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Bond Analysis & Valuation By.

Nguyen Anh Vu


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 Concepts Bonds are securities that establish a creditor
relationship between the purchaser (creditor)
 Characters of bond
and the issuer (debtor). The issuer receives a
 Bond Classification certain amount of money in return for the
 Features of debt securities bond, and is obligated to repay the principal
at the end of the lifetime of the bond
 Some special types of bond (maturity). Typically, bonds also require
coupon or interest payments. Since all these
payments are determined as part of the
contracts, bonds are also called fixed income

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Faculty of Securities Market - Banking University 1

Bond Analysis & Valuation By. Nguyen Anh Vu

Characters of bond Bond Classification

 Corporate Bond Vs  Types by issuing entities
 Common shares Vs  Types by payment scheme
 Preferred stocks Vs  Types by markets

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Types by issuing entities

 Corporate Bond  Treasury Bills. T-bills have maturities of up to
12 months. They are zero coupon bonds, so the
 Government & Agency Bond only cash flow is the face value received at
 Government Underwritten Bonds maturity.
 Treasury Notes. Notes have maturities
 Mortgage Backed Securities – MBS between one year and ten years. They are
straight bonds and pay coupons twice per year,
with the principal paid in full at maturity.
 Treasury Bonds. T-Bonds may be issued with
any maturity, but usually have maturities of ten
years or more. They are straight bonds and pay
coupons twice per year, with the principal paid
in full at maturity.

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Faculty of Securities Market - Banking University 2

Bond Analysis & Valuation By. Nguyen Anh Vu

Government & Agency Bond Issues

 Mortgage Bonds. These bonds are secured by
o Types of bond issued : real property such as real estate or buildings. In
 Treasury Bills the event of default, the property can be sold
and the bondholders repaid.
 Treasury Bonds
 Debentures. These are the normal types of
 Bond for projects under central bonds. It is unsecured debt, backed only by the
management name and goodwill of the corporation. In the
event of the liquidation of the corporation,
 Investment Bonds holders of debentures are repaid before
 Foreign Currency Bonds stockholders, but after holders of mortgage
 Local Government Bonds  Convertible Bonds. These are bonds that can
be exchanged for stock in the corporation.

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Types by repayment scheme

Types by markets
 Coupon Bond :  The domestic bond market is where the issuers
A Bond in which the issuers pay a stated coupon at domiciled in the country issue bond and subject
periodic intervals ( annual or semi-annual or to the regulations of that country.
quarter) prior to maturity and pay the principal  The foreign bond market of a country is where
equal to par value at the maturity. the issuers not domiciled in the country are
 Zero-Coupon Bond: issued and traded. Foreign bond are regulated by
Bond that are not contracted to make periodic the government of the local market.
coupon payment are called zero – coupon bond.  Eurobonds : Bonds are underwritten by an
The holder of a zero – coupon bond realizes interest international syndicate, at issuance they are
by buying the bond substaintially below its par
offered simultaneously to investors in a number
value ( buying bond at a discount) and being
received the par value repayment at the maturity. of countries, they are issued outside the
The interest is the different between the par value jurisdiction of any single country. ICMA(
and the price paid for the bond) International Capital Markets Association) is the
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Faculty of Securities Market - Banking University 3

Bond Analysis & Valuation By. Nguyen Anh Vu

Features of debt securities

 Issuers
 Currency denomination
 Par value ( Face Value)
 Coupon Rate
 Repayment scheme
 Maturity
 Identification code (ISIN)
 Additional features:
 Call provisions
 Conversion Privilege
 Put provision (Puttable Bond)

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Faculty of Securities Market - Banking University 4

Bond Analysis & Valuation By. Nguyen Anh Vu

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Trái phiếu có lãi suất thả nổi

Some special types of bond ( Floating Rate Bond )
 Trái phiếu chuyển đổi ( Convertible Bond )  Floating – rate bond ( variable-rate bond), have
coupon payment that reset periodically according to
A convertible bond is an issue that grants some reference rate
the bondholder the right to convert the  The coupon formula on certain determination
bond for a specificied number of shares of dates when the coupon rate is reset.
common stock.  Coupon rate = Reference rate + quoted
Mệnh giá TP
- Reference rate: SIBOR,LIBOR…
( Par Value of Bond )
- Quoted margin is the additional amount that the
Tỷ lệ chuyển đổi = issuers agree to pay above the reference rate
( Conversion Ratio ) Giá chuyển đổi - Reset period
( Conversion Price of Equity )  EX : Coupon rate = 6 – month LIBOR + 100 Basic
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Faculty of Securities Market - Banking University 5

