertility.
3) Join family system : India is mainly an agricultural country. The social structure is
dominated by the joint family system. An additional child born causes no immediate
hardships to the parents. This factor is also responsible for high birth rate.
4) Illiteracy and ignorance : Majority of people being illiterate so there is absence of
wide spread of family planning methods. Due to poverty, people have very little
entertainment facilities. Sex is the only entertainment with most of the people. So birth
rate increases
5) Religious superstitions : In India, religion plays a major role in large size families. A
son is must to provide continuity to family legacy. Even after so many girls in the
family, the desire for one son prompts parents to continue with their child producing

(III)Other Factors :

The practice of early marriage is one of the main cause of the rapid increase in population. This
gives wider reproductive period. Poverty of the masses in poor villagers is the another reason.
India’s tropical climate making for earlier puberty, her joint family system, the institution of
polygamy is also responsible for rapid growth of population. Lack of conscious family planning
had also kept birth rate in India very high. The age and sex composition of the population and
the fertility of women during the child-bearing age in India are most helpful for rapid growth
of population.

 Decreases of infant mortality rate4

Due to the age of science and technology, some people are getting the proper facility for
improvement of good health and best medical care. Because of the science, there is an extensive
use of preventive drugs, which can reduce the infant mortality rate.

During the past time, there was not any facility reduce the infant mortality, but that time science
makes all possible for everything.

Dr . S. R. MYNENI, INDIAN ECONOMY 3 - 4, (4th ed. 2007).
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In 1995, the average infant mortality rate was 74 per thousand in India. In an Urban area, it
was 49 per thousand, and in the rural area, it was 80 per thousand.

Control of epidemics: Widespread and Improved medical and health facilities.

Elimination of famines : Recurrence of famines in India under British rule was a major cause
of high mortality rate. Since Independence, the famines have occurred on a large scale, and
problem of drought has been faced. Controlled spread of famines in India due to development
of the means of transport and communications.

Decline in the incidence of malaria and tuberculosis : Control on dreaded diseases like
malaria and TB and diseases like small pox, chicken pox etc. have been completely eradicated.

Supply of pure drinking water : Improvements in hygiene in both rural and urban areas and
supply of pure drinking water.

Improvement in transport and communication : the development of the means of transport

and communications facilities helped to control natural famines, floods, and cyclones which
used to take a big toll of human life.

Improvements in overall economic conditions of the masses have contributed to the sharp fall
in the death rate.

Average Annual birth Rate and Death Rate in India5

Year Birth Rate Death Rate Natural Growth

Ratio of Population
1901 – 1911 49.2 42.6 6.6
1911 – 1921 48.1 48.6 6.9
1921 – 1931 46.4 36.3 10.1
1931 – 1941 45.2 31.2 14.0
1941 – 1951 39.9 27.4 12.5
1951 – 1961 41.7 22.0 19.7
1961 – 1971 41.2 19.0 22.2
1971 – 1981 37.2 15.7 21.5
1981 – 1991 33.9 12.6 21.3
1991 – 2001 25.8 8.5 17.3

Samir Mazidbhai Vohra, Population Growth – India’s Problem, 4 Research Paper 65, 65 – 66 (2015).
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2001 – 2011 22.1 7.2 14.9

2013 – 2014 21.4 7.0 14.4
Source : compiled from Census Report and Economic survey 2014 – 2015.

 Growth of life expectancy6

Growth and development in terms of living conditions, sanitation and hygiene have ensured
greater life expectancy, thus resulting in population explosion.

In India, there is the life expectancy will become weak, when the proper nutrition and good
health do not improve by the human Population. Due to improved living condition, the better
sanitation, better nutrition, and education in the Human Population improves the life
expectancy. Life expectancy can be defined as the number of years for which people of a
country expect to live at the time of birth. The life expectancy is determined by the death rate
and the age of death. The life expectancy in India has increased from 23 years in the decade of
1901-10 to 55.9 years during the period 198] to 90. It was 60. 8 years in 1992-93 and 65. 3 in
2000-0]. It is 67.2 years during the year 2003-04.

The rise in the life expectancy in India is because of the declining death rate since 1921. The
death rate has declined because of the control over diseases and epidemics. The decline in the
infant mortality has also contributed to the greater life expectancy. The general improvement
in medical assistance, increase in the number of hospitals and better control of diseases have
all helped to save life. The public health measures taken under the various plans have further
reduced the death rate. Greater care of women due to change in our attitude towards women
has also contributed to higher life expectancy of the female population in India. Higher life
expectancy speaks of the development process in which people find their standard of living

The good quality of food creates the life expectancy for the human being and it well-nourished
to the people while using of nutrition food. Population grows when they adequately nourished.

