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a2 a ees Reaper William Words Worth COT eC Class-Prep J Academic Year 2010-2011 Pad “All good poetry is the aie overflow of powerful feelings.” U3 “Poetry is spontaneous overflow of emotions recollected in tranquility.” TE Ty Le abt The most gublime period of English literature where poetry reached its COT Re Car ee Romanticigm hag very Cittle to do with things popularly thought of CMC Re eee ere Cee ae aed Romantic art. Rather, it is an internationaé artistic and philosophical movement that redefined the fundamental ways in which people in Western cultures thought about themselves and about their wored. Te eee RY a eae “Chewacteristics Of RIOT Imagination TTT ee Ley d Nature and Its Glory/Returned to Nature Ar Crap Glorification of common place TROT RECITES Cd Sensitivity Tre CTA eee Te OM ey ee imagination ag our ultimate "shaping" or creative power, the approximate human equivalent of the creative powers eC Ree aT ae ee a LOPS Lea eee Lae eed the primary faculty for creating ale art. On a broader Pee ee eC ed constitute reality, for (as Wordsworth suggested), we not only perceive the world around us, Gut also in part create a “Feelings and Emotions’ Romantics mainly believed in human feelings and emotions. Wordsworth emphasized on human connection with nature with its peculiarities, Coleridge worked on the OMT Mee RL LLL 44 ee) landmark was emotional contacts of Auman with its naturale origin, Keats selected human psychology as his subject and Byron was a rebel Ua eer <> Oe UT Ue CC COS CCC eMC at to) | beauty but as a manifestation of spirit in the Teo Pe MLC eee healing power and according to Wordsworth OUP CCC Who was Wordsworth 2? Wordsworth was the senior most of all the Romantics and was also “the high priest of nature.” William Wordsworth was Gorn on 7 Aprié 1770 and died in 1778.Nature for him was everything with its healing power. L<]> Nature the major theme “Come forth into the light of things, let Nature be your Teacher." DR ors er Ce eee eee CL mention of nature. Nature and its connection to humanity eee ee eee Se Wordsworth's poetry, Lom uM Oe ee Le meer RRL aC COTE Tere AL OUR eer y a er r eC Ce) ee Le Ree ae aed UOT Care eC) Pe ee “Moratity’ The most important Cesgon a person can Cearn, according to Wordsworth, is to Ge true to his own impulses and desires, Gut not greedy. A person should Ge available to help his fellow man, but should uot Ge consumed by other peoples’ uceds. He should be in communion with nature, with Aumanity, and with himseef. AT bY WTR LCT 2) le The poet orders his listener to behold a “solitary Highland lass” UENCE e oer SEB CO CC MARL UNI Ca ded by should either stop here, or “gently pass” so as not to disturb her. s she “cuts and binds the grain” she “singsa melancholy strain,” Pre Car ag cos CRUEL ME BCom Wi Cey lol ico a says that the sound is more welcome than any chant of the Sener eae hs SHR CMe RETR ee ated Pitta RRC it nte Impatient, the poet asks, “Will no one tell me what she sings?” He A cte gets toast ra aoe ce aa Ce bea pe veuie g Dee Cee TOMO Eee ae cme eye) Co Oe ae ELC ROE AMS Codon CEST e eee ae Nee Ce listened “motionless and still,” and as he traveled up the hill, he carried her song with him in his heart long after he could no longer hear it. | CRN TCT 2 CDT Te Cran d Qi. How does nature come in the poem? Q2.Wihat is the main theme of the poem? Q3.Why do you think the poet has chosen the song of nightingale and cuckoo for comparison See eel Orme My Cm er rae rey UU ee Ee Sd “Better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot.” Anonymous

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