Bond Analysis & Valuation By. Nguyen Anh Vu

Trái phiếu có thể thu hồi

Callable Bond BOND MARKET
 Bond Primary Market (See Primary Market
 The bond with the added feature ( call Chapter)
provisions ) that permit the issuers call  Bond Secondary Market : After being issued on
( buy back ) an issue from the bond primary market, bonds are continuously traded
holder prior to the stated maturity date. on the secondary market.
 Price of debt instruments are normally quoted as
 The price which the issuers must pay to percentage with 100% equal to par value.
retire the issue is referred to as call  Resale value of a bond depend on:
price or redemption price. Relative change in market interest rate
Change in credit rating of a bond
Demand and supply for the bond
The strength or weakness of bond’s currency

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Conditions for listing corporate

bonds on HOSE
 The shareholding company, limited liability company
or State owned enterprise must, at the time of
registration for listing, have a minimum amount of
paid-up charter capital of eighty (80) billion
Organization of Vietnamese dong calculated at the value recorded in
the accounting books;
Fixed Income
 Business operations in the two consecutive years
Market immediately preceding the year of registration for
listing must have been profitable, there must not be
debts which have been overdue for more than one
year, and all financial obligations to the State must
have been discharged;
 Having at least 50 bondholders in any one issue
 There is a valid application file for registration of
listing bonds as required by article 10.3 of this
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Faculty of Securities Market - Banking University 6

Bond Analysis & Valuation By. Nguyen Anh Vu

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Faculty of Securities Market - Banking University 7

Bond Analysis & Valuation By. Nguyen Anh Vu


Risks Associated With Investing in Bond

 Credit Risk
 Interest Rate Risk
 Reinvestment Risk
 Liquidity Risk
 Inflation Risk
 Exchange Rate or Currency Risk

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Rủi ro tín dụng ( Credit Risk ) Rủi ro tín dụng ( Credit Risk )
 Default Risk:  Default Risk:
Default risk is defined as the risk that If a default occurs, this does not mean the
the issuer will fail to satisfy the terms of investor loses the entire amount invested.
the obligation with respect to timely An investor can expect to recover a certain
payment of interest and principal. percentage of the investment.
Studies have examined the probability of One tool investor use to gauge the default
risk of an issue is the credit rating assigned
issuers defaulting. The percentage of a to issues by Rating Agencies. ( Moody’s,
population of a population of bond that is Standard & Poor’s, Fitch Rating)
expected to defaut is call the default

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Faculty of Securities Market - Banking University 8

Bond Analysis & Valuation By. Nguyen Anh Vu


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Rủi ro tín dụng ( Credit Risk )

 Down grade Risk
An unanticipated downgrading of an
issue or issuer increase credit spread
and results in a decline in the price of
the issue or issuer’s bond.
The popular tool used by investors to
gauge the prospects of an issue being
downgraded or upgraded is rating
transition matrix.

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Faculty of Securities Market - Banking University 9

Bond Analysis & Valuation By. Nguyen Anh Vu

Interest Rate Risk Re – Investment Risk

o The price of bond fluctuates with market  Reinvestment risk is the risk that the
interest rates. This risk is referred to as proceeds receive from the payment of
interest rate risk and is the major risk faced interest or principal ( scheduled payments,
by investors in the bond market. called proceeds, principal prepayment) That
o Price of a bond changes in the opposite are available for reinvestment must be
direction to the change in interest rate or reinvested at a lower interest rate that the
yield. So, securities that generated the proceeds ( in a
lower interest rate environment)
 If interest rates increases -> price of bond
 If interest rates decreases -> price of bond
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Inflation Risk Liquidity Risk

 Inflation risk or purchasing power risk Liquidity risk is the risk that the investor will
arises from the decline in the value of have to sell a bond below its indicated value,
the securities’s cash flow due to where the indication is revealed by a recent
inflation. transaction. The primary measure of liquidity
 Fisher equation : is the size of the spread between the bid price
Real Return = Nominal Return - and the ask price. The wider the bid – ask
Inflation rate. spread, the greater the liquidity

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Faculty of Securities Market - Banking University 10

Bond Analysis & Valuation By. Nguyen Anh Vu

SOURCE OF RETURN Traditional yield measure

 Coupon Interest Payments  Coupon Rate – Norminal Yields
 Capital gain or loss  Current Yield
 Reinvestment Income  Yield to maturity – YTM

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Coupon Rate
 FACE VALUE : 100.000 USD  The coupon rate, also called the
 COUPON RATE : 10% nominal rate, is the interest rate that
the issuer agrees to pay each years. The
 ISSUED DATE : 09/05/2006
annual amount of the interest payment
 MATURITY DATE : 09/05/2016 made to bondholders during the term of
 TERM : 10 YEARS the bond is called the coupon.
 FREQUENCY : ANNUAL  Coupon= Coupon rate×Par value
 PRICE :110.000 USD
 Prevailing Rate : 9%
Should we buy this bond
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Faculty of Securities Market - Banking University 11