Dr . S. R. MYNENI, INDIAN ECONOMY, 7 (4th ed. 2007).
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 High level of illiteracy7

Education makes people aware. Illiteracy, on the other hand, results in lack of awareness
regarding family planning, female education and their age of marriage. Illiterate people think
that more the hands in the family more will be the family income- a concept which is faulty in

Due to lack of illiteracy among women is the biggest problem of family planning. The female
education directly related to age at marriage, the general status of women, their fertility and
infant mortality rate, and so forth.

In 1991, the male literacy rate was 64.13%, and female literacy rate was 39.29%.

In 1999, the male literacy rate was 73%, and female literacy rate was 49%.

In India, everyone should become literate either male or female. Education must develop the
skill, personal liberal, broad-minded, open to new ideas, and rational.

Population Explosion – An Obstacle to India’s Economic Development.8

India today is grossly overpopulated. The Census of Population 2011 shows that we are now
having over one billion people in India. This means that the country has to support over 16
percent of world population on just about 2.4 percent of total world area. And as country is
short of capital and technology to fully exploit its resources, it means that most of the Indians
live in poverty, face unemployment and suffer from ill health. No wonder that in spite of half
a century of development, over a fourth of India’s population lives below poverty line.

In the underdeveloped countries of today, increasing population is more of a hindrance to the

development of the economy. It is now universally agreed that an effective control of
population growth is necessary if our development efforts is to yield any result.

Dr . S. R. MYNENI, INDIAN ECONOMY, 8 (4th ed. 2007).
Samir Mazidbhai Vohra, Population Growth – India’s Problem, 4 Research Paper 65, 66 (2015).
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Effect of Population Explosion9

 A country with a fast growing population has to face a serious food, clothing and
housing problems.
 A high fertility rate saddles the country with a large number of children who have to
be fed without making any contribution to production.
 A fast growing population aggravates the unemployment and disguised unemployment
 The growing population reduces the country’s capacity to save and invest.
 Frequent maternity disables a large number of women, and they are unable to
participate in productive activity.
 The growing population leads for low labour efficiency.

Population Explosion creates by many facts which are following as:

 Unemployment

Population explosion, again, is directly proportional to unemployment. This means that the
economy will not be able to create sufficient employment for an unchecked, sudden growth in

Due to the growing countries, the unemployment is also increasing day by day. It is the main
reason to back the economy of countries. Millions of people are jobless in the India. They are
not getting the job after finding everywhere.

After all that, they lose their confidence about searching the job. The unemployed people are
living with a very dangerous condition of the economy. Without the job, they have ensured the
living, left frustrated, and demoralize. They lose their faith in their life.

It happens in India as compared to other countries such as South Africa and Asia.

 Over Population

This is a condition wherein the limited resources are to be shared by a huge population when
earlier it was being shared by only a small population. This means that a comfortable living
will not be attainable by one and all.

Dr . S. R. MYNENI, INDIAN ECONOMY, 10 – 12 (4th ed. 2007).
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In India, there is the number of Population and also impressing day by day. It is more useful
for the Population Explosion. There are over Population in India. Because of this condition of
India, people are not getting comfortable and accommodate life. It also poses a threat to the

 Poverty

Population explosion is directly proportional to poverty. As population grows beyond control,

scarcity of resources will be faced, thus resulting in poverty.

Poverty is the primary reason of Population Explosion. Most of the people, who belong from
the poverty line, they have not any knowledge about the overpopulation of country. They
generate the high birth rate in India, which can cause and effect of Population Explosion.

Due to the poverty, there is massive growth of Population. On the other hand, the large number
of Population almost increases by the poor people of the country.

Due to the result of 2011 census, the poverty level was 1.21 billion while in the forties the
poverty line was 400 million.

 Illiteracy

In India, the illiteracy is the key reason of Population Explosion. The resource available fixed.
In theory and practice, the total available resources are shared by the people using them. Some
of the people have not any sources to provide the education to their children.

 Small health condition

The demand will be greater than the supply, thus, resources such as proper food, shelter and
clothing along with monetary aspects will not be available to every hand of the nation. People
get the low health status, when they have not adequate food and nutrition.

