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Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale

Description of Measure:
A 10-item scale that measures global self-worth by measuring both positive and negative feelings about the self. The scale is
believed to be uni-dimensional. All items are answered using a 4-point Likert scale format ranging from strongly agree to strongly
Instructions: Below is a list of statements dealing with your general feelings about yourself. Please indicate how strongly you agree or
disagree with each statement.
Scale Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly
1. On the whole, I am satisfied with myself.

2. At times I think I am no good at all.

3. I feel that I have a number of good

4. I am able to do things as well as most
other people.
5. I feel I do not have much to be proud of.

6. I certainly feel useless at times.

7. I feel that I'm a person of worth, at least
on an equal plane with others.

8. I wish I could have more respect for

9. All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a
9. All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a
10. I take a positive attitude toward myself.

Scores are calculated as follows:

 For items 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7:

 For items 3, 5, 8, 9, and 10 (which are reversed in
Strongly agree = valence):
Agree =
Strongly agree =
Disagree =
Agree =
Strongly disagree =
Disagree =
Strongly disagree =

The scale ranges from 0-30. Scores between 15 and 25 are within normal range; scores below 15 suggest low self-esteem.
B. Love Scale Test
Description of Measure: A 42-item questionnaire designed to measure attitudes toward love. The questionnaire combines attitudes
toward one’s current/recent/hypothetical** partner with attitudes about love in general. The scale is broken into 6 subscales (7 items
each) that each represent a different love style:
EROS (passionate love) STORGE (friendship love) MANIA (possessive, dependent love)
AGAPE (altruistic love).
LUDUS (game-playing love) PRAGMA (practical love)
Participants respond to each item using a 5-point scale, ranging from 1 (strongly agree), 2 (moderately agree), 3 (neutral), 4
(moderately disagree), 5 (strongly disagree). **Participants are instructed to answer questions with their current partner in mind.
However, the instructions state that if the respondent does not currently have a partner, he or she should answer with their most recent
partner in mind. If, however, the respondents have never been in love, the instructions state that they should provide whatever answer
they believe would be true.
Please answer using the following scale:
1 = strongly agree 3 = neutral 4 = moderately disagree
2 = moderately agree
5 = strongly disagree

Scales Strongly Moderately Neutral Moderately Strongly

agree agree disagree disagree
1. My lover and I were attracted to each other immediately
after we first met.
2. My lover and I have the right physical "chemistry" between
3. Our lovemaking is very intense and satisfying.
4. I feel that my lover and I were meant for each other.
5. My lover and I became emotionally involved rather quickly.

6. My lover and I really understand each other.

7. My lover fits my ideal standards of physical
8. I try to keep my lover a little uncertain about my
commitment to him/her.
9. I believe that what my lover doesn't know about me won't
hurt him/her.
10. I have sometimes had to keep two of my lovers from
finding out about each other.
11. I can get over love affairs pretty easily and quickly.
12. My lover would get upset if he/she knew of some of the
things I've done with other people.
13. When my lover gets too dependent on me, I want to back
off a little.
14. I enjoy playing the "game of love" with a number of
different partners.
15. It is hard to say exactly where friendship ends and love
16. Genuine love first requires caring for a while.
17. I expect to always be friends with the one I love.
18. The best kind of love grows out of a long friendships.
19. Our friendship merged gradually into love over time.

20. Love is really a deep friendship, not a mysterious, mystical

21. My most satisfying love relationships have developed from
good friendships.
22. I consider what a person is going to become in life before I
commit myself to him/her.
23. I try to plan my life carefully before choosing a lover.
24. It is best to love someone with a similar background.
25. A main consideration in choosing a lover is how he/she
reflects on my family.
26. An important factor in choosing a partner is whether or not
he/she will be a good parent.
27. One consideration in choosing a partner is how he/she will
reflect on my career.
28. Before getting very involved with anyone, I try to figure out
how compatible his/her hereditary background is with mine in
case we ever have children.
29. When things aren't right with my lover and me, my stomach
gets upset.
30. When my love affairs break up, I get so depressed that I
have even thought of suicide.
31. Sometimes I get so excited about being in love that I can't
32. When my lover doesn't pay attention to me, I feel sick all
33. When I am in love, I have trouble concentrating on anything
34. I cannot relax if I suspect that my lover is with someone
35. If my lover ignores me for a while, I sometimes do stupid
things to get his/ her attention back.
36. I try to always help my lover through difficult times.
37. I would rather suffer myself than let my lover suffer.
38. I cannot be happy unless I place my lover's happiness
before my own.
39. I am usually willing to sacrifice my own wishes to let my
lover achieve his/hers.
40. Whatever I own is my lover's to use as he/ she chooses.

41. When my lover gets angry with me, I still love him/her fully
and unconditionally.
42. I would endure all things for the sake of my lover.
Scoring Each subscale is measured separately (each participant gets a different score on each subscale). The items are divided into
subscales in the following way:
Eros: 1-7 Ludus: 8-14 Storge: 15-21 Pragma: 22-28 Mania: 29-35 Agape: 36-42
Listed below are several statements that reflect different attitudes about sex. For each statement fill in the response on the
answer sheet that indicates how much you agree or disagree with that statement. Some of the items refer to a specific sexual
relationship, while others refer to general attitudes and beliefs about sex. Whenever possible, answer the questions with your current
partner in mind. If you are not currently dating anyone, answer the questions with your most recent partner in mind. If you have never
had a sexual relationship, answer in terms of what you think your responses would most likely be.
Please answer using the following scale:
1 = strongly agree 3 = neutral 5 = strongly disagree
2 = moderately agree 4 = moderately disagree

Scales Strongly Moderately Neutral Moderately Strongly

agree agree disagree disagree
1. I do not need to be committed to a person to have sex
with him/her.
2. Casual sex is acceptable.
3. I would like to have sex with many partners.
4. One-night stands are sometimes very enjoyable.
5. It is okay to have ongoing sexual relationships with more
than one person at a time.
6. Sex as a simple exchange of favors is okay if both
people agree to it.
7. The best sex is with no strings attached.
8. Life would have fewer problems if people could have sex
more freely.
9. It is possible to enjoy sex with a person and not like that
person very much.
10. It is okay for sex to be just good physical release.
11. Birth control is part of responsible sexuality.
12. A woman should share responsibility for birth control.
13. A man should share responsibility for birth control.
14. Sex is the closest form of communication between two
15. A sexual encounter between two people deeply in love is
the ultimate human interaction
16. At its best, sex seems to be the merging of two souls.
17. Sex is a very important part of life.
18. Sex is usually an intensive, almost overwhelming
19. Sex is best when you let yourself go and focus on your
own pleasure.
20. Sex is primarily the taking of pleasure from another
21. The main purpose of sex is to enjoy oneself.
22. Sex is primarily physical.
23. Sex is primarily a bodily function, like eating.

Items Scoring Key

1-10 Permissiveness
14-18 Birth Control
14-19 Communion
19-23 Instrumentality

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