Conversation 1:: D: Good Morning MR, Can I Help You?

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D: Good morning Mr, can I help you?

P: Well, I woke up today with a terrible backache, and I also have got a runny nose… excuse me.

D: Mmmm ... I see, and feel some other symptom of pain more?

P: Yes, yesterday at night I had high temperature and I was in bed all day.

D: Well, what you have is a urinary infection. With the pills that I will resetar you will be in pain in a
few days, also stay in bed resting. That is all.
Q: Okay doctor, thank you.

D: Next patient Please
P: Good afternoon doctor
D: Tell me sir, how can I help you?

Q: It turns out that yesterday, in the afternoon I began to give a strong stomach ache and the truth is
not because it happened.
D: Good can be by some things such as an infection of the intestine, use of some, drug consumption
arbitrarily, intolerance, some nutrients and even cancer. I need you to tell me, what you did
P: Now that you mention it yesterday morning, I felt some headache and found a ibuprofen tablet so
I took it.
D: There is the problem Mr. Jose, you can not self-medicate yourself, but this well I prescribe these
pills, take it 2 times a day for 5 days, try to eat well and return the following week to see how it is.
Q: Thank you very much doctor, I didn’t know that could generate self-medication

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