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At some point we are all going to be on the same page in reality. Humanity
possesses many hidden abilities: according to my source on the hippocampus,
"we are transcendent beings." In other words, we have many talents and
capabilities that are going to stand us in good stead during the Global
Currency Reset.
I give proof for everything I tell you, and answer your questions. The proof is
in the archives to this Series. In June YouTube tried to delete my channel,
including the DCTV Series on the Banking Cartel, together with my other
videos. Because I am dancing the tango with all of humanity, including the
world's military powers, the Cabal had to restore all of the videos in my
YouTube Channel within six hours.
The net effect was to alert an ever-widening audience about the corruption in
the world's money and the Global Currency
Reset. It takes time for people to understand
how we are all in this together.
More people realize the important role for gold
and silver, and the need to move to local
We are taking back our world by using the
common law. Remaining active is key.

I finally was released after establishing a working relationship with an
individual in one of the powerful secret societies who was at MedStar when I
was, and who lobbied for my release.
We have discussed how people are uncovering the corruption at the center of
the world's currencies. They are not going to pay interest on country debt to
the world's central banks when in truth it is these banks that have been
secretly hiding the people's gold.


Comments fetched successfully

bullsnutsoz • 1 day ago

Brave lady talking thru this obvious attack..

Christian1Alber • 1 day ago

I wish that your health gets better again Mrs. Hudes !

GlobeKrusha • 1 day ago (edited)

WE NEED NEGATIVE INTEREST LOANS. All of us want, is access, attention, influence, and peace of mind.
Abundance will conquer Scarcity, then wealth, security and interests will be restored to mankind. CEC
Australia is a very good channel for those in that region.

The Black Nobility deleted this comment. That is why I am featuring it. It gives the secret to corrupt
paper money

You are confused about currency. When the central
banks issue currency, they keep the difference between
the face amount of the bill and what it costs them to
print it. With digital money there is no cost. This rip-off
is called seignorage. Get a grip on reality and figure out
how you are being exploited.

Kc Tennant • 1 day ago

Wishing you wellness. Glad you know about Colloidal Silver. It saved me from having two root canals.
Also, VACCINES are militarized weapons of mass disease, disability and death. I have been targeted by
the Cabal for being vocal. You Tube. Iowa CORRUPT JUDGES COURTS police I relate to you about "family" undrrhandedness. I have been
separated from my loving wife and kids for two years and counting while I fight the CORRUPT IOWA

dalesbook • 1 day ago

Your volume is to low hard to hear your video!


On Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST

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