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A clean environment is everyone's dream. But not easy to create our environment can look
clean and tidy so comfortable to look at. Not infrequently because of busyness and various
other reasons, we pay less attention to environmental hygiene issues around us, especially the
home environment. Cleanliness is the state of being free from dirt, including dust, garbage,
and scent.
In fact, there are many benefits that can be felt by keeping their environment look clean and
neat. A clean environment will keep disease sources from growing around us. It is certainly
related to health. In addition, with a clean environment, we will feel comfortable and at home
to be at home.
So, it is appropriate to maintain the hygiene and health of the home environment is the
responsibility of each individual. Although other factors outside the home environment also
affect the condition of hygiene and health of the body, but the home environment including
the most core and must first be maintained first.
The creation of a clean environment is the responsibility of all, including the government
through the policy and realization of its real actions. Furthermore, to cultivate these
responsibilities requires a process and also a real step. This process and the real step that is
the focus of our attention.
Both things must be done in tandem so that the goal of creating an environment in a clean
condition can be maintained without any coercion. In addition, that goal is also an awareness
and needs of all people. There are several steps that must be taken to create a clean
environment. These steps include:
1. Giving awareness of the importance of a clean environment to the community,
especially in children so that awareness can grow from an early age.
2. Create a trash that separates organic and non organic waste. This is important in order
to facilitate efforts to cope with waste dump.
3. Establish a regular schedule for regular cleaning of the environment.
4. Create a creative activity to manage non-organic waste into a productive and money-
making item.
5. Get used to throw garbage in place

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