 Pollution and Global Warming

Population explosion will increase the demand for goods. This means that more raw materials
will be extracted from the earth. In turn, this will cause more by-products and waste, thus
causing pollution. Pollution and global warming are most effective for the Population
Explosion. Much Population creates the pressure on the earth. There arise excessive demands
for finished products leading to over-industrialization and over-utilization of resources.
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Malthusian Theory of Population

The Malthusian Theory of Population is a theory of exponential population growth and

arithmetic food supply growth. Thomas Robert Malthus, an English cleric, and scholar
published this theory in his 1798 writings, An Essay on the Principle of Population. He believed
that through preventative checks and positive checks, the population would be controlled to
balance the food supply with the population level. These checks would lead to the Malthusian

1. Population and Food Supply

Thomas Malthus theorized that populations grew in geometric progression where as the food
production increases in arithmetic progression. An arithmetic progression is a sequence of
numbers such that the difference between the consecutive terms is constant. For example, in
the sequence 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, the common difference of 3. He derived this conclusion due to
the Law of Diminishing Returns. From this, we can conclude that populations will grow faster
than the supply of food. This will lead to a shortage of food.

2. Population Control

Malthus then argued that because there will be higher population than the availability of food,
many people will die from the shortage of food. He theorized that this correction will take place
in the form of Positive Checks (or Natural Checks) and Preventative Checks. These checks
would lead to the Malthusian catastrophe, which would bring the population level back to a
‘sustainable level’.

A. Positive Checks or Natural Checks

He believed that natural forces will correct the imbalance between food supply and population
growth in the form of natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes and man-made actions
such as wars and famines.

B. Preventative Checks

To correct the imbalance, Malthus also suggested using preventative measures to control the
growth of the population. These measures include family planning, late marriages, and
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 Booming Population Control Bill, 2009

Clause 4 : Formulation of Comprehensive Population Policy10

It says that the Central Government shall, as soon as may be, by notification in the Official
Gazette, formulate a comprehensive population policy particularly for the purposes of having
one child norm for the eligible couples and other issues including economic, education, legal
medical, social and other incidental aspect to promote small family norms so as to effectively
control the booming population of the country in order to achieve rapid economic progress and
raise the standard of living of the masses.

Clause 5 : Facilities to Government employees who adopts small family norm11

Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force employees, of
the Central Government or of a Public Sector enterprise under the Control of Central
Government who adopt small family norm undergoing sterilization operation himself or of the
spouse after the birth of his first child shall be given:-

(a) one year additional salary with all allowances along with two additional increments as

(b) a plot or a house site or build up houses the from Housing Board or Development Authority
of the Government at subsidized rates;

(c) loan for construction or purchasing the house from financial institutions on nominal rate of

(d) free healthcare facilities;

(e) free education facilities to the child with vocational training and professional courses
wherever necessary; and

(f) such other benefits and incentives as may be prescribed.

Clause 6 : Extension of benefits to general public12

Booming Population Control Bill, 2009, cl.4.
Booming Population Control Bill, 2009, cl.5.
Booming Population Control Bill, 2009, cl.6.
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The incentives and benefits referred to in section 5 shall be extended mutatis mutandis to the
general public in the manner as may be prescribed.

Clause 7 : Loss of benefits whoever contravenes small family norm13

Whoever in contravention of small family norm procreates more than two children shall lose
the incentives and benefits provided in this Act and in addition thereto shall.

(a) be denied the subsidies in matters of loans extended to him;

(b) not be eligible to get the benefits of Public Distribution System;

(c) not be given and loan by and bank or financial institution; and

(d) not be entitled for such other facilities as may be prescribed.

Clause 8 : No maternity benefits to be given for those having more than two living children14

Any woman having two living children shall not be provided with maternity facilities in any
Government Hospital Dispensary, Health Centre or Medical Center for the birth of her third
child: Provided that if such woman agrees to undergo sterilization operation after the birth of
her third child then she shall be provided with the requisite maternity facilities forthwith.

 Population Stabilization Bill, 2012

Clause 4: Formulation of Comprehensive Population Policy15

The Central Government shall, as soon as may be, by notification in the Official Gazette,
formulate a new comprehensive population policy particularly for the purposes of having one
child norm for the eligible couples and other issues including economic, educational, legal
medical, social and other incidental aspect to promote small family norms so as to effectively
control the booming population of the country in order to achieve rapid economic progress and
raise the standard of living of the masses.