Bond Analysis & Valuation By. Nguyen Anh Vu

Lợi suất hiện hành ( Current Yield ) Lợi suất đến hạn – Yield to maturity
 Current Yield relates the annual coupon  YTM is the measure of annual average rate
interest to bond’s market price. The of return from settlement date to maturity.
drawback of the current yield is that it  The yield to maturity is the interest rate
considers only the coupon interest and no that will make the present value of bond’s
other source for an investor’s return. cashflow equal to its market price.
 The formula :  This is a simply a special case of an
internal rate of return (IRR) calculation
Coupon Rate × Par Value where the cash flows are those
Current Yield =
received if the bond is held to the
Market Price
maturity date.
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YTM equation YTM Estimated formula

F  P

 .... 

F C 
(1  YTM ) (1  YTM ) 2
(1  YTM ) (1  YTM ) n
YTM  n
F  P
Vôùi : 2
 C : Annual Coupon Interest Trong ñoù:
 P : Market Price P : Market Price
 YTM : Yield to maturiry n : Term
 F : Bond par value F : Par value
 n : Term C : Annual Coupon Interest

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Faculty of Securities Market - Banking University 12

Bond Analysis & Valuation By. Nguyen Anh Vu

Relationship between bond yields BOND VALUATION

for premium bonds:
Coupon rate > current yield > YTM  Discount Bond Valuation
for discount bonds:  Coupon Bond Valuation
Coupon rate < current yield < YTM  Convertible Bond Valuation
for par value bonds:
Coupon rate = current yield = YTM

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BOND VALUATION Valuing a Zero- Coupon Bond ( Discount Bond)

 The fundamental principle of finance is that the

true or correct price of an asset equals the present
value of an cash flows that the owner of the assets F
expects to receive during its life. P
 The step of a financial asset valuation: (1  y ) n
 Step 1: Estimate the expected cashflow

 Step 2: Determine the appropriate interest rate

or interest rates that should be used to discount Example :
cashflow. 20 years Discount Bond. Maturity value 1.000 USD.
 Step 3: Calculate the present value of the Annual discount rate 8%. Calculate the price of bond
expected cash flows found in step 1 using the should be.
interest rate determined in step 2.

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Faculty of Securities Market - Banking University 13

Bond Analysis & Valuation By. Nguyen Anh Vu

Định giá trái phiếu Coupon  Annual Coupon Bond

P0  1
 2
 ....  n
 1  (1  y)  n 
(1  y ) (1  y ) (1  y ) (1  y ) n P  C n
  F (1  y)
 y 
C: Annual Coupon Payment
Po : Intrinsic value of bond What is the present value of a 10 – years bond with the
y: Discount rare – required return of investor annual coupon rate of 12% that pay semi - annually.
( YTM ) Par value 1.000.000 VND and the market interest rate
F : Par value at 10%.
n : total number of period ( years)

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Semi – annual Coupon Bond

C 1 (1 y / 2)2n   2n

P    F (1 y / 2)
2 y/2 

What is the present value of a 10 – years bond with the

annual coupon rate of 12% that pay annually. Par value
1.000.000 VND and the market interest rate at 10%.

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Faculty of Securities Market - Banking University 14

Bond Analysis & Valuation By. Nguyen Anh Vu

Valuing a Bond between Coupon

Payment Valuing Convertible Bond
 Accrued Interest
Conversion Value : The value of the
 Full Price (Dirty Price) convertible bond if converted into
 Clean Price common stock at the stock’s current
market price.
Example :
Straight Bond Value : The estimated price
A 5 – years T-Notes with the annual coupon
rate of 8.1% that pay annually. Par value
a convertible security would sell for on
1.000.000 VND and the market interest rate at the open market if it lacked
8%. The issued date 8/8/2002. The projected convertibility.
settlement date 5/13/2005. Calculate the Convertible Bond Value = ?
price of this bond.

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Ñôn vò : nghìn VNÑ

 Example : Convertible Bond Issued SSI Conversion Ratio Common stock Conversion Value
Par Value : 100.000 VND. Market Price
Convert date : 1/30/2010. 10 60.000 600.000
Conversion Price: 10.000 VNÑ. 10 56.000 560.000
Interest Rate : 1.15%/thaùng
Market Price : 56.000 VND 10 40.000 400.000

 Conversion Ratio = 100.000/10.000 = 10 10 20.000 200.000

 Conversion Value :
10 10.000 100.000 = F
56.000 x 10 = 560.000VNÑ
10 8.000 80.000

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Faculty of Securities Market - Banking University 15

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