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Arranged by :
1. Musyaffa Dzaki Santosa (P1337420618032)
2. Mutya Era zora (P1337420618053)
3. Rio Gita Rahma Putra (P1337420618058)
4. Sinta Widhi Kurniawati (P1337420618063)
5. Dian Noviantika (P1337420618082)



The value is a set of beliefs and one's personal attitudes about truth, beauty, and
appreciation of an object of thought, or action-oriented action and the giving of the direction
and meaning to one's life

The norm is the General standard of conduct that is managed by the community.
Values and norms are often at odds with the values and other norms in society. The norms of
behaviour that represents how people really act is part of the "culture of the real".

Ethics can be defined as the study of customs, habits are good and bad morally as well
as motives or urge that affect human behaviour in dealing with others, based on the rules and
principles that content moral responsibility

Moral ethics applies literally and morality alike means value system about how humans
should live as humans in discussing custom then happens manifest in behavior patterns which
are constant and repeated in the twentieth century a long time as it's worth discussing the
habit. Ethics and morality are concrete hints about how humans should live well as a man
casually, although concrete clue it could be channelled through and sourced from religion and
culture specific acupuncture points.

So in short it can be concluded that:

1. The value is the nature or quality that is attached to an object, not the object itself
2. The norm is the ideal behaviour rules
3. The ethical significance of a critical and fundamental thinking about the teachings and
moral views
4. Moral integrity and personal dignity are human

Values and norms are always related to the norms and ethics. In this sense we are
entering territory closing attitudes and norms of human behavior. While the moral
relationships with ethics very closely once and sometimes the equate these two things for
granted. But in fact the two have differences. It is a moral teachings or authority-the authority,
benchmark-benchmark, set of rules, either oral or written about how humans should live and
act in order to become a good man. While Ethics is not authorized to determine what should
or should not be done by someone.


The value from the value of individual and social values. When someone develops its
own feelings that allows different from the feelings of the majority of citizens, so was
individual values. Meanwhile, values that are embraced by the majority of the citizens of
the community are called social values.

The Types Of The Value :

In life together in society there are those types of personal religious beliefs and values
is believed to be a human, either in private or group. The values that live in the community
can be distinguished according to the purpose of the assessment, the process of formation
and the source. In terms of the purpose of assessment, the value can be differentiated
into four types.

1. Ethical Values
Ethical values is the value for humanity as a whole, for example personal
honesty. These values are very related to morals. An example is do not steal, do
not lie.
2. Aesthetic Value
Aesthetic value there when the purpose of the assessment to determine the
beauty of IE-related things that are good or bad. For example of the value of the
beauty that has a man is sonorous suaru of a singer. The beauty of human culture
we can see at the moment someone was doing poetry readings or performance
art. Designers and motion of the body contains its own aesthetic posed. Although
the aesthetic value is a subjective view of the art connoisseur.
3. The Value Of Religion
In religious values with regard to assessing the relationship of man with God,
to do with the command and the ban on him. Religious values related to the
teachings of God Almighty in the religions. The value of religion is manifested in
the form of deeds as worship to God Almighty.
4. Social Values
Assessment to determine the quality of human relationships in the Association
of his life then it will manifest social values. This value is related to the care and
treatment of our neighbour in our environment. This value materializes because
humans as social creatures. Man should keep the relationship among each other,
the relationship will create a harmony and mutual help. Concern for
environmental issues such as mutual activities and maintain the harmony of living
communities, is an example of social values.
Norms are divided into several parts, among which are:
a. Religious Norms
Is the rule of life that must be accepted as human command do's and don'ts – the
prohibition of God Almighty.
Examples of religion as follows:
1. Don't hurt others
2. Serve appropriate religious teachings
3. Care for orphans and the poor
4. Do not approach the crime
b. The norms of politeness
The norms of politeness is the norm that arises from staged by the community
itself to organize his intercourse so that each Member of society of mutual respect.
Examples of norms of politeness as follows:
1. Speaking softly to parents
2. Replying to a greeting parents
3. Should not be carelessly pissing
4. Eat with your right hand
The norms of civility does not apply to the entire world community, but rather
are a special and local (regional) as well as valid only for certain community
group. What is considered polite for a party of the people, it might be for other
societies are not.
c. The norms of decency
The norms of decency is the rule of life which comes from the voice of human
For example the following:
1. Please help each other when there is a trouble
2. Do not judge those who are guilty of your own way
3. Reconciling people who fight
4. Protect the people who are being bullied
d. Legal norms
Legal norms is the rules arising and created by institutions of State power, its
contents are binding on everyone.
The following example:
1. "Anyone who deliberately removes the soul/the life of another, is sentenced
for murder by a sentence as high as 15 years in prison – high"
2. "the person who ingakar the promise of an Alliance that has been held, are
obliged to compensate for the loss, for example selling"
3. "Forbidden to disturb public order"
Indonesia is a country that is rich diverse cultures. Each region certainly have
different traditions and customs, suc as the habit of Sundanese, Betawi people of
Mollucan or Habits. The habit of this tradition and later became typical for the area’s
communities. The community of Java, for example is famous for its decency, ethics and
his gentleness. This charaterizes as they mingle with other tribes. The other examples
1. Shy, feel free but likes to say hello
The Javanese are basically shy and hesitate especially when they are in an
environment that is completely new. They like to say hello, but rarely dare to start a
2. Good at Maintaining ethics and Manners
Javanese people were polite, well against the older person or against the others,
they are also good at keeping ethics when mingling in social environments. The
Agency bowed when walking in front of older people has already become a habit for
Javanese as a form of respect, manners, and courtesy
3. The Javanese Were Hardworking and Obedient
They are working on what they are supposed to do, never complaining and
dedicated to what it charged him.
4. Life flow like Water
People from the tribe of Java it looks like embraced the philosophy of life is flowing
like water. Live the life as carefree and dependents. In the thought of the author.
They have such an understanding.
5. Accept for what it is
Another thing that the author likes of Javanese people is his attitude that accept
for what it is. Especially in terms of the relationship. They accept any circumstances
of his partner. The origin of their mutual love and feel fit. Next yes immediately marry
and form a family.

As has been said above that the moral imperative is done according the values and
morals that are already ingrained in society. A day in the life of the day not a few others
social deviation deviation happens. The deviation is one form of the rendering with
values and norms which exist so that it goes against the norm. But there are also
behaviors that correspond to existing norms and values and is a moral example fine as
1. Dispose of trash in its place.
This behavior is actually a behavior that is easy and can be done without giving a
negative impact to do so. But by not doing this mandatangkan even something
negative against the people and the environment. For example, the flooding caused
due to the large amount of trash disposed of carelessly.
2. Comply with regulations
Rules are made to be obeyed and not to be broken because the regulation is
indeed a matter that was created specifically to prevent something undesirable. For
example, obey traffic rules to avoid accidents on the road.
3. Run the appropriate religious orders embraced.
In religion also has rules that are created by the Lord each. In order to be a moral
person who should heed these rules because most of the rules of religion is good
for. Respecting and implementing the attitude of courtesy. Manners of the local
wisdom is already owned by the nation of Indonesia. Therefore should be as
dilestarikand by doing so. The attitude of manners also included a value of a value
that exists in Indonesia society. So what if they do not execute it means not
memilikim good moral.
4. Do not create a riot.
The unrest is a State in which occurs the chaos in society. The riots also refers
to a condition in which the values and norms that exist do not function. Thus to
keep the environment remain peaceful is the obligation of every individual in the
Nilai adalah seperangkat keyakinan dan sikap-sikap pribadi seseorang tentang kebenaran,
keindahan, dan penghargaan dari suatu pemikiran, objek atau prilaku yang berorientasi
pada tindakan dan pemberian arah serta makna pada kehidupan seseorang

Norma adalah standar umum perilaku yang dikelola oleh masyarakat. Nilai dan norma sering
bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai dan norma-norma lainnya dalam masyarakat. Norma-norma
perilaku yang mewakili bagaimana orang benar-benar bertindak adalah bagian dari “budaya

Etika dapat didefinisikan sebagai studi tentang adat istiadat, kebiasaan baik dan buruk secara
moral serta motif atau dorongan yang mempengaruhi perilaku manusia dalam berurusan
dengan orang lain, berdasarkan peraturan dan prinsip-prinsip tanggung jawab moral bahwa

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