Clause 5: Facilities to Government employees who adopts small family norm16

Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, the employee
of the Central Government or of a Public Sector enterprise under the Control of Central

Booming Population Control Bill, 2009, cl.7.
Booming Population Control Bill, 2009, cl.8.
Population Stabilization Bill, 2012, cl.4.
Population Stabilization Bill, 2012, cl.5.
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Government who adopts small family norm undergoing sterilization operation himself or of
the spouse after the birth of his first child shall be given:-

(a) one year additional salary with all allowances along with two additional increments as

(b) plot or house site or built house from Housing Board or Development Authority of the
Government at subsidized rates;

(c) loan for construction or purchasing the house from banks or financial institutions on
nominal rate of interest:

(d) free healthcare facilities;

(e) free educational facilities to the child with vocational training and professional courses
wherever necessary; and

(f) such other benefits and incentives as may be prescribed.

 Population Control Bill, 2010.

Clause 3 : Central Government to encourage, promote and motivate small family norm17

It shall be duty of the Central Government to encourage, promote and motivate married couples
to opt for small family norm with a view to control the rising population in the country.

Clause 4 : Benefits to couples who opt to undergo sterilization18

If either the husband or the wife in case of a married couple, who have only two living children
on the date of commencement of this Act, voluntarily undergoes sterilization, the appropriate
Government shall provide them with the following benefits, namely:-

(i) free education including higher education to one child and to the second child, if any, born
within one year from the date of commencement of this Act;

(ii) suitable employment to one child after he completes his education; and

(iii) such other benefits as may be prescribed.

Clause 5 : Compulsory subject relating to population control in educational institutions19

Population Control Bill, 2010, cl.3.
Population Control Bill, 2010,cl.4.
Population Control Bill, 2010cl.5.
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The appropriate Government shall introduce population control as a compulsory subject in all
educational institutions for all children who have attained the age of fifteen years, irrespective
of class in which they are studying and the course they are pursuing.

Clause 6 : Establishment of a Health Care Centre in every village of the country20

(1) The Central Government shall set up a Health Care Centre in every village of the country
with a view to create awareness about population control amongst the people.

(2) The Health Care Centres established under sub-section (1) shall disseminate such
information amongst, and provide such assistance to masses, with regard to population control,
as may be prescribed by the Central Government

National Population Commission 21

Despite allocation of huge funds for family planning year after year (Rs. 600 crores in 1999-
2000 and Rs. 3520 crores in 2000-01), there is no significant fall in population growth.

India’s estimated population has crossed 1000 million mark on May 11, 2000. To check
runaway population growth, the government of India appointed a 100 member Population
Commission under the Chairmanship of the Prime Minister on May 11, 2000 in its effort to
provide focused thrust to the stabilisation of population and check its further growth. The
Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission will be its vice-chairman. The immediate task of the
Commission is to bring about a decline in birth rate in Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and
Uttar Pradesh which are the major contributors to population growth in the country. The goal
of population stabilisation is expected to be achieved by 2045.

Population Control Bill, 2010, cl.6.
Dr . S. R. MYNENI, INDIAN ECONOMY, 19 (4th ed. 2007).
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Cases related to the population explosion :

 Dr. (Kum) Heta C. Shah and others v State of Maharashtra and others 22 : in this
case Justice Holmes said "A river is much more than amenity, it is a treasure". During
last few decades, due to population explosion and climatic changes, the entire scenario
has undergone a change. There has been unsustainable growth in many areas which
has led to destruction of environment. By this we can understand the role of population
growth in environment pollution.

 Gautam S/o Rama Latke v State of Maharashtra and others23 : This case
underlines the importance of family planning in a country which has already suffered
population explosion. Needless to state, the Acts were made by the State of
Maharashtra was apparently introduced to ensure that importance of family planning
is brought to the notice of every individual and the citizens are educated to have lesser
children considering population explosion. Since the arena of politics appears to be
very attractive to a large chunk of the population, the legislature, in its wisdom, thought
it fit to restrict the political aspirations of those candidates who have more children, as
a measure of ensuring population control and to popularize family planning from the
doorstep of the peoples' representative.

 State of Kerala, through Chief Secretary and another Vs State of Tamil Nadu,
through Chief Secretary to Government and others24 : in this case it was stated that
the aspect of allocation qua environmental protection, the Tribunal, in order to secure
the purity of environmental and ecological regime in view of the injudicious use of
available resources by human beings compounded by population explosion and
distorted lifestyles and having regard to the spectre of river water pollution on account
of industrial development and deforestation leading to siltation of reservoirs, etc.,
assigned 10 TMC to be reserved from the common pool to meet the environmental

Dr. (Kum) Heta C. Shah and others Vs State of Maharashtra and others, (2018) 4 Bom.C.R. 820 (India).
Gautam S/o Rama Latke v State of Maharashtra and others, (2018) Bom.C.R. 206.
State of Kerala, through Chief Secretary and another v State of Tamil Nadu, through Chief Secretary to
Government and others, (2018) 71 S.C. 394.
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 Ashwani Kumar Kohli v Rajesh Prasad Agrawal and another 25 : The prices of
immovable properties have skyrocketed during the last three decades. On the record,
the evidence was placed to show manifold increase in the prices of immovable
properties. Elaborating the argument, they submit that apart from the fact that due to
population explosion, the prices of properties have been skyrocketed.

 Madras Bar Association v Union of India and another26 : In his leading judgment,
R. Misra, J. refers to the fact that since Independence, the population explosion and the
increase in litigation had greatly increased the burden of pendency in the High Courts.

 Sri Sidhharth Viyas and others v Ravi Nath Misra and others27 : The spurt of
provincial rent control legislations is a necessary consequence of population explosion.
In Prabhakaran Nair v. State of T.N. [(1987) 4 SCC 238 1987 Indian law SC 28180]
the Court noticed craving for a home - a natural human instinct, intensified by post-
war migration of human beings from place to place, the partition of the country and
uprooting of the people from their hearth and home as vital factors leading to acute
housing shortage persuading the legislatures to act and enact rent control laws.

Ashwani Kumar Kohli v Rajesh Prasad Agrawal and another, (2012) 4 AWC 3935.
Madras Bar Association Vs Union of India and another, (2014) SC 676.
Sri Sidhharth Viyas and others v Ravi Nath Misra and others, (2015) 2 SCC 701.
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Prevention of the Population Explosion Steps

 Awareness made by government

The government creates more awareness among our country. They cannot ignore or shelve the
problem of Population Explosion. Our nation is mostly active dependent on the government of
India, how they treat and solve the problem of India.

The government made this awareness, at the central and state to think about adopting an official
program to educate opinion and reduce the birth rate so that the Population can fit in well with
the evolving pattern of developing country.

The government also starts the program of family planning in 1952. The government is still
trying to aware to people for family planning campaign. The small family is right for every
citizen of people, and they have to be aware of it. Small families always become happy and
healthy, and they can complete all needs of children. It is the best advantage of small family.
It controls the Population. It is much beneficial for the country. So everyone should have to
follow it.

Suggestions to boost the family planning programme The following suggestions can be made
to give a boost to the family , planning programme :

 Slogan should be one or none;

 Large allocation of funds;
 Further raising the minimum marriage age for women and men; Greater incentives for
 Stoppage of maternity leave after two births;
 Tax exemption to doctors on earnings from family welfare programme;
 Making family welfare programme part of the content of the people’s education
 Involving all communities to make the family welfare programme a success;
 Special incentives for workers in the tribal areas;
 Convincing the religious institutions to involve in the family welfare programme;
 Continuous monitoring of the family welfare programme at the highest level;
 Intensified propaganda using various electronic media channels;
 Emphasis on rapid increase in female literacy and population education;
 Enforcement of the law relating to minimum age for marriage
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Population Explosion has caused more pressure on earth. We should save energy so that the
entire Population can enjoy its benefit. We can control the global warming issues by curbing
the use of fossil fuels. Food security is another area that needs attention. The agricultural output
should increase with growing Population to make a sure steady supply of food to all. We should
use potable water carefully. With larger Population, there is a need for harmony and peace
among nations.

Control measures must be taken in order to put a stop to population explosion. The government
must join hands with every individual of the society to bring about a productive change. This
can be done by firstly educating people and creating more awareness regarding population
explosion and its repercussions. Secondly, family planning norms must be followed by every
single household of India. Thirdly, the minimum age of marriage should be increased, and
fourthly, the government should give certain incentives to families who adopt birth control

Population explosion is an urgent issue in India which needs to be resolved in order to ensure
every citizen a comfortable, healthy living and at large, a greener and cleaner earth.

In India rapid population growth has thus hampered economic growth and this prevented any
substantial reduction in poverty of the masses. To conclude, population explosion aggravates
the poverty, worsens the unemployment situation, reduces per capita income and increases
proportion of unproductive people, hampers capital formation and makes the people inefficient.

Therefore, an effective effort has to be made to reduce birth rate through a comprehensive
programme of family planning so that sufficient resources are released for the economic
development of the country. It is found that in India Poverty itself is also the main cause of
rapid population growth. Poverty prevents better education and better living standard. Thus,
population explosion is both a cause and an effect of poverty
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 INDIAN ECONOMY, by Dr. S.R. Myneni, 4th ed. 2007.

 ECONOMICS, by U.P. Singh.


 Population Growth – India’s Problem, by Samir Mazidbhai Vohra.

 Population growth in India, by T.C. Chellaswami